Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1089: is a tragedy

After a loss, Xie Zhi felt refreshed and happy.

The others were silent, mainly because they didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Of course, silence is different from silence. Needless to say, those who were injured, their toes were almost cramp, and they didn't dig a hole to get in, so they could only continue to bear the feeling of death.

Gwen, on the other hand, admired this Xie Ye more and more, and gave her boyfriend a look, as if to say, see, learn from it.

Xie Zhi stretched his waist, glanced at everyone, and finally looked at little Peter: "Boy, don't just talk, the virtue of enthusiasm is the standard for a good person.

I know Hawkeye's phone number, I can tell you, but do you know what to do next? "

Little Peter looked up and nodded with a flushed face: "Yes, I will sincerely ask Hawkeye for help."

"Then what?"

"And then... I'll do whatever he wants me to do."

"And then what?"

"And then? Oh, Mr. Clint has helped me a lot, I will remember this favor, and find a chance to pay back..."


Xie Zhi slapped little Peter with his hands, which stuck to the back of his head.

Loud enough! Crisp enough!

It's not that Little Peter didn't want to dodge, the spider sensor was generated, but he had no chance at all.

Regarding this, the elder and elder Peter also turned pale with fright. They just twitched their heads casually, but their spider senses also worked, but they also didn't have time to react.

So what if this Xie Ye didn't slap his hand, but slashed his neck with a knife? It can kill them in an instant!

With one simple move, the three Spidermen were stunned!

And Xie Zhi said angrily: "Repay the favor? Looking for a chance to repay it? Repay your head!

I said how come you have experienced more than one battle, and it has become more and more intense, but you have not improved at all, Deadwood!

What a waste of Tony teaching you for so long, I think he was wasting his emotions! "

Little Peter rubbed the back of his head aggrievedly: "Thank you, thank you, thank you...Master, what's wrong with me, tell me."

Xie Zhi rolled his eyes helplessly: "Before in the Holy of Holies, and just now, I said you made a mistake, do you admit it?"

"Admit it, I did make big mistakes, and more than one."

"So from the time you became Spider-Man until now, have you made few mistakes?"

"Uh...not counted, but quite a lot."

"But if you don't change it, don't you realize that you have a problem?"

"Got it."

Xie Zhi's eyes widened: "When you realize it, you still remember to owe favors? I said that you are immature in adolescence, to give you a step up, do you think you can use this reason as a meal?

Let me tell you, my student is younger than you, but he saved more than one planet, rescued tens of billions of people, formed a powerful star fleet, and faced the strongest enemy who controls the entire galaxy overlord!

So you are so young at this age, my eldest granddaughter was twelve years old and carried a hammer into the world!

But since you know you have a problem, why don't you find a teacher who understands it?

What kind of character is Hawkeye Clint, a ruthless character who was killed on the battlefield, and I have never seen what kind of situation.

In terms of reliability, Tony is far behind him, and that Strange is even worse.

Of course, you, Aunt Mei and Happy, don’t even need to mention it. You have high-mindedness and low-handedness, and you don’t have a clue, just the two of them.

Yes, Clint has no super powers, no spells, no high-tech armor, so he can't beat you, but if you can learn 30% of his skills, you won't be able to get to where you are today.

When you meet such a person, do you still return favors? Yes, it has to be repaid, but if you want to repay, why not repay a bigger one, make the favor bigger, and make it into a kindness, understand? "

"Bigger? Kindness?" Little Peter was confused.

Xie Zhi said angrily: "It's so shameless! You cry, you make trouble, you hang yourself! Do you understand my teacher? I'm also drunk, and I'm still a top student in school. I've been reminded of this and I still don't understand."

Little Peter nodded again and again: "Understood! I understand! I begged Mr. Clint to teach me! But... what if he is unwilling? He has retired a long time ago, and I would be very grateful if he could help me."

Xie Zhi shook his head: "Dao'er, I pointed it out to you, do you still expect me to breastfeed you?

I'm a real sweetheart, but boy, I'm not your babysitter.

But if Hawkeye is unwilling to teach you, there is still a reliable teacher candidate, Steve's brother in the US team, Bucky the Winter Soldier, you know, you can find him.

As for the other superheroes, they either have poor personalities, or their experience is not as comprehensive as theirs. Of these two, if one of them is willing to teach you, at the very least, you will at least make fewer stupid low-level mistakes.

It's a pity that the black widow Natasha died, otherwise she would be the best teacher. "

Xie Zhi's lectures contained a lot of information, but what shocked everyone the most was that his disciples owned Starfleet! So... what about him himself! ?

If this is not bragging... everyone can't help but feel their scalps go numb!

So... I hope it's bragging, no, it must be bragging!

