Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1035: do me a favor

The two brothers stepped out of the mirror space and were immediately speechless.

Nothing else, the brat can always find a place to vent his energy.

I saw four little guys working around the goat-horned lizard. At this moment, the goat-horned lizard was let go by Qinglong, but its expression was still terrified and trembling all over.

As for whether it was frightened by Qinglong, or because... the bear child put rouge and powder on it, and was indignant, it is not known.

Yes, the image of the horned lizard has changed drastically at this moment. It has two bright red round cheeks, eyelashes comparable to door curtains, scary red lips, and big red flowers hanging on the horns...

This shape can be called the matchmaker of the monster world, but it is short of a cigarette pot.

As for where these things come from, it's not a big deal, the energy of will is manifested, these things, it shows whether the leading lady is in shape.

Xie Zhi and Bucky didn't say anything, Xie Ai's operation didn't cross the red line at all, it was a restrained play, and it didn't harm ordinary people anyway, big monsters, they are solid.

Howard, who was chatting with Strange, said, "It's done?"

Xie Zhi nodded: "It's done, let's test another thing, and we will withdraw."

Following Xie Zhi, the eyeballs were pulled out, oh no, it was the magic pupil.

Xie Zhi also said that after wearing this thing for a long time, the eyes are itchy and dry, and it was obviously disinfected several times when it was pulled out of Gugu's eyeballs.

Bucky said, maybe you used too much disinfectant.

After that, Xie Zhi threw Chi Xiao, turned it into a long sword and stuck it on the ground, and then manifested a pile of fog covering his body. That's right, he wanted to activate the time retrospective ability to release the Frost Giant version of the transformation state.

And... didn't take Qinglong back.

Yes, what Xie Zhi wanted to test was Qinglong.

In the last two transformations, Qinglong didn't change much, but why did it have the frost attribute this time?

Spiritual totem, logically, should be related to willpower and will energy, why is there an incidental bonus this time?

But Xie Zhi used the method of elimination to really think of a possibility.

The experiences of the three transformations confirmed each other, removing the transformation means and transformation incentives, the difference between the three lies in the different time.

This time refers to the time of the transformation process. The first two transformations using red stones were very fast, and it was over in a few seconds.

But transforming with the ice treasure box, the speed is much slower.

That is to say, this trip is not in a hurry, and besides business, with the purpose of making waves, Xie Zhi has time to toss, otherwise the efficiency of this transformation can be said to be very uneconomical.

Then this kind of slow transformation may cause the effect of affecting willpower during the transformation process.

When Xie Zhi thought about it, he found that it made sense, because the third strengthening was too slow, which caused him to feel relatively more during the process. After all, it was aimed at strengthening his physical body, so how could he have no reaction at all, like …pain.

It really hurts, it can be called reborn, that is to say, when Xie Zhi went crazy before, he played with more ruthless ones.

But experiencing pain will naturally have all the effects on willpower, and he is now a master of willpower, and the spiritual totem is in the sea of ​​consciousness. Maybe in the process of strengthening the will, he has absorbed the power of frost, As a result, Qinglong also benefited.

Then if it is caused by the particularity of the power of frost itself, I am afraid it is untenable, because Xie Zhi's previous transformation process added all kinds of power to it, even Transformers added it, like shabu-shabu, The result did not affect Qinglong.

So even though it's just an analysis, the odds are high indeed.

But what Xie Zhi wants to test now is whether the benefits of Qinglong will disappear when the time goes back without taking Qinglong back.

Xie Zhi thinks there is nothing else, time rewinding is his ability, and when he activates it, it is targeted and affects the body, but the memory does not follow the rewinding, otherwise, if you use it once, you will lose your memory once.

Although I am an amnesiac, this kind of thing can't be endless. Since the thinking has not been affected, maybe the product of willpower will not.

The result came out very quickly. The process of transforming into a frost giant was slow, but the time rewinding was super fast. It was done in seconds. Xie Zhi returned to his original appearance, and a set of clothes was embodied as a side effect.

But it's not over yet, and the follow-up is the same as the previous two times. The mysterious frost power attached to him is also forced out by time regression.

Not only was Qinglong not affected at all, but he also reacted in other ways.

Seeing that Qinglong raised its head slightly, and sucked fiercely through its nostrils, in an instant, all the ice power that had withdrawn from Xie Zhi's body was sucked in by Qinglong!

The picture of the fog rolling back is quite like... smoking.

However, as Qinglong absorbs the power of frost, even if he is not the owner of the spiritual totem, Bucky and the four children can clearly feel that Qinglong's power has risen to a higher level!

Not surprising, double absorption naturally means double benefits!

"Your spiritual totem, if you keep repeating this routine, I'm afraid there is no upper limit, and there will be no defects in the future~"

Bucky felt emotional, and couldn't help but patted Xie Zhi on the shoulder: "In the future, you, the number one master of the old Xie family, may have to give way."

