Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1347: hapless observer

【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

No wonder Xie Zhi called it a pervert, seeing that the description of that thing is...

Man in suit (evil spirit monster): damage 3, defense 0, life 3.


Acid Spit: It can spit out corrosive acid, causing 20 points of damage, resulting in an acid corrosion state, which lasts for three rounds, deducting 15 HP in the first round, 10 HP in the second round, and 5 HP in the third round point.

Unkillable: The particularity of the existence of evil spirits and monsters prevents the master behind the scenes from being killed. After being killed, the evil spirits and monsters will not disappear completely, and will reappear after three rounds.

Remarks, after the evil spirit monster card is killed, it will not leave a corpse or occupy the card slot. Even if the card slot is full, it will appear immediately after the card is killed and vacated.

The attributes are super weak, but the skills are abnormal!

The damage of the skill is not low, and it can also cause continuous damage for three rounds.

The key point is that this thing can't be killed. It's different from the revival of vampires and zombies. It will reappear in a shorter round, and it doesn't occupy a card slot. This is tantamount to unlimited use!

This is not called a pervert, what is a pervert?

Although the weakness is also obvious, it doesn't matter if you don't fight, but it's endless, it's really annoying.

But when he heard Xie Zhi's question, the observer wiped his face, looked terrified, and smiled wryly: "Master Xie, it's a long story, I may be... the most unlucky one among all the participants. "

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "You are not being honest, you just won Ultron, he is the most unlucky."

The observer shook his head and said: "No, it's different, Ultron met you, so he didn't get anything.

But sometimes, it's a good thing to get nothing, at least just work harder in the next mission world.

But I... got entangled in a very troublesome thing. "

Speaking time, Xie Zhi also ran out the countdown, but he didn't play cards.

It's not a question of whether the cards fit or not, he's giving...?

The opportunity for the observer to play tricks, the loss of three incomplete natal cards is still affordable, if it can be used as a price, it would be the best to make the observer unable to resist.

Of course, Xie Zhi didn't have too high expectations for this. If he didn't have this bit of patience, this old man would be nothing special.

In short, no matter whether the observer really surrenders or not, this game can afford to do nothing.

"tell me the story."

"Okay thank you."

The observer didn't seem to notice anything, or he was really calm, and began to tell his experience.

When the Observer entered the Novice Village, everything was quite normal. The main task only required him to go to a small town called Silent Hill within a month, and then come out again to complete the task.

The task seems really super simple.

But the Observer is not given for nothing, after all, he has existed since the beginning of the universe, a super voyeur, and knows too much.

So from the very beginning, he was very wary of Silent Hill, thinking that this matter was definitely not simple.

So he tried his best to make full preparations with the physique of an ordinary person.

It has to be said that he found a very clever plan, which made Xie Zhi a little embarrassed.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Observer, crafted... the web launcher.

That's right, the iconic equipment of the little spider.

With the thief's eyes of the observer, the little spider's invention has no secrets for him.

The time point of Novice Village is the modern society of the earth, which can fully meet the production conditions, and it is quite easy to get the mechanical parts of the spider web launcher.

As for the formation of the spider web, it is chemically synthesized, and the little spider can make it by the way in chemistry class, and it can be made if there is a formula.

Of course, this recipe is not the Big and Big Peter version.

And so what if ordinary people don't have the physical fitness of a little spider, they can still use the spider web launcher, as long as they don't jump around between buildings like crazy.

To know the strength of the spider silk invented by the little spider, it can drag people when it is used as a trailer connection line...?

Aviation aircraft, this thing is used to trap the enemy, it is simply not too strong.

Therefore, if it is used as a long-range launch weapon, there are really not many people who have the strength to escape from the spider web.

This is definitely the top weapon for ordinary people to deal with extraordinary beings!

It's no wonder that Xie Zhi is embarrassed, from chemical formula to mechanical design, Xie Zhi knows everything, but he didn't think of this, otherwise his strength would immediately increase by a big step.

Of course, the human brain is not a computer after all, and there will always be omissions, which is normal.

What's more, it's not that Xie Zhi hasn't targeted the observer in the new rules, knowing that he has seen too many things, so the new son discards the possibility of something happening.

That stuff is... Pym particles.

In the past, only Xie Zhi and Hank Pym knew the recipe, but now, there is an additional observer.

Thank you for knowing how powerful the Pym particle is. I naturally attach great importance to it, so some elements in the formula cannot be produced in the new rules. In this way, no one can make this thing.