And after little Peter answered yes again and again, Xie Zhi said again: "Don't just agree with yes, why am I helping you, do you understand?"

"Because thank you, you... are a good person."

"Nonsense, of course I am a good person, or the most good person in the universe, what do you say?" Xie Zhi frowned, and finally sighed: "You kid has potential, you are a talent, you can do better, you may be able to do better." All wasted.

What I have told you so much is to let you understand what is real enthusiasm, what is real ability and responsibility, and you have to distinguish what is called pointing and what is called pointing.

To put it simply, I understand the ins and outs of the matter, analyze it for you in a realistic manner, and give you some specific ideas to solve your troubles. This is called advice.

I don't understand the situation, and I don't care how to solve your troubles, just beep everyone deserves a second chance, this is called pointing, understand? "

Aunt Mei's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, it's endless, right?

Little Peter didn't dare to say anything, and smiled awkwardly.

Xie Zhi continued: "Of course, you don't have to pay back for helping you so much, don't you know the principle of repaying favors, I will give you a chance.

Let's put it this are lucky, your surname is not good, your surname is Parker, so in the future, just have a good relationship with MJ, and it doesn't matter if you break up..."

MJ: ( ̄△ ̄;)

"...The key is! Never mess with a girl surnamed Xie, not even Ava. If you can't do it, I'll kill you!"

The sudden transition from pointing to threatening was very smooth, and everyone became more and more confused about this Xie Ye's temperament, he was moody.

The key is the amount of information, which can't help but open everyone's minds. Is it possible that there is a Peter Parker in Xie Ye's world, and he offended Xie Ye because of his relationship with Xie and Ava?

But why didn't that Peter Parker cross over? Could it be that he also crossed over, but was killed by Master Xie first! ?

But Gwen was more concerned about the fact that the surnamed Parker had provoked different girls, so she couldn't help but stare at Big Peter.

Big Peter hurriedly raised his hand to make an oath: "I love Gwen only! I will never change until death!"

Old Peter reacted quickly, and hurriedly said, "I'm married, and my wife's last name is neither Xie nor Ava."

Xie Zhi smiled very satisfied: "This year's surname Parker is not bad, I hope you can move it, so that's it, oh yes... you have no money, no identity, and the expenses of travel, food and accommodation for these few days have to be settled , Superheroes are always bad..."

Xie Zhi didn't go on, in fact, when he was talking, his eyes were fixed on Happy.

Seeing that Hapi still has some eyesight, he hurriedly said, "I'm out, and it's all on me."

Old Peter said: "What a shame, it's too much trouble for you."

Happy said: "No trouble, it's my honor to entertain guests from other universes, others want to grab this opportunity.

And fellow Spider-Man, the job Tony arranged for me before his death was to be Spider-Man's liaison. You can ask Peter about this. It's rare to be able to entertain four Spider-Man now. I can brag about this for the rest of my life. "

"It's getting late, it's almost midnight, it's time to rest, I'll talk about something in a few days, see you later."

Xie Zhi said that he was about to leave, but he stopped for a moment, and with a swipe of his sword, there were two lines of phone numbers on the wall: "Hawkeye's, and Bucky's."

After that, just like when he came, Xie Zhi left without a sound, and disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay for a while, with mixed feelings for a while, but none of them were interested in talking.

Although Xie Zhi didn't lose the ability to sleep, it depends on the need to sleep or not, and it has no effect on the body, so he simply seized the time and went to the next game.

And the location he arrived at with continuous teleportation was a wasteland outside New York City, where someone was already waiting for Xie Zhi.

And there are more than one person, two of them, one of them is White Vision, and the other is a unshaven middle-aged man, wearing a floral shirt and big pants, unkempt, a little depressed, looking at White Vision's expression, terrified .

As for Xie Zhi who landed, the man also looked uneasy.

Xie Zhi glanced at the man, and said to Bai Vision: "The action is quite fast, very good, how did you find him?"

White Vision said: "I entered the global network and screened all the targets that meet the characteristics according to the requirements of the boss.

Except for what you have already discovered, there is only the monitoring of a hotel in Hawaii, which proves that there is a high probability that he appeared out of thin air.

He came out of a guest room and repeatedly explained to the original occupants that he was not a thief.

And based on his appearance and physical signs, as well as the information mentioned in the conversation, I found that he has no legal status and no entry and exit records at all.

And the monitoring of the bar confirmed that while he was eating and drinking, he kept inquiring about local information, but he didn't know anything about Thanos, Shun Mie, and the Avengers.

This fully proves the possibility that he is another traveler.

Then I flew to the place, and the actual contact with him also proved this, he just fits one of the targets you suspect, namely, Venom. "

"Good job." Xie Zhi applauded.

