Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1358: Neighbor Zombie

【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Chapter 1358 Neighbor Zombie

The woman in the white skirt broke the lock, tore off the red rope, tore off the talisman paper, and opened the cabinet door...

It turned out that there was nothing in it, empty.

The woman didn't care to think about why the closet vibrated before, she still had to find her son.

Yes, Xiaobai that this woman calls is her son's name. This woman is called Ah Feng, and everyone in the apartment thinks that she... is a lunatic.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai..."

However, when Ah Feng turned to leave, in the darkness of the closet, a hand suddenly stretched out!

Then the upper body was exposed. It was a young woman with long black hair and a white skirt, but the skirt was stained with blood.

It's just that the blood stain looks like it's newly stained, bright red, sticky and wet, and it's far from dry.

Immediately afterwards, another woman came out from beside her, it turned out to be two people, and the two appearances and facial features were exactly the same, obviously a pair of twins.

The movements of the twins crawling out were distorted and weird, and they made a crackling sound.

But the strange thing is that Ah Feng, who called Xiaobai, didn't hear the voice behind him at all.

Looking around the body of the twins, there are many black and red nymph-like things spreading and dancing. I don't know what they are, but this also means that these two sisters are obviously not normal people...

Xie Zhihe quietly chased to the stairs, not knowing whether to go up or down.

The sound of children running could be heard, but the strange thing was that the direction of the sound could not be determined, which was a bit outrageous for the two masters.

Fortunately, Xie Zhi was mentally prepared before coming here, and he would definitely encounter some weird things. After all, according to what Liang Qi said before, what he wanted was not only zombies, but also ghosts.

Since it involves the existence of the mysterious side, of course it cannot be judged by common sense.

But Xie Zhi also has a trick, he took out an item from the item bar, it was a compass.


That's right, the magic weapon I got from Liang Qi back then.

Although he was busy with all kinds of monster-hunting tasks, his research on Taoist methods was not deep enough, and he was only superficial, but even if it was superficial, Xie Zhi gave priority to practicality, and the magic weapon happened to be very practical.

After the compass flew around for a while, Xie Zhi curled his lips at the final displayed content: "The evil is filthy and filthy, a very ominous thing...

How long have I been here, is it possible that the zombie has already been refined? This is too fast.

Or, if I hadn't snatched Strange's job a few days ago, would there still be time to stop him? "

Yes, the compass indicates the presence of great evil.

Xie knew that he had alienated purple zombie, and he had used it to test the magic weapon. The evil in alienated purple zombie had been verified and could be detected by the compass.

But now the characteristics given by the compass are obviously more exaggerated.

So it is very likely that the eighth grade is dead, otherwise what else can it be?

But as soon as he came to find Lin Jiu, zombies had already appeared. Xie Zhi thinks that it should have nothing to do with his wasting time to grab the mission. After all, the core of this plot mission is the last zombie. If the zombies don't appear, what is the so-called last?

So no matter whether he came early or late, he would definitely not be able to prevent Lin Jiu from making zombies. Even the moment he stepped into the apartment building might be the key to the appearance of zombies.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

In any case, since the existence of the big culprit has been discovered, there is no need to worry about the little ghost. After all, the mission is the last zombie, not the last little ghost.

"Let's go, up."

Since I don't know which floor it is on, the elevator is meaningless, let's take the stairs.

After going up three floors in succession, the compass suddenly became chaotic, and there was no specific instruction for turning around. Angrily, Xie Zhi slapped it twice: "What a broken thing, it's broken at this time! No wonder Liang Qilian can refine even a zombie No, nothing will work."

At this moment, Xie Zhi quietly tapped on Xie Zhi's shoulder. Xie Zhi tilted his head and looked over, and saw that the door of a resident in the corridor was open, but there was a big hole in the wooden door, and it was stained with blood.


Be careful, guns may not be good for strange things, still have to bang. "

As he said that, Xie Zhi shook his hanging hand, and three talisman papers appeared in his hand, namely the Explosive Yuan Talisman, the Ganlin Talisman and the ordinary corpse-fixing Talisman.

They approached step by step, but before they could get close, someone came out from the room, it was Ah You.

Ah You was also surprised by Xie Zhi's approach, glanced at the talisman paper Xie Zhi was holding in his hand, and sighed: "The talisman paper is useless."

How can the props for system authentication be useless?

Xie Zhi couldn't help asking: "What do you mean?"

Ah You shook his head: "You have to be close enough to the zombie to use the talisman, but it's too dangerous, if you are caught, you will be infected with the corpse poison, and you will die.

So you have to set up an altar and cast spells to trap zombies first, that's the right way, you just take a talisman... Didn't your master teach you? "

Xie Zhi smiled: "I am self-taught, and besides... so there are indeed zombies in the building."

"Hmph! I didn't have it at first, but I didn't expect Lin Jiu, that bastard, to refine one!" Ayou pushed his glasses, and said angrily, "Aren't you looking for Lin Jiu? He's inside, but he's dead."

