Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1057: i'm actually an artist

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Happy New Year: I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and a prosperous Year of the Tiger! Lively! Huhushengwei! Even more powerful! The tiger leaps and the dragon soars!

The reason for the irritability comes from the subconscious, and Xie Zhi's subconscious... has a dragon!

That's right, Xie Zhi's spiritual totem.

Originally, Xie Zhi didn't understand, but the so-called trial completely angered Qinglong.

And this rage immediately made Xie Zhishen, who was originally one, feel it.

Who the **** are you, judging Lao Tzu? ! Do you deserve it!

You must know that the Eastern Dragon and the Western Dragon are completely different existences. For the people on that continent, the dragon represents an extraordinary meaning.

And when Xie Zhi mass-produced Green Lantern Warriors in the Green Lantern World and the Transformers World, it turned out that 99% of the spiritual totems of the strong-willed people from the East were dragons, which is enough proof.

However, the spiritual totems condensed by the foreigner candidates at that time were varied.

We must know that the cohesion of the spiritual totem has little to do with religious beliefs, and more comes from the sense of identity and self-identity.

Moreover, it is different from myths. There are dragons in myths and stories. There are evil dragons, and some make the third prince Nezha cramp, and some make Monkey King beat him into a means of transportation. Attitude, did anyone ever think that was blasphemy?

Therefore, the dragon that we identify with spiritually is not a god, not a belief, nor a worship. The dragon is a unique and special existence, another self, a better self.

The meaning given represents inheritance, strength, and spirit.

Of course, there are many more, such as auspiciousness, wisdom, expelling evil spirits, avoiding disasters...etc.

And the meanings given to them, except for a few people who have forgotten their ancestors, are almost deep into the bones of the Orientals, so there is no need to deliberately think about it, the subconscious mind thinks so, then after having the power of will, once it is condensed, it will be fully given.

In addition, in terms of personality, it inherits the subconscious thinking of the ontology.

In this way, as a spiritual totem, the dragon has some endowed properties, which are triggered, such as... expelling evil spirits.

Although in Xie Zhi's judgment, the black heart demon and other strange existences are special beings, it cannot be denied that they conform to the image of evil in the folklore sense.

Not only in terms of appearance and temperament, in fact, the aura exuded by those few people is really different.

As a matter of fact, the mysterious and weird existences that Xie Zhi encountered in the past, such as the Charming Witch and the Flame Giant, did not trigger Qinglong's reaction. This in itself is enough to show that there must be something that Qinglong hates among the black heart demons.

As a result, Qinglong's most direct reaction to these things affected Xie Zhi's mood and became irritated.

Xie Zhi, who was originally the subject, was still suppressing this inexplicable emotion, but who would have thought that the other party would actually push his nose to the face, judge? Pretending to be a public prosecutor, who gave you the courage?

I have endured it for a long time, I really gave you a face!

So, Qinglong was furious!

This anger made Xie Zhi, who is the subject, immediately understand Qinglong's thoughts, which can also be said to be a disguised transmission of subconscious thoughts.

Then Xie Zhi has no intention of suppressing it. It's rare for Qinglong to show emotion, so let's vent it.

With the existence of one body, letting Qinglong hold his breath is to let himself hold his breath, and his thoughts are not clear.

As the saying goes... Pain makes it difficult to understand, generalization leads to no pain, and generalization leads to happiness.

What followed was the sound of glass shifting, and Xie Zhi pulled the Ghost Rider into the mirrored space.

Not being suppressed does not mean that you have lost your mind. In reality, if you let Qinglong out and go crazy, there is probably nothing left in this city.

And the first time he entered the mirror space, a figure rushed out of Xie Zhi's forehead, knocking the ghost knight away, and hitting the land water.

But he didn't fly too far, because a huge dragon claw slammed at it, intercepting it like stepping on a bug.

As for the Ghost Rider, it was gone, of course, because the dragon claws were sunk deep into the ground, only the ankles were exposed.

And in the cold air, the surrounding area of ​​the dragon claw is also rapidly condensing into ice.

Xie Zhi followed and flew to the sky, looked at Qinglong, trampled to death?

Qinglong looked back, it seems to be, but this is too weak, I just stepped on it, and I haven't vented yet.

Follow Qinglong to raise the giant claw, leaving a big hole.

Xie Zhi poked his head around and saw that the Ghost Rider was still there, but only his clothes and bones were left.

No wonder, from the perspective of will energy, the spiritual totem is stronger than the main body, always at its peak, and grows with the will of the main body.

Not to mention, Xie Zhi's Qinglong absorbed the power of the ice treasure box twice, and his strength soared again. If Xie Zhi didn't use other means, he would lose in the battle with his spiritual totem.

