Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1004: infinity gems


The fingertips of Xie Zhi's fingers moved in waves: "Then, can I understand that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a sugar-coated poison? Your Majesty has a profound layout, and I admire it."

Odin shook his head: "No, it should be said that there is a key incentive, everything started because of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and will also change because of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

The nature of the treasure of the universe Rubik's Cube itself has not changed, but because it is a treasure, it is more than enough as a bait for fishing.

As for the far-reaching layout, I can’t talk about it. I’m not Gu Yi. From the very beginning, I knew that any layout would be useless to her, and she was the one who made the layout.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is just an introduction, the introduction that exposes the pathogen, and I just throw it on the earth and let it compete for it.

At present, it seems that Ancient One actually needs this introduction.

So although I have never communicated with Gu Yi, in a certain sense, she and I have reached a tacit consensus. "

Bucky frowned and said, "What is the pathogen?"

Odin sighed, "I don't know."

Bucky sneered: "Is there anything else you don't know?"

"It's more appropriate for you to give this sentence to the ancient one, but I really don't know." Odin pointed to his one-eyed eye: "I can see any corner of the universe, and Heimdall can do it too, but how big is the universe? Big, can we see it? Besides, it's boring.

Yes, there are many powerful beings in the universe, but if I knew exactly who was doing the trouble, I would have killed him a long time ago, so why wait until today.

In fact, even the ancient one who can control time doesn't know everything. She knows everything on the earth at most, and she is far from being able to compare with Asgard about what happened in the universe.

But she can directly know the result, the result related to the earth..."

Xie Zhi couldn't help but continued: "So if you throw the Cosmic Rubik's Cube on the earth, then no matter what is drawn out, it means that Gu Yi knew it in advance."

Odin smiled and said: "Yes, this is my goal, and Gu Yi is happy to see it come true."

Baki said: "It sounds reasonable, but why don't you just cooperate with Gu Yi, she knows who is doing trouble, you find that bastard, Rainbow Bridge is smashed, everything will be fine, and the world will be peaceful from now on."

Odin glanced at Bucky: "Mr. Barnes, the method is very simple, but many times simple things may not be implemented smoothly.

Ancient One is the supreme mage, and I am the father of the gods. Ancient One has her considerations, and I also want to seek benefits for Asgard.

I will be wary of Gu Yi, and she will be wary of me. Let's put it more bluntly... Dear relatives, don't you think you are wary of me?

Of course, we are cooperating well now, and I can even hand over the throne to Hammer.

But you are different from Gu Yi, no, to be precise, that kid Hammer is different.

Hammer appeared in my foresight, compared to Gu Yi and you, I absolutely trust that child Hammer, she is the key link that facilitates the cooperation between you and me.

Otherwise, no matter who wins or loses among us, a big battle is inevitable.

Hammer is a good girl, she is a blessing to both of us. "

"You don't need to tell me about it. Of course our family is a good boy." Xie Zhi paused, then shook his head and smiled: "Threats, threats, there will always be threats. Is it so troublesome to live a peaceful life?"

Odin continued: "Yeah, An Sheng, it took me a long time to understand that these four words are the core interests.

We can easily obtain wealth, power, status, and even satisfy all kinds of desires. Only living in peace, even God, cannot have it for long. "

"Hehe, it's my fault. It's better to save this kind of emotion after the business is done, old Dingtou, um, don't mind if I call you that."

"You have called."

"Don't pay attention to these details, seriously, since Loki is your move, don't say that you are completely ignorant of what is attracted, it is not true, relative."

Odin was silent for a while, and said: "Well, there are some things, with your strength, you will know sooner or later, and you will definitely know.

Xie...Old Xie, don't mind if I call you that. "

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes: "You are quite stingy when you are a king."

"To each other." Odin raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and continued: "Before you asked if there were treasures like Gu Yi in the universe.

I can tell you with certainty that there are six pieces in total, collectively called...infinity stones.

Every gemstone possesses shocking power, just like the gemstone owned by Gu Yi, it is called the time gemstone, which can control time.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is another infinite gemstone that controls space.

The other four blocks respectively control power, mind, soul, and reality..."

When he heard "reality", Xie Zhi couldn't help but his heart moved, nothing else, he thought of his little red fluid, which seemed to have the ability to change reality.

However, it seems that it is far less powerful than the ancient one's time gem, and it is not on the same level at all. The difference is far away. Could it be... because of its incompleteness?

Just listen to Odin continue: "As long as you have an infinite gem, you will have unrivaled strength in the universe, and star destroying weapons can't compare with it..."

