Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1387: Who?

Even Qinglong was released, of course Xie Zhi let go of his hands and feet completely, why are you still catching him alive?

And the debut of Qinglong made Darkseid feel an indescribable sense of oppression for the first time.

Not only is the huge body of Qinglong, the miraculous and dazzling appearance, the visual impact brought by it, but more importantly, the mere sound of the dragon's whistle made Darkseid feel the tremor from the soul, as if he had encountered... a natural enemy!

You must know that at the level of Xie Zhi and Dakseid, as long as the opponent's method of suppressing his own strength is not clever enough, as long as he does not hide it, he can estimate the opponent's strength with a good degree of accuracy.

And Qinglong obviously has no intention of keeping a low profile, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Who will be buried? Brother is a dragon!

So Dakseid's feeling is right, this supernatural existence poses an unprecedented threat to him!

That's natural. Today's Qinglong has been strengthened by the Infinity Gauntlet. At the top, if it gets stronger, it will have to be separated from Xie Zhi.

And who was Qinglong's training partner back then? It is the super destroyer who is also strengthened by infinite gems! Xie Zhi didn't hold back when strengthening Thanos, he didn't have the concept of reaching the top at all, the stronger he is, the more he earns.

So don't look at Darkseid's growth without stopping, it seems that there is no end in sight, but in front of him, Qinglong is his father.

Qinglong was not too polite, and accompanied by Long Xiao, was the berserk Long Yan whistling and covering his face!

Darkseid didn't know the details, so he didn't dare to take it hard, and hurriedly flew to dodge, and at the same time, the omega rays responded.

But he was fooled, Qinglong seemed to be violent, but in fact, this blow was equivalent to spitting, purely to confuse people.

The real blow is the dragon's tail in the auspicious clouds that shine like an aurora.

Darkseid didn't expect a huge monster to be faster than him, but was slapped away by his tail!

The majestic force made Darkseid unable to stabilize his figure, like a baseball that was knocked into the air, and could only follow the rules of mechanics, whistling and rolling.

And being kicked out doesn't mean it's over.

In an instant, a portal appeared in front of Dakseid's flight path. This was not made by Xie Zhifang. Qinglong said that mere spells, as Brother Long, is it a problem for us?

After Darkseid passed through, he emerged from the other end, facing the stalwart dragon claw!

pia chirp~

This is the sound effect of Xie Zhi's mouth, nothing else. Compared with Qinglong, Darkseid's size is indeed like swatting flies.

The second time I was kicked away by the dragon's claws, the defense is as high as Darkseid, the only feeling is... my brain is buzzing~

Yes, although the outrageously strong defense prevented him from being seriously injured, the taste was absolutely uncomfortable. Besides, although there were no external injuries, it did not mean that there were no internal injuries, at least a slight concussion was inevitable.

But this is not over yet, a buzzing brain means stunned, and stunned means slow response.

Ever since, Qinglong started playing with bare hands... no, with bare claws.

Although the size of Qinglong exceeds 100 meters, but the speed is really not covered, only the shadow of the aurora, no dragon shape at all, the dragon can see the head but not the tail.

Although he didn't compete with Flash Barry, judging from the current effect, it should be comparable.

Of course, it has not reached the speed of light, but if it is not for the huge body and the special abnormality of the auspicious cloud, I am afraid that it cannot be caught by the naked eye.

However, to say that Dakseid is completely powerless to fight back is not enough. Although he has become a smug ping pong ball, relying on instinct, his eyeballs are still twitching wildly, and the omega rays are shot into machine guns.

It's just that the brain is buzzing, so the omega rays can't track the target as accurately as usual, and the form of expression is flying and shooting randomly, all relying on ignorance.

But at Qinglong's speed, it's too easy not to be hit by the omega rays, and Qinglong also showed another strange attack and defense method.

That is the ink-splashing auspicious cloud formed by the mysterious light thread on Qinglong's body. It seems to have a spirituality. After the omega rays are accurately rolled, the auspicious cloud projects a burst of red light, and nothing happens, and the omega rays disappear. no trace.

I don't know whether it was offset or obliterated. In short, if you say that this is just a defensive method, everyone has to treat it as nonsense. After all, it is an omega ray.

As for the other flying omega rays, Xie Zhi was not idle either. He controlled the eight storm battle axes and slashed thunderbolts.

At the same time, Xie Zhi pinched his fingers with both hands, walked up with a mysterious and fanciful Fa Jue gesture, and then made a circle with his arms, Xie Zhi danced the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara Dance.

That's right, countless arms spread out from the back of the quilt, which is quite Buddha-like, and it matches his green-skinned bald hair style quite well. It's really a thousand-handed... Great Monk.

It's a pity that he is not a beautiful woman, so he can only serve readers from the perspective of novelty hunting.

Of course, Xie knew what interest he had in posing, and the thousand-hand pose spread out in the blink of an eye. It was not thousands of hands, but hundreds of clones!

