America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 241: ready to close

Fall in love with, the road to fame and fortune in America

After returning to New York, William Chen first went to the Trump headquarters building.

At the end of March, the U.S. Treasury Secretary and the Federal Reserve had already begun to implement quantitative easing policies, and the dollar began to release water.

The quantitative easing policy right this time was mainly stimulated by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and the Federal Reserve urgently launched a series of quantitative easing policies. Including the month after that, in order to alleviate the shortage of funds in the market,

The Fed has created more than a trillion dollars in reserves. These measures are largely achieved by lending the reserves to their affiliates and then through direct purchases of mortgage-backed securities. Therefore, the increase of money in the market requires investment. Under the current economic conditions, no matter which investment is made, it is full of uncertainty. Therefore, based on the principle of prudence, those institutions that have obtained funds

, they value traditional safe-haven assets, of which the most well-known are naturally precious metals and raw materials.

This is the main reason why the price of gold has continued to rise during this period of time.

It is now April 30, and the current international gold price is US$1,395 per ounce. According to the forecast of Eye of the Future, the international gold price is about to stand at a record high of US$1,400 per ounce today.

At present, the gold futures long contract held by William Chen is mainly divided into two parts. One part is to use 2 billion US dollars to go long at a price below US$790 per ounce with 10 times leverage; the other part is Caitlin Fund. of $5 billion, long at $1,200 an ounce with 1.5x leverage.

Therefore, starting today, when the price of gold stands at $1,400 an ounce, William Chen will ask Martin Stephenson, the head of these two funds, to begin to close these bullish contracts one after another.

The first thing that needs to be closed is the bullish gold futures contracts of Caitlin Fund, because the average opening price of those contracts is higher, and after closing the positions, you can start to use this year's charitable quota.

In William Chen’s impression, the price of gold at this time was already an all-time high at US$1,400 per ounce, but in the previous life, there was an impression that the price of gold had reached US$1,900 per ounce, or even more than US$2,000 per ounce. For the $2 billion gold futures long contract, William Chen is not in a hurry to close the position. Anyway, he is not short of money now, so he will keep it to see the follow-up trend of the gold price.

The price of gold in the eyes of the future is only as of the end of April. As for the future price trend,

I don't know. Now that quantitative easing has just started, the price of gold still has room to rise. I am afraid that it will not stop rising until the global stock market recovers and attracts capital inflows.

"William, it's better to be in bed next time, so that I can be less tired."

Alicia sorted her skirts, picked up the stockings that had fallen by the desk, glanced at them, and threw them into the trash.

She took out a new pair of socks from her handbag, sat down and put them on carefully, complaining to William Chen.

"You're a strong woman now, Alicia, you shouldn't always think about enjoying the success, but take the initiative."

William Chen sat on her boss chair at this time, stretched out, and said.

Alicia's law firm has changed its office location and is closer to Manhattan, and the most important thing is that the office is now completely private.

Earlier, William Chen gave 2 million US dollars with 30% of her law firm's shares and invested it into the No. 3 Fund. At this time, it has become 26 million US dollars. This amazing profit also made Alicia have With the confidence to expand their own office, and find a better office building to settle in

"I can take the initiative, William, but you are flying all over the world, and now I see you only a handful of times.

Listening to Alicia's reply with a complaint, William Chen could feel it. After all, she looked crazy just now.

It is obvious that the symptoms of fever have accumulated for a long time.

"Maybe you need a more reliable partner, Alicia, to help you be optimistic about the law firm, I need a team by my side, including legal experts, you can think about it, either you come by yourself, or give it to me Find a suitable person."

"No problem, I will go in person. As for the partner, there is already a suitable candidate. One of my friends has agreed to join our firm, and Ma Shan can take up the post. When she is familiar with the daily affairs of the firm, I will Can free up.

After Alicia said this, she hesitated and said, "Also, William, I talked to him about the divorce.

