America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 60: admission

I don't know where the reporter who took these photos took them, but judging from the time shown in the photos, it should be the time when Jared proposed to invest 3 billion US dollars to renovate Building 666 last month.

This photo just confirms William Chen's previous speculation, but William Chen won't be too concerned about any tricks between Gared and Bank of New York. Because he understands that even if there is no New York Bank, as long as the Kushnar Group needs it, they can find other banks to help them raise funds.

But I just don't know, how will Gared and Bank of New York feel when the subprime mortgage crisis breaks out?

What he was more curious about at this time was the brunette beauty that Gared was holding in his arms in the photo. Judging from the appearance, the other party should have Jewish blood.

And he also knew that Gared was a Jew, so it made sense. There seems to be an opportunity to investigate who that woman is.

For the rest of the photos, William Chen is of little value after looking at them.

So William Chen specially uploaded the photos of Gared to his mobile phone. Then put this SD card in your pocket, ready to take it home and put it away.

Looking at the time, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon, and a sense of hunger came over him. Only then did he think that he had come here in a hurry at noon and had not had time to eat lunch.

Seeing that Paris was still sleeping soundly on the bed, William Chen didn't bother her any more, and left the room, preparing to have a casual meal in the restaurant of this hotel.

After simply eating a deboned steak, William Chen left the Waldorf Astoria. After calling Erica, he knew that she had returned to Meta Investment Company.

In this way, William Chen was not going to go to Troup's headquarters for the time being. He told the bodyguard who was driving to go directly to the New York Observer newspaper office.

With William Chen's previous investment of $5 million, the New York Observer has developed very well in this period of time. Newspaper sales have picked up, and former loyal readers are gradually returning.

Especially the online version of the newspaper, after the revision, the editor-in-chief of the network, Allen, injected fashion styles and popular elements into it, and these changes were welcomed by young people.

It can be seen from the data in the background that the audience of the electronic version of the newspaper is mainly young people, and the number of users has been greatly improved since the revision. In just one month, the number of registered users has increased by 50%, and the number of subscribers to the electronic version of the newspaper has doubled.

At present, after William Chen took over the "New York Observer", the reform of the newspaper has achieved remarkable results.

When I came to the newspaper this time, William Chen also heard good news. That is, a batch of APP production talents recruited by Twitter in Silicon Valley before. After entering the newspaper office, after this period of production, the "Observer" APP will be completed soon.

William Chen specially went to see the demo of the first version produced by this APP, which basically met his requirements. After giving his opinions on some details, William Chen said to Allen, the editor-in-chief of the network:

"The launch of this APP is just the beginning, we will add more functions for users in the future. The "Observer" APP will occupy a very important position in our newspapers in the future, and it is an important step in our transformation from paper media to online media. ."

"We should work together and let everyone use their brains to think about which functions will be very needed by users. For example, in this APP, we can add a function of reading newspapers by voice. Now many young users do not have so much patience to read texts. And some elderly users have poor eyesight, so they can use the function of reading newspapers by voice on the way to work or when they are at home, and listen to the news like listening to the radio."

The new feature proposed by William Chen made Allen's eyes shine, and felt that this feature would definitely be loved by many users.

That is to say, the current mobile Internet speed is not that fast, and it is still in the 3G era. There are not many areas where 4G has been opened, and it has not yet reached popularization. Otherwise, William Chen will definitely add more video content to his news APP. middle.

But thinking of the function of reading newspapers by voice that he just proposed, William Chen thought that the application of intelligent voice in the future is still very extensive.

Functions such as smart speakers, voice assistants, voice input and smart reading will be widely used in various devices in the future, so it is very necessary to invest in related companies now.

Therefore, after Chen William left the newspaper, he immediately took out his phone and called Nelson. Ask him to sort out the information about companies in the United States that have accumulated technology in intelligent voice, and he needs to choose among them.


Tomorrow is the day when William Chen starts school. He is studying in the MA program of the School of Arts and Sciences of New York University.

After returning home in the evening, Erica told him that she had communicated with the management of the School of Arts and Sciences of New York University a few days ago to determine the admission date of William Chen.

She suggested that when he went to New York University tomorrow, William Chen had better go to the College of Arts and Sciences to see the dean first.