This wave is not the force clone, the serious Kama Taj clone spell.

In terms of advantages and disadvantages, compared to the original force clones, the avatar spells are of a large quantity and can be filled, as many as you want, but the quality of the individual is far inferior.

But it's not bad, it's equivalent to one person forming a mid-range mage team.

And countless Xie Zhi flew over, and after covering the battlefield, they waved their hands in unison, and the magic whips appeared densely, which was truly spectacular.

A Xie Zhi said: "Please excuse me, please stop playing and get down to business."

The streamer stopped, Qinglong's figure froze, snorted, clawed his fingers back, and with a flick, Dakseid turned over in the void like a rag doll.

It is weightless in a vacuum, and Darkseid, whose brain is still buzzing, can only spin around in place without being able to control his body shape.

And half of the light whip was also suddenly shaken out by half of Xie Zhi, immediately bound Darkseid's upper body and straightened his arms.

This trick Strange used to deal with Thanos before, Xie Zhi has seen it before, why not use it if it is easy to use.

As for the other half? Before lashing Darkseid with a whip, he set him a lore card, that is... a portal.

From bottom to top, it fits around Darkseid's waist, while his lower body sticks out from another portal.

At this time, the other half, Xie Zhicai, **** Darkside's lower body with a whip.

In this way, as long as the portal is closed, Darkseid can be cut in half.

But there was something to do before killing him.

Xie Zhi didn't expect to be able to tie up Darkseid for a long time, so Qinglong was still not idle at this time, pinching the dragon's fingers, flicking Darkseid's brain collapse one after another.

At the same time, the evolutionary battle armor on the real body Xie Zhi flew away from his body, and quickly rushed to Dakseid's body, dissolving and spreading.

This is necessary, Xie Zhi wants to pretend to be Darkseid, not a complete replica, at least the appearance must be the same.

Moreover, the metal armor on Darkseid's body is also exquisite. It is said that this is not a casting, but a mutation of Darkseid after undergoing the Omega effect.

Yes, Darkseid didn't look like this originally, he wasn't so big, and his chest didn't have an upside-down Omega-shaped sternum, which was completely caused by mutation.

It's just that the eight-year-old version of Darkseid didn't mutate completely. After a long time, Darkseid gradually turned into the current form of flesh and armor.

Of course, this armor can still place things, otherwise the communication system will not be able to keep Darkseid during the battle.

Therefore, it is necessary to use the evolution armor to scan Darkseid, to erase the flaws as much as possible, and then it is time to cut Darkseid in half.

From the beginning until now, Xie Zhi didn't choose to drag Darkseid into the mirror space. Apart from keeping the mirror space as a means of defense, Xie Zhi didn't care that the battle was seen by witnesses.

That's right, it is not far from the earth, and it can definitely be seen by astronomical observation.

Just look and see, it’s a good thing that people on Earth are aware of the threat of aliens. Although the shit-stirring stick is still the shit-stirring stick, at least they can know where the real threat comes from, and they can do some serious things, although not many.

So Xie Zhi doesn't care, and is happy to see it succeed.

In fact, there are more recent witnesses here.

When Xie Zhi fought Darkseid, the recent witnesses were dumbfounded.

"I knew there were aliens!" A blue-skinned young man murmured with his eyes wide open.

"Yeah, you look alike." A silver-haired boy said with a frivolous smile.

"Hey!" A woman with red hair and blue skin glared at him displeased.

The silver-haired boy hurriedly said: "Sorry, just kidding, mutation and pride, I remember."

That is to say, Xie Zhi was busy cleaning up Darkseid, otherwise, if he paid a little attention to the witnesses, he would find that one of these witnesses was an acquaintance of his.

It was the blue-skinned red-haired woman, she was Riven, Mystique Riven.

That is... Mutants!

Those who were with Ruiwen were naturally mutants, and they were flying in the X-fighter of the X academy.

It's just that the location is out of the atmosphere and into outer space. Of course, it doesn't go deep.

Obviously, this is not the world of mutants that Xie Zhi is familiar with. After all, since Ruiwen is with X Academy, it is naturally not the Ruiwen who changed her fate and went to the East because of Xie Zhi.

But in front of the X-fighter, in the distance, is a damaged old American space shuttle, which is spinning in space.

In the more distant area, you can see a huge mass of viscous substance, the substance is flowing with light, wrapped in flames, mixed with red, pink, purple, orange and other colors, it is quite beautiful in terms of appearance.

But that thing is obviously not easy to get along with, and it is also the substance that has attracted the attention of Xie Zhi and Darkseid from the very beginning.

At this moment, Rui Wen said with a straight face: "They are not on one side, they are fighting, hurry up and do what we should do!"

The young man wearing special goggles asked, "Do I need to get ready to attack?"

