America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 96: HOLA is online

When William Chen and Ivanta got up in the morning, it was nearly ten o'clock.

It's not that Chen William woke up so late, he still woke up at six o'clock and went to exercise.

When he came back to take a bath, Ivanta woke up, and then thought that the two would be separated temporarily today, plus she was too attractive at the time, so the two of them exercised together again, and the final result was like this.

After finally sending Ivanta on a flight to New York, William Chen continued to go to Silicon Valley.

The iOS version of the APP has been completed, and after Chen William arrived at the technology company, a trial was conducted.

In the end, he was still very satisfied. The functions he proposed, including registering with a mobile phone number, matching the address book, and text chat, were all available.

Therefore, William Chen told David that the APP can be launched on the AppStore.

At the same time, start preparing for the development of the Android version, and the subsequent upgrade version will add functions such as voice intercom and voice calls, and send photos to friends.

At this time, William Chen felt a little regretful. At that time, Ivanta rejected his proposal that she wanted her to manage the technology company. Otherwise, she could just give her a small share of the shares to free herself from the complicated affairs of managing the company.

But now he can only worry about these things temporarily, and then he is looking for a suitable candidate for the company's CEO during this time.

If it weren't for the fact that this project was very important to William Chen's layout, but just because of its future market value, he wouldn't need to spend too much time on it.

Because the situation in the United States is still different from that in China, there is no dominant situation like Penguin in the field of social software. There were MSN, ICQ before, Facebook, SKYPE, and others. kind of software.

Therefore, no matter how it develops, it is impossible to become a universal application with almost all functions like WeChat in the previous life, and it can only focus on chatting and social functions.

After spending half a day discussing the next version update with David, William Chen left the technology.

Generally, AppStore's review of new apps is completed within 24 hours, and the longest is no more than 48 hours. Therefore, this app can be used soon, and William Chen is also looking forward to its performance.

Next, William Chen went to Twitter, and had received news that William Chen was coming. When he arrived at Twitter, CEO Williams reported to William Chen the detailed process of the matter in China.

"Because of your arrogance, we lost the Chinese market." William Chen said angrily.

Seeing what Williams wanted to say, William Chen stopped him and continued: "No matter what you think, now Twitter has lost the trust of the other party because of your inaction."

"The impact of this incident is that we have been unable to return to the Chinese market for a long time. But I don't want a similar incident to happen next time. Any country will have regulatory requirements for content. We need to respect them as we enter the market in this country."

"Therefore, I request that a special R&D team be set up now, immediately, and immediately to develop our content identification and recommendation algorithms, and according to the location of the user, cooperate with the regulations of the relevant regions, conduct content review, and block illegal content. This can be done in the future. Save us a lot of trouble."

Seeing William Chen's reaction to this matter, Williams also realized at this time that if he can't do this well, then he may become history at Twitter.

Finally, after Williams finished discussing the goals that the content review algorithm needs to achieve, Chen William said to him before leaving:

"Mr. Williams, I said before that I will not interfere with your management of the company. But there is a premise that if I buy this company, I must see that it has a good development. If I can't do that. That, then I can only change it in my own way."

In the evening, William Chen received a call from Paris, and her previous drunk driving incident was finally over.

Today, the Los Angeles court read out the final verdict in the absence of Paris: Paris was sentenced to three years of probation, a fine of $500, an alcohol-related course, and a six-month driving ban for driving under the influence of alcohol.

In other words, in fact, she only needs to pay a fine, take a full-scale alcohol-absence course, and then stop driving for half a year.

As for probation, as long as you don't commit the same crime again and perform well within three years, there is no need for any restrictions.

Therefore, William Chen once again instructed her to strictly prohibit her from continuing to drive within half a year, and would ask Paris's two female bodyguards to look after her. If you have to tell yourself when you want to drink, William Chen will ask the bodyguard to monitor her drinking.

"If you're like this, then I'm the same as going to jail." Paris said dissatisfied after hearing William Chen's demands.

"Really? Then do you want me to let you go to jail now and try it out, is it really the same?"

"Ah...then don't." Just imagining that she was wearing an ugly prison uniform and living with those female criminals, Paris didn't dare to think about it any longer.

"So Paris, you have to remember that this time you are just lucky, so you are not sent to jail, but only the lightest punishment. If you don't listen to me, then sooner or later next time you will really go in. I promise, I will never save you when that happens."

Hearing William Chen say these words to himself in a serious tone, Paris didn't dare to refute any more, and said weakly: "Okay, then I'll listen to you. Besides, William, what are you doing? When will you be back?"

"I'll go back after I'm done with my business. I guess it should be the day after tomorrow."

"Well then, come back soon. I'm so bored myself, Nikki ran to play again."

When William Chen hung up Paris and was about to go out to eat, his cell phone rang again.

William Chen couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw that the name on the caller ID on the phone was Roger Del Rey.

"Hey, my dear cousin, are you in California now?"

"How did you know that? Roger."

Hearing Roger Del Rey's question, William Chen asked with some doubts.

Roger Drey is the youngest son of William Chen's uncle, John Drey. He is twenty-three years old this year, just two years older than Chen William, so he is exactly Chen William's cousin.

"F**K, William, you were really with Ivanta before. I saw Ivanta posted on Twitter today, and the location is in California, so I asked you, I didn't expect you to be really together!"

"Wait a minute, Roger, I want to know why you follow Ivanta's Twitter."

Sure enough, it was another tweet leak. Chen William was a little speechless. Although everyone is used to tweeting a lot, it is a good thing for his Twitter Do I need to tell you that I have been following her for a long time? Yet? You know, William, Ivanta has been my go-to ever since she was a model. "

"Asshole, Roger, I warned you to stay away from my woman. I don't think you want it. I'll just block your Twitter account."

"William, I want to pay attention to who is my freedom. You have no right to block my Twitter account, even if you are the owner of Twitter." After saying this, Roger Del Rey suddenly shouted and said:

"F**K, William, what did you just say? Who is your woman? Ivanta? Don't tell me you slept with her, did you really have **** with her? You bastard!"

"Hehe, what do you think? Roger, so I hope you will show some respect to Ivanta in the future. It's best to unfollow it consciously. In addition, there is Paris."

"You're such an asshole, William." Roger said frantically, "I knew that those reports would not be groundless. I really want to punch your annoying face."

"Okay, Roger, stop." William Chen really had nothing to say to his strange cousin: "Let's get down to business, what exactly are you looking for from me?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll forget it. Come to Hollywood. There's a cocktail party tonight. I'll introduce you to some friends."

"You should know, I quit drinking."

"Come on, William, I don't know you yet? Even if my words aren't tough, it's absolutely impossible for you to quit drinking. Don't lie to me with your nonsense on TV!"

"Uh, Roger, although you have to believe in science, I still hope you don't make fun of that stuff. You are my cousin after all, and I don't want you to become 0 in the future..."

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