Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1466: Son-in-law of the Ming Dynasty

Thinking in his heart, Xie Zhi pointed out: "You, come here."

The bearded girl shivered nervously, and pretended to look around, as if she didn't know she was being called.

"Stop pretending, it's you, the big girl who put on a fake beard and pretends to be a man."

Xie Zhi directly broke her disguise, your own father is about to make a decision, why are you pretending, as a girl, it is serious to prepare the table quickly, the folks are waiting for the table.

After being called out, the woman had no choice but to walk out from the crew. reading books

This move made the crew even more astonished. Obviously, they didn't expect that there was a woman hidden among them. Her expression was very similar to that of some students who left the college entrance examination room... Why did I not get that question right! ? Careless!

Amidst the remorse of a group of crew members beating their chests, Xie Zhi said: "I am the legendary Captain Xie Zhi, everyone on the road knows my rules, I only rob pirates.

So... I advise you to quickly join the pirate industry, don't be ignorant of good and evil. "

Then, regardless of how the sailors understood this persuasion, they turned their heads and glanced at the big girl: "It was your father who asked me to help you find you, so I am not trying to rob men and women.

If you don't want to get on my boat, it's okay, I can sneak your own father over here. "

"Yes!" While the big girl rolled her eyes, she responded without any hesitation.

Brother, you have exposed my flawless disguise, so why do you let me hang out on this boat in the future?

"Sensible." Xie Zhi grabbed the big girl by the back of her neck and jumped back to his flagship with a vertical leap.

This ability made the big girl dare not make mistakes, but she couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart: "Are you really the legendary Captain Xie Zhi?"

"Replacement as fake."

"So... Blackbeard Edward Teach is really on your ship?"

Xie Zhi couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Do you know his relationship with you?"

While tearing off the fake beard, the big girl replied, "I know, that's my real father."

"But he told me he sent you away when you were a baby."

"Yes, but he also left a letter and money to the nun who adopted me, so I know he is my father, and I can understand why he didn't adopt me. He is a pirate. It is inevitable."

Is this an active forgiveness? But what made Xie Zhi puzzled was that he didn't think this scene was strange at all.

After thinking about it... oh, after the secret of Lao Mei's eavesdropping on all allies was exposed, Lao Mei didn't say anything, and the allies took the initiative to say that it's nothing to worry about, so...tradition, tradition.

"Ahem, girl, haven't you thought about another possibility? For example, as a father, you can choose to wash your hands for the sake of your child, start a new life, and raise your daughter well."

"He must have his own reasons. Let's are such a big man, it's not good to provoke the relationship between me, a little girl, and my father."

Well, it's still my fault, but it's still the same, people are being monitored... No, no matter how they are cheated by their fathers, they are also their fathers. Why do you, an outsider, meddle in this business?

And at this moment, Jack, who had nothing to do, came out for a walk to bask in the sun, and had a good eye with this big girl.


"Jack Sparrow!"

Yes, I know.

And after saying hello, Angelica immediately strode towards Jack, this posture is familiar to everyone.

Sure enough, snap!

Big ear photon is crisp~

After a friendly exchange between the two, Xie Zhi figured out what was going on.

Once Jack Sparrow was passing through Spain and found a new club he had never seen before, so he went in to find a girl.

Annelika, who was thinking about her youth in the monastery, saw a creature like a man for the first time, so she consulted the old driver Jack about the driving regulations with the spirit of learning humbly.

Of course, Angelica is a novice after all, and she doesn't understand the routines of old drivers. After she found out the fact that she went to a black driving school, the coach had already disappeared.

In other words, Jack actually became Blackbeard's cheap son-in-law.

Unexpectedly, these two goods are still relatives.

Xie knew that the gossip was interesting, but Angelica remembered the business. I will talk about Jack's grievances later, and take care of my father first.

Then he turned around and said, "Captain Xie Zhi, everyone says you specialize in robbing pirates, and Jack is on your ship, so... is my father really on your ship?"

"I said it before, why are you fooling me? Yes, your father also let me steal it, huh? Why do you feel so awkward?"

Angelica said excitedly: "Please, please let my father and I..."

"Stop, you don't understand human language, do you? It feels so stupid. I told you to let your father and daughter meet. Don't act like a victim. It's like I've got you."

