Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1054: What are you?

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Xie Zhi originally wanted to ask something more, but suddenly raised his head and looked at the direction behind a car with strange eyes.

"Okay, I'll stop here today, and I'll find you another day." Xie Zhi got up and patted Johnny on the shoulder, and took back the mantra lasso.

Johnny frowned and said, "What exactly do you want from me?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Calm down, you have sold your soul, what else is there to lose?

Apart from collecting some information, do you have anything else worth worrying about? "

"It's that simple? Wait, I just ask one question, please, please, just take pity on me."

"Okay, you say."

"Are you a devil or an angel?"

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "Even if you attribute supernatural phenomena to the category of religious mythology, can't you broaden your horizons? Why can't I be a Taoist priest in Maoshan? My buddy has killed zombies before."

Before the words fell, Xie Zhi disappeared under Johnny's gaze.

Johnny got up and looked around, and finally muttered: "Maoshan Taoist priest? What is that? Is it stronger than devils and angels? Well, look it up online..."

The reason why Xie Zhi left was because he discovered an abnormal change in space during the journey he had passed.

With his sensitivity to space, he couldn't hide this from him, so he naturally went to see what happened.

After the teleportation arrived, I happened to see a young man in black standing on the wilderness beach.

The young man also noticed Xie Zhi who suddenly appeared in the air.

Excitement appeared on his face undisguised: "Fear! The wonderful smell has returned... It's that ring!

Um? Another smell that sticks together is very annoying, why should it be made like that. "

"It feels pretty sharp."

Xie Zhi lowered his floating altitude, looked at the young man under his feet, squinted his eyes and sneered, "In the middle of the night, it's raining heavily, and I don't go home alone, and I'm sneaking around in the wilderness. If I look at your appearance, I'll see it at a glance." It's out, you...kidney deficiency, I'm afraid it's the lack of goji berries in the five elements, but you're hiding from your wife?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about." The young man tilted his head and smiled, "Why don't you come down and explain."

Xie Zhi hooked his fingers: "You can come up, I will tell you the magical effect of wolfberry in detail."

"It's better for you to come down."

"It's better for you to come up."

Xie Zhi smiled, but he was not in a hurry to do it. Unlike Johnny, the person in front of him felt even more wrong.

Nothing else, Xie Zhi encountered all kinds of opponents, and with his perception, it can assist intuitive judgment, which is usually more reliable.

But at the foot, Xie Zhi doesn't know if he is strong or not, but he knows that the other party is very weird.

To be precise, it was the life form of the other party, which was different from what Xie Zhi had encountered in the past, different from people, and also different from messy aliens.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the young man is not an alien. After all, there are many kinds of aliens, and Xie Zhi has not seen all of them, but this one does give Xie Zhi a relatively fresh feeling.

And the young man was very upset by being molested by Xie Zhi, and said in a deep voice, "You don't even know who you are facing, let alone the consequences of angering me."

Xie Zhi nodded: "To be honest, I really don't know what you are, but who can tell the truth, can you be more honest.

So don't you introduce yourself? Can't Fly Mr. "

"Mr. Can't Fly..." The young man gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you laugh at me!"

"Uh~ I admit that there is a little bit of this, but it is mainly to explain a basic fact, but you shouldn't be so stingy, you can't fly much, it's not shameful."

"Very good! You will know who I am, because... I will come to you, and I will be your worst nightmare!"

As soon as these words came out, Xie Zhi of course understood, the translation was: "You wait, I will kill you sooner or later".

So this guy is ready to flash people.

Then how could he be given a chance, Xie Zhi's eyes suddenly shone with golden light, and the soul-suppressing eyes activated.

However, in the end, Xie Zhi was surprised that the young man had nothing to do afterwards.

"Hehehe..." The young man laughed triumphantly: "Is this a way to attack the soul? Although it's not quite the same as what I know, it's quite interesting.

It's a pity, this method is useless to me, because... I don't have a soul, hahaha! "

Xie Zhi scratched his chin, and said with great interest: "Yo, it's interesting to be an expert, you don't have a soul... Oh, I see.

From a scientific point of view, you are a man-made product, similar to an intelligent robot, or a bioengineering, in short, a product. "

The young man immediately turned to the elder: "Once again... insult me! You have to pay every bill, now I don't have time to waste time with you, wait..."

"Wait for you, sir!"

Xie Zhi pressed it down with a palm, and the impact of the original force broke out suddenly.


Amidst the dull and loud noise, a huge palm-print-shaped pit was pushed out of the ground!

And the young man in black was in the palm of his hand, and his body was bent into a shape of earth, with his head buried deep in the soil.

"Cut~" Xie Zhi twitched his lips: "It's pretty good to pretend, but with this little strength? Hey, are you dead?"