"Sorry to interrupt." Xie Zhi raised his hand, and a cosmic Rubik's cube model appeared: "I have come into contact with this thing, it is indeed very mysterious, but I can't control its power.

So if you say you own it, you may not be able to control it. "

Odin nodded and said, "It's true. Owning and controlling are two different things. After all, the mysteries of the Infinity Gems are too profound to be fully controlled. At present, I only know one person, Gu Yi."

Youde couldn't help getting into the topic: "Can Asgard also control the Rubik's Cube?"

"To a certain extent, yes." Odin said with a smile: "As I said before, about Loki, I would like to give an explanation to relatives. I don't know the method of controlling the Rubik's Cube. Are you satisfied?"

"It sounds quite generous." Bucky sneered, "But, Loki also knows how to control the Rubik's Cube."

Odin did not have any hesitation: "Yes, he knows, but you don't have to worry, you have to talk about things one by one, I believe that now you are more concerned about the source of the threat.

In fact, the source is these six infinite gems. There is an ancient legend that if you gather all six infinite gems, you will have the ability to control the entire universe.

Although it is a legend, judging from the great power possessed by a single gemstone, this legend is not groundless.

Old Xie said that I am not real, okay, let me tell you the most real thing, about the secret of the Infinity Stone, in Asgard, only I know it, and this is only known after the succession of the kings.

But in the universe, I am not the only one who knows, because this ancient legend did not originate from Asgard.

At least... I think Gu Yi must know.

So I really don't know which **** is trying to make trouble, but other than six infinite gems, other threats are not worth mentioning.

As Mr. Barnes said, the Rainbow Bridge is easy to solve.

So after removing all the impossibilities, the only thing that makes me uneasy, except for the twilight of the gods, is the character with the idea of ​​​​infinity stones. "

Xie knew: "Do you know where the six gems are?"

Odin laughed: "Look, your first reaction after you know it is to want them."

Xie Zhi said disdainfully: "Old Ding's head, how dare you say that you haven't thought about it? If you really haven't thought about it, I'll eat the Universe Rubik's Cube when I get home."

Odin was stunned, and then sighed: "Yeah, I have thought about it, and I have put it into action. Back then, I went to war and almost swept half the galaxy, and even..."

Odin waved his hand, and a phantom appeared in the air, and then solidified. It was a glove with six gemstones of different colors inlaid on it.

"This thing is called the Infinity Gauntlet, I saw it when Mrs. Zun and Hammer were visiting the treasure house, of course, it's a fake.

A long time ago, I prepared so well that I even conceived the tools to control the six Infinity Stones.

But in the end, I realized... I was wrong, and I gave up. "

"Because of Ancient One?" Bucky continued.

"Not only because of her, but also..." Odin paused, and smiled bitterly: "In short, I did see how terrifying the power that is out of control and the power that grows infinitely, I paid an extremely expensive price for my ambition. the price.

That price was so heavy... Asgard and I were almost destroyed, and it also contributed to the inevitable coming of Ragnarok.

This price reminds me deeply that infinite gems cannot be collected by anyone.

On this point, I believe Gu Yi feels the same way as I do. "

"But you just told us the secret like this..." Xie Zhi spread his hands: "Aren't you afraid that we have taken the same path?"

"Anyway, you will know sooner or later, and..." Odin smiled: "From Hammer, I can be sure that your family may have many shortcomings, but arrogance and arrogance are not among them.

Especially I heard from Hammer that your family thinks... being invincible is unlucky.

And I just happen to know the price to pay for one of these gems, which you will never accept. "

Bucky said, "What is it?"

"Sacrifice to the one you love in your heart."

Xie Zhi and the three couldn't help but look at each other, then frowned.

Xie Zhi sighed: "It seems that what we have to be wary of is a hard-hearted bastard."

"That's right." Odin raised a finger: "Pure lunatics are not scary, and pure villains are not scary either.

The scary thing is that she still has feelings and understands love, but is willing to sacrifice the one she loves for the obsession in her heart.

Such a person has a firm and unshakable mind, and can endure all sacrifices in order to achieve his goals.

People who are willing to sacrifice themselves are not uncommon, but those who are willing to sacrifice their loved ones are rare.

And such a person, it is impossible to reason with him, because he thinks what he insists on is absolutely correct, and he has no other choice. (Note 1)

Then he won the Infinity Stones, definitely not for the purpose of ruling the universe. Compared with the sacrifice of the other party, it is too boring. "

Xie Zhi snapped his fingers: "There are many, so no matter what the other party wants to do, you don't hesitate to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube as a bait, just to let this kind of thing show up early, and then shoot him to death, so you don't worry.