For this, William Chen naturally has no opinion. Although the MA program he is studying in is not so strict with the daily management of students in the school, there are many people who go back to school to get this diploma again, and there are also some people in the business community.

However, William Chen knew that he had opened the back door for admission after all, and did not strictly follow the admission requirements.

The reason why the school was able to agree to his admission was not only because his father was an alumnus of New York University and had donated money, but William Chen's own reputation also played a role.

Therefore, what the school hopes more is a win-win situation. If Chen William develops well in the future, it will also become one of the propaganda models of New York University when recruiting.

Erica got up and went back to her room after telling William Chen about her other recent work. At this time, William Chen took her hand and brought her into his arms.

At this time, Erica was wearing a short skirt and stockings. After being pulled into his arms by William Chen, she sat directly on the other person's lap and immediately felt the difference.

"I haven't seen each other for so long, do you have anything else to say?" William Chen kissed her on the mouth, and then said to her gently.

"What did you say? Are you happy with Paris?" Erica said while turning her head away from him.

Looking at her frosty expression, William Chen naturally knew where Erica's weakness lies. Her cold appearance and fiery heart are a set of contradictions in her.

And William Chen likes the process of melting her coldness into fiery heat the most.

Therefore, he didn't explain anything at this time, but lifted the hair on the side of Erica's face with his hand and kissed her round earlobe directly.

Sure enough, as a result, Erica's face was immediately filled with blush. Although she remained expressionless, her increasingly rapid breathing and the ups and downs of her chest all reflected the changes in her inner emotions.

When William Chen kissed her lips again, Erica had already started to close her eyes to meet her.

After the kiss, Chen William directly carried her on his shoulders, hugged her legs wrapped in silk stockings with both hands in front of him, got up and walked to her bedroom.

"Bastard, don't tear it..."


The Rolls-Royce Phantom and the Chevrolet SUV behind him drove into New York University. William Chen asked the bodyguards to wait for him in the parking lot, and then went directly to the administration building of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Many students on the way recognized William Chen. After all, two months ago, the news that he was going to study at New York University had spread all over the United States, so after the initial consternation, they were very rational, at most occasionally. Some girls took out their mobile phones and took pictures of him.

After all, at a top university like New York University, there are many famous people who study in it, and the students here are also arrogant, and generally they don't come around to chase stars.

The meeting with the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences was very smooth and friendly. The other party welcomed William Chen to study at the College of Arts and Sciences at New York University and hoped that he would get good grades.

NYU initially agreed with William Chen's arrival, but it didn't take it seriously. After all, although William Chen was relatively well-known in the United States at that time, his reputation was not that good at that time, mainly because he was known to the public because of his prodigal family.

However, after he appeared on the Oprah show, some people's impression of him began to change.

He later acquired the New York Observer and Twitter. So far, both the newspaper and the Twitter company are doing well.

Therefore, compared to the original, Chen William was admitted to the school by virtue of his father's alumni status and his previous Now the school has a more positive attitude towards Chen William's admission.

However, when it comes to how to pay attention, it is not enough. After all, in a school like New York University, there are many students whose family background is more prominent than him. If nothing else, like Garrett, his family business controls billions of dollars in assets.

In the United States, people are more respected by those technological geniuses and self-made millionaires. Comparatively speaking, the second-generations with prominent family backgrounds have exposure, but reputation is more difficult to obtain. Even if they were able to have some grades, it was mostly due to the superiority of the family.

This is why Ivanta wants to prove her own efforts and talents so much, which has almost become an obsession.

And like Paris, in William Chen's previous life, once there was some negative news, he would immediately usher in all the accusations. Even if individuals are able to acquire wealth on their own merits, they are not as well-known as those self-made millionaires.

The situation of William Chen is rather special. Although he was born in a rich family, what was known to the public before was that he almost lost all the property left to him by his parents.

But now that he has regained his strength, it seems that he is developing well. This kind of story of the rich second generation squandering their wealth and finally reforming and reinvigorating is popular in the mainstream of society.

Therefore, if Chen William can successfully restore the assets left to him by his parents, or even surpass them, the attention and praise he can get will not be less than those of young self-made rich people.

So NYU would be happy to see this happen. If he can really do such a thing, it will also be very positive publicity for NYU.


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