"Dead?" Xie Zhi walked to the door and looked with his head. As a result, the house was in a mess, with blood and minced meat everywhere, like a meat grinder dance scene, with a strong smell of blood that lingered.

Stepping in, I saw the corpse of an old man on the left side of the living room. There was a big hole in the neck of the old man, and it could be seen that it was torn open by sharp claws.

There is no cure for this kind of injury, and of course Xie Zhi would not sympathize with him, he must have committed a crime of his own accord.

And Xie Zhi, although he has never met Lin Jiu, but since Ah You said yes, then this person must be, and it is meaningless to lie about something that is easy to verify.

Ah You lit a cigarette at the door, and muttered: "Before he died, he told me that he created this evil method in order to resurrect his soul and hope to live a few more years, so he killed the people in the building. Uncle Dong, the neighbor, was turned into a zombie..."

"I know."

"You know?" Ah You narrowed his eyes, and went up...?

Looking down Xie Zhi: "So you didn't come here for the scales of that thing."

Xie Zhi turned around and walked out of the residence: "I never said it was for the scales, I showed you the scales just by the way."

"What the **** are you doing?"

"Hmm...I'm a new Taoist ghost hunter, so I'm not kidding." Xie Zhi said seriously, "I met a Taoist priest in Indonesia, his name was Liang Qi, and he was Lin Jiu's senior brother.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Liang Qi has a way of refining zombies, which is also the way of returning the soul from the corpse, borrowing the life and so on.

However, Liang Qi was not completely successful. His zombie refinement was useless, and my craft was not bad. Both Liang Qi and the zombies were solved by me.

But after interrogating Liang Qi, I know that they are not a good pair of senior brothers. Of course, their inheritance is quite evil, and the people related to the inheritance have no good end.

I don't care whether Lin Jiu is dead or not, I don't want this Lin Jiu to do something harmful, so after the investigation, I came to Xiangdao to find him, and prepared to get rid of this scourge.

Unfortunately, I'm still one step late. "

"You are quite enthusiastic."

"Otherwise, I don't want to switch to fried glutinous rice yet."

Ah You shook his head: "Hehe... well, anyway, now it's not only the trouble of zombies, but also a pair of very powerful twin ghosts.

Time is running out, we have to quickly find Uncle Dong and the twin ghosts, and we must not let them fit together. Uncle Dong has a soul but no soul, and the twins have a soul but no soul. The combination of the two is unrivaled! "

Xie Zhi pointed at the two of them back and forth: "I

they? Brother You is planning to come back out of the rivers and lakes? "

Brother You glared at Xie Zhi: "If you don't do it, you have to do it, but let me tell you, I'm not sure, I haven't touched anything for decades."

"But this is your land, do you always have a plan?"

"Corpse oil...should be able to lure the zombies out, I will open the altar with a compass in the corridor..."

"This?" Xie Zhi raised his hand to show his compass.

Brother You said disdainfully: "Your **** is useless, you have to use me...?


It's night now, there aren't many people living here, all those who should be moved out, the old people rest early, it's not lively, it's not easy for Uncle Dong to smell people, he just wanders around, so it shouldn't be for the time being There will be big problems.

As long as no one comes out of the house tonight and deal with Uncle Dong and the twins before dawn, there will be no more disasters. "

"Aren't zombies also afraid of the sun? Isn't it better when it's dawn?"

Ah You sighed: "No one can teach it. Of course, ordinary zombies are afraid of the sun, but Uncle Dong is different. He is an old neighbor. Even if he loses his humanity, he still has memories in his mind.

In such a large building, if he could find a place to hide out of the light during the day, where would he find it? Even if you find it, you can't use the sunlight to destroy him.

And it would be even more troublesome if Uncle Dong and the twins were fused. Li Gui is very smart, and all human wisdom is preserved.

So once they are given a chance to kill people to absorb energy and blood, with the population density of Xiangdao, they can break through the realm in only three days.

Well, let’s not talk about it, be careful yourself, I have to find another person..."

Xie Zhi hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, shouldn't we act together?"

"I have to prepare the magic weapon and set up an altar. If you don't restrict the actions of Uncle Dong and the twins, you can't deal with them. Now that you have practiced Taoism, you won't be afraid now, right?"

"Brother You, I'm not familiar with this place. I know where to find it? It's good if you don't get lost.

Besides, I haven't practiced yin and yang eyes, and I can't see the twin ghosts. This **** is still working sometimes. "Xie Zhi couldn't help but patted the compass again.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Ayou thought for a while: "Look for it first, the twins will show up by themselves sometimes, and you will see it.

I live in 1226. If you really can’t find it, go to my house and look for me. If I’m not there, the altar should be set up on the fifth floor, which is more advantageous. "


After Ayou left, Xie Zhi scratched his chin and pondered for a while, but he thought of a way to attract zombies with plasma, although...?

It must be a bit attractive to say that zombies are not vampires, but human blood.

