Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1049: Once upon a time there was an old man~

Xie Zhi scratched his brows: "So girl, in fact, you haven't learned how to deal with witches?"

Xie Ai tilted his head and thought for a while: "Father, it's not rigorous to say so, and I can't say that I haven't learned it. It hurts me to be bitten by a witch, but she is fragile and afraid of being controlled. As long as she is not given a chance to develop, It's not difficult to quickly rush into a set of combos..."

"Stop, you don't need to talk about the fairy witch's strategy, your father and I are also masters of this kind... cough cough! Dad is not talking about games."

"Well..." Xie Ai raised his hands: "Father, I can get her soul out, will this trick work?"

Xie Zhi nodded: "Count it as one, well, what did your teacher Gu not explain?"

"My teacher went to clean up the unworthy traitors, and he is not at home."

Xie Zhi thought for a while: "Well, just take this opportunity to demonstrate what you and the teacher have learned, Xiao Shitou, come and listen."

About how many spells Xie Ai has learned, the old Xie family actually doesn’t know much about it. It’s not because they don’t care, but because Xie Ai talks and does things, doing things anytime and anywhere, so in the past, I just learned about generalizations, the principles of spells and so on Don't ask.

That's right, Gu Yi did not stop Xie Ai from teaching his family members, but he just asked. Given Xie Ai's willful temper of even tampering with idioms, it is estimated that he also followed the "almost" mentality in terms of spells. Asking was also lonely and had no reference value.

Therefore, as a parent, with a responsible attitude, since the bear child herself is not good at craftsmanship, it is better not to harm her younger siblings until she is mature and stable.

At least Strange is a living example, don't turn around and turn a few kids into Northeast F4, the kind with a well-mannered temperament, the space gate will lose face.

And Xie Ai was about to perform, Xiao Shitou suddenly said: "Sister, why don't you change your body?"

"Ahahaha~" Xie Ai shook his finger: "You don't understand, this is called a strategy. When the fight starts, the confused witch sees that my bang has turned into a living person. What will happen to her? She will eat A catty!

Maybe two catties, anyway, three to five catties is not a problem for me.

In short, she has to think about it, who is this big girl who is so powerful now? Where did that insane little girl go?

Is it so amazing? !

Think about it, since she is called the Confused Witch, her mind must be confused, and she must not be able to figure out such a profound question with her wisdom. If she can't figure it out, she has to ask me.

Then I said, if you surrender, I will tell you this shocking secret. She said yes, I surrender, she voted, and we can go home and eat chicken. "

"Sister, what if she doesn't surrender?"

"Stupid, cut her off if you don't surrender!"

Xiao Shitou sighed, there is nothing wrong with it, but does it have anything to do with your strategy?

Seeing that the old man's eyes were not friendly, Xie Ai quickly waved his hands: "Okay, you are still young, don't think so much, sister still has business to do.

Father, Second Uncle, Second Aunt, I announce that the report performance from Karma Taj to Second Master Xie Ai has officially started.

Please enjoy the No. 1 work, the girl who sets the horse is mighty and majestic...

No, it's a string of words, I mean, big magic, ah ah ah ah ah red ring! (Raggador Red Ring

"You straightened your tongue out."

"Father, the words are too convoluted. I call this trick a big pancake. It's simple and easy to remember, and it's good for your appetite."

"As you please, hurry up."

Xie Ai crossed his palms in front of his chest, flipped over, moved his arms, condensed into a fist, and put on a kung fu air.

Not to mention, Xie Ai is not good at physical skills, every move is heroic, and she didn't embarrass her mother.

At the same time, two groups of translucent red bodies, rings within rings shining with golden geometric figures and runes, appeared on her two small fists.

It's just that the big pancake of the right fist flickered for a while, like a neon light that had a problem with the circuit, and then dissipated into sparks and disappeared.

"Uh... In fact, one pancake is enough. The main reason is that I ate less before I came here, and low blood sugar affects my performance."

Xie Zhi ignored the daughter's excuse: "Tell me, how does your teacher describe this trick?"

"The teacher said that the big pancake is the source of almost all spells. It is essentially a mana composition. If it is only used as a gadget, it can be both offensive and defensive.

But when attacking, it has to be disassembled. The teacher said that only she can do it now. She can cut the pancake and throw it out, and then fly back.

Although I haven't learned it yet, I have already seen through the essence of the teacher's demonstration. There is this trick in Northeast Yangko. It is obviously similar to the principle of throwing a fan and handkerchief. "

Xie Zhi let out a long sigh: "It seems that Karma Taj's future is doomed to go in the direction of being down-to-earth. Principal Gu's self-cultivation is admirable and he has a broad mind.

Alright, let's talk about defense. "

"Oh, that's amazing. My teacher said that as long as one's self-cultivation is in place, there is almost no attack that can't be blocked by a big pancake, and whether it's physical or magical, or other messy things, in short, attributes block everything.