Xie Zhi's eyelids drooped: "What you said, no matter how strong it is, it is also my spiritual totem."

"But he is indeed better than you, at least he has unlimited potential."

Seemingly agreeing with Bucky's words, Qinglong snorted arrogantly.

Xie Zhi said in a bad mood: "What are you pretending to do with me, you kind of make gestures with my wife's white tiger, I can't kill you by yelling."

Howard said with a smile: "Since you are afraid of your wife, don't talk about the number one master."

Xie Zhi disdainfully said: "It's as if you're not afraid."

"I call it respect~"

"My name is Jingai~"

Bucky sneered and despised: "You two don't talk about each other..."

"Come on, it's as if you have more kindness."

"That's right, your hair has become thinner recently. If it doesn't work, just perm it."

"Ahem, my name is not the same as her~"

Xie Zhi suddenly waved his arms, clenched his fists, and made a "close" gesture like a band conductor: "Stop! This topic will stop here, brothers, don't forget that we are not at home now, what are we doing out here? For the waves of fun!"

Howard understood: "Yes, enjoy the holiday."

Bucky pouted: "You're right, you didn't start it."

"OK, I'm sorry, I won't mention it in the future." Howard made a zip movement on his mouth.

"Interruption." Saying that, Xie Zhi waved his hand, and the blue dragon flew into Xie Zhi's forehead. Xie Zhi shivered a bit, and said with a smile, "Don't say it, it's chilly, a feeling of coolness and flying in the heart arises spontaneously."

Then Chi Xiao suddenly flew around Xie Zhi, circle by circle, from head to toe, as the flames orbited, solid matter appeared, and soon, Xie Zhi was already dressed in red armor.

Baki sighed: "Emotion Chi Xiao can also be worn as a battle armor, yes, it can be changed into a knife and a gun, and it can also be changed into clothes."

"You have to inspect the goods when you open the box,'s shiny, but it's still a little too flamboyant." Xie Zhi snapped his fingers, and the flames flowed and gathered on his left arm, forming a unicorn tattoo.

Howard said: "Yo, when did you have a hobby of tattooing?"

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "There is a talk about it, it's called the unicorn arm, I vaguely remember... I seem to have read it in some book before, it seems to be a comic book.

It doesn't matter, it's convenient to make it into a tattoo sticker.

By the way, let's get down to business, our itinerary will change, because there are other gains in this refining..."

Under the gorgeous nebula, there is a huge spaceship against the background.

The paintwork and the casing all bear the traces of time, and it is obviously old.

The interior of the spaceship is dirty and noisy, with various aliens drinking, bickering and fighting, it is very chaotic.

Suddenly a man's voice came out of the loudspeaker: "Everyone be quiet! I have something to say."

"Boss has something to say."

"Say it, why are you quiet?"

"Because it's clear."

"You're still smart, I didn't expect that."

Facing the feedback from the cabin, the boss in the bridge rolled his eyes. Is it necessary to turn on the intercom when discussing?

And Xie Zhi's voice came from the glowing green ring on his finger: "I said Yondu, after so many years, can't you change to a group of younger brothers with good brains?"

Yes, the so-called boss is Yondu.

Yongdu sighed: "Thank you, boss, my industry is a sunset industry, and it lacks the attractiveness of employment. Anyone with a brain will go to the top 500 in the universe.

Being able to gather such a boat still depends on my personal charm. "

Followed by Yondu, he pressed the radio call button again: "Listen up, a guest will arrive in a while, it's a distinguished guest! Be polite, don't embarrass me."

"Guests? We will also have guests here?"

"Guest, how expensive is it? Can you steal it?"

"The boss said to be more polite."

"How do you steal politely?"

"Steal a fart!" Yongdu was angry: "If you don't want to die, just take care of your thief's claws!"

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Okay, don't beat around the bush and tell me, we are old acquaintances, and I won't kill your little brother just because of your face."

About ten minutes later, when everyone in the den of thieves was waiting impatiently, a white light flashed in the space, and the next moment, a super giant ship appeared in the sight of the thieves.

Although Yondu's spaceship is huge, it is not enough to look at in front of a real giant ship, just like a little toad and a saltwater crocodile.

And it’s not just a matter of size, the Imperial Star Destroyer not only has a shape that the thieves have never seen before, but even the painting is completely inconsistent with the mainstream of the local universe. The painting of local spaceships is mainly bright and thick. This pure white, It's really rare.

But even if it is pure white, it can't hide its domineering and killing aura, not only the skull logo of the huge and hideous unknown creature on the ship, but more importantly, the caliber of the giant cannons, the caliber, is convincing.

Even a fool can see that this huge ship cannot be messed with.

