Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1225: She is more dangerous!

In the end, Master Yoda's concentration was far superior to that of others, and he drew his attention from the infinitely mysterious Tai Chi ball. He walked in front of Xiao Yu and bowed slightly.

"Master Xiaoyu, now I have no doubts that you are the one who brings balance to the force in the prophecy.

So, how do you plan to balance the Force? Do you want to be a Jedi Knight, change your way of practice? "

Xiao Yu got up and shook her head: "Not only that, Master Yoda, I'm afraid that my method will not be liked by all Jedi knights.

So today, just to inform, how to decide, I am waiting for the answer from the Jedi Order. "

Yoda frowned, and stopped calling Master Drizzle: "Ma'am, what do you mean by that?"

Xiao Yu said: "The reason for the imbalance of the force is actually not complicated. It is because the Sith is wrong, and the Jedi is also wrong. The two schools of practice have been wrong from generation to generation. You hit me and I hit you, and they become more and more extreme. .

The original force has no attribute, it is a human being, endowed with the attribute of the original force, and since then there has been the ultimate black and the ultimate white, the two pursue the ultimate, and never thought that there are other choices.

As the saying goes, extremes will reverse, so if there is a storm, the force will be out of balance, leaving generation after generation of disasters, endless.

So it is actually very simple to think about the balance of the force, as long as there are no Sith and no Jedi, it will be fine.

Of course, don’t misunderstand me. When I say disappear, I don’t mean the destruction of the physical body. It’s wrong. It’s just a change. It’s enough to completely eliminate the Jedi and Sith. Desperate.

This is my way, I'm done talking here, what should I do, I hope you all die. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone ignored the mysteries and profoundness of the Tai Chi Ball, which touched the world view of all Jedi Knights! It is to dig the roots!

After all, it is a Jedi-style education received since childhood. The world view has already been deeply rooted in the bone marrow and has become a creed in life.

"Ridiculous!" Windu was the first to get annoyed: "Xiao Yu! I respect your extraordinary cultivation, but your statement is pure nonsense! Jedi represents justice, how can you allow you to slander!"

Xiao Yu smiled: "Whether it is justice or not, people in the world can only judge, so is it possible that the world is full of bad people except for the Jedi Knights?

What's more, I'm not interested in debating with you, but my husband-in-law likes it better.

So I just explained the situation. The balance of the force is very important. Whether it is important to continue to adhere to the wrong practice line or the balance of the force is important. How to choose is up to you.

I am only responsible for making the prophecy come true. "

"Wait a minute!" Yoda said: "Ms. Rain, it is mentioned in the prophecy that that person will balance the Force and end the Sith Lord! He didn't say that he would make the Jedi disappear as well!"

"Master Yoda, the prophecy did not say that the way of the Jedi would not disappear. In fact, if the prophecy had stated that the Jedi was also included in the result from the beginning, this prophecy would not have been circulated among the Jedi Order for thousands of years.

If that's the case, the Jedi will not think it is a prophecy, but a lie to confuse the public and have to be banned. "

Windu said in a deep voice: "So you must have the Jedi disappear?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Yu looked thoughtful, then nodded, "Yes."

"Then you stay!"

Windu was the first to strike, and many other elders followed suit, either launching a force attack on Xiao Yu, or using force to control objects, or pulling out their lightsaber and starting to charge.

The elders all started to attack, and the Jedi knights also started to attack.

Of course, there are many who didn't move, including Yoda, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan.

But it doesn't mean anything if it doesn't move. Some people haven't reacted to the sudden change, some are struggling, and some are immersed in thinking about the Tai Chi ball.

However, in the face of the sudden group attack, Xiao Yu was not in a hurry. The couple didn't think that they could win the Jedi Order by showing balance. This is not an academic dispute. If the Jedi Order really doesn't care about profit, It will not be involved in the politics of the Galactic Republic, so it is inevitable to do it.

And Xiao Yu's response was just a Tai Chi movement, forming an invisible and mysterious force field in front of him, absorbing all kinds of original forces...!

After all, the Tai Chi **** made by others can automatically absorb the force, let alone me, this is not a big deal.

So as soon as he responded to the attack, he was absorbed into Xiao Yu's palms in an instant, and quickly turned into a new Tai Chi ball.

At the same time, Xiao Yu raised her head, opened her mouth suddenly, and let out a scream!

In an instant, the violent and ferocious sound waves spread across the audience! Yes, the lion's roar is back!

You must know that this is an excellent method against force practitioners, and the old Xie family has already confirmed it.

It doesn't matter whether you predict or not, all-round attack is still predictable.

As a result, when the fierce lion roared out, no matter who did it or who didn't, it all had the same result, that is...covering your ears with your hands.

