Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1075: no omission

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The super master turned into a spinning top, but Peter was the one who was most shocked. After all, he had fought side by side with Strange, and he knew how many tricks this man had.

But the problem is, no matter how many methods you have, it's useless if you can't use them.

From this, Xie Zhi left an indelible impression in Peter's mind, nothing else, he still remembers the battle back then, when Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet fought Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange wouldn't even have the chance to fight back No, there were even some back and forth fights for a while, and at one point caused some trouble for Thanos.

But this mysterious man actually solved Strange in an instant!

In other words... the strength of this man is comparable to Thanos! !

Who is stronger, Peter can't say, but he understands that for him and other Chaoying, it doesn't really matter who is stronger between this man and Thanos, because he is stronger than them anyway.

Maybe...Aunt Carol and Miss Wanda can fight with him, um, I have to count Sol, as for Dr. Banner...It's hard to say, he is too mild-tempered now.

But how did Peter know that the top experts he considered, except Wanda, had been dealt with by Xie Zhi.

While Peter was pondering, things changed a little. It was a bit exaggerated to solve Strange in an instant, and Xie Zhi still made a couple of extra moves.

Because the trick of controlling objects and pulling the spinning top by the original force failed to control Strange.

Although there was no hanging ring, Strange's red cloak unexpectedly had the ability to automate and flew away with his master.

Even if the strongest maneuver ability is abolished, Strange still has some backhands.

It's a pity that although the speed of the cloak is fast, it is not fast enough. Before it flew to the top of the stairs, the cloak was pulled by a huge force.

Xie Zhi, who was grasping with five fingers, turned his mouth up: "This cloak is fine, my daughter hasn't picked up a magic weapon yet, you should get a good one first.

Yo~ You are still quite energetic, okay, you can try this little cloak again. "

Following the voice, the Tai Chi ring shot out several green lights, and immediately formed more than a dozen chains, which locked Strange's body from multiple angles, and stretched into a big character shape.

Moreover, the cloak was **** by a chain, tied with a knot, and fastened tightly.

Then there was another green light shooting towards the stairway, which was directly hung with a thick steel plate and sealed the door. This time the basement was completely blocked, and no one could leave.

After that, Xie Zhi didn't care about Strange, and teleported into Gwen's cell, and teleported out with her, saying: "Look at these three children."

"Okay thank you."

Ned said in surprise: "Miss! You are in the same gang!"

Gwen winked like Xie Zhi: "Little fat man, you got the answer right again."

Dr. Otto took a sympathetic look at the inmate Lizardman, as if saying... Now you are done.

The lizardman can no longer pay attention to other people's eyes, NMB! Who would have thought that there would be such a big backer behind Gwen!

Originally, it was fine that everyone was a prisoner, but this time their identities have changed.

Can limb regeneration really save lives? Why are they still human but stronger than genetic evolution! ? This unscientific!

The sand man is calm, anyway, he doesn't need to eat and drink, and it's not the first time he's been imprisoned.

Norman still couldn't figure out the situation, but he took out the cake in his pocket and took a bite, secretly praising himself for being smart before.

The electric man kept tapping on the light film, and said with a sneer: "Gwen, Gwen, do you still remember the Ottoman Building, I opened the elevator door for you..."

MJ became more angry: "What female spiderman! Liar! You still say you are a good person!"

Xie Zhi took over the conversation: "Of course she is a good person, when did she lie to you?"

Although MJ was nervous, he still had a violent temper: "You guys, you guys do this... aren't you bad guys!"

"Little girl, you have double standards." Xie Zhi pointed to Peter on the wall: "I figured it out, this was all caused by your little boyfriend, and it was because of your going to college.

Oh, you brought us here casually, and you want to arrest us casually, and now you want to send us away casually, you have to listen to everything, who are you?

If you cooperate with our legitimate defense, you will become a bad person. What kind of reasoning do you have? "

"You, you, are wreaking havoc on the bridge, throwing bombs..."

"That's what Otto and Norman did. Did Gwen fight with you? If she is a bad person, can you and the little fat man breathe now?"

"But you did it..."

"It was your little boyfriend who made the first move. What's the matter, don't let me fight back. It's really overbearing."

At this moment, Strange shook his head again and again, as if he had recovered from the dizziness, but he vomited immediately, his chest was full of vomit.

Xie Zhi turned around and slapped his nose: "It's time for you to exercise. Since you can fly, you should learn to be a pilot. You will vomit after a few turns. How do you maneuver at high speed?"