As a result, such a strong person, with a paw under his anger, is rare to be able to withstand it.

"Huh~" Xie Zhi couldn't bear it: "It's not that I said you, I'm ruthless, no, I'm not, I'm not, I'm clawing, anyway, how can you use such strength, even if you vent your anger, you have to flow slowly , why are you so angry?"

Qinglong's eyes are innocent, I didn't know he was so careless, don't blame me.

"Of course, being puzzled is not the point. Let alone Ghost Rider, Johnny is innocent after all. It's not good to commit crimes. This is killing innocent people indiscriminately, and it will bring me a sense of guilt. Next time someone of the same kind will stare at me. ...Yo, it's not dead."

Seeing the bone **** at the bottom of the pit burst into flames, and in the blink of an eye, the ghost knight's body was restored to its original state.

Ghost Rider raised his head and opened his skull mouth...

But before it could make any sound, in the whistling sound, boom!

The dragon claw stomped him down again, rubbing, rubbing...

Xie Zhi: "..."

Qinglong glanced at him full of information, and the general content was, what the hell, he is not a **** body, are you still beeping?

Xie Zhi turned his eyeballs upwards and whistled, "I didn't say anything, who hasn't had itchy feet yet."

Qinglong snorted disdainfully, raised his claws, lowered his claws, rubbed, raised his claws, lowered his claws, rubbed...

The basic rhythm is, boom! Cha Cha ~ Boom! Chacha~

After a while, I don’t know if it’s because the blue dragon’s anger has dissipated, or I’m bored, or I just want to see if the Ghost Rider can still do things. In short, I stopped beating, moved my feet, and looked down at the big dragon with its tall dragon head. Changes in the pit.

As a result, the flames reappeared, and Ghost Rider was still back as before.

But inexplicably, both Xie Zhi and Qinglong feel that although this person's appearance remains the same, his temperament is much more refined. Even with a skull head, the firelight shining through the hole in his eye sockets is still so... humble.

Ghost Rider didn't get up, he stared blankly at the huge mysterious creature's head in the sky for a long time, and finally said: "Hello, my name is Johnny Blaze, I don't know if you...are you satisfied? Actually, I Have thought about learning foot massage."

"Huh..." Qinglong pondered in a muffled voice.

Johnny hurriedly said: "I was offended before, but I couldn't help it, but I'm actually a pacifist, really!

This is the power of the curse. I was not clear-headed and confused at the time. It must have been burned.

How about thanking you, I am sober, especially sober, I am very grateful~”

Qinglong glanced at him disdainfully, arched his body, as if stretching his waist, and then flew away in the air, flying back and forth in the mirror space, as if intending to exercise his muscles and bones.

Xie Zhi landed on the edge of the pit, squatted down and said with a smile, "Are you really sober?"

"I'm sober." Ghost Rider stood up and nodded again and again: "I can think absolutely rationally now, but I was like having a nightmare before. Those crazy actions were definitely not my original intention, and even those weird thoughts Still, but I have the final say.”

"Then do you still fight?"

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, what I hate most is violence, and I hate all **** who promote war.

That old **** turned me into a weapon, but I didn't agree to it, but I couldn't help it, so the arms dealer or something is too hateful.

I didn't have the ability before, but now I have it, what I want to do most is to clean up the arms dealers, one by one! real! "

"You wake up after being beaten hard..." Xie Zhi nodded: "It's not the first time I've seen you, and it seems that the things that affect your mind are not very good.

So you now, why don't you undo the transformation? "

Ghost Rider shook his head: "I don't know how to get rid of it, how should I put it... I'm still not used to this body, in fact, it was the same before, I was a little conscious before, but I feel like I'm dreaming, and I don't understand my own situation. I think it may take a while to figure it out."

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "I seem to understand but I can see it. I don't know how to fight, but I know how to look into your eyes. Tell me about this, what's going on?"

"It's like... um, instinct, yes, I feel that this trick should be used, there is a natural impulse, especially when dealing with sinful souls... Sorry, I didn't mean that..."

Xie Zhi interrupted with a wave of his hand: "No need to apologize, what should I say? How do you know that my soul is evil? How do you know it?"

"how to say…"

Ghost Rider scratched his head, the flames were like hair, and the flying sparks were like dandruff.

"The world I see now is completely different from my original vision.

I can see the soul directly, and your soul in my eyes gives me the feeling that it is a heinous crime, and it is the appearance of killing countless innocent people.

