America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 443: atlanta star

Not long after William Chen returned to Atlanta, Ivanta also brought their daughter, Chen Yiran, to Atlanta.

They also stayed in the City of Liberty together, and at the same time they met Nozomi Sasaki and Chen Yiran's sister, Chen Xiran.

Chen Xiran is about four months younger than Chen Yiran. At this time, Chen Yiran can hobble walking, while Chen Xiran can only crawl on the ground.

But after meeting the little friends, both of them were very happy, probably because of the closeness in blood, and the relationship between the two little girls was quickly established.

As for Ivanta, when she first learned about the existence of Nozomi Sasaki, especially William Chen's child, her mood was very complicated.

It's just that after seeing each other, Nozomi Sasaki has a very gentle personality, and she doesn't have the heart to compete with Ivanta. She also loves Chen Yiran very much. Part of the time, she was taking good care of her two children, which also made Ivanta have a lot of goodwill towards her.

Seeing this scene, William Chen was also very relieved. At least, it was a good start.

At first, he was a little worried that the two sides would not get along so happily, but at this time, he finally felt relieved.

After coming to Atlanta, in addition to the plan of the Atlanta All-Star Carnival, Ivanta first decided after examining the situation in Atlanta at this time, outside the Atlanta TC Building, A new building will be constructed, which will be named TC King Building.

In this building, apart from the hotel business, most of the building's rooms will be built into apartments for rent or sale.

Because with the increasing popularity of various competitions, especially the AT skin care center, the number of rich and famous people who intend to buy property in Atlanta is also increasing. new

Because it is not only a pleasant climate, suitable for vacation, but also has an AT skin care center, which is very attractive to many people who love beauty. Therefore, after these inspections, Ivanta believes that the real estate industry here still has certain potential. of.

At first, due to the pressure of tourists, the Tru Hotel in the Atlanta TC Building occupied most of the rooms, and the remaining floors were also occupied by office buildings. At that time, considering the consideration of Atlanta Island, real estate sales were not targeted. , so there are no plans to rent and sell apartments.

Therefore, with the current development of Atlan Island, Ivan Tower is ready to fill the vacancy in this new building.

Of course, the construction of residential areas on Atlanta has never stopped. The residential areas that have been built are mainly used for renting out to people working and living on the island of Atlanta, and there are not many parts for sale.

In the sales part, not only Chen William, but the Atlanta Island Management Committee also hopes that more business behaviors are the main thing, and their official is only to do a good job of renting out properties. Orchid Island will be a combination of low-rent public rental housing that meets basic living needs and high-end residential sales that can upgrade the quality of life and satisfy luxury.

Guarantee the provision of real estate that can not only meet the basic living needs of residents, but also meet the enjoyment needs of the rich.

At present, the incubation base in Atlanta has been built and started to operate. Since it will support institutions that meet the conditions to settle in, it has also attracted the establishment of some online celebrity organizations with this characteristic.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the girl named Melanie who had had such an experience with William Chen before came to Atlanta with him on the "Future" super yacht from Europe, and told him The female fan who proposed to stay in Atlanta, after developing in Atlanta during this period of time, has also established an organization called "Atlan Star", which seems to be developing well .

The reason why Elektra agreed to mention this girl with William Chen is because "Atlan Star" is not only a company registered in Atlanta, but Melanie's score in the "Magic Mirror System" is not low. Also intend to apply for Atlanta residency after the residency expires.

And "Atlan Star" company also formed a LOL club called "ATSGaming" or ATSG after receiving special funding from the Atlanta Management Committee.

This LOL club participated in the OPL league in Oceania in this year's League of Legends S2 season. The current record is not bad. It is not that there is no hope of entering the final top two, and finally being shortlisted for the global finals of the S2 season.

If this is the case, it will be interesting. The local LOL team in Atlanta, entering the global finals and participating in the local competition, can also be regarded as the host team.


On this evening, William Chen had just opened for more than two months in Atlanta Island, and had dinner with Zhou Fan in the exclusive box in the seaside restaurant that has been rated as three-star tires.

This restaurant is a seafood-based restaurant with unique flavor opened by the legendary chef Josie Raymond, who was very famous in New York before, after being invited to Atlanta by William Chen.

Since the restaurant opened, it was quickly rated as a three-star tire by the Dabai tire manufacturer, so there are even tourists who come to Atlanta, just to taste the restaurant's special dishes.

Because when the Michelin judges rated the three-star restaurant at that time, the comment was:

"Unfortunately, we can only give three stars at the highest. If we can, we are even willing to give two more stars."

Therefore, this restaurant even has the praise of "the only five-star Michelin restaurant" Congratulations, you are now free. "

Seeing Zhou Fan sitting gracefully in front of him, William Chen said lightly after clinking glasses with her.

"Thank you, I know that if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have this result."

Zhou Fan gave him a deep look and said gratefully.

"It can only be said that good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and if there is a cause, there will be an effect."

Yes, not long ago, Chen William finally got the result of the [Eye of Surveillance] on Han Dong's side. No surprise, in the video of him and the guy who specialized in "dirty work" for him. Among them, William Chen obtained key evidence.

At the same time, he also handed over a lot of evidence of a major case he was involved in before to relevant parties in China through reliable channels.

And the people from the Southern Cross Intelligence and Information Bureau have been following the whereabouts of Mr. Dirty Work, and they did not let him escape. They also asked the Chinese side to arrest and bring him to justice without making a sound. .

It can be said that after getting used to this method to obtain huge benefits, it is difficult for Han Dong to get rid of this path dependence, because since he can obtain benefits more easily, why do he need to compete and fight, so his final outcome is also predictable .

Even if he has a background, so what, after all, once such a bad thing is exposed at a certain level, and someone like William Chen "cares about", then the result is certain.



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