As for blood plasma, when stocking up the base space, of course medical supplies are also prepared.

But Xie Zhi immediately rejected it again, mainly because no matter how few residents there are in the building, they are still residents after all. If the smell of blood brings out the residents again, wouldn’t it be my own sin to let the zombies harm them.

But Xie Zhi has another idea right away, he can become a cat.

It is said that cats are spiritual, especially black cats, so after transformation, maybe the cat's senses can find some clues.

Not to mention, after turning into a cat form, I really discovered something.

The cat's hearing is still very strong, and of course it has something to do with the silence in the building at this time. Xie Zhi immediately heard a faint sound coming from the lower floors, accompanied by the crisp bell, it was the sobbing of a woman.

Regardless of whether the zombies are over there or not, a woman crying in the corridor at this time must be very dangerous, so Xie Zhi took Jing Jing and ran to the lower floor.

While rushing down, Xie Zhi heard the woman's various operations again. First she stopped crying, then started running, then rummaged around, and then seemed to be dragging some metal object, rubbing against the ground and making noises. Screeching sound.

Finally, when Xie Zhi caught up with the woman's back, he saw clearly what she was dragging on the ground. It was a wooden square, but there were many iron nails on the wooden square.

Is this going to flatten people with nails and sticks?

And the woman's right hand with the copper bell on it is dripping with blood.

Xie Zhi turned back into a human body and coughed dryly: "Sister, you are injured."

The woman paused, then turned to look at Xie Zhi.

This woman is exactly Ah Feng, the woman in the white dress who was looking for "Xiao Bai" everywhere.

At this moment, her eyeballs were red and red, her face was trembling, and her face was full of grief and indignation, she almost wrote "I'm going to kill someone" on her face.

And on the forearm of her right hand, there was a big **** that was completely turned over, bleeding profusely.

The woman said: "Did you see Uncle Dong? He ate my son! My Xiaobai!"


Xie Zhi was taken aback: " did you know?"

Tears rolled down the woman's eyes: "Xiaobai told me! Uncle Dong wants to eat him! Aunt Mei blocked the door!

These two old **** killed my son, beast! Damn them all! ! "

Xie Zhi thought of the boy's blood. Maybe the little ghost Jing Jing met before was the ghost of this woman's son.

And if the child really told his mother, wouldn't it mean that the woman could see ghosts?

However, Xie Zhi could only see the desire for death in the woman's eyes. After all, her son was eaten by zombies, who would suffer.

"Okay, I'll help you. Are you sure you're looking for it over there?"

The woman said: "I don't know, but Uncle Dong eats human flesh and drinks human blood, so I will give blood to others!"

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

call out!

Xie Zhi shot out a spider web, the amount was just right, and it immediately covered the wound on the woman's arm.

"This is for stopping the bleeding. The smell of blood is enough. You don't want to die before you kill Uncle Dong."

Said Xie Zhi passed the woman and continued to walk forward, no matter whether the zombie uncle Dong is in front, let's go and have a look first.

At this time, the location where the two are located is no longer an apartment structure. Judging from the decoration style, it is the back kitchen of a medium-sized hotel. It is estimated that this place has been remodeled and operated before, but the restaurant must be yellow, and now there is no furniture and dining room. For the facilities, only the design of the sewage drainage tiles on the ground still have accumulated leaks.

And as soon as he turned the corner, he bumped into Uncle Dong who was standing opposite.

Uncle Dong was wearing a black traditional shroud, with a big cut on the left side of his face, which had been sewn up with needles and threads, but even after the stitching, all his teeth were sticking out from the left side of his face. It seemed that his head had been hit, and his gums All crooked.

And Uncle Dong's skin is bloodless, like gray-white leather, which is different from alienated purple stiff, but very similar to Xie Zhi's orange legendary card eighth-grade white stiff.

Judging from this, Uncle Dong should have been successfully refined, and he will be the eighth rank when he debuts.

Xie Zhi raised his hand to block the woman: "I'll go first, don't move." #b......?

br# As soon as the words came out, Uncle Dong on the opposite side moved. Xie Zhi didn't expect his movements. He didn't jump, but rubbed his toes on the ground, and slid and flew over!

It's zombies! ? Or is this the way of eighth-rank white stiff?

In short, not only is it weird, but soon, the weakness of the zombie's inflexible body seems to be unable to be reflected in the eighth-rank white zombie.

Of course, Xie Zhi could also understand that Uncle Dong didn't fly, nor did he know how to do light work, but he relied on his upper body strength to charge forward, driving his whole body forward. Strictly speaking, he was still jumping, but his strength was controlled very precisely.

As for toes dragging the ground, it is a manifestation of precise control of the body, he can stop himself at any time.

So this move alone is enough to prove that the actual strength of the eighth-rank Baijiang is no small matter.

Speaking slowly and quickly, Xie Zhi was not idle, he just raised his hand, and it was true, the spider web launcher continued to shoot out spider silk.

So what if you are great, Spider-Man understands. _&?

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