America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 490: make a forced landing

Back in time after William Chen set off from France in a Gulfstream g550.

The plane took off from France and went to the United States. Normally, this kind of private plane takes up to eight hours.

Although the space of the Gulfstream g550 is far less than that of William Chen's Airbus a380, there is still William Chen's private small bedroom on this plane, but this bedroom is relatively, compared to his a380, it is only to be smaller.

These few days in France, Chen William accompanied his youngest son while also learning knowledge with Fan Bingbing, living a leisurely and leisurely life.

It's just that he knows that from now on, after returning to the United States, he will face a battle. His opponent is the radicals of the Elephant Party who are about to see the general election next year.

In the study, Chen William first asked Cheng Biru to bring the information from the United States, and looked at some investigations that the Xiang Dang side proposed to launch against his company.

At this time, he felt the plane shaking for a while, and Cheng Biru, who was kneeling on the desk in front of him, also swayed, and quickly supported his leg, but he couldn't help but retched for a while...

The door of the study was also opened not long after, Zhang Jiao walked in quickly and said to Chen William:

"Mr. William, there was a call from the cockpit, saying that the airflow ahead was a little abnormal. According to the latest weather forecast, there will be thunderstorms forming ahead of our route, so it is recommended to change the route and bypass the abnormal weather range."

Hearing this news, Chen William felt that the plane seemed to have stabilized slightly, but compared to before, there was still a feeling of shaking, so he agreed, saying that he believed in the experience of the pilots and just followed their ideas.

After Zhang Jiao left, Chen William saw Cheng Biru sticking out her head, her face was reddish, she should have recovered, her eyes wandered, and she continued to lower her head...

At this moment, a loud noise seemed to explode in my ears, and I could even feel the bright light outside the window.

Just when Cheng Biru was retching again and Chen William was a little surprised, Zhang Jiao came over again.

"Mr. William, our plane was struck by lightning, but it's not a big problem now. Our plane itself has lightning protection measures and is now preparing to detour."

Hearing the other party's words, Chen William felt a little relieved.

According to statistics, an aircraft is likely to be struck by lightning once every 10,000 hours of flight on average, and an aircraft flying in the sky is more likely to be struck by lightning. protection.

The first is that a conductive mesh will be arranged on the fuselage, similar to the principle of the "Faraday cage", so that even if the plane is struck by lightning, the passengers in it will not be hurt, and the wings will be equipped with discharge brushes to discharge the electricity of the lightning. Discharge to avoid damage to the fuselage.

At the same time, the communication equipment and electronic instruments on the plane will be strictly shielded, and they will rarely be damaged by lightning.

Therefore, although the scene just now was a bit scary, as the pilot and Zhang Jiao who had undergone long-term relevant training, they were still calm.

Especially after half an hour, Zhang Jiao came over again to inform Chen William that the plane had already flown out of the thunderstorm area and was on the route to South America. When he was about to turn ahead and fly to the United States, he had completely put it down. Come to the heart.

At this time, the flight of the plane was very smooth, and there was no more bumpy situation.

It can be seen that Cheng Biru must have experienced this kind of situation for the first time. Just now, she has been holding He Luo's arm nervously, and now she is relieved to hear the news.

"Then go and take a rest first, I'll sleep, and come and let me know when I'm there."

Hearing Chen William's order, Zhang Jiao responded, looked at Cheng Biru again without a trace, and turned to leave.

"It's all right now, let's sleep."

Chen William comforted Cheng Biru and hugged her soft body.

In her arms, she felt her gradually relax.

After Chen William's "consolation", Cheng Biru's face became even more rosy. When she took off her high heels and was about to continue taking off her stockings, the plane shook again, and she couldn't help panicking.

"Isn't it okay?"

She asked subconsciously.

Chen William was also surprised, and then heard Zhang Jiao's slightly flustered tone from the pager at the door:

"Mr. William, we encountered the flock of birds just now. Now not only the wing on one side is damaged, but the fuselage has also been hit in many places. The communication equipment for navigation has failed, and now our radar has stopped working. The cockpit judges now I am afraid that it will be very dangerous to continue flying to the United States, and apply for a ditch landing nearby."

When Chen William heard the words, he got up and opened the door. Seeing Zhang Jiao's panicked expression, he couldn't help asking:

"Can you still contact the ground now?"

"We can't get in touch. We are now out of contact with ground control, so we need to find a suitable place to make a forced landing, either on the water or on land to find an open area for forced landing. The danger is also there, but now the flight altitude of the aircraft is difficult to maintain. A decision needs to be made soon.”

This series of situations encountered this time also made Chen William a little worried, but at this time, he could only try to calm himself down:

"Then make a forced landing. The drivers have more experience. You should let them choose the safest way."

"Okay, Mr. William, you'd better sit in your seat and fasten your seat belt. If the plane bumps or even flips, you won't be thrown out."

Knowing that what she said was the best measure, Chen William took Cheng Biru's hand, and the two went to the seat in front and fastened their seat belts.

"Mr. William, the cab has been calling the ground, but there is no response now. Now I have decided to lower the altitude and choose a flat terrain for forced landing..."

At this time, Zhang Jiao and Gonzalez were already unsteady, and they were able to walk towards Chen William with difficulty, holding on to the backs of their seats.

Seeing this, Chen William took Zhang Jiao's arm and let her sit beside him.

Just when he was about to go to La Gonzales, the plane seemed to be out of control. William Chen even felt the inertia of his body moving forward, but Gonzales suddenly fell down without being supported.

"The plane is out of control, and we are now ready to try our best to make a forced landing!"

The announcement in the cabin sounded the notification sound of the cab.

This moment may be the most dangerous moment that William Chen has encountered since his rebirth.

Several times, he almost felt that his body was out of control. If he hadn't fastened his seat I would have been thrown out long ago.

He couldn't take care of Gonzalez's current situation at this time, and when he heard the cab shout again:

"We're making an emergency landing now,

At this moment, Chen William knew that the time was almost up. When he was in the lottery, he got an [Energy Shield] that could help him take damage, but he didn't know how big the range of this [Energy Shield] was.

Just when the plane felt out of control again, William Chen no longer hesitated.

"You come to me."

After talking to Cheng Biru and Zhang Jiao who were beside him, seeing their doubts, he subconsciously leaned his body to his side. Chen William opened the inventory of the Future Bank and took out [Energy Shield]...

At this moment, the plane shook again, his attention was slightly distracted, and he realized that what he took out was an egg...

It was too late to put it back, Chen William You took out the energy shield and activated it!

There was a loud noise, and it felt like the whole plane was about to fall apart...

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