"No, stay vigilant, but don't provoke them! Those two people and the giant beast... are too powerful! Scott, I want you to blow up the thrusters of the space shuttle and reduce the rotation speed." Ruiwen's eyes could not hide the horror , whispered: "Charles, did you see..."


Darkseid, whose strength has been soaring, is finally able to force his brain to collapse without buzzing. While roaring, the magic whip is continuously broken by him!

Xie Zhi saw the opportunity quickly enough, and immediately controlled the evolution armor to fly away.

Immediately afterwards, the portal is closed!

There was a sudden chi chi la la sound, because... the door was not closed!

The fireworks edge was tightly shrunk around Darkseid's waist, but it just couldn't be closed.

Xie Zhi couldn't help being speechless. He really didn't expect that even the power of space cutting and the Omega effect after the explosion could resist it. Isn't it too much?

However, Darkseid is not having a good time. After all, space cutting involves the power of rules. Although the portal is "relatively" easy to learn, the destructive power it causes is seriously inconsistent with the level of easy learning, so being able to withstand it does not mean it is invalid, and it is painful. He feels the pressure most intuitively.

More importantly, Darkseid can't move anymore, and he can't do anything about the portal in the process of closing.

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes and exclaimed, "Tsk tsk, the Omega's amazing, but that's it."

Said Xie Zhi waved his hand, and another portal caught Darkseid, this time, it was his neck, so correspondingly, Darkseid's head also appeared elsewhere.

The new portal was closed, and the beheading was still not possible, but Darkseid had to bear more pressure. In fact, if there were no more accidents, Darkseid's death was only a matter of time.

But Xie Zhi didn't intend to wait, and waved his hand to Qinglong: "Stay away, my brother is going to use a big move!"

As he spoke, Xie Zhi used his palm as a knife, and put on a posture as if he was accumulating strength, and his aura was constantly rising. In fact, the source of the aura was in his palm, and the palm even became dazzling from the light through it!


Guanghua retracted suddenly, completely restrained like a palm, and the momentum was completed.

Xie Zhi's eyes were cold, and he slashed out with a palm!

"Are you sure this melon is ripe!!!"

With one palm out, no visual effect can be seen, but it brings an indescribable coldness.

Dakseid's body stopped moving, and then, a horizontal line appeared on his face starting from the middle of his nose, and then cracked, and half of his head flew away...

Darkseid... died.

This trick is precisely to kill evil!

It is said that the portal has the power of spatial rules, so it should be stronger. The problem is, it is not the full output of the power of rules, but only involved, and the result depends on the continuous force.

But Xie Xie Zhan is different, it is specially developed to deal with the Celestials, the emphasis is on the unrivaled cutting power, the existence of star-destroying weapons!

Of course, Xie Zhi didn't use the strength to destroy the star, and he can't use it now, but it's no problem to cut Darkseid to death. No matter how strong he is, he is not as strong as a concentrated planet.

But Dakseid's death is not completely over yet, seeing that the portal still hasn't completely cut through his remnant body at this moment, the omega effect of berserk has not yet ended.

And what's more troublesome is that with the death of Dakseid, the Omega effect seems to be getting out of control.

What will be the result, Xie Zhi predicted it with the force, it is very clear that a fatal threat is about to happen!

But Xie Zhi was not in a hurry. He waved his hand, and the portal expanded again. After the movement disappeared, another portal appeared, covering Darkseid completely from head to toe, and then Darkseid disappeared. , yes, teleported away.

"Explode yourself? Will brother give you a chance?" Xin

Xie Zhi turned his head to look in one direction, and within two seconds, a bright light spot suddenly appeared in the starry sky in that direction, the size of a bean, which flickered and then disappeared.

"You can still see it from such a distance. The explosion is quite powerful. Well, there is no one there, right? Probably not, definitely not... We are not people without public morality."

But following Xie Zhi, he felt something was wrong and turned around to look.

I saw the mysterious substance that I was concerned about when I first came, collapsing rapidly towards a point.

The collapsed position was a severely damaged space shuttle.

"It was...absorbed!" Xie Zhi stared at the boss: "Who is this? So awesome!"

Xie Zhi was very sure of this, that's why he was surprised, because both he and Darkseid had discovered that it was quite a thing, a good thing! Well, maybe.

Anyway, it's certain that Niubi is in a mess.

According to Xie Zhi's thinking, no matter what it is, the ones who can grasp it must be characters of his and Darkseid's level. Who would have thought that another one would appear in front of him!

The interception was on Xie Zhi's head! Can't bear it!

At this time, the matter was also absorbed, and then the space shuttle exploded.

But the flames had no effect on Xie Zhi, he teleported over there, and when he saw the target in the flames, he couldn't help being stunned: "This is... the face of the three idiots... hey? Who is the three idiots?"

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take too Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd. In the **** Zhenmagus, it presents a different tranquility.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the **** smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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