Xie Zhi praised Bai Vision's performance from the bottom of his heart.

Nothing else, although the old Xie family's technology can easily hack into the network, and even control the Internet and communications of the earth, but there is one thing, if you don't want to arouse alarm, it will be very troublesome in a silent way. Just avoid certain areas.

So even if Xie Zhiyou brought the Terminator and Transformers, he still possessed repressive hacking skills, but it was very difficult to invade all network areas without alarming anyone.

White Vision is not the case, wandering around the Internet completely unnoticed is as simple as human breathing for him.

Of course, Xie knows that the same effect can be achieved if the digital life in the matrix is ​​dispatched, but White Vision still has an overwhelming advantage in this regard. He has the same ability as Ultron, that is, he can incarnate thousands of times in the digital world, which can be called a digital life. The avatar of the world.

It's no wonder that the super artificial intelligence derived from the combination of Jarvis, Ultron, and the Mind Stone is indeed no small matter.

And White Vision's destructive power is obvious. As far as human beings are concerned, it can instantly set civilization back hundreds of years. Even if he wants to, it is not a problem to get the code to launch a nuclear bomb. It is not difficult to exterminate human beings.

You must know that the information shows that the reason why Ultron failed to get the nuclear bomb was because of Jarvis' trouble, but now, there is no Jarvis, no Ultron, only White Vision.

However, if the old Xie family went to war with White Vision in the online world, they would not lose. After all, the number and quality of the digital lives of the old Xie family were not bad. The method of playing in the matrix world can swallow White Vision alive, and the name of nemesis remains the same.

But having said that, Xie Zhi couldn't help sweating for the local humans. Fortunately, by accident, Bai Huanvision recovered his memory. He didn't plan to use the Heavenly Sword Bureau as a weapon. This is another crisis of annihilation!

And humans are sure to lose. After all, there is no one who can fight against White Vision in the Internet.

Of course, Xie Zhi once again sighed that he is the most benevolent person in the universe. Taking down the White Vision is equivalent to doing good deeds again. In the realm of cultivating immortals, it is not too much to become a Buddha or a saint.

As for the host of the venom in front of him, who was sneaked back from Hawaii by Bai Vision, Xie Zhi was not surprised.

Although Venom's ability is quite abnormal, but the weakness should not be too obvious, let alone white phantom, as long as it is a robot that can emit specific audio, beating Venom is like beating a grandson.

In fact, people who know the weakness of venom, use their mobile phones to record some harsh sounds in advance, and they can get it done with a mobile phone.

So why is he frightened? You can guess it with your heels. He was tortured by the white illusion.

Xie Zhi squatted down with a smile, and smiled at the man sitting on the ground: "Hey buddy, introduce yourself, including the guy in your body."

The man pulled the corners of his mouth into a dry smile, which was uglier than crying, and he spoke quickly and stammered, "My name is Eddie Brock, and I'm not a bad person, and the inside of not a bad person, I mean I'm not a bad foreigner. Starman, his name is Venom.

Really, he never hurt a good person, and we often do good deeds, do good deeds, solve cold cases, fight crime, help weak supermarket proprietresses and the like.

It's a team for us, and we have a name, we call the Deadly Guardian, although it sounds a bit silly.

Of course, my partner is a bit... eccentric, but who isn't in a bad mood, you know. "

Xie Zhi nodded: "Well, I didn't lie in general, but you'd better explain the weird method. Of course, it's okay to let Venom explain it by himself."

"Uh... He asked me to ask, your... Bai friend, won't you use sound waves to attack again?"

Xie Zhi didn't answer, and looked at Bai Hua Vision: "Another mission, how many targets have you locked?"

"One thousand three hundred and twenty-two people, still Wow, I didn't expect the number to be so exaggerated, okay, it doesn't take so many, you can further filter and go to work."

"Yes." Bai Huantui was straightforward, and immediately flew away.

Xie Zhi got up and spread his hands: "He's gone, don't worry this time."

Suddenly, a monster thick as a python ... fleshy whiskers sprang out from Eddie's shoulders, and at the top, it condensed into a head with a hideous shape. It was very similar to the image of the venom fighting the little green goblin, but there were some differences.

And although the voice of that head is rough and bold, it is cautiously ingratiating: "Mr. Handsome, I have never seen a male human being more handsome than you! Really! It's an eye-opener!"

Eddie looked at Venom's head in surprise: "When did you learn to flatter? Why never flatter me!"

"What flattery do you have! Mr. Handsome, I'm not flattering, it's all from the bottom of my heart. Look at my eyes. They are so big and bright, which means I have good eyesight! You are really handsome!"

Xie Zhi rolled his eyes: "Forget it, it's a tragedy to be called handsome by someone like you."

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