At this time, if Xiao Yu used some other means, the thousand or so Jedi warriors present would have no choice but to run away. Of course, it would depend on whether Xiao Yu wanted them to escape.

One must know that the lion roar skill is only a method mastered by the old Xie family, but Xiao Yu's unique field control lore is useless. Once the spirit totem white tiger is released, covering the ears will not work. Are Kryptonians good? Also dizzy and want to vomit.

Another example is the new trick of giving birth to a new baby. That trick is fixed on the thunder ball grid and blasted out. Everyone present has to dance in the square, no matter how long they can dance, anyway, it will definitely be embarrassing.

But Xiao Yu just yelled and didn't make any more moves, just scanning the crowd with a smile and no words.

Some people continued to cover their ears, while others put their hands down, such as the elders.

Only then did Xiaoyu speak: "Should I still fight? If I fight, I will accompany her. If I don't want to fight anymore, please consider it slowly and come to visit another day. Xiaoyu will leave."

Yoda was about to say something, but his face changed drastically in an instant, and he quickly covered his ears, because an elder was really quick to speak: "Heretical! You are wishful thinking..."


The group covering their ears is staged again~

Of course, many people cursed inwardly, what a shame! Everyone has stated that they don't want to fight anymore, what are you provoking? Oh stop anger and stop anger ~ don't forget the creed...

With a shake of Xiao Yu's hands, the newly condensed Tai Chi ball dissipated, and she waved her hand: "Goodbye."

Then he turned around and left gracefully.

Although the Jedi knights were aggrieved, no one attacked them secretly. After all, they were all playing with the Force. If they didn't understand this, it would be even more embarrassing.

And the reason why Xiao Yu didn't come to a domineering battle that overwhelmed the audience was very simple. There were more than 10,000 people in the Jedi Order, and there were only more than 1,000 people left at the headquarters.

Of course, it is not realistic to expect all the Jedi Knights to put down their work and gather at the headquarters.

So the drizzle didn't dissipate the first Tai Chi ball, and left it on the square for the Jedi Knights to study.

It is of course impossible to say that the Tai Chi ball is indestructible. The problem is that this move is like a natural enemy when dealing with the same source of power, that is, the original force.

If you want to use the original force to destroy the original force Taiji ball, unless you understand the way of cultivation of the original force created by Xiao Yu, and the realm is in place, otherwise you really have no choice but to use that thing. Fudge, that is indeed the truth, it is useless to fight hard with the force.

And it is basically impossible to expect the Jedi Knights to keep this matter completely secret internally. After experiencing a subversion of cognition, who can not think about it? How can you hold back and not have a detailed discussion with your best friends?

So this wave of big news has to be brewed and fermented before it can spread to everyone.

As for whether it is possible to study and understand the principles contained in the Tai Chi ball, let’s not say that it may not be possible. In fact, Xiaoyu is happy to see it happen. After all, if the Jedi Knights really understand it, it will save trouble. Warriors don't need to be persuaded by others, they will feel that their Jedi practice has gone astray, there are many problems, and they need to be corrected.

But having said that, is Xiaoyu's way of cultivation really a good solution to the balance of the force? It really is!

You must know that the aggregate has been laid out for hundreds of thousands of years to achieve its goal. It is really not easy. It took a lot of effort to fiddle with Rey, and finally let the Jedi and Sith both die.

This also proves that the force of the Jedi and Sith is unbalanced due to the practice of the two major forces of the force. After all, although the force of the force covers the world, ordinary creatures will not have any effect on the force of the force.

The so-called light and dark attributes are endowed by the practitioner's mind for a long time.

And Xiaoyu's way of practice is not only to balance the two attributes of the original force, but more importantly, to pull the original force down from the altar.

When the Jedi and Sith are gone, only practitioners who don't give a **** to the Force remain, and then after years, the two attributes of darkness and light will gradually go out of extremes.

So is this way of practice really foolproof? You know, when Xie Zhi traveled through time and space, because of extreme guilt, he was worried that the dark attribute would affect his xinxing and cause a catastrophe.

The truth is... not really.

First of all, thank you for knowing the situation. There are reasons for his self-indulgence, the reason for the moral value system, and the reason for the huge influence of the butterfly effect. But in the final analysis, his worry is out of caution. After all, he is facing the unknown. It doesn't matter if you replace it with anyone.

But Xie Zhi knew the exact answer later, that is, when he experienced the ability of the aggregate, he was in the wonderful state of being in the past, present, and future, which allowed him to determine the answers to many things.

It is true that the dark attribute will affect the mind, but Xiaoyu's practice is from the method of internal martial arts, there are cases of insanity, but there is one thing, it can be rectified, as long as it is not a guy who comes to meridians to explode Level, then there is time to remedy.