But if it collapses by itself, it will be useless. If the strength of the big pancake is not enough, it will collapse. "

"Yeah." Xie Zhi's eyes lit up: "It's good to block everything, it should be useful when capturing alive.

Come on, what else? "

"Please look at my No. 2 spell, the sword of ah ah ah ah ah! (Divine Sword of Emperor Weishan) is also because it is too convoluted, so I call this trick a big fried dough stick!"

As Xie Aibi made mysterious gestures, a special knife was gathered in his hand. It seemed that the elements were the same as those of a big pancake, and they were indeed from the same origin.


"It's just a knife. It can cut watermelons without fighting. It can also cause damage to any existence, but it also depends on the strength of the big fritters."


"Spell No. 3, Mana Whip, this is not a mouthful, but I have always been rigorous in my style, and the system must be neat, so I call this trick Big Ramen!"

Xie Ai pulled his hands, and really pulled out a lot of energy bodies composed of red threads. It seems that whips are fine, and ramen is fine.

"Your naming ability... you are worthy of being my daughter, no wonder you are always hungry."

"Hey, the big ramen is amazing. It is also aimed at all attributes. It can bind people and play with flower rope. I am currently studying how to weave it into a kind of fruit. How festive."

Bucky pointed his fingers together: "Not bad, this should also be used for live capture, but I don't know if it can be trapped and teleport."

"Ahahaha, second uncle, don't worry, I tried it, and it can be tied, but it can't be trapped! It's completely useless!"

Xie Zhi rolled his eyes: "It's useless, why are you happy?"

"It's great that we can't trap our grandpa and duck."


"That's right, but don't worry, Dad, there is an upgraded version of the Big Ramen, which is called Scarlet Chain (Seratok's Scarlet Chain), which is even more powerful in binding people. I call this trick Da Latiao!"

"Can the big spicy stick be trapped and teleport?"

"I haven't tried it, I haven't learned there yet, and speaking responsibly, it has nothing to do with homework."

"Okay." Xie Zhi said helplessly, "You can tell me what you know."

Xie Ai said: "Spell No. 4, I will draw a circle and teleport it, which is the portal. Since it is too wordy, I call this trick the big focal circle.

But my suspension ring made the teacher restrict, so I can only use the big focus circle near the school.

Then there is the fifth spell, to get out the soul, there is no name, I call this trick Dabaijimo! "

Xiao Shitou couldn't help wondering: "Sister, this name doesn't seem to have anything to do with it, does it?"

Lei En continued: "Girl, you don't understand this. Only Baiji buns without cured meat means that you have no soul."

"Second aunt is an expert!"

"Must, it's all wisdom."

One big and one small, high five.

Xie Zhi smacked his lips: "Okay, given the conditions we have at hand, we have to integrate and have a reliable plan to capture alive.

After all, the Charming Witch has similar spatial abilities to me and Xiaoai. I didn't think so before, but now that I think about it, my opponents in the past... must have been very depressed. "

As the time approached, but before the last moment, Xie Zhi, Xie Ai, father and daughter, appeared in the hidden sea in the center of the earth.

Bucky's family of three didn't come along, Xiao Shitou didn't want to expose his abilities, so he found an excuse when discussing the plan, and in fact there was a reason, Bucky and his wife really couldn't help in capturing the Enchantress alive.

But this teleportation was completed by Xie Ai. As far as ultra-long-distance teleportation is concerned, it is very convenient for her gourd baby to use it after transforming. Even if Xie knows, it is only in the world of force that she can surpass her daughter.

However, Xie Ai transformed, indicating that her strategy was not adopted, and the little girl said that it was good luck for the confused witch.

The sudden arrival of the father and daughter really frightened the demon Nightmare, and the prince of Atlantis, Orm, also had the same ugly expression.

On the other hand, the Charm Witch is quite indifferent.

But apart from these few, there are twenty gray-black giants standing behind them.

Taking a quick look, Xie Zhi immediately understood why Xiao Shitou said he had intensive phobia.

Nothing else, there are no facial features on the heads of those twenty giants, and the spherical heads are full of round bulges. If you look closely, these bulges are completely black eyes.

The densely swarmed toads are more irritating than toads, and ordinary people really get scalp numb and get goose bumps when they look at them.

And the appearance of disgusting people can't conceal the strength of these twenty giants. Even if they don't fight, the oppressive power they emit is not comparable to that of Kryptonians.

Besides, behind these men and Clark's scout ship, there was a magnificent structure.

It is more than a hundred meters high, and in the center is a huge electric light that stretches like a snake. Surrounding the electric light, there are more than just substances that are made of something, constantly churning.

The substance rotates like a machine, but its body shape is changing all the time, completely inconsistent with changes in physical form, weird and wonderful.

And further up, there are many huge rings out of thin air, which are made up of countless stones, which seem to be formed by magnetic field constraints, and there is indeed a brilliant electric-optical link in the center of the ring.