Compared to having both himself and others, he hopes that no one can use it. After all, Pym particles are too powerful.

But Xie Zhi only considered the most terrifying inventions, and he didn't pay much attention to other things, such as Iron Man's battle armor, which is too high-tech and requires a lot of conditions, so it can't be done in a short period of time.

However, the movement of the observer's hands rubbing good things does not stop there.

It has to be said that the Observer has a brain with a rather amazing memory. Even if he becomes an ordinary person, he still knows a lot of things.

So he was the first of the five... to get the template.

He configured the super soldier serum.

That's right, and it's the perfect version, that is, the version made by cia, so it doesn't have the defects of the original version injected by the US team. No matter good or evil, medicine is medicine, and the enhancement is over.

In fact, the observer can even deploy the Extremis virus, but he didn't do it because although the effect is stronger, it has serious flaws, and it depends on luck.


With luck, it's nice and powerful, with bad luck, it overheats and explodes.

For this, Xie Zhi is... very embarrassed.

He can only comfort himself that this is a matter of tactical habits. After all, inventions are usually handed over to the scientific research department. Being able to make drones by himself is already very manual.

But this also made Xie Zhi even more curious. The observer is so strong at the beginning, why is he the most unlucky?

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

It turned out that the Observer was unlucky because he had a too strong start, and after hearing the reasons, Xie Zhi felt that he was lucky, because even if it was him, he would still be hit.

However, after the observers thought they were well prepared, they rushed to Silent Hill according to the address they searched on the Internet.

Then, he began to encounter all kinds of strange things, as well as terrifying and evil monsters.

The man in the suit was the first one he encountered. This thing has strong skill damage, but is too weak in other aspects, and was easily killed by the observers.

Afterwards, the observer encountered more and more strange monsters, but they all managed them one by one with hard power. The spider web launcher is really easy to use, and you can't get rid of it if you stick it.

Until, he encountered a powerful monster in Silent Hill called Triangle Head.

How strong is it? Anyway, after listening to the observer's description, Xie Zhi felt that let alone alienation and purple stiffness, even with Jingjing and Flowery Monster Beast, he couldn't do that thing

Vigorous mess!

Don't think that this refers specifically to melee combat. In fact, there is no chance of long-range combat, because the environment of Silent Hill is very special, and there is no possibility of long-range sniping.

However, the observer relied on the super tenacity and stickiness of the spider silk to trap the triangular head, and then started grinding. With a little consumption, the monster was almost killed.

The various performances of the Observer in Silent Hill were all seen by the real boss behind the scenes, and all the evil spirits and monsters were created by her.

The name of the big boss is Alessa, and observers only know so much.

The other mobs die as they die, and Alessa doesn't seem to care...?

, but when she watched her confidant Ai ask the dog to take the triangle head, Aretha made a move.

So the observer was stunned, he didn't even know how he died.

However, after coming out of the resurrection point, the Observer is still in Silent Hill, and this resurrection made Alessa more interested in him.

This is not a speculation, but a direct introduction from the hint, and the ability of the observer has attracted the attention of the controller behind the scenes.

As a result, the observers were played with in various ways, and they died more than 200 times.

Maybe it's because the Observer can't be killed no matter what, maybe it's because Aretha is tired of playing, and there are serious things to do, and in the end, she doesn't care about the Observer anymore.

But at this time, the observer found that he had mounted a special status called... Alessa's attention.

The specific description is as follows:

Aretha's attention, special load status.

Both body and spirit are infected by Aretha's magical power.

In any mission world, there is a possibility of triggering the opening of the "Intentional World", and the probability is random.

Remarks, the mind world is a generalization of the world of ideas, a special world that is connected to the real world but has various forms.

In the Silent Hill mission world, there are two manifestations of the mind world, namely, the outside world and the inside world.

When the mind world trigger is turned on, Aretha's mind may come, in the form of creating monsters chasing and killing the loader.

The infection suffered by the bearer will gradually accumulate over time. After three missions, the state has not been eliminated. The bearer will be completely controlled by Aretha and become her puppet, obeying her orders.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

If the existence of this kind of evil sect had been left in the past, the observer would have wiped it out, but now, he is powerless and has no capital to turn the tables.

According to observers, Aretha's ability obviously has the characteristics of changing reality, just like mastering the rules of the reality gem!

Of course, it must not be that strong, but compared to the current strength of Xie Zhi, Odin and others,......?

Not necessarily much difference.

