America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 243: Think Tank Team

Originally, there was an artificial intelligence R&D center under the siri company, but after the establishment of Meta Technology, this R&D center became independent and became the Meta R&D center. Now there are not only artificial intelligence R&D projects, but also cloud computing and Big data analysis and other projects.

Regarding cloud computing, the most successful ones in the United States are Amazon's AWS and Google's cloud computing. In addition, large companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, and IBM are also developing their own cloud products.

The cloud computing of the Meta Research Center is also the need of the company's Internet, just like their APP, Siri and other apps, as the number of users increases, it also needs to be planned ahead of time.

Small companies can use the cloud products of other big companies at will, but companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook will definitely not trust their data to a third party, especially ZooM invested by William Chen, which will definitely need a lot in the future. As the most suitable Amazon AWS for this type of e-commerce, as a competitor, how can it use each other's cloud products?

William Chen knew that Ali had hired Dr. Jian Wang to work on this project, so the Meta Research Center would cooperate with Ali to carry out cloud computing research. William Chen even planned to persuade Boss Ma to separate Alibaba Cloud early, and then he make an investment.

It’s like Alibaba, which is an e-commerce business. Cloud computing is really important to them. The problem that Alibaba is encountering now is that they are engaged in activities during Double 11, and the short-term traffic increase is too large. When adding servers, most of them will be vacant at ordinary times, causing waste. Therefore, with cloud computing, you can rent out excess storage and computing power at ordinary times, and then allocate more resources when you are engaged in activities. is the right choice.

However, the current research and development of Alibaba Cloud is not smooth, because it has consumed too many resources, and even caused great dissatisfaction in other departments of Alibaba, thinking that it is doing useless work, so Wang Jian's team is under great pressure, this is also Chen William Chen One of the reasons to be sure to convince the boss of Ma.

Yes, like Chen William's previous life, Boss Ma defied all opinions and insisted on investing in cloud computing research and development, but that would put more pressure on the cloud computing team. If he was independent, Chen William could use his own The funds will be used to support Alibaba Cloud. When the research and development is successful, Alibaba can also enjoy the results. This will be the best result.

Chen William knows how Alibaba Cloud has developed in the future. It can be said that this investment is also very cost-effective for him. With his own shareholding, he will invest in the companies in China in the future. Once you have developed cloud technology, you can use Alibaba Cloud directly.

In this way, a dual configuration of using Alibaba Cloud in China and using Meta's cloud overseas can be formed.

In the Meta R&D Center project, William Chen is divided into three stages of technology development: near-term, medium-term and long-term. The short-term is big data analysis, the medium-term is cloud computing, and the long-term is artificial intelligence.

Big data and cloud computing are the foundation of artificial intelligence. The collection of these data can help the research and development of artificial intelligence.

As Internet + entertainment, big data analysis is also a very useful technology. For example, William Chen intends to quantify the commercial value of stars on a global scale, which requires capturing a lot of data on the Internet, such as a star, in public reports. The number of appearances, in which the media each has a different weight, you can see the popularity of the star; at the same time, how many people follow the star on social media, and the consumption power of these people also has different weights, many similar data Taken together, the commercial value of the star can be calculated, which can provide help for product endorsements and the production of film and television works.

The same is true in the sports industry. The commercial value of a player, physical and psychological conditions, etc., can be concluded through these data, and can also provide support for the formation of the game and the team's signings.

It is precisely because of this that after the completion of the construction of the Meta big data center in Silicon Valley, William Chen still plans to build at least 15 big data centers around the world. Of course, this plan is not to be implemented all at once. Because the iteration of the data center is also very fast, the more advanced the technology is, the more advanced it will be.

At present, Erica, as her deputy, is staying at the Meta Technology Company in Silicon Valley. During this time, she has also performed very competently, and handled all the things that William Chen had arranged before.

But the only thing is that after she left the New York headquarters, William Chen really felt a little uncomfortable. Many times, he needed to communicate with the subordinates in person. In the past, they were all handled by Erica. Things are in order.

And now, after thinking about this period of time, William Chen is ready to establish his own private team, which can also be called a think tank. This think tank will be somewhat similar to a family office,

Not only for the Meta Group, but all the industries owned by William Chen will be involved. In his plan, every time he travels, he will be accompanied by a team of 5-6 people, including professionals in various fields, including law, public relations, negotiation, etc.

In addition to this portable team, there is also a local team of more than 1 person to provide support for them. In addition to receiving information and news about all industries of Chen William, these people will also directly communicate with dozens or hundreds of people in various fields. Contact experts and senior practitioners, and at the same time, they will connect with various consulting companies, access each other's information database, and respond to any consultation and investigation content proposed by William Chen

, will give a conclusion in the shortest time.

For example, if Chen William is interested in the shipping industry, the think tank team will consult relevant experts and give detailed information, including the current ranking of companies in the shipping industry and the specific information of each company; if he intends to acquire, it will also include shipping List of shareholders of the company, operating conditions, feasibility of acquisition, etc.

In this way, when William Chen encounters many acquisition ideas or makes some business decisions, he can get a reply in the shortest time.

In this team, William Chen’s favorite leader is Erica. She is highly loyal and has been in charge of related work before. Now, after working in Meta Technology Company, she has also increased management experience. is the most suitable candidate.

But before that, he still needs to ask her own opinion.

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Because I trust you the most, Erica, but I also respect your wishes. If you want to try to manage the company more, it's also a good choice in the current Meta technology company."

"Are you serious?"

Erica sat up from the bed, she looked at William Chen, although her expression was still a little cold, but there was still an undisguised aftertaste on her face.

"Yes, my dear, I will give you a chance whenever you want to do it."

Chen William took her into his arms, Erica leaned her head on his shoulder, and said lightly: "If that's the case, does that mean that I have to endure you with a different woman by my side again? "

"Well, actually, you can also join..."

"You bastard!" William Chen turned over and said to her, "It seems that you still don't have a deep understanding of my bastard, Erica, you need to deepen it."

After Sundar Pichai became the CEO of Twitter: Company, he immediately remodeled Twitterf's APP. So far, the result seems to be good. The whole APP is more concise and the operation is more convenient. It's all good, and the number of Twitterl users has grown a lot faster.

However, the time he has come to Meta Technology is still too short, so although Erica has promised Chen William to be the leader of his think tank team, she still needs to stay in Meta Technology for a while, wait until one or two months. Later, when Sundar Pichai achieves more achievements, William Chen will refer him to the position of vice president of Meta Technology, temporarily in charge of Twitter company, and coordinate other companies, directly responsible to William Chen, and then decide based on the effect. Was it handing him the CEO role of Meta Technologies.

But now the team has begun to form, just because Erica wants to stay in Silicon Valley temporarily, so the team's office is first set up in the Meta Technology headquarters in Silicon Valley.

Through the headhunting company, Chen William has already started the selection of the members of the think tank team. This process will be more cautious, and it will also focus on young people, which has higher requirements on the ability of the other party.

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