America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 404: MCN Incubation Park

"How about the price here?"

Chen William is more concerned about the price of food on the island.

"It depends on the situation, seafood will be cheaper, vegetables and meat are slightly more expensive, but not too expensive, and we will have subsidies for imported vegetables and meat, until our southwest farms start supplying them. , the price can be greatly reduced.”

It is understandable that seafood is cheap. After all, Atlanta is an island, and the surrounding seafood production is relatively rich. And the Atlanta Management Committee has specially purchased some fishing boats, set up a fishery management department, leased fishing boats to fishermen in some surrounding countries at a low price, and purchased their fish and provided them to island residents, so the price of seafood here is very high. lower.

As for vegetables and meat, at present, with part of the funds of the Caitlin Foundation, an Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry has been opened in the southwest of Atlanta to study the agricultural planting of the climate of Atlanta, and to build a farm, which will Growing vegetables and raising some livestock to provide fresh ingredients for Atlanta, plus products imported from nearby PNG, New Zealand, Australia and other places, can basically guarantee the food supply in Atlanta, and the price will not Too expensive.

"But apart from that, there's one more thing."

Erica seemed to remember something and said to William Chen:

"What's more troublesome is that there is only one clinic on our island at present. Small injuries and pains can be solved, but slightly larger problems can only be sent to major hospitals in Australia or New Zealand."

Hearing her words, Chen William realized that this was something he had neglected before, and said:

"This must be resolved, and now we will start to build a comprehensive large hospital and hire those medical workers with high salaries. Next, the Caitlin Foundation will have special funds every year, which will be donated to the medical and health aspects of Atlanta Island. "

William Chen knew that with the subsequent increase in the number of residents on Atlanta Island, the work of public health convenience must be paid attention to. In addition, there is the issue of education. Funds from the Kaitland Foundation have been invested in this area. Now they have begun to build elementary to middle school facilities on Atlanta Island. They will then cooperate with New York University and will join others in the future. More universities in the country, establish an "Atlanta School" to cultivate talents in all aspects for Atlanta.

However, in the early stage, there will definitely be a shortage of teachers and student resources. However, these can play a certain role by spending money. Hiring professors with high salaries and subsidizing students will gradually improve these situations.

When a virtuous circle is formed and more and more achievements are made in scientific research, then the popularity will increase accordingly, and it will be easier to attract talents to join.

At present, Atlanta Island is still divided into two areas temporarily with the increase of personnel. However, after arriving at the Atlanta Management Committee Building, an area under construction to the east of the building is the M Incubation Park. In the future, if It is very likely that it will become a new area when it develops.

M means "multi-channel network" and is the English acronym for "Multi-elwork". This concept was already very popular in William Chen's previous life. Many M companies have achieved very high market value, and a lot of them have been listed for financing.

It's just that there is no such concept yet, and it has become the word that William Chen first proposed.

After the M Incubation Park in Atlanta is completed, their Atlanta Fund will incubate potential M companies by investing in shares and providing more facilities and resources.

It will not be limited to Internet media platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, Live, Weibo, etc. under the Meta Group and Future Group, but also popular platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. After all, the essence of M is to operate on multiple platforms for marketing.” Internet celebrity" - it's just that the platforms under William Chen's can get more resources.

However, it is worth mentioning that William Chen is still very greedy for the development of YouTube in the future. He had previously offered Google the highest price of 25 billion US dollars, hoping to acquire YouTube in cash, but was rejected by Google without hesitation. They called YouTube a " Not for sale".

Uh, this name, Chen William still feels quite familiar, but when he wants to buy something he wants to get such an answer from the other party, he really won't be very happy.

But since that's the case, Google's attitude is firm, so he can't do anything about it. In his opinion, buying YouTube for $25 billion is worth several times more than buying Groupon for $25 billion...

If Google is willing, even if it is 30 billion US dollars, he is willing to buy YouTube now, but if it is more... that's fine, it's better to fight it with short videos later.

After all, with the rise of the mobile Internet, most users like to use fragmented time to brush videos, which is also the reason for the rise of short videos.

For video content that is too long, unless the quality is good enough, it can attract users to spend time watching it. In this regard, large content production companies have an advantage.

Therefore, when the time comes, the long video field will rely on Netflix to compete with it.

But when it comes to M, Bai Bing has some interest in this aspect after training all the Ukrainian girls. At that time, he can support her first, tell her some general ideas, and see if she can do it.

Chen William didn't know much about the industry situation of those M companies in his previous life, but he has always heard of some of them. In addition to his experience in this, he can also give some suggestions. As for the final Whether she can succeed or not, she should try it first, if not, invest in others to do it. Anyway, she will definitely stand out in this aspect.

Those Ukrainian girls, three batches were introduced in Atlanta, about less than 1,000 people, and they did not continue. After all, there are only those jobs that are suitable for women. It is impossible to use all Ukrainians and apply to go to Atlanta every day. There are also many people on the island, many of them women, so the operation was suspended after three batches.

According to Erica's feedback, these Ukrainian girls are still working well, especially the girls who have been screened and entered the Atlanta Management Committee as clerical work, they are all hardworking and their work ability has been improved. quick.

During this period of time, the arrival of the girls has also made the gender ratio on Atlanta a lot more balanced, and there have also been couples who have become lovers with technicians from Atlanta or from the South Pacific Security Company. It also played a role in stabilizing these guys in Atlanta.

In addition to the M Incubation Park, in the central mountain range where the temperature is suitable, the construction of a big data center is also underway. This data center will provide services for Atlanta and surrounding countries, and will be the mainstay of the Southern Cross Data Information Bureau. The source of computing power, but the construction there is relatively difficult, and it will take a lot of time to build.

Now the main station of the Southern Cross Security Company, next to the temporary airport, guards the entrance to the Atlan Gold Mine.

The reserves of the Atlanta Gold Mine are about 3 million ounces, and it is an open-pit shallow gold mine with low mining difficulty.

Although the international gold price has fallen, it remains at $1,700 per ounce. At this price, the gold mine is worth more than $5 billion.


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