America’s Treasure King

Chapter 30: Antique Gold Pocket Watch

At noon, Li Xiaoshuai had already arrived home, because he had to move the cabinets, so Frank came too.

After the two of them had collected the furniture, clock, cigars, and the treasures they had picked up, the two of them drove straight to the Treasure Picker Bar for lunch, where Hunter owed them a glass of whisky.

When we arrived at the bar, it was meal time. The bar was filled with the smell of food, and the seats were half full.

The boss Bob started to say hello from a long distance: "Hey; Li, I heard that you were in the limelight today and killed Hunter. You are so majestic."

"That's just luck, maybe next time you're going to lose money."

Li Xiaoshuai spoke politely, but he was very confident in his heart. Even if Hunter competes with me for 100 games, he still has no chance to come back. Who is my brother? My brother has the ability to see through.

Frank came up and asked if Hunter had been here, and he still owed us a drink.

"I didn't come, but this guy called me and asked me to give all the treasure hunters I know a glass of whisky. When the number of people is reached, he will call me for money. Do you want to have a glass now?"

"Yes, we haven't eaten yet." Frank then ordered a plate of seafood pasta and a piece of steak, saying that it was on Li Xiaoshuai's account.

"No problem, give me this too." Frank helped himself today, and Li Xiaoshuai felt that it was right to have a meal, not to mention that it wouldn't cost a lot of money in this kind of bar.

Turning around and seeing many people in the seats greeting him, Li Xiaoshuai had an idea and asked, "Do you want a beer?"

Someone on the seat asked, "Boss Li, are you treating me?"

Li Xiaoshuai was still a little puzzled, and asked Bob how did I become the boss?

Bob said that you killed Hunter, you can be called the boss, you can accept it, it's good for you.

Well, the title of Boss Li is very good, and Li Xiaoshuai accepts it. "Just these people in the bar right now, one drink per person."

There was cheers from the seat, "Yeah; Boss Li is really generous, this is the style of the boss."

Li Xiaoshuai was still thinking about things in his heart, and all the beer and whiskey he brought up was given to Frank, who was home here, and he left after eating.

Returning home again, Li Xiaoshuai used a knife to pry open the excessively thick partition in the glass display cabinet, and took out a rose-colored gold pocket watch from the hollowed-out pit.

This is a Patek Philippe pocket watch. The flip cover of the pocket watch is engraved with enamel blue flower patterns. When the cover is opened, the outermost ring of the dial inside is still inlaid with a circle of broken diamonds. Facing the light, the broken diamonds are still shining brightly. light.

Further inward is the time scale of Arabic numerals. The four time points of 12; 3; 6; 9 are missing, and four sapphires are replaced. Under the central axis of the pocket watch, there is also a ruby ​​the size of a mung bean inlaid.

The whole pocket watch looks elegant and splendid, and at a glance, it is known that this is only owned by the rich and noble in the past.

After a lot of reading the information and searching the Internet for information, Li Xiaoshuai completely understood all about this pocket watch.

This watch was originally an exhibit at the First World's Fair in London in 1851, when Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, also bought this pocket watch.

Being valued by the prince, this pocket watch became famous immediately, and its value doubled. Now it is a rare product that is hard to see. And because of the scarcity, Li Xiaoshuai has not found the auction price of this pocket watch on the Internet. However, compared with the price of other gold pocket watches, it is estimated that it should be around $1.5 million.

This pocket watch was secretly, plus 30,000 on the surface, that is to say, he made 1 million in an auction today.

One million and a half million dollars, a figure that the Li family had never reached, Li Xiaoshuai was a little excited.

The heart said that people are not rich without external wealth, and horses are not without grass and are not fat. It seems that I am really very suitable for the industry of picking up treasures. "Since I live here, I will bloom here!"

Pressing his excitement, Li Xiaoshuai was about to show off again.

He called the old man Gardner again and told him that he had picked up a big leak today, a precious silver coin worth 20,000 yuan, and a gold pocket watch from Patek Philippe at the first World Expo in 1851.

The old man couldn't believe it, and he also asked if it was true or false.

"It's absolutely true, I've checked it all online."

The old man was very happy and said, "Li, you bring the pocket watch over immediately and let me take a good look at it. I still lack experience with this pocket watch."

After hanging up the phone, Gardner immediately told the good news to Xia Huifang who was in the store.

Xia Huifang is also suspicious, what, what, a treasure worth more than 1.5 million US dollars can still be picked up by her son, is this possible?

But she still very much hoped that what her son said was true, after all, it was a huge sum of 1.5 million US dollars. With this money as a base, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The old man smiled and said, wait for a while, will you fully understand?

Waiting for others always made people feel that time passed too slowly, and Xia Huifang looked out almost every three minutes to see if her son's car was coming.

She was still thinking, if her son really had such good luck, then there would be no need to worry about the money for marrying a daughter-in-law.

After a while, Li Xiaoshuai finally came.

As soon as he entered the door, Xia Huifang chased after her son and asked, "Where's the pocket watch, take it out and let Grandpa identify it for you."

Li Xiaoshuai sat across from Gardner's desk, and Li's mother stood behind her son, watching Li Xiaoshuai take out a rose-colored gold pocket watch from his trouser pocket and hand it to Gardner's palm.

The old man just glanced at it and said it was a good thing, and then took a long, careful look at the pocket watch, inside and out.

After a long time, he said, "Li, your luck is really good. This is a genuine Patek Philippe, and it is also a treasure. My estimate is more than 1.5 million. Plus 500,000 is probably justified."

"Sir, you read that right, this pocket watch can really sell for 2 million?" Xia Huifang was still dubious, thinking that her son couldn't have such good luck.

The old man said solemnly: "Xia; please believe my vision, especially to you, I have no need to lie. If Li wants to sell this pocket watch, I am willing to pay 2 million US dollars to buy it.

But I still suggest that this rare treasure, it is better not to sell It is easy to sell, but it is difficult to buy it again. "

"It's really worth so much money" Xia Huifang was so excited that she couldn't help herself, and her body began to tremble slightly.

Li Xiaoshuai helped his mother to sit on the chair and said, "Mom, our Li family has gone through all the hardships and we are about to send it."

Suddenly, Li Xiaoshuai felt as if he had lifted a heavy burden and felt relaxed. He originally thought that 1 million US dollars would take several months of hard work, but he did not expect to reach it soon, and it was doubled.

He set a small goal for himself, that is, to reach five million in cash by the New Year!

Those like gold pocket watches that cannot be easily sold and can only be handed down are not counted.

After get off work at night, Xia Huifang took her son's car back. When she saw his son holding a piece of silver coin, she said that this one can also sell for 20,000 yuan, and this clock can also sell for several thousand yuan, and she felt even more happy.

She said that the gold pocket watch is of high value, and she should play it for Li Xiaoshuai for a month and then collect it.

She also liked the mahogany clock very much, and said that since it could still be used, she would keep it in the living room as a display.

At night, Li Xiaoshuai even called Elaine, who was on the night shift, to show her merit.

When Xiao Nizi heard that her boyfriend actually picked up an antique Patek Philippe pocket watch worth 2 million, she was also pleasantly surprised and said, "You are so capable!"

He also wanted him to wake up at her house for dinner tomorrow night, saying it was going to be a family reunion. At that time, she must wear the pocket watch, let her mother see it, and show it off.

Then Xiao Nizi also said that after the party, you must "celebrate and celebrate."

Li Xiaoshuai "This idea is really great, I have a gift for my uncle."

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