"I'm sorry, it's didn't ask me?"

"You're overthinking." Xie Zhi didn't bother to argue with her, probably because he was nervous after staying in the group of male sailors for a long time.

After leading Angelica to the cabin where Blackbeard was held, Blackbeard's reaction was more interesting.

"Xie Zhi, you can't say that she is my daughter. She is really my daughter. How do I know if you just found a girl? It's too easy for you to spend money to hire someone."

Even though Blackbeard looked like I didn't believe it, Xie Zhi didn't care: "Normally, it's reasonable to have such doubts, but the friends in the world know who I'm talking about, hey, I said she is you Girl, she really is."

Blackbeard immediately looked hurt: "You are being unreasonable like this. If you spread the word, you will be ridiculed by the world. You are deceiving the world..."

"Do you know this?" When Xie Zhi interrupted, he took out his mind compass and shook it: "Maybe you don't know, but I can explain it to you. This is Jack Sparrow's treasure. This compass can point to The direction of the target you want to find.

Don't think that you are the only one with Blackbeard who has treasures. Jack Sparrow has good things to be able to get to this day.

I'm not interested in arguing with you. I found this big girl with this magical compass. I don't care if you don't believe me, because I did fulfill my promise. It has nothing to do with whether you believe it or not.

So whether you admit it or not, I can still generously give you father and daughter two days to reunite, and after two days, I will send you to the grave. "

Old man, play a rascal with me, right? Blind your dog's eyes.

Xie Zhi didn't give him a chance to continue his defense at all, so he just left, didn't listen to him, and just chanted sutras.

Blackbeard is dumbfounded. Although I am a sophistry, there is no problem in logic. How did I know that you have a compass to find someone? Jack Sparrow is also a bastard. Can’t he treat his own things with refreshments? Look at it I can't see it, rubbish!

Angelica was even more dumbfounded, what is this all about? Isn't it supposed to be a heartwarming and touching scene when father and daughter meet each other, not to mention whether it is touching or not, why does it feel like her father is trying to chase someone away.

Of course, Anjelica immediately thought that there was nothing wrong with this kind of behavior. After all, she had never seen her father, Blackbeard. If she had any doubts, she could also doubt the identity of the old man, so there was nothing wrong with what her father said. .

That's right, Xie knows that the captain is the bad guy! The rumors are false!

But he said that Xie Zhiren left, but it wasn't that he didn't pay attention to Blackbeard at all. He arranged for the followers of Water Girl to watch, so that Blackbeard wouldn't play a role in which I used my daughter as a hostage to threaten you.

This possibility is not impossible, because the old **** made it clear that he did not intend to recognize his daughter, whether it was true or not.

Originally, he had to die regardless of whether it was true or not, so the **** methods of the pirate circle known for his black beard may not have sacrificed his daughter's life.

It would be foolish to expect the moral level of a pirate, let alone the most notorious one.

Back on the deck of the ship, Xie Zhi saw Jack who was chatting with the followers of Water Girl everywhere, and called him over.

"I said, your ex-girlfriend is here, can't you calm down?"

"Brother, love has a shelf life. It's not the style of a prodigal son to remain unswerving until death. Besides, she has already slapped me on the mouth, which is considered an official breakup."

Xie Zhile: "I don't care how you deal with your relationship problems, I warn you, don't harass my crew members on my ship, the female aquarium is now my soldier, and it is forbidden to have **** during the service."

"Your rules are too inhuman."

"I'm the boss. I don't know if the boss's most hated employee is on maternity leave. If you are not convinced, quickly knock down the capitalists. I don't mind."

"what are you saying?"

"Okay, you still don't have awakened consciousness, forget it, I'll ask you something else.

Are there any special legends here in Asia? Do you think Angelica's arrival in Asia has something to do with baby? "

Xie Zhi asked this because after getting in touch with Angelica, she also gave a reminder that this girl is an important plot character, but there is no related ocean legend.

But since she is an important plot character, there must be a reason, although she is qualified enough if she has a relationship with Blackbeard, just in case there are other things.

Jack rolled his eyes: "I want 30%! That's not much, brother."