But the force of the original force warning can also sense fatal risks in advance, so the practice method of combining the force of force with the inner breath meridians is a perfect match, and can detect problems early and solve them early.

After all, the old Xie family's force practice has been balanced from the beginning, not the radical way of Jedi and Sith, so even if something happens, it will not be blackened like Anakin. There will be a buffer.

So in terms of results, Xie Zhi was indeed overly worried at the beginning, but it is right to be cautious in the face of major unknown issues.

In short, the result aggregate has been foreseen, so this way is naturally no problem.

Of course, such things as good and evil do not mean that they will disappear after changing the way of practice. Just kidding, whether there is the force or not, there is a choice between good and evil, which belongs to the category of morality and education.

It can only be said that solving the influence of the dark and light force on the mind will make the world less unnecessary disasters. There are many things in life that affect human beings. It is too disgusting to let the force determine good and evil. It means that it is superfluous for people to have long brains.

So everything should return to the way it should be. Good and evil are good and evil, and the original force is the original force.

But after Xiao Yu left, the Jedi Knights looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Yoda let out a long sigh: "Before the elders make a decision, everyone abide by your heart, don't be confused, the with us."

"The Force is with us."

Originally, this sentence has almost become a mantra, but this time, many people find it particularly awkward, especially when there is a Tai Chi ball floating in the square, it seems very ironic. The original force...who is it with?

Someone couldn't help asking: "Master Yoda, what should we do with that ball?"

"First... let's surround it with a shelter, and deal with it later."


The Jedi Knights dispersed in groups of three or five, but everyone knew that it was impossible to talk about it at this time.

As for the elders, they returned to the meeting room and had to hurry up to make a decision. After all, it was hard to say whether the Jedi Knights could still exist.

An elder said directly: "There is nothing to say! Fight! Since ancient times, the Jedi and Sith have fought countless wars, and evil has never succeeded. Victory belongs to justice! Even if the target this time is not Sith, the result is the same. Same!"

On the contrary, Windu, who has always been tough and easy to stand out, didn't speak in a muffled voice.

And Qui-Gon Jinn, who was clamoring to be a teacher, also fell silent at the moment, which made Obi-Wan heaved a sigh of relief. Regardless of what the teacher was thinking about, just keep silent. He's about to be gang-beaten.

"Master Windu, what do you mean?" an elder couldn't help asking.

"I'm thinking about how to break Xiaoyu's tricks, otherwise the next time we meet again, the result will be the same. I think Master Yoda thinks the same way."

"That's right." Yoda nodded, and the little old man had a rare look of anger on his face: "Xiaoyu's all-round sonic attack is very troublesome. According to the theory, you only need to block your ears with earplugs. After all, do you have hearing? , even with or without vision, will not affect the battle of the Jedi.

But the problem is, we know this, Sith also knows it, do you think Xiao Yu doesn't know it?

But she still used it, and didn't take advantage of this golden opportunity to kill us.

And she didn't hide her cultivation. I think everyone knows that her cultivation is unheard of. Obviously, she had the opportunity to cause us heavy losses, but she didn't do it. "

"Maybe it's because of arrogance," said an elder.

"Maybe, but it's hard to believe that an arrogant person can reach her heights."

Windu said in a deep voice: "Anyway, Drizzle is now a bigger threat than Palpatine."

"Master Windu." Obi-Wan couldn't help but said, "No matter then or now, the deeds of Ms. Xiaoyu and her family have proved that they are not evil people.

Although Ms. Xiaoyu has different ideas from ours, she is still different from Palpatine and Sith. "Bayi Chinese Network

Windu: "It's not the same, she is more dangerous! The Jedi Knight will never decline! As long as I am alive!"

If Xie Zhi was present, he would definitely express his appreciation. Windu is worthy of being a Jedi master, and his foresight is accurate, but after his death, the Jedi Order followed him.

"Is it over?"

"It's over."

Xie Zhi looked at his daughter-in-law, and then at the sky in the direction of the Jedi headquarters: "There is no movement, not even a rain cloud, I thought I could see the Nine Heavens Tribulation come to life, lady, they didn't do anything?"

Xiao Yu took the girl and kissed her first, then said: "I'm going to do it, but I used the lion's roar twice, and it all stopped."

"It seems that our daughter's voice is random..."


"...Follow me! Artistic germs all over you! Girl, dad will teach you a song right now. Shaolin Kungfu is good~ really good~ Shaolin Kungfu is great~ really awesome~ you are the lion's roar skill~ the lion's roar skill~ I am King Kong Legs..."

"What is this mess? Is there such a song?"

"Creating on the spot, I suddenly feel something in my heart, and I can't stop the inspiration when it comes."

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic department, and it was also the lowest level of slayers.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd. In the **** Zhenmagus, it presents a different tranquility.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the **** smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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