The young man jumped up from the ground in a scream, leaped high, stretched out his hands, and rushed towards Xie Zhi.

The speed is not bad, comparable to a full horsepower charge of a motorcycle, but Xie knew that this was not enough, so he let it pass lightly.

After Xie Zhi raised his hand to make a false grasp, the Force Controller grabbed the young man who was jumping inertially firmly.

Even though the opponent struggled hard, he couldn't break free from this huge force at all.

In fact, the opponent's strength was too low, so low that Xie Zhi was really disappointed. He felt that the level of strength was just enough to compare with Tony's steel suit, and he couldn't even move Hulk's little finger.

Following Xie Zhi's clapping of his palms, the young man's body turned in a circle in the air, facing Xie Zhi.

At this time, the face of the young man has completely turned into gray, his eyes are black, and the most special thing is his mouth, which is exaggeratedly torn, almost grinning to his cheeks, full of sharp teeth, and he is going crazy Roaring.

One look, you know that this thing is not human.

Xie Zhi made a disgusted expression: "Hey~ This is the original form. It turned out to be a monster. Which mountain is it? Stupid bully or bully stupid?"

"You! Damn! Die! Insect! You will..."


Xie Zhi waved his hands and twitched, and a force mouth interrupted the strange man's yelling.

"You don't know how to swear, and did I let you talk...huh?"

Xie Zhi's expression changed, nothing else, this strange man's body exuded some unknown power at this time, and was fighting against the force to control things.

And the strength is really not low! It is much stronger than the power released by his physique, and it has caused Xie Zhi's original force to tremble violently for a while!

However, if you want to completely collapse, you still have to work hard. The current Xie Zhi is not something that anyone can resist.

"It's a bit of a skill, so your strength is not in physical fitness, but in magic? It doesn't look like it either."


The strange man roared angrily, and at the same time, Xie Zhi also triggered the force prediction to deal with the attack. Based on the principle of avoiding the attack that he didn't understand first, Xie Zhi chose to teleport a certain distance.

As a result, Xie Zhi was really surprised by the opponent's attack. The opponent used... self-explosion.

The momentary power really shattered the power of the original force to control things.

But the weirdo was also shattered.

Xie Zhi blinked and blinked his eyes: "This is... I was so angry that I exploded? Couldn't it be? I haven't opened fire to hurt you, so I can't stand it?

Eye-opening, it's the first time I've seen someone with such a strong self-esteem. "

But following Xie Zhi, he discovered something unusual, and saw the black smoke produced after the explosion, swimming strangely, and gathering towards a certain location.

After coming together, it begins to wriggle into shape.

Xie Zhi didn't rush to interrupt the process, he wanted to see what would happen.

Soon, the squirming black smoke turned into the appearance of the young man before, and it was unscathed. (Note 1)

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Are you an energy creature? Or an element creature? But your chemical reaction is quite unique, and the shape change is familiar, but it is definitely not a molecular robot. What are you?"

This time the young man didn't speak, he just looked at Xie Zhi with resentful eyes.

Immediately afterwards, darkness suddenly fell!

It was an extreme blackness, without a trace of light source, and the vision was completely useless, even if it was as strong as Xie Zhi, the vision was also affected.

However, this did not affect Xie Zhi's perception.

Moreover, the prejudgment of the force did not appear, obviously it was not for attack.

The darkness came suddenly and went away quickly. In just a moment, the surroundings returned to normal.

However, the young man disappeared completely, and Xie Zhi's judgment on this point was accurate enough.

"Hehe, space fluctuations are quite special. They are different from me, Xiao Ai, and Charm Witch... So this kind of method needs to be blackened before using it? Or is the darkness itself the form of expression?

Well, it is quite similar to the scenes in horror movies that exaggerate the atmosphere. "

Xie Zhi curled his lips, but it didn't seem like a big deal.

In fact, he has already perceived the location where the spatial change occurs, and it is not too far away from here, and it is still within the range of urban and suburban areas.

But Xie Zhi didn't intend to chase after him, he wanted

The reason is that no matter what the weird man is, he and Johnny have proved that this world has extraordinary power, so maybe it will lead to a more special existence.

As for the strangeness of strange people, it is not enough for Xie Zhi to accept, and he has seen even weirder ones.

also have.

That's right, it was Xie Zhi who made the seven deadly sins into seven fat girls.

So the gods and gods are weird, Xie Zhi didn't think it was so strange.

This does not conflict with his belief in God or the devil, because what Xie Zhi does not believe in is the kind of **** who is omnipotent, worthy of human worship, and even needs to give up self-thinking.

For him, gods and demons are just powerful beings in essence. The words themselves can be used to describe the strength of power, but don't be foolish.

If it is really omnipotent, then it is contradictory to the worship of human beings, because such an existence needs various labels given by human beings?