"Mr. Pete? I'm afraid he won't agree at this time."

"Yes, he begged me to spend some more time, now is the most important time for him.

This matter is understandable, because the New York State election is about to start, and Pitt has announced that he will represent the Donkey Party and participate in this governor's election to challenge the current governor of the Elephant Party.

At present, Pitt's situation is very good. According to the latest public opinion poll, Pitt is ahead of the current governor.

It was also his luck that when the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, he was under investigation for recruiting prostitutes and eventually resigned. So this mess has become a thorny problem for the successor governor, and so the public's dissatisfaction is directed at the hapless governor, but they all miss Pitt's good times as governor.

As for that he once recruited prostitutes? Oh, isn't it just such a stain after investigating him for so long? Does that mean that he is innocent in other respects? In the face of such a bad economy, the people are fed up with their houses being confiscated by banks and the unemployment rate is high. Compared with the loss of lust, they hope that a governor with sufficient ability will change the status quo.

Therefore, the hope is so great. At the current stage when the two sides are finding fault with each other, Pitt will definitely not want any more news from his family. If the two divorce at this juncture, then the elephant party will definitely seize this point and attack frantically. Pete, how can you get the public to support you even if your wife doesn't support you? She is the person who knows you best, and now wants to divorce? Are you actually a sanctimonious hypocrite in private?

Hehe, dirty politics, the people have votes, but they don't have the right to know, what they can see, is what the media let them see, under this control, even an idiot can also be cast into the hope of America now William Chen's meta group, although the headquarters will remain in New York in the future, but the two most important businesses

, all on the West Coast. Meta Technology is headquartered in Silicon Valley near San Francisco; Meta Entertainment and Media is headquartered in Los Angeles, so California is really important to him, but one of his dissatisfaction with California is that it seems that the tax incentives here are getting smaller and smaller, not only Film and television companies are fleeing Hollywood, and even technology companies are beginning to flee Silicon Valley. Instead, Texas has won many giants to settle down because of tax incentives.

Fortunately, under the current economic crisis, in order to stabilize the economy and employment, California has urgently launched many preferential policies, which also allows Chen William to continue to tolerate the headquarters here. He also talked to his uncle, if California wants to If the high taxes are restored, then the headquarters of these two companies will definitely be relocated.

After he came to Los Angeles, he met Bramall Norwood, CEO of Meta Entertainment Media. In addition to talking about the taxation of Hollywood, it was the recent achievements of MGM in the 20th century.

"Avatar" can still be regarded as a 10th century MGM Because the film is still being released in some countries, the global box office at this time has exceeded 2.5 billion US dollars, surpassing the "Titanic". 1.8 billion US dollars, topped the box office champion in global film history.

This made MGM in the 20th century very excited, because although the main investment of this film came from PE funds, it was necessary to share with them, but in addition to the income at the box office, the most important thing is that "Avatar" is different from "Avatar".

Titanic", this is an IP that can be continuously developed. The success of this film has also added another to the series owned by MGM in the twentieth century. Now we can start looking forward to the production of "Avatar 2" And the performance of "Iron Man" is also very dazzling. At a cost of less than 150 million US dollars, the current global box office has exceeded 500 million US dollars. Authorities predict that the final box office of this film will exceed 600 million US dollars, so it is profitable. There is no problem at all, and it can still make a lot of money; and the most important thing is that the success of the movie through this step has proved the money path of the Marvel universe movie, which has also made MGM, especially Marvel, in the twentieth century. The studio is excited and has already started preparations for the next MCU movie and then The Hangover, which is completely a low-budget comedy movie, if Iron Man is the 10th century MGM founding If the first big production released after that, then "The Hangover" is also MGM's first low-budget film in the 20th century, and both are of great significance.

The two films of this film have already been produced, but in order to avoid internal competition, they will be released in May. By then, both "Avatar" and "Iron Man" will be exhausted, and "The Hangover" will take over.

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