I'm sorry I don't understand this either, but I just know it, it's like an innate ability, it's like... a child knows how to be hungry and how to eat. "

"You still want to eat me?" Xie Zhi frowned, even if he didn't use the mantra lasso, he could feel emotionally that Ghost Rider wasn't lying.

"It's not me, it's... this monster really has an appetite, and it's very strong. Of course, I'm trying to suppress this urge."

"Appetite? Eat the soul?"

"It seems to be, and it seems not to be. I feel in a trance that I should get what I need from it.

But after being eaten by me, the soul of the other party...should have gone to another place, or a special state, in short, similar to death, but worse. "

"Well... come up." Xie Zhi tilted his head.

The Ghost Rider climbed up, even though he had a fierce face, but looking at it gave people a very disturbed impression.

Xie Zhi smiled, and said: "I said, it's not possible, you are immortal, how many times have you been trampled by the dragon, you have nothing to do, so nervous is not in line with your current image."

Ghost Rider sighed: "I'm not afraid, I just see...hope.

Even though I am in an unkillable state, I am not your opponent at all, I can only be beaten passively, and since you can kill the devil who signed a contract with me, maybe... you can lift my curse. "

"But why do I feel that you are entangled, what are you entangled with?"

The Ghost Rider was silent for a while, and said: "I don't know what is the difference between you and a devil, after all, you are also a heinous crime, killing innocent people indiscriminately..."

"Who said that? You know that seeing may not be believing. I was too lazy to explain, but I don't allow others to ruin my reputation. Do you know what I do?"

"I don't know, oh yes, what are you...Spider-Man, by the way, what is the job of Spider-Man?"

"Spider-Man is just my stage name." Xie Zhi proudly shook the hem of his clothes: "I'm actually an artist, not just playing music, I'm also a screenwriter, director, and I'm an actor! Experience-oriented, the kind of drama that is bigger than the sky.

Drama must be real, understand you? "

"What do you mean? This is related to your indiscriminate killing of innocent people..."

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents doesn't exist, I said that you don't understand if you are an experience school?

Since you can see the sinful state of the soul, then in your eyes, do people like me have to die on a scale of millions or even tens of millions? "

Ghost Rider was stunned, and nodded immediately: "Indeed, I feel that your indiscriminate killing of innocent people is worth hundreds of millions."

Xie Zhi slapped his hands: "So, don't you read the news? In this world, when did hundreds of millions of people die? Could it be that I killed all the people who died in World War II? Is it possible? No contradiction Is it?"

"You're right, but your situation..."

"So if you are a stunt person, you don't know how to act. I have to immerse myself in the role. I thought I killed countless innocent people, but in fact I didn't. It's purely fictional, understand?

Do you know what a painful price to pay for a drama player who pursues explosive acting skills to make fiction real?

I've become a crazy man! Coming out of the was too difficult, it brought tears to my eyes, it was easy for me. "

"Dedicated! What scenes have you filmed? I will definitely watch them!"

"It's a pity that the film was dirty, because halfway through the filming I got nervous, alas, the price was heavy, so after learning from the pain, I think it's more suitable for me to be a director."

Ghost Rider opened his mouth and spread his hands: "Actually, you don't need to tell me these things. Let alone I can't beat you, I can't even hurt you."

"No, no, no." Xie Zhi shook his fingers, with a serious face: "It is necessary, I hope you remember this lesson, don't think that the evil you see is really evil, this shows that your eyes are not absolute. reliable.

What if you meet a professional actor like me, right?

Besides, do you want to trigger World War III? "

"Why do you say that?"

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "Nonsense, you go to the Pentagon Old You go to the CIA, you go to Guantanamo, you go to the Parliament, you go to the White Wall Palace Take a circle, when the time comes, you can see how many high-level old Americans are left?

Of course, it may be extreme to say this, after all, there are good and bad people everywhere, but do you believe that those sitting there are all moral models? I am afraid that the parties will not agree. After all, the Donkey Party and the Elephant Party have been pointing at each other and cursing the street all day long. According to the Donkey and the Elephant, the other party is a traitor who has ruined the country and the people, and the bad things are done by the other party.

Well, it's okay to die halfway.

And with the thinking mode of the old American imperial court, when so many important officials died in the core yamen, the first thing that comes to mind will never be any supernatural power, it will only think that you are either from the bear's side or the rabbit's side.

Good guy, you have eaten so many important officials of the imperial court and even the great commander. Do you think it will cause a war? Nuclear powers, is it impossible for the outbreak of World War III?

Make it clear that your ability is to see evil, so if you have any clue about your country, you should understand what will happen.

Then if you can't suppress the impulse of "what are you worried about", then it's not just the innocent who are unlucky, I'm afraid the end of the world is not far away. "

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