The word "need" can only be used for imperfect existence, but if everything is perfect, how can we talk about "need"?

And since it is not perfect, no matter how powerful it is, it is still an existence that can be understood by secular concepts, so it is not worth giving up thinking about it.

Therefore, the mysterious side is nothing more than a science that is not yet understood. As the saying goes, existence is reasonable. Of course, this sentence can also be understood in reverse. Only rationality can exist.

It is not clear where the "reasonable" is, but the original truth of the system has not been explored, and it is not a reason to give up the concept of rationality.

So Xie Zhi's needs are actually very practical, which is to broaden his horizons as much as possible, and grasp more coping resources in a targeted manner, and this pretentious weirdo is a good bait.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't catch him, the big deal is to clean him up yourself.

"Yeah! As long as the second sorcerer comes out, there is nothing he can't take down! The critical moment! It's up to me to turn the tide!"

Xie Ai yelled, extremely excited.

I saw that she was holding a mysterious magic circle in each hand, the so-called big pancake, and patted it against the green light and black mist, just like kneading noodles.

Originally, ordinary matter could not hinder the progress of the green light and black mist. Before that, it directly passed through the hidden sea in the center of the earth, and then flew out of the ocean, which is quite similar to Xie Ai's quantum phase transition effect.

Not only that, the small stone mobilized the power of the magnetic field, but it couldn't have any effect on the strange fog. Before that, only Xie Zhi's mirror space had an effect.

But at this moment, the "big pancake" is also effective. Principal Gu didn't brag. This move is indeed aimed at all attributes. Although the strength depends on the individual controller, the comprehensiveness is beyond doubt.

But at this moment, despite the huge size of the green light and black mist, Xie Airu used super high speed to create an even larger cage for the green light and black mist like a witch, like a witch, and really trapped the strange mist. in one place.

Judging from the normal elapsed time, the visual effect is a large group of dark clouds glowing green, surrounded by countless golden light discs, no matter how the dark clouds scurry around, they can't find the exit.

And this trick is exactly Xiao Shitou's idea. Of course, if it doesn't work, Xie Ai is fully capable of avoiding risks. After all, no matter how fast the strange fog is, it is not in the same order of magnitude as Xie Ai's Gourd Baby version.

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is to tell the elder sister in the family, don't make trouble, and run when you have to run. Fortunately, Xie Ai made a statement without hesitation, and it's nothing to her to admit cowardice.

As for shame? What is that? Is it delicious?

But it's not over yet, Xie Ai is still working on the second step, advancing.

Yes, push the strange fog higher.

After a while, a huge shadow appeared, covering the airspace.

The one causing the shadow is a... interstellar giant ship.

That's right, from the old Xie's family, this energy is also the third step of Little Stone's plan. The super giant ship will be used as a fishing boat to salvage the strange fog.

In addition to the necessary concealment methods, the mobilization of the giant ship also greeted all parties, mainly targeting extraordinary beings, such as Clark, it would be great fun if this one misunderstood again.

It's not that I'm worried about Clark's impulsiveness, but I'm worried that Clark won't be able to afford compensation after being impulsive. He is too poor. Even if the old Xie's family really uses the spaceship to touch porcelain, they have to find someone who can afford it.

As for the countries, technical solutions are enough, and there is no need to cause more trouble.

There were no accidents during the fishing process. After all, Xie Ai had already settled the primary catching conditions, and the rest was nothing more than pushing them into the bilge of the giant ship.

After that, the giant ship will leave the atmosphere and fly into space. When the distance is right, it will make a hyperspace transition and take this strange thing far away.

But of course, this is not just throwing it away. What kind of solution is that? Little Shitou himself will not be What she wants is the kind that completely destroys this power, leaving no scum left.

That's right, the strange fog did show many strange characteristics, and many methods could not be used.

But Xiao Shitou's opinion is similar to Xie Zhi's. The so-called mysterious side is nothing more than a technology tree that he doesn't understand.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as the destructive power formed is sufficiently brutal and the intensity is exaggerated enough, then the annihilation reaction in the destruction area is enough to cause devastating damage to the reality.

Just like the Big Bang, since the universe was created by the Big Bang, why does the matter existing in the universe have the power to resist the formation of the universe?

What about witchcraft? So what about gods and ghosts? Can it be bigger than the universe? If it's bigger than the universe, what's the point of strolling in this world? Life in the high-latitude universe is so boring?

Anyway, if you think about it in another way, Xiao Shitou doesn't think it's interesting to wander in the two-dimensional world. Bottles of milk become flat milk, soulless.

Of course, the little stone has not yet destroyed the universe, but the reason is understandable, not to mention the power equivalent to dozens of Kryptonians produced by witchcraft sacrifices, it is tens of thousands of Kryptonians, who can resist... The power to destroy the planet?

That's right, use the Star Destroyer Cannon!

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