The point is that observers don't know how to eliminate this immoral state.

Xie Zhi didn't know, so... this guy was really unlucky enough to encounter the most exaggeratedly difficult mission world.

But after thinking about it, it's no wonder that he was cowardly and chose to surrender continuously. The reason for co-authoring is because there are wolves before and tigers behind.

Since he will be in bad luck no matter what, he might as well find a backer to stand in line.

Anyway, it's better to be an ordinary person than to be a puppet of a monster.

Frankly speaking, now Xie Zhi wants to stay away from the observers, the problem is... he can't hide.

Because he has already used the "forced group battle mode order", everyone in the upcoming mission world has to enter.

Hearing about the strong enemy, Xie Zhi naturally attached great importance to it, so he asked the observers to explain the specific details in more detail, and what the so-called outer world and inner world are like.

But after listening to it, Xie Zhi found out instead, it seems that this beneficial to him.

Because from the analysis of the performance of monsters, Silent Hill, and even the observer itself, Xie knows how to taste it, it all feels like...fear energy.

That's right, it is really similar to the demons and ghosts manifested by fear energy. Although there are some differences, they are basically the same, and it should be due to the different methods of specific application.

If this is the case, then of course it is beneficial to Xie Zhi. After all, he should not be too familiar with the energy of fear, not to mention that the willpower is the best in the world. This will not change because of the strength. It doesn't matter.

Moreover, his own willpower is super strong, and it was originally a trump card that Xie Zhi counted. He did add difficulties to test willpower in the underlying logic of the rules.

Moreover, from the observer's life experience and his current appearance, it can also prove in reverse that the observer's willpower should not be good.

This has nothing to do with whether he is strong or not, no, it should be said that it is precisely because he was born the strongest, which led to a lack of willpower. If he is too strong, he has not experienced any tests. #br...?

There is another important reference for the r# key, that is, when the observer was in Silent Hill, he had contact with important plot characters, and the other party was a mother who was looking for her daughter.

That woman was an ordinary person at all, but even those monsters were beyond her ability to deal with, but she managed to save herself from danger time and time again until the end.

Excluding the reason for the plot arrangement, based on the observer's description, Xie Zhi thinks that woman deserves the words "a mother is a strong man".

If it is said that the woman's willpower did not play a role in it, Xie Zhi does not believe it.

Moreover, the existence of that ordinary woman just showed that the Observer started too strong, causing trouble instead.

Because the prompt appeared after the observer didn't know what caused the clearance.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

The content of the notification was disgusting, and the task evaluation was very low. The reason was that the observer did not choose not to kill the monster throughout the process, resulting in a lower evaluation.

In other words, the correct way to play should be to choose not to kill monsters. This is actually not impossible, because the monsters in Silent Hill are not fast. Even the strongest triangle head only maintains a walking posture when chasing. Do not run at all.

So as long as you are calm enough, use your wisdom, and run at the speed of ordinary people, it is enough to pass the level without fighting.

But this setting is really disgusting, not to mention Xie Zhi, any one of the five would not choose not to fight, they would all have to be recruited.

And willpower just determines how much calm you can keep after encountering a crisis.

Furthermore, in the description of "Aretha's will descends", will is a key word. Willpower is not equal to willpower, but willpower determines the strength of willpower. Xie Zhi has the most authority in this regard.

In short, all of the above confirm that Silent Hill is likely to be a test world embodied by the underlying logic.

Of course, you have to verify it to know, but Xie Zhi is very confident, because he destroyed the two most powerful fear energy fusions back then, and finally took this thing for his own use.

As for the surface world and the inner world, the current observer's understanding is limited to these two...?

This world is related to the real world, in the form of increasing danger.

The real world is the safest. The surface world is shrouded in ashes and fog, and the visibility is extremely low. The topography is consistent with reality, and the monsters are limited to one type of man.

In the surface world, living people can still survive, they still have food and drinking water, and there are still some aborigines from Silent Hill, but those aborigines are not normal, they are a group of fanatical believers who believe in demons.

As for the inner world, I don't know whether to count it as appearing or entering. In short, the inner world will only appear when the air defense alarm of the outer world is sounded. At that time, the original buildings and things will quickly become dirty and corrupt.

Then, all kinds of weird monsters appeared, which felt like the **** in the legend.

As for when the world will subside and the living people will return to the watch world, observers have not yet found the law.

Similarly, there is no clue about how to return from the watch world to the real world, as it happened, it happened, and observers are still confused. _&?

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