"If it's just property, of course it's fine, half of it is fine." Xie Zhi didn't say anything dead, I didn't agree to Pokémon.

"I like your generosity, brother, of course Asia has good things, don't forget, the pirate king of Singapore, Sao Feng, is here in Asia.

You like to rob pirates, coincidentally, he is, rob him! "

Xie Zhi stared at Jack silently for a while, and Jack was a little terrified: "Did I say something wrong?"

Xie Zhi smiled: "No, but I'm analyzing how much of what you said is true, or, what are you hiding, after all, you are addicted to telling nonsense."

"Brother, you understand, pirates, bad habits die hard." Jack shrugged, not showing the slightest shame, but smiling all over his face.

"Okay, then go meet the Singaporean pirate king first, anyway, the nine pirate kings will have to deal with each other sooner or later."

Now that he has come to Asia, Xie Zhi doesn't mind wandering around, even if there is nothing to gain, but don't forget, he is... the son-in-law of the Ming Dynasty.

So if you don't braid your hair, your thoughts will not be clear, and you won't be able to explain to your wife after you go home.

Then, go to Singapore first.

It is the mind compass, Xie Zhi still uses it, and it gives a clear direction.

So Jack either really didn't know the inside story, or he was hiding it... Sao Feng's baby.

What Xie Zhi didn't expect was that in the evening, Jack was pulled by Angelica and came to the captain's room.

And Jack's expression seemed very reluctant.

So Xie Zhi subconsciously asked: "You two... want me to be a witness?"

"What? Of course not!" Anjelica took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and said, "Thank you, Captain, I beg you, show mercy and let my father, Edward Teach go."

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Can I think that your father recognizes you?"

"Yes, he told me everything, great Captain Xie Zhi, you are just robbing pirates, as far as I know, you are not an indiscriminate killer..."

"But your father is." Xie Zhi continued.

Angelica paused and sighed: "Yes, he has done many wrong things, but he has lost everything now..."

"Wait a minute." Xie Zhi couldn't help but interrupted again: "What does it mean to lose everything? Isn't he still alive?"

"But he is already your prisoner, and he is old."

"So you don't have to pay for what you did? Come on, he's an adult.

Girl, although I admire your filial piety, the person killed by your father is also someone else's father, someone else's husband, or someone else's child. "

"But you're a pirate too."

"But you also know that I only rob pirates. Good people are never my target, let alone killing innocent people indiscriminately."

Angelica poked Jack, and Jack quickly said, "I'm also against killing Blackbeard! But I know I can't convince you, it's just an attitude."

Anjelica stomped on Jack angrily, then turned her head and said with a serious face: "Captain Xie, if my father offends you, I can pay it on his behalf. You can kill me!"

Xie Zhi was silent for two seconds, then shook his fingers: "You made a mistake, I have no personal grievances with your father.

Killing him is a chivalrous act of righteousness. After all, killing him pays his life and debts, this is justified.

Your father owes too much life debt, a hundred times death is not wronged, only one death is already cheap for him.

Secondly, this is what I agreed with him. I helped him find his long-lost biological daughter, and then he died. You see, I did it. It's time for him to fulfill his promise.

So this matter has nothing to do with you. If you want to die for him, whatever you want, I will not stop you if you choose to commit suicide, but whether you die or not, it will not affect my killing Blackbeard. "

"I can marry you!" Anjelica raised her head and puffed out her chest, not to mention, she was quite predictable. UU reading

"I agree." Jack said.

Pfft, Xie Zhile, shook his head and smiled: "You are destroying other people's families, and my wife is ten thousand times more attractive than you."

"Then how do you let him go?"

"Well, if you can let the relatives of the person killed by your father choose to forgive your father..."

"keep your word!"

"I haven't finished talking yet, girl, don't think that you can get away with it soon. It's pointless to play such a clever trick. Do you think you can delay this matter with a delay?"

Xie Zhi took out the mind compass again and shook it: "You can ask Jack how useful this thing is, I can find you in the vast sea, and I can quickly find all the families of the victims.

Not to mention convincing all of them, I admire you if you can convince one!

Don't act like you are wronged, your father's life is your life, but the lives of other people's fathers, husbands, and children are not your life? "

Anjelica had nothing to say, but she still didn't want to give up