America’s Treasure King

Chapter 65: birthday banquet

In the morning, Xiaoyugang by the sea in Changxing Town is very busy. On the pier are piles of fresh fish that have just been caught, and there are still small fishing boats heading here on the sea.

The nephew came back from West Lake City again, and Xia Dahai had to come to the fish wharf to buy some fresh fish to console Li Xiaoshuai, who had made great contributions.

The nephew gave him two suites as soon as he shot, how could this not surprise him.

"Lao Xia; are you here to buy fish today?"


"I heard that your family bought four suites in West Lake City. You are already rich."

"I'm talking nonsense, it's my family and my sister-in-law Lao Heipi's family having two sets each." When it comes to the house, Xia Dahai is very proud. This is his glory, and it is also the ability of his nephew Li Xiaoshuai.

Along the way, there was an endless stream of people saying hello to him.

Standing on the pier, Xia Haihai saw that the things in this frame were too small, and then looked at that, and felt that the value was too low. It happened that another small boat was docked on the dock. The owner of the boat was his old friend, Mr. Tian, ​​and he took a few steps to meet him.

Boss Tian, ​​who had just jumped ashore, saw Xia Dahai at a glance: "Dahai, are you here to sell fish today?"

Lao Xia said that the little nephew likes to eat yellow croaker soup. Do you have any big yellow croaker here?

"It's your American nephew who likes it, right? I happen to have one here, so I'll sell it to you."

"Good, good."

Boss Tian asked again, I heard that your American nephew and your brother-in-law gave you two houses each, is this the case?

Lao Xia also felt a little strange, saying that Mr. Tian, ​​you went to sea last night, how did you know about this?

"Not only do I know about this, but the whole town probably knows about it. Even when we went out to sea, some people preached it through the walkie-talkie several times. Do you still know?"

Xia Dahai said proudly, my nephew has the ability, and even my mother-in-law will enjoy happiness with me. I really didn't expect it.

He rolled up his sleeves again and showed the expensive bracelet that Li Xiaoshuai gave him: "Look, this is also given by my nephew. Let me tell you, this is tortoiseshell, this is amber.. Each grain is not low in value."

"It's so valuable?" Lao Tian was surprised.

An acquaintance who was on the sidelines asked, "Then your little sister is doing well in the United States?"

Xia Dahai pointed to his neck and said, haven't you seen the pure black necklace on her neck, which is worth 130,000 US dollars, which is 700,000 to 800,000 soft sister coins.

The person next to him said, "Isn't that half the house hanging on your neck?"

Someone else asked Xia Dahai, is your nephew a big money?

The answer is that it is not clear whether the big money is small or not, but seeing that he gave away his four houses with ease, it is estimated that he is worth several million dollars.

Carrying the fish, Xia Dahai also said, "Brothers; tomorrow night, on my 60th birthday, everyone will come and have a drink."

The onlookers looked at Xia Dahai's swaying, smug back, and when they looked at themselves, they were all the same age, and they had to go into the sea to fish, and they were not without jealousy. "Old Xia is lucky, this is the real blessing."

The news that Xia Dahai's American nephew was worth several million dollars quickly spread in Changxing Town. No, Chairman Wang also thought about this when he just returned to town.

Chairman Wang, the father of Wang Jiaming, is the same generation as Xia Dahai.

In the afternoon, he invited Li Xixiaoshuai and Luo Yang to his residence to "drink tea."

When Li Xiaoshuai came, he saw that it was a small villa, and it was estimated that there could be more than a dozen rooms. When he first entered the yard, Li Xiaoshuai also saw that the garage was large, and there were several luxury cars parked in it.

Lamborghinis, Ferraris have them, as well as the Porsche Cayenne, the favorite of Zhejiang people. During this time in Zhejiang Province, this is the luxury car that Li Xiaoshuai saw the most. Both men and women, young and old, love this car.

In the eyes of people like Li Xiaoshuai who grew up in the United States and are deeply influenced by American thinking, this car is just to pretend to be used, and it is practical or the most solid muscle car.

In Wang Dong's spacious and luxurious study, after some courtesies, Wang Dong spittled about the prosperity of his two companies.

"My socks factory, which makes both stockings and cotton socks, can be said to have business all over the world, and the orders are too late to make, and the workers who work overtime hate it.

And my sports shoe factory, in Africa, Russia, and Iran, all have large orders, and the business is booming. "

Li Xiaoshuai was at a loss when he heard it, and thought to himself, what's the point of showing off this to me? Did I run a supermarket?

Seeing that the target has not yet been hooked, Wang Dong said the real purpose of the day: "Mr. Li, you have a lot of spare money on hand, and the value of depositing in the bank will depreciate. Make money make money."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoshuai understood a little, it turned out that this Wang Dong wanted to attract investment. He also remembered what Luo Yang said, that we drive luxury cars fast in Zhejiang Province, and we are all in a hurry to borrow money. Involuntarily, I began to be vigilant.

He also shied away and said, "Dong Wang, I congratulate you on your prosperous business and your wealth."

On the surface, Wang Dong, who looks like a successful person, is full of red light, but his heart is full of grief after obedience. He secretly said: The business is But several loan sharks are about to expire, and I am waiting for you now. fill this hole.

Since it was impossible to be polite, Dong Wang said straightforwardly: "Why don't you put your money into my company, so that it can not only preserve its value, but also increase its value."

"I'm sorry, but I leave all financial matters to Goldman Sachs Bank, and I'm not interested in China."

"Uh" Wang Dong really didn't expect this one.

Wang Dong, who was in a hurry to get angry, couldn't make a plan, so he made another plan: "Is it okay to borrow money? I'll give you 20%, no; 30% annual interest rate."

The more people who are short of money, the more they cannot borrow!

This sentence is what Sean warned Li Xiaoshuai many times, and he remembers it firmly.

Now that this Wang Dong is anxiously roaring in front of him, he knows that he is very, very short of money, and maybe the flow of funds will soon be cut off. With an annual interest rate of 30%, which company can make such a good profit now?

Especially in the Rabbit country, which is known for its high quality and low price, it is estimated that there is no profit even half of the 30% interest rate. "I, Li Xiaoshuai, won't jump into this big pit."

"I'm sorry, we don't know each other well. Isn't there a bank for borrowing money? Let's avoid it between us."

Luo Yang, who had not spoken for a long time, also secretly praised Li Xiaoshuai this time, saying that his brain is bright enough, and he does not need to speak by himself.

He also thinks that sometimes Americans are not sympathetic, and it is quite practical to use them in Rabbit Country.

Afterwards, no matter how hysterical Wang Dong was or whether he begged hard, Li Xiaoshuai would not be accommodating. This is not enough, Li Xiaoshuai also suggested that he realise the luxury car and buy his son's luxury car, which should be enough.

Walking out of the Wang family's villa, Li Xiaoshuai said, "I'm sure that this Wang Dong won't be around for a few days!"

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