"How many laps is this?!" Strange, whose hair style has become a standard Shamat style, gritted his teeth and said, "It doesn't matter if you win or lose. Do you think this is still your world? If I were you..."

"Forget it, you're not me, and luckily you're not me." Xie Zhi shook his head and sighed, and sneered, "Gu Yi chose you as his successor, so he's really blind."

Strange was taken aback: "You still know Ancient One? Your world also has..."

Xie Zhi interrupted the conversation again: "I have hands, feet and a mouth, I will investigate, don't compare me with these scumbags you caught.

But... Looking at it from another angle, Gu Yi is not blind. I understand why she gave the Time Stone to Banner. According to her, you, Strange, are the most outstanding mages, and you took the initiative to give the Time Stone to Thanos , there must be a reason, so she happily handed over the time gem.

I have to say, she is really good at acting, she can be called the best of the best. "

"What do you mean?"

"You don't even understand?" Xie Zhi frowned, and said in a frivolous tone: "Because she knows that you are unreliable, just imagine, if she has the time gem, will she not know what will happen in the future?

Do you think the future she sees will only end on the day she dies? Please, according to her calculation, of course it is to choose the most appropriate time to die, and the appropriate time must of course be combined with the past and the future.

So what will happen to you, she is very clear, then combine the front and back and the present, you travel through time and space, she handed over the time gem, the final result is... your timeline, there is no infinite gem, and of course you don’t Time gem.

What's more interesting is that you have disappeared for five years, and the mage team cannot be without a leader, so if I guessed correctly, you are not the supreme mage leading the mage now.

Although I don't know who it will be, but that person is probably the candidate for Gu Yixiang, at least, more reliable than you. "

Strange's face was ugly, and he snorted coldly: "You seem to be a roundworm in Gu Yi's stomach."

"Still not convinced? Hehe, watch."

Xie Zhi suddenly walked up to Peter, made gestures and said, "Peter, I want to release the forgetting spell, so that the whole world will forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, but the process of casting the spell cannot be interrupted, which is very important." .

So...I'll give you five minutes, or ten minutes, or more, and I don't have diarrhea, and I'm not in a hurry to go to the toilet, so figure out if there is anyone you don't want to forget about, tell me, let's do it once . "

After finishing speaking, Xie Zhi spread his hands towards Strange, his eyes seemed to look stupid: "Look, you can mess up such a simple thing.

It is wrong to say that your IQ is low, after all, you are a master in neurosurgery, so there is only one conclusion, your arrogance has already broken through the sky.

I used to think Tony was self-righteous enough, and you were more than he was.

It is said that you can gain wisdom by eating a ditch, but according to my investigation, you had a car accident back then because you made a phone call while driving at high speed, and as a result, your hands were useless. You did not remember any of such a terrible lesson Hold on, what are you in a hurry for?

Having said that, no one would have diarrhea all day long, so it's because...the bladder can't hold urine?

In short, if I were Gu Yi, I would have to take everything you can do into account, so as to save the time gem from falling into your hands, and create a more terrible crisis, so looking at it now, that bald lady is really counting. Nothing is left out. "

Strange didn't even touch the ground now, otherwise he might perform a magic spell and use his toes to dig out a three-bedroom and one living room.

There is no way, whoever catches up with the taste of death will know, especially at the moment, there are three children in the audience of death, and three children are nothing, the key is that the funny little fat man in Strange's eyes also shows Look at silly B's eyes...

For Strange, he is no longer ashamed, and now he has only one thought, since he gave birth to Strange, why should he give birth to little fat Ned!

And Gwen said to MJ indifferently: "Little sister, do you understand, I didn't recruit you or provoke you."

MJ twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a dry smile, "I'm sorry, miss, I apologize, that...uncle, you don't blame Peter for this, right, can you let him go first?"

"What's the rush, this kid is not reliable enough, he needs a long memory."

Xie Zhi turned to look at Peter, folded his arms and said, "I probably know something about you, and the details are not clear, but I know one thing, Tony Stark, gave you a large-scale unmanned Air Force.

Then, according to your official explanation, you were deceived by the mysterious guest and gave the control to the mysterious guest.

Then I have to ask, I don't care how good Mysterio's deception is, I just want to know, do you think you are smarter than Tony Stark. "

Peter hurriedly said: "No, Mr. Stark is my idol, I respect him very much, I think he is my teacher..."

"Lie." Xie Zhi sneered: "Son, don't play tricks in front of me, you can't fool me."

"Uh... I... I was confused for a while, I thought that Mr. Stark gave me the drone... maybe... wrong, because I can't be him, I can't bear this responsibility..."