Yes, Yondu's idiot brothers now have a B number, and finally understand the painstaking efforts of the boss.

Sure enough, Boss Yondu is the one who loves them the most, and he has loved Boss for ten thousand years! Raise your hands and clasp your head to show your heart~

However, there is something even more exaggerated. Amid the apprehension of the thieves, the Imperial Star Destroyer has already flown above the spaceship.

Immediately after the huge hatch on the belly of the ship opened, the tractor beam shot out, pulling Yondu's spaceship to fly upwards, which clearly meant to swallow the spaceship in its stomach!

In the past, they always did this when they robbed others, but who would have thought that there would be a spaceship that could **** in a super-large spaceship like theirs, and could eat a super-large spaceship... what type? The thieves couldn't count with their fingers.

"Boss, I don't want shit~"

"Boss, please take good care of my seventh uncle~"

"Boss, is it rude to pee your pants?"

"Boss, I'm applying for retirement now, is it too late?"

They slapped their heads bravely one by one: "You bastards! You bastards! They are all bastards! How can I travel the universe with this virtue! They say they are distinguished guests! No one looks good to me!"

"Boss, I'll kill you and give you a face!"

"Go away! Hide your ugly face! Don't you think I'm not embarrassing enough!"

In the chatter, Yondu's large spaceship entered the belly of the Star Destroyer.

And through the porthole, the thieves discovered that in this magnificent space, there are ships larger than their spaceships docking here, and there are more than one!

In addition to ships, there are actually fighter planes flying here, flying in the belly of the spaceship! Even if it flies very slowly, it is enough to highlight how scary the space of this giant ship is.

But there is something even more frightening. Staring at their spaceship are giant mechs twenty or thirty meters high, holding big guns in their hands, the caliber of which can fit a big living person into it!

Of course there are also small mechs, but the technical content of that equipment makes it clear that he can sweep all of them by himself, except maybe the boss Yondu.

Yongdu straightened his collar and said proudly: "Something promising, this is the network that your boss and I have mixed up. In the universe, you don't rely on fighting and killing, but on the world, do you understand?"

"Understood! How about saying that the boss is the boss, you are wise."

"Boss, there's something I've been meaning to say."

Yondu looked at the younger brother with a mouth full of gold teeth in wonder: "What's the matter?"

"Boss, I love you for a long time~"

The blue veins on Yongdu's forehead twitched violently, and he finally sighed: "First, stay away from me! Second... you should stay in the boat, if you are bored... just beat this idiot!"

In the end, Yondu got off the ship alone, and I thought so, just this group of goods, it’s a small shame, if I thank the boss for offending, I guess I’ll have to re-post the job advertisement, the problem is...fuck, even fools are not good these days trick! What is the most expensive thing in the universe? talent!

Guided by Mandalorian soldiers, Yondu met the head of the Dongfeng 17 Mercenary Group.

Yondu grinned, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for many years, thank you boss, you still look good."

Xie Zhi responded with a smile: "You are not bad, your appearance has not changed over the years, it seems that you are doing well."

"No, no, take a look." Yondu pointed to a gold tooth in his mouth: "Not to mention the loss of a ticket three years ago, and the loss of a tooth. I ground a denture by myself, what the hell.

In short, business is not easy to do, but you..."

Yondu looked around the bridge and sighed: "It's really developed, this is called style!

A battleship like The big powers in the Milky Way are at this level, no, not as majestic and domineering as you. "

"Thank you, let's make use of it." Xie Zhi waved his hand, introduced his family members, and said, "By the way, where's Kiel?"

Yongdu smiled wryly and said: "Don't mention it, that little **** went somewhere to hook up with girls, since he learned magic, he has nowhere to look for it, it's much more troublesome than before.

Oh, I'm not complaining, you can help introduce Principal Gu, let that kid learn the trick to save his life, and in terms of stealing...cough cough, in short, it is a great kindness, Yondu will remember it in his heart.

Thank you, Boss, if you have any orders, just tell me, frown, I am not beaten by someone. "

"After a while, you have provided information to our family all these years, I remember."

"Thank you, Boss, you're off the hook. Besides, the information I'm looking for isn't of much value..."

"Don't worry." Xie Zhi took the conversation and patted Yongdu's shoulder: "I keep my word, and I won't go back on what I promised, so you don't have to worry about Quill.

This time, I came here to ask you for a favor, let alone a direct order, I can't let you help me for nothing.

I'm not being polite to you, one size fits all, and... have you thought about changing your life? "

Yondu was startled, and immediately said seriously: "Boss Xie, you don't want to recruit us, do you?"

"Incorporation is too ugly, how about doing things for me and treating it as the main business?"

Yongdu laughed: "Aren't you kidding me? It's not that I'm humble. As for my brothers, I can't say that my brain is not working well, it can only be said that I haven't grown up at all."

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