America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 441: island, beach, beauty

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

And with Anji Lina only three days away, on February 28, Jessica also gave birth to a lovely daughter for William Chen.

Very dangerous, because this year is a leap year, so if it is one day later, my daughter can only have her birthday once every four years...

The little princess is very cute, and the name Chen William named her also followed the previous rules, called Chen Jieran.

Chen William also talked with Anjilina and Jessica about the child's upbringing. Anjilina was very determined to support Alan by herself, but she promised to give Chen William enough time to get along with their children. .

Jessica, on the other hand, agreed to move into the City of Liberty on Atlanta Island with her daughter Chen Jieran. When the child is a little older, she also wants to continue when she has suitable works. Acting, this is not a problem for Chen William at all. If he wants to arrange a suitable role for Jessica, it is just a matter of his words.


The time soon came to March 1, 2012.

On this day, the price of international crude oil once again rose to a high price of 110 US dollars per barrel. Chen William continued to invest 15 billion US dollars in long crude oil futures, and in the subsequent closing positions, it brought him nearly 20 billion. dollar profit.

Since there are still enough funds in his offshore account at this time, William Chen is not in a hurry to withdraw these funds.

After he obtained the international crude oil price forecast of [Volatility Master], at the beginning, he shorted crude oil prices from a high level, and then went long crude oil prices, and gained huge profits.

According to the trend, William Chen knows that the price of $110 on March 1 will also be a high price for a long time in the future.

Therefore, he will continue to short the funds in the current futures market, and this time the investment will also be a long-term short contract.

Unless when he needs funds, he will consider closing part of this part of the contract to get cash.

Before leaving France, William Chen also stopped by to visit Fan Bingbing. She is also here to cultivate and expect to give birth. In Fan Bingbing's manor, apart from her, she never thought that Quan Zhixian was there.

After the two of them finished filming "Extreme Game" together and supervised the second part of the series together, they had a very good relationship. The news of Fan Bingbing's pregnancy was not hidden from Quan Zhixian, so it was just right She also came to France to visit Fan Bingbing at this time.

But what surprised them even more was the sudden arrival of William Chen.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden, my dear."

Fan Bingbing was also very happy to see William Chen, holding his arm and saying to him affectionately.

"I just happened to be coming to France, so I came to see how you are, are you all right? Is the pregnancy reaction bad?"

William Chen asked her with concern.

"I'm fine, but I can eat quite a bit now, but I'm afraid that when I want to lose weight later, I'll have a headache."

Fan Bingbing said to him delicately.

In order to take care of Fan Bingbing's diet, in this manor, a Chinese chef was specially hired, just to make her appetite for food better. It seems that this measure is still very useful.

In the past, Sasaki Nozomi was pregnant, which touched Quan Zhixian quite a bit. Now Fan Bingbing is also pregnant, maybe she is really anxious.

Therefore, when Fan Bingbing was inconvenient at this time, Quan Zhixian took the initiative at night.

It's just that during this period of time, the rhythm of having children has really made Chen William feel a little nervous. It's still a long time, and he doesn't plan to really get it to the end. He has more than 100 children, that's too much. Exaggerated.

And pregnancy, in fact, is a bit of metaphysics in it. Maybe two people who are normal in all aspects, according to scientific methods, can't get pregnant after tossing for a long time, but they can get pregnant by casual accident. Well, that doesn't seem to make sense.

Therefore, all Chen William can do is to work hard to learn knowledge. As for the others, hey, who said that he has no props to control this? It takes half a year of "safety period" to ensure a hit...

And after using it last time, this item is currently in a state of recharging. If I want to use it again, I can only try to recharge it. What else can I do?


After leaving France, William Chen went directly to Thailand.

This time his vacation was on a beautiful island in Thailand called Lang Yai.

The island is not big, only about 110 acres, but the beach here is very clean, the water is clear and transparent, and the environment is beautiful.

Lang Yai Island is very close to Phuket Island. Now this island has been bought by Chen William for more than 100 million US dollars and has become his private island.

From now on, it will not be open to other tourists anymore.

However, William Chen is not going to develop this place in a big way. He is just going to build a vacation villa and basic facilities here as a place for his own vacation in the future.

At this time, there were some buildings on Langai Island. After meeting Aimebo, Miranda, and Dalula who came here in Thailand, they took a helicopter and came to this small island.

For some time to come, they will all spend a leisurely vacation here.

Not long after arriving on the island, Chen William found an interesting thing, just like now, he was on a cliff five or six meters high on the island, poof, jumped into the sea, a fierce man plunged in, and the sea gradually surfaced. Calm down, no longer see William Chen's figure.

At this time, the three beauties in the nearby seawater began to look around, especially in the seawater near them, trying to find Chen William.

"Ah, he's here, coming over."

A burst of exclamations came from Mi Landa, only to see that she wanted to swim away in a panic, but how could she match Chen William's speed. In the end, Mi Landa was hugged lazily by Chen William, and then he turned his head. Leaning out of the water, he smiled and said to her:

" You lost, should you be punished?"

"No, dear, you must have seen me in the water. Our swimsuits are different colors, so you grabbed me on purpose."

Miranda pouted and said with some dissatisfaction.

At this time, the remaining two also swam to their side, and Ember said to Milanda:

"Haha, Miranda, you are rude."

"No, because of the color of the swimsuit, William came to catch me on purpose, or it's impossible to be me every time, otherwise, either let William blindfold, or the three of us put on the same swimsuit, otherwise How could it be possible to catch me every time?"

Miranda said with a look of depression.


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