Xie Zhi shook his head and sighed: "It seems that you have self-knowledge, but you still don't understand where your root is wrong.

Tony is right, but he is also wrong. He thinks highly of you. He thinks you won't make low-level mistakes. He thinks you won't rush to get rid of this responsibility. He thinks you are still young and have room to grow.

So it doesn’t matter whether you use the drone unit or send it away, the key is not to rush to pack the drone unit as if you can’t find a toilet, lest you delay your **** pee.

So you're actually about the same as Strange, with a congenital atrophy of the bladder.

Of course, the so-called Iron Man is also unreliable. He doesn't think about his own daughter who hasn't gone to school. "

"Enough!" Strange became furious: "I admit that you are very powerful, but you haven't made any mistakes!? Who hasn't made any mistakes!"

"Hehe... Are you trying to defend the child? Or for yourself?

It has to be admitted that no one makes mistakes is the perfect reason. After all, people make mistakes. There is nothing wrong with it, but it also depends on the situation, the person, and the nature of the mistake. "

Xie Zhi dismissed the two of them with disdain, and said with a sneer: "Of course I will make mistakes, but at least I know that if I make mistakes with my strength, what a terrible disaster it will cause, and the price will make me live for the rest of my life." In a nightmare.

So I don't dare to make mistakes, at least I can't make low-level mistakes. Every time I make a decision, I have to think about the worst outcome in advance. Is it something that ordinary people can't do with bottom-line thinking?

As the saying goes...the greater the ability, the more terrible the consequences of making mistakes.

Without this responsibility, you might as well be ordinary people, at least you can kill fewer people.

One mistake is understandable, lack of ability is not outrageous, and even lack of intelligence is not a fault, after all, there are not many people who can count everything.

But he is obviously not stupid, has experience, and can even be called a high-IQ elite, but commits stupid and low-level mistakes, so what reason can he find?

What's even more exasperating is that it's obviously all your fault, but you're so awesome, you don't even ask someone, and you just shut it up. Who are you, and why are you so big. "

Strange's face turned purple, and finally he sighed helplessly: "Okay, I'm a stupid pig, so are you satisfied? What are you going to do?"

Xie Zhi had a smirk: "Damn you? Hehe~ How can I hurt you? I am thanking you. Thank you for what you have done to bring me into this world.

As for what I want to do, all I can say is... you won't like anything I do.

Of course, no matter what I do, it will be your fault in the end, because you are an adult.

That's right, Peter is still underage. He doesn't understand the truth that he has to bear the consequences when he makes a choice. I can still understand it. After all, Stark gave him the bottom line before, and he hasn't gotten used to facing it by himself.

But when you are an adult, you will of course have to bear the consequences of the choices you make. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the basement couldn't help trembling. After all, it sounded too much like the villain's declaration that he was going to make trouble. Even the few who were not good people couldn't hide their panic. There are no bad people in the world. The principle of not harming bad people.

Feeling uneasy, including Gwen, she is not sure whether she is doing something good by cooperating with Master Xie.

Thank you for receiving these emotions one by one, and he doesn't care, after all, he really behaves like a big villain, and he doesn't blame others for his associations.

He turned back and smiled at Gwen: "Gwen, I have something to do, if you want to take revenge, I can leave this big lizard to you now.

If you are not in a hurry, I have two suggestions for you to listen to. "

"You say."

Xie knows: "You can wander around the Just like you and I guessed before, there is a high probability that your boyfriend has also passed through, but he should be relatively low-key, no one will find out, but you can find Once you look for it, maybe the two of you will meet if you have a good heart.

I don't hide it from you, I mean to push you away, because it's not convenient for more people to know what I'm going to do next.

Of course, if you continue to follow, you can, but no matter what you do, you have to listen to me.

No matter how you choose, I keep my word, and the promise remains the same. "

Gwen hesitated for a while, and said, "Thank you, can I ask... how do you plan to arrange these three children?"

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "You don't have to be so careful with what you say, Master Xie is a very good person.

As for the three of them...Let's put it this way, some children can grow into talents even if they are freed, but some children will not be sensible unless they are repaired, and some children will not improve their memory after falling all the way.

Peter is the last one, and he has to suffer a little bit. MJ is okay. It’s nothing to be a little short-tempered at her age. The one who satisfies me the most is Ned.

That's right, you, little fat thief~ What are you hiding, don't be shy, stand up and be confident! Remember, who are you afraid of if you have a murder weapon in your chest! "

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