Going up, this structure has already extended out thick cloud-like mist, and from time to time, lightning drilled out of the thick cloud and mist.

And the scale of this weird cloud is even more exaggerated, it seems to have covered the sky above the hidden sea in the center of the earth, anyway, the naked eye can't see the edge, only in the center of the weird device, there is a huge empty slot, like the eye of a hurricane .

Although I can't understand its characteristics, this thing is obviously not harmful to humans and animals.

However, Xie Zhi had confidence, so he naturally didn't care, and raised his chin slightly towards the Charming Witch: "Hey, the hide-and-seek is over, but you don't seem surprised."

The Charming Witch twisted her body and said: "I overestimated your strength as much as possible, of course there is a possibility that you can find this place, after all, Prince Aum was locked here by you.

But this woman, who is she to you? "

Xie Ai put his hips on his hips, and Niu coaxed: "You still dare to play tricks with your eyes, am I a woman? Hehe, so that you know, I am the most powerful child in the world in your mouth! No one!

If you don’t believe me ask my dad, right? "

"That's right, you don't need to be humble about this."

"Ahahaha~ Dad, I don't know what modesty is!"

"Looks like I have to do more homework."

"Ah? I was wrong, dad. Why do you take me seriously when I'm bragging? I was just teasing you with all my heart..."

"Enough!" The Charming Witch gritted her teeth and said, "Thank you, where is the thing I want, where is the mother box?"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "No, no, the process is wrong, you have to explain your evil plan first, such as the big lump behind you... with first-class sound and light effects.

To be honest, I didn't understand it, but I was shocked. "

The Charming Witch tilted her head in surprise: "Why should I explain the evil plan?"

Xie Zhi opened his hands: "This is the rule, all villains do this, otherwise how would the audience know what you are going to do? Curiosity can't be satisfied."

"Why should I care about the audience's curiosity?"

" need a sense of accomplishment. Otherwise, no one will know about your conspiracy. Wouldn't it be a lonely plan? What a pity."

"Others know about my plan. Isn't it giving others a chance to figure out how to deal with it? What I want is to win, not a sense of accomplishment."

Xie Zhi shook his head: "Well, you are a big villain who lacks service awareness."

Xie Ai interjected: "Dad, I know, it's too early for the big villain to gain an advantage, such as stepping on your feet and rubbing you, and only then began to explain, so she can't accept it emotionally now."

"It makes sense, hurry up."

"How about we give her another chance and do it all over again..."


The Charming Witch lowered her head and smiled slyly, her evil voice made Xie Zhi and his father feel very uncomfortable, they scratched their arms in exactly the same way, and it was obvious that they were their parents.

"Dad, I have goosebumps."

"Me too, this woman is sick."

The Charming Witch slowly raised her head: "You almost succeeded, anger me.

It's a pity, I have to admit, Amanda taught well that anger can make people lose their minds, and lose their minds...and make mistakes.

You want to know my cards? Yes, but that will cost you dearly enough.

And now the first price to pay is the lives of Clark's family... Ah! ! "

Before she finished speaking, the Charming Witch covered her head and howled miserably.

Yes, Xie Zhi made a move, and sent a soul-suppressing eye to him.

Originally, it was really intended to anger the Charm Witch, but since she won't be fooled, there is no other way, let's be tough.

At the same time, Xie Zhi said in a deep voice, "Do it!"

In an instant, in Xie Ai's world, time is almost static, and it becomes extremely slow to be precise. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com has become a world of slow motion.

Because of Xie Ai, he activated the power of super speed, as fast as lightning!

Although she felt that her running speed was normal, there were other things in slow motion as a reference for comparison, highlighting her actual speed, and Xie Ai even saw Dad's teleportation, which was presented in slow motion.

When Xie Ai ran up to the Charming Witch, the saliva from the Charming Witch was only three centimeters away from her mouth. At the same time, the process of Xie Zhi teleporting here also appeared at the same time, as if there were two Xie Zhi at this time.

And Xie Ai looked at the Charming Witch, squinted his eyes and smirked: "You still want to be my dad's little wife? Bah! You dare to take advantage of my second mage, you are shameless!

Let me show you how to be beautiful, let me tell you... once upon a time there was an old man~ he owed us two, I said three days to pay it back, he said four days to pay it back..."

Muttering, she had already manifested a signature pen, and scribbled on the face of the charming witch, looking at her work with satisfaction, the girl continued to charge.

Yes, her target is not the Enchantress, but Martha and Louise in the scouting boat.

When he came to the two women with dull expressions, Xie Ai took the two girls by his arms and started the teleportation, and the three of them disappeared in an instant.

For Xie Zhi, the time was normal. After the teleportation ended, he was about to pluck out the heart of the Enchanting Witch, but was shaken by her makeup: "Oh, I'm going... The bad luck child is too late!"

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