America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 432: cloud computing

The operation of the current Tru-Chen Commercial Management Company has entered a stable period. Through the development of Ivanta in China during this period, the tc Commercial Management Company at this time has already owned TC Commercial Management Co., Ltd. in Yanjing, Modu and Yangcheng. Three city landmarks are super-high skyscrapers, and there are more than 10 buildings under construction, which will be completed in about next year.

And because of the construction of these buildings, the bank debt borne by tc commercial management company has also reached a high level, but these loans are all special low-interest loans, so we only need to wait for the price of commercial real estate in Huaguo in the next few years. Up, there will be no pressure at all.

However, at this level, the original plan has been completed, so after that, tc business management company will not continue to build new buildings, and the current management of the company has entered a stable period.

Just like what Ivanta told William Chen, she can completely spare time to complete his plan for the Atlanta All-Star Carnival, and she only needs to hand over the daily operations of the company to the competent income she has found these days. Just go down and do it.

Recently, Ali's boss Ma can also be said to be proud of the spring breeze. Not only has the e-commerce business slowly completed the entry of Penguin and Baidu, which proves Ali's dominance in the Chinese e-commerce industry, and benefited from the smooth success of the Chinese version of ho. At present, the development can be said to be the same as Penguin's WeChat, which equally divides the social field of the mobile Internet. It can be said that it has directly entered the advantageous field of Penguin.

But this time, when Boss Ma came to Chen William, he didn't talk about these businesses. He mainly said two points.

One of them is Alibaba Cloud. After William Chen's funds joined Alibaba Cloud and provided support, and Alibaba Cloud's R&D team had technical cooperation with the meta cloud team, the development of this project became more and more smooth.

At present, Alibaba Cloud is already providing services for Alibaba's e-commerce. By the way, it will make further adjustments to improve the shortcomings. I am afraid that in the second half of the year, it will be able to try to conduct public business operations.

Just like cloud computing in the United States, the most determined company is Amazon. E-commerce companies have a strong demand for this technology, because the data and computing services they need to provide are too huge. Cloud computing, then just spending on hardware can make people desperate.

This is why, in Silicon Valley, both Microsoft and Google still bring

Hesitating, but Amazon has already ignored the reason why it must take this technology down.

Therefore, Alibaba Cloud is indeed a technology that must be acquired by Alibaba Company. At that time, Boss Ma firmly supported Alibaba Cloud's research and development, not because of his long-term vision, but because he really had to do it. Otherwise, it will have a great impact on the development of Ali's entire e-commerce.

Similarly, cloud computing is also very important to zoom, another e-commerce company invested by Chen William.

Now zoom holds a lot of cash - before, Amazon bought 20% of groupon's shares held by zoom for $5 billion, and after that, zoom still holds 16% of groupon 's stock.

In October last year, groupon successfully listed its IPO. Since Amazon, zoom and meta group are the shareholders of the world's largest group buying website, the company's stock was sought after by the market as soon as it was listed, and even groupon's The market value once reached more than 35 billion US dollars, which was even more crazy than the performance of groupon's stock in William Chen's previous life.

It's just that according to the agreement signed by groupon before its listing, only the company's founder Andrew's team and Amazon's shares are prohibited from trading, that is, the locked shares cannot be sold in the secondary market for at least 18 months.

The stocks of groupon, including zoom and meta group, have not been locked, which is what Amazon is willing to see. If these two companies can withdraw from groupon, even if it temporarily affects the stock price of groupon, for them , are all worth it.

Therefore, neither zoom company nor meta group was polite. When groupon company's stock price continued to rise and the market value was about to exceed 35 billion US dollars, they began to reduce their shares...

In the end, Zoom's investment in groupon has yielded a return of more than 10 billion US dollars, which can be said to be a big profit.

In addition to speeding up its layout in the Americas and Europe, and competing with Amazon for these overseas e-commerce markets, Zoom, which holds such a huge amount of cash, also

Directly took out 2 billion US dollars and invested it into Meta Cloud Company, holding 25% of the shares of Meta Cloud Company.

That is, the meta cloud at this time, the valuation has reached 8 billion US dollars!

With the funds invested by Zoom, Meta Cloud will build 30 new big data centers around the world to enhance cloud computing capacity.

If these big data centers are built, meta cloud will surpass Amazon's AWS cloud service in scale and become the world's largest cloud service company.

Meta Cloud will provide global data storage and computing services for all network companies under William Chen. Of course, domestic services in China will be provided by Alibaba Cloud.

The reason why zoom company is determined to invest so much is that it is really a cloud computing service, which is too important for the e-commerce industry.

What makes William Chen more fortunate is that whether it is Microsoft, Google or Facebook, their cloud computing research and development process has lagged behind Amazon and meta technology at this time, and it is precisely because of their Compared with e-commerce, the dependence on cloud computing is not too obvious.

However, the investment in the R&D and deployment of cloud computing is too huge. For example, meta cloud, from the beginning of R&D to the current global data center deployment, the total investment will soon exceed 5 billion US dollars. This kind of investment, It is not something that ordinary companies can make up their minds to do.

In addition to e-commerce, there is also a streaming media platform that is very dependent on cloud computing. In the current meta cloud, the largest customer is not Zoom, but Netflix.

It is also relying on the services of meta cloud and Netflix's streaming media playback technology to ensure their huge content and allow users around the world to watch them smoothly.

If it is deployed like the traditional server before, then I am afraid that Netflix can't afford such a large amount of storage and data needs, and the funds that need to be invested in this can make their cash drained.

Similarly, in China, Youku Tudou is also looking forward to the launch of Alibaba Cloud to provide them with services, which is why later video platforms need to rely on giants to survive, except for the huge need for content purchases In addition to the funds of the video platform, the demand for servers and bandwidth is the biggest expenditure of the video platform, and the idle companies cannot afford it.

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