But what makes me curious is, can't the Infinity Stones be destroyed? If you destroy one, you won't be able to make it all together, wouldn't it be more worry-free. "

"It's really worry-free, but first of all, I don't know how to destroy it, and secondly, I don't know what the consequences will be after it is destroyed.

The most important thing is that as long as Gu Yi's time gem is still there, the ruined gem can still be restored with the power of time. "

Xie Zhi nodded: "That makes sense, but I still want to know where the other Infinity Stones are. I can find a bunch of reasons, but I'll only say one... put it in our own hands, don't worry.

And whether you say it or not, since we already know it, it is impossible to leave the gem to others, and we will definitely look for it.

Of course, I have believed in Gu Yi, in fact, even if he misses something crooked, he can't win him over. The power of time is too cheating, so she is excluded. "

Odin frowned: "I used to have the same thought as you... Forget it, I threw the Rubik's Cube on the earth, and Ancient One didn't respond. You live on Earth, and Ancient One didn't choose to attack you.

Maybe... you guys can do better.

But from me, you can't get too much specific information, because I actually only have two gemstones, and half-contact.

That is, the Rubik's Cube of the Universe and the time gem of Ancient One, and the Rubik's Cube of the Universe is at your home. "

Bucky said, "No, you just said something that needs to be sacrificed."

Odin spread his hands and said: "I need to explain this, I have some information about the six gems, but not all of them involve positions, and if they already have owners, it is even more impossible for the positions to stay still.

Let's talk about soul gems that need to be sacrificed. I only know the rules of obtaining them based on ancient information, and I don't know where to put them. "

Xie Zhi slapped his hands: "It doesn't matter, you know how much you can say, relatives, I don't think too little."

Odin rolled his eyes: "Then do I have to say thank you?"

"You're welcome."

"Okay, there is another piece of gem information, only I know, that is the reality gem, also called ether particle.

In terms of form, the Reality Gem can be said to be the most special, because it can freely switch between solid, liquid, and gaseous states, and change as you want..."

Xie Zhi's heart moved again, this is more like...

"...And it was hidden by Asgard, to be precise, my father, but unfortunately, my father, um... very cautious, the place where the ether was hidden was in his rotten stomach, and no one told it. "

Grinning along with Odin, he was a little embarrassed: "Look, this is actually good news. No one can find it, so it's impossible to get it all together."

I believe you ghost!

Xie Zhi shook his finger: "Old Dingtou, if you are really so relieved, do you still need to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to fish? Come on, I have been honest so much, I just want to be honest to the end, think about it... Time is on our side , the day you kicked your legs, our family was still alive and well."

In fact, what Xie Zhi is most interested in is the Reality Gem, because now he is very suspicious that his red fluid is a part of the Reality Gem.

If the guess is true, then I can control a part of it, maybe the whole... can also control it!

At least, there is great hope.

Odin glared at Xie Zhi angrily: "Hammer is such a good boy... how can there be a grandfather like you?"

"That's right. Only a grandfather like me can educate good children. Look at the two boys in your family. Is there a reliable one?"

As soon as he raised his hand, Odin said angrily: "Stop! I want to know, I don't care about the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, let alone one more.

Okay, since you are thinking about it, then you remember, I recognize the Rubik's Cube and Loki, but the troubles caused by other gems are all your own fault. "

"Of course, if you dare to think about it, I will dare to continue." Xie Zhixin said, retreating ten thousand I really can't stand it, can't I still move.

Odin raised an eyebrow: "Well, to be honest, the Reality Gem was in the hands of the dark elves back then, and their race is very powerful, almost on the same level as Asgard.

In fact, the dark elves have a longer history than Asgard. According to ancient records, their history is as long as the birth of the universe, and they have developed many magical technologies based on ether particles, which are very powerful.

Of course, my father still won the battle.

However, the time when the dark elves intend to use ether particles to achieve their hegemony is to choose the time when a special celestial phenomenon appears. We call the celestial body aggregation on that day, and it only happens once every five thousand years.

When celestial bodies converge, it will lead to the blurring of the borders of the nine kingdoms. In your concept, it means...the emergence of space wormholes, very unstable space wormholes.

And when I came up with the idea of ​​infinite gemstones back then, I had a guess that when that kind of celestial phenomenon occurs, there may be loopholes in any foolproof secret treasure place, which naturally includes the place where ether particles are buried.

So the only chance to get it is when the sky happens. "

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