America’s Treasure King

Chapter 98: sudden illness

Entering November, the cold wind in New Jersey came one after another. Li Xiaoshuai felt that the weather this year would definitely be cold earlier, and it would be very cold in the deep winter.

In the morning, he and his partner were still on the road when the phone suddenly rang. When he saw the caller's number was Gardner, he felt a little stunned.

Grandpa Gardner said in a flustered and eager tone, "Li, come here quickly, your grandma Annie is very sick, I'm worried to death."

Li Xiaoshuai was also very anxious when he heard it. He hurriedly looked for the next intersection, and asked the old man if he had called an ambulance?

That's when Gardner remembered to call an ambulance.

After a while, Li Xiaoshuai called again, made an appointment with him to meet at a private hospital, and let the car turn around at the next intersection to go to the hospital.

It was during the morning rush hour that Li Xiaoshuai was so anxious to get angry that it took him about an hour to get to the hospital. He saw that Gardner and his mother were waiting.

The old man was shaking all over with fright, and his mother's constant consolation was useless.

Li Xiaoshuai said in his heart that it was good, the man was still alive, and asked, "What's going on?"

Gardner said that before breakfast this morning, the old lady fell into a coma herself and couldn't wake up no matter how she called. The old man also said, "I'm really afraid that Annie won't wake up. If she dies, what will I do?"

"No, no." Both the mother and son of the Li family kept comforting, saying that the problem should not be serious, and they might wake up after a while.

Frank will come and say that the grandmother may have low blood sugar, and go in and hang a bottle of glucose and it will be fine soon.

"Really?" The old man would have completely lost the shrewdness he had in the store.

Fortunately, the doctor came out and said that the patient had a cerebral infarction, and a small blood vessel in the brain was blocked. After rescue, the situation has stabilized. After coming out, he can go home after being observed in the hospital for a few days.

"Thank God, Annie is all right at last." The old man was relieved and refreshed again.

When the old lady was withdrawn from the emergency room, Li Xiaoshuai saw that she was still in a coma, her face was like dry grass, and there was no blood at all. The doctor also said that the old lady's blood viscosity is very high, and it is in a state of high coagulation, which is very easy to block blood vessels.

The old man panicked again, and repeatedly said what should I do, what should I do?

Li Xiaoshuai also felt that this was a troublesome matter. If one day he didn't pay attention, Grandma Anne would have a big problem. He pulled the doctor and said, "Then take medicine and injections, money is not a problem."

The doctor said yes, but the patient is almost eighty years old, and the effect of the treatment will definitely be worse.

The old lady was pushed to the ward. The doctor said that there is no need for so many people to be there, just leave one, and let the rest go back.

Li Xiaoshuai asked his mother to keep it first, and he took Gardner outside to smoke a cigarette to suppress the shock.

After half a cigarette went down, the old man said that he didn't have the mood to open a shop now, so he simply rested for a few days and waited for Annie to recover before opening.

Li Xiaoshuai understands this very well. He also knows that the old man is not short of money, so he will take care of the grandmother's side after a few days' rest. Li Xiaoshuai also reminded Gardner to take care of himself. Don't the old lady fall down again before the next one is healed.

In the evening, the old lady finally woke up, and when she saw Li Xiaoshuai, the old lady's face was full of relief; she smiled at him, "I'm sorry, I'm fine now, you all go back."

Everyone comforted the old lady again, and they all walked out of the hospital.

Li Xiaoshuai saw that it was getting dark, so he called everyone to find a small restaurant nearby, and everyone could have a meal.

During the meal, Li Xiaoshuai told Gardner that worrying was more tiring than laboring, and when he received the phone call, his head was a little dizzy, but fortunately he soon woke up.

"Well, that's right." The old man also said that he was an idiot when he was frightened. If Li Xiaoshuai had not reminded him to call an ambulance, he would still be shouting hard. "Li, thank you very much this time."

For several days, Li Xiaoshuai went to visit every day, and the nurse in the ward also asked the old lady, "How can you have a grandson of the rabbit country? He looks so filial and handsome, especially his temperament, full of self-confidence. ."

The old lady said that he was a successful young man who did things well, but unfortunately he already had a girlfriend.

"Oh, what a pity." The little nurse looked disappointed.

Three days later, Mrs. Anne's condition completely stabilized, and her withered complexion became bloody, and she looked like a different person than when she was ill.

However, her staggering footsteps are now even worse. She is swaying when she stands. How dare she let her walk alone.

The doctor suggested that she should be equipped with a walker, so that she can at least take care of herself without bothering others, and the patient's self-esteem can be satisfied, and she can be discharged from the hospital.

Xia Huifang and Gardner suggested that the effect in the hospital is the same. After we go home, let's go to a Chinese medicine practitioner to eat some soups and medicines for conditioning, and acupuncture. It is estimated that it will be much better than it is now.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not yet on the table in the United States. It is an informal alternative medicine. Because it also has curative effects, the federal government also turns a blind eye. However, acupuncturists still need to be verified, and basically every state has such regulations.

Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncturists are more popular in Laomei, and many people come to see the doctor.

In order to make his wife get better as soon as possible, Gardner also recognized it, and said that he would leave it to Xia Huifang to deal with it. Said that money is not a problem, when the time comes to invite the doctor to come home.

When I got home, the old lady looked around and said, thank God, that I could go back to my own home. This time I felt more cordial.

Gardner also pulled Li Xiaoshuai outside the store and said to him by smoking: "I have decided that if Annie's situation gets worse and worse, I am going to sell this store, are you interested in accepting it? "

"No need, grandma's body is justified, besides my mother, this store can still be Li Xiaoshuai really treats the old couple as family and hopes that they will live a long life. He doesn't want to take advantage of this. .

The old man's face was gloomy, and he sighed in disappointment: "We are all old, this store will always be left to you in the future. Could it be because I have no children, this store will be taken over by the federal government."

Li Xiaoshuai comforted and said, Grandpa, you are also old, so don't think about the sad things decades ago, your health is important.

In fact, the Gardners originally had children, and they had two sons.

Decades ago, on his eldest son's twentieth birthday, Gardner gave his son a good sports car, but a few days later, the two sons were involved in a car accident while racing, and both sons died.

It almost hurt the old couple to death.

Fortunately, Li Xiaoshuai was a little girl, so the old couple slowly came over. Xia Huifang was able to work in this store, in fact, it was because of Li Xiaoshuai.

Li Xiaoshuai thought about it and said, let's watch it for a while. If grandma's body is in the direction of recovery, you will continue to operate. If grandma's body is in a bad direction, then I will take over.

During this time, I also allow myself to prepare a lot.

Americans believe that business is business and friends are friends, and the two are completely separate. What Gardner said to take over was not to give the shop away for nothing, but to buy it with real money.

The second-hand store is in such a good location, with such a large storefront, it is still three floors, and Li Xiaoshuai estimates that there are no 18 million, and it is impossible to get it.

The spare money of 4 million for financial management has already been agreed with my brother-in-law Sean. This must be given to him, otherwise it will make Sean difficult to be a man in the company.

"Oh, it's been a few days since I loosened up, and I'm going to start working on money again."

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