America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 445: daily work

"Mr. William, this is the capacity adjustment plan just sent by Eurasia Semiconductor Group, take a look at it.".

In the City of Liberty, in William Chen's office, Wen Qingyan knocked on the door and came in and handed a document to William Chen.

The current Eurasia Semiconductor Group, its predecessor STMicroelectronics, has 8 wafer fabs around the world, located in AgrateBrianza and ia in Italy, Crolles, Roset and Tours in France, Phoenix and Carrollton in the United States, and Singapore.

Among them, only the Crolles fab in France is a 12-inch wafer fabrication line, and most of the others are still 8 inches.

And Hynix's production line in South Korea is still 8 inches.

When Chen William acquired these two companies, he made a promise that they would not cut off their current production lines and lay off workers on a large scale.

What he plans to do now is to gradually increase the wafer production lines in Italy, France, the United States and South Korea to 12 inches, transfer all the original 8-inch production lines to China, and build a new wafer production base.

Of course, the 12-inch production line has extremely high requirements for equipment, so the investment required to upgrade will be astronomical.

However, this is absolutely necessary. After Eurasia Semiconductor completes this technology upgrade, the technical strength of the entire group will be greatly improved, and their production capacity will also be greatly improved.

Now is the low ebb of the semiconductor industry, and it is also a good opportunity to expand production capacity.

When the migration and upgrade of these production lines are completed, it is almost the time of the rising cycle of the semiconductor industry, which can be used to make a lot of money.

It's not that other companies don't know this, but it is really just the beginning of the production line. At first, the new production line is due to the relationship between technology and personnel running-in, and the yield rate is definitely not high. In addition, it needs to invest a lot of money. It is very easy. It is very difficult for them to make up their minds to do this because of the huge loss of the trip in a short period of time.

It is often the slow transformation of one production line after another. A huge transformation plan like Chen William's is completely crazy in the eyes of others.

And in this way, the migration of equipment, the installation and familiarization of new production lines, all take time. It can be said that during this process, production cannot be carried out, but wages must be paid according to the same, which puts a lot of financial pressure on the company. If If Chen William didn't have enough funds, he wouldn't dare to play like this.

But in fact, for him, the stagnation of the production capacity of some production lines is also equivalent to the reduction of supply in the market, so the price response will increase, and in short, it will not lose too much.

After Chen William concentrated on reading this plan, his team of consultants also made predictions and analysis on the data for this plan, and the expected losses caused are completely within his ability to bear.

The only unpleasant thing is that the current 12-inch wafer production technology still has some restrictions on China, so only the 8-inch production line can be transferred to China, and the 12-inch production line is prioritized in Europe and the United States.

This is also something that can’t be done. Otherwise, if you can, building a new 12-inch production line in Huaguo is the easiest and most feasible thing, and it will save money and time.

After seeing that there were no problems, Chen William signed on it. Next, the Eurasian Semiconductor Group will implement this plan. A project costing more than one billion US dollars has been determined.

"You have also been employed for a while. How do you feel? Are you still used to it? How does it compare to your previous job?"

Handing the document to Wen Qingyan, William Chen glanced at her and asked.

"It feels very different. The work I have done before is more within a framework, and now, the scope of things that need to be exposed is too wide, but I will adapt as soon as possible, Mr. William. "

It is indeed different from before. After taking the position of personal assistant, Wen Qingyan deeply realized that what needs to be dealt with now

There are too many things.

And these are all important matters after the rear assistant team has been screened. And most importantly, what she needs to deal with now is the global business, which can be said to be 24 hours a day. Maybe her area is in the middle of the night, and there will suddenly be something important to pass over, so is it necessary? Chen William dealt with it immediately, then she needed to make a choice.

She couldn't say everything, she had to wake up William Chen to decide. But it can't delay the things that really need to be decided in time. How to screen them requires her to think more.

You must know that she is only responsible for part of the affairs, and the current three personal assistants can be said to have to face relatively high-intensity work, the importance of which cannot be ignored, at least all A business involving hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Erica should have taught you some key points before. Your work is not in every detail, so it will definitely be very tiring. I will give you authorization to set up the secretariat by yourself. Most of the work, Handing over is not about getting yourself into a hustle and bustle.”

"Understood, Mr. William, I will try my best."

Wen Qingyan glanced at Chen William and replied respectfully. But this matter, she couldn't help thinking of other things that Erica had told them at that time, and her heart beat a little faster, and she didn't know when...


To be honest, now William Chen, if he wants to work, then his work can make him have no time to sleep every day, because his companies are too many, all over the world, so it can be said that every moment, will There are things that need to be decided.

But it is impossible for him to spend his time in these jobs, which is why he employs so many professional managers and management, and only his support team, personnel may There are more employees than those in small companies. All he needs is to make strategic considerations. Most of the things can be left to his subordinates.

If you don't do it well, replace it.

But after all, even if it is the final decision of many things, it will still be submitted to him.

Therefore, it still took him two full days to deal with some backlogs of contracts that he needed to sign in person.

Seeing that the stack of documents that Cheng Biru had just brought, was finally finished, even though Chen William's body was exceptionally strong, he felt a little tired, so he stretched and relaxed.

"Mr. William, let me rub your shoulders."

At this time, Cheng Biru, who was standing beside him, spoke to him in a gentle voice.

Chen William nodded, and felt her thin hands falling on the sides of his neck...

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