America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 406: Pillar industry?

At present, the two seeds have only just sprouted, and Chen William is not in a hurry to hand them over to the other party for research, but after visiting the research institute and the farm, he said that not far from the farm, the southern end of the Central Mountains is also far from Atlanta. The location of the mine is less than 3 kilometers, and a new plant cultivation park covering an area of ​​25 hectares will be built. At that time, Professor Greg Fisher will be required to provide technical support.

Chen William plans to first explore the cultivation and planting process of two special plants, "Flower Grass" and "Energy Ball", in the plant cultivation garden, and then start large-scale planting.

At the same time, he will establish two R&D centers near the botanical garden through the screening of the headhunting company and the "Magic Mirror System", namely the Cosmetics R&D Center and the Coatings R&D Center.

In this way, the efficacy of these two plants will be brought into play, and related products will be developed to create economic benefits for Atlanta Island.

If this can be successful, then Atlanta has two pillar industries, which will play a great role in the sustainable development of Atlanta in the future.

These two plants grow extremely fast. I don't know if their seeds come from the future banking system. After two days, they have grown to a height of nearly three centimeters.

So before William Chen left, he handed the two plants to Greg Fisher, director of the Agricultural Research Institute, and instructed him to first study the habits of the two plants and find out how they were cultivated and planted. , After the plant cultivation park is completed, large-scale planting will be carried out.

Although Greg Fisher didn't know the functions of these two plants, William Chen ordered it, and he read all the information and found no information on these two plants, so it is very likely that there are two kinds of plants. A variety that had not been discovered before, so he was also very interested and readily accepted the task.

The construction speed of the plant cultivation park will also be very fast, because it is basically equivalent to building a building similar to a factory, and then adding temperature, humidity control, light adjustment and other equipment inside, which is not too complicated.

As for whether Chen William is worried that these plants will be leaked? For these, he is not too worried. After all, whether it is "Flower Grass" or "Vitality Ball", it can only survive within the range, and Chen William doesn't think that these two things will be obtained in the bank in the future. The special substances contained in plants are so easy to be analyzed and manufactured.

Why can't they be in stock when they leave Atlanta? There may be many explanations. It may be that after the volcanic eruption, Atlan Island has some kind of material that they rely on to survive, and it is also possible that the climate and geographical environment of Atlan Island are the reasons for the emergence of these two plants. , nowhere else can survive.

Or, it is directly the mysterious reason that cannot be explained. After all, with the current level of human technology, it has not reached the level where all phenomena can be reasonably explained, and some unsolved mysteries are also very normal.


Before William Chen left Atlanta, he specially went to see Zhou Fan.

Since leaving China with Chen William, Zhou Fan has been living on Atlanta Island, where she is also well protected.

It's just that since the last accident, her friend mentioned that she had suffered a car accident that was suspected to be caused by someone deliberately, and Zhou Fan was a little scared, and did not dare to leave the area of ​​Atlanta.

"William, when will we be able to resolve Han Dong's matter? I don't want to be in such a constant state of fear."

After seeing Chen William, Zhou Fan gritted his teeth and said, her expression revealed that her recent mental state was still not particularly stable.

"You need to be patient. It's not difficult to solve his problem, but it takes time. After all, your evidence is not fatal to him."

"How long do I have to wait? I'm going to go crazy just doing nothing here every day."

Zhou Fan scratched his hair and said depressedly.

"Soon, I promise you, he won't bear it for too long." William Chen pulled her into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, and said:

"It's going to be very safe here. If you've been bored at home, you can find something to do, such as getting involved in things in Atlanta."

Hearing Chen William's words, Zhou Fan seemed to be somewhat interested. She pondered for a moment and asked:

"Can you? But I haven't worked for a long time, and I don't know what to do."

"This is not a problem. You can slowly participate in it, see what you are interested in, and then tell me, I will arrange it for you."

Chen William is still very optimistic about this. After all, Zhou Fan was also Li Ying's classmate when he was studying in the United States. After graduating from the top universities in the United States, her ability is still worth believing.

And when everyone came to Atlanta, they had to go through the "Magic Mirror System" score. Chen William knew that Zhou Fan's score at the time was not low, only slightly lower than Erica's, so in terms of ability On the one hand, there is absolutely no problem.

After appeasing Zhou Fan and spending the night with her, Chen William used the method of learning to let her emotions out. His trip to Atlanta this time has come to an end, because it is now At the beginning of October, in addition to the imminent liquidation of short positions in international crude oil futures contracts, the acquisition of Hynix in South Korea has also entered the final substantive stage.

The most important thing is that Chen William has another chance to draw a lottery, this time, it's Fan Bingbing...


On October 3, the international crude oil price reached the lowest price of 75.1 US dollars per barrel, and Chen William's offshore account completed the closing of the short position on the crude oil futures contract.

He initially invested $15 billion, and after closing the position, he received $33.5 billion, making a profit of $18.5 billion and a yield of 123%.

After Chen William closed the international crude oil futures position held by offshore funds, he used the US$13.5 billion of it to backhand to buy long contracts.

After he finished building the position, the price of international crude oil had risen to more than US$77 per barrel at this time.

At this time, there are still 40 billion US dollars lying quietly on his offshore account.

Chen William took the Gulfstream G550 and left Atlanta He first went to New Zealand, where he accompanied Liu Shishi for two days, and Chen William finally arrived in South Korea to participate in the final negotiation of the acquisition of Hynix among.

After the plane landed at Seoul Airport, William Chen arrived at his villa in Seoul by car. Here, the acquisition team sent by William Chen in advance had sorted out the progress of the negotiation and the information, and reported to him the current situation. progress.

Hynix welcomes William Chen's acquisition. After all, they are in a very poor situation and have extremely high debts. However, the current economic situation and the downturn in the memory business make it difficult for them to persist.

However, for the acquisition of Hynix, in addition to their company's will, as their current main creditor who has successfully rescued Hynix once, the attitude of South Korea's foreign exchange bank is also very important. In addition, it is the attitude of the South Korean government. .

After all, Hynix is ​​one of the giants in the semiconductor business of South Korea, and Chen William is a foreign acquisition, which first needs to be approved by the relevant departments of South Korea.

If it were at other times, it would be difficult to approve this kind of acquisition, because from the perspective of South Korea, even if Hynix was facing bankruptcy, the top priority would be to find a local South Korean chaebol to buy it. Acquisitions, such as Samsung Group, which itself is one of the giants in the related industry.

However, at this time, facing the downturn in the memory business, the related business of Samsung Group itself has already started to lose money, and the economic crisis has not completely relieved its impact. Therefore, their attitude towards the acquisition and integration of Hynix is ​​lack of interest.

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