America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 435: 2 out of 3

In the end, William Chen's choice was beyond the expectations of the assistant team.

After the interview, among the three, Chen William chose two to join his personal assistant team. Although the remaining one was unsuccessful, he also arranged for her to enter the future investment company and be in charge of a new investment fund of the future investment company. ——Future Industry Investment Fund.

The loser, Lin Wei, is the youngest of the three. He is 27 years old and graduated from Fudan University with a bachelor's degree. He later entered MIT to study for a master's degree. In just two years, he obtained a master's degree in finance and a bachelor's degree in law. After graduation, he has worked in Morgan Stanley and McKinsey Consulting Management Company, which can be said to be a proper elite.

It's just that during the interview, William Chen could see that although Lin Wei is really capable, he is more suitable in terms of investment and strategy. Personality, in the American business environment, is more suitable, but the position as an assistant is not the best choice, but it is easy to wear and consume her quality. ???.

Therefore, a better choice is to arrange for her to use her advantages in a position that can better utilize her characteristics. Therefore, after the final discussion, Lin Wei also readily accepted the opinion of entering the future investment company and independently in charge of a new investment fund. .

The so-called future industry investment fund will be part of William Chen's investment in Huaguo Industrial, providing financial support to outstanding companies in the upstream of related industries, such as mobile phone manufacturing, battery manufacturing and other industries in the supply chain, so as to obtain more stable industrial base.

This is also part of his layout for this part of the manufacturing industry after completing various mergers and acquisitions of the Eurasian Semiconductor Group.

The two assistants Chen William chose are also interesting. One graduated from Shuimu University with a bachelor's degree and the other graduated from Yanjing University.

The only difference is that one of them, Wen Qingyan, is 28 years old this year. According to what she said, she had a boyfriend when she was in college, but it didn't take long for her to get an offer to go to Cambridge University in England. A boyfriend went to the United States, and the other party soon had a new relationship there and proposed to break up with her.

Afterwards, Wen Qingyan put all her energy into her studies. After getting her MBA from Cambridge University, she joined HSBC Holdings. During her work, she also got a master's degree in finance and economics. Huaguo Company held a senior position. After hearing about Chen William's recruitment, he took the initiative to participate.

Of course, the resumes of each of these three people are beautiful enough. Chen William chose her not because Wen Qingyan dressed very carefully, and her attire was loose and professional, but it was still difficult to hide her hot figure. With her always a little serious expression, there is a very big contrast.

But her education and work experience, as well as her ability to speak and respond during the interview, are more in line with Chen William's requirements for assistants, so Wen Qingyan will enter the probationary period, as Chen William's personal assistant team, responsible for Members of the investment business.

The last one, Cheng Biru, is 30 years old. She is also the one who has a history of marriage and is now divorced.

It can be said that Cheng Biru's experience is quite legendary. In her student days, she was a proper super student. When she was a sophomore, she entered the University of Tokyo in the name of an exchange student, and completed it in three years. She has an undergraduate and a master's degree. When she was in Japan, she met her husband and got married. The other party was also an international student, but the marriage ended only one year after the marriage.

Later, she went to the United States and completed her doctorate at Yale University. During her studies, she entered the well-known Skadden law firm and performed well.

Interestingly, although her main business is law, she once filmed a documentary, won an award, and later worked in Comcast Group, and later in Microsoft's entertainment department. She extended an olive branch, but later she decided to return to China because her mother was seriously ill, and she did not continue to work for a full year.

Last year, after her mother passed away, she started to work again. She was invited by Zhang Zhao to the Future Entertainment Media Company. After Chen William began to recruit personal assistants, she was also recommended.

Since she was able to enter the final round of screening, Cheng Biru, in addition to her impressive resume and strong personal abilities, is naturally very outstanding.

Different from Wen Qingyan's hot body, Cheng Biru is the kind of mature woman who gives a gentle feeling at first glance, and has a generous manner, dignified manner, gentle and demure, very elegant and calm temperament.

Based on Cheng Biru's previous work experience, as well as Chen William's performance and willingness when interviewing her, she was eventually approved and will be a member of Chen William's accompanying assistant team responsible for the entertainment and media business.

Next, William Chen will successively recruit three members into his personal assistant team, and finally select one of them as the team leader.

After that, Wen Qingyan and Cheng Biru joined the job at the fastest speed. Together with Chen William, they took Ivanta and their daughter Chen Yiran on the Airbus A380 special plane called "Atlan" that arrived in the capital. Take off from the magic capital and head to New York, America.

This time I went to the United States, in addition to Chen William need to deal with some local Ivanta is also a "desperate third mother", even last Christmas, she did not go back to visit her family, so by the way Together, with Chen Yiran, we returned to New York to live for a while.

Next, she will go to Atlanta and start to be in charge of William Chen's All-Star Carnival project.

Although there are not a lot of people in their group, in addition to Chen William and Ivanta's family, there are also Chen William's assistant team at this time, as well as the **** team, the maids in charge of Chen Yiran, and the accompanying medical team. There are thirty or forty people.

However, the huge fuselage of the Atlanta still easily accommodates these people, and it is quite comfortable inside. There will not be too much fatigue during the journey of more than ten hours.

It is worth mentioning that after the completion of the first phase of the Atlanlove International Airport and the opening of the airport, the 4,000-meter-long runway was finally able to provide take-off and landing services for this Airbus A380. When you go to Atlanta, you can take this Atland.

Although the Atlan has more space, better facilities, and more comfort, it was only due to the problem of take-off and landing requirements, so only those big cities with 4A-level airports can take it to arrive. More, or Gulfstream G550.

This is William Chen. To be able to make such a ditch, in order to provide the landing of the Atlanta, a widened runway with a length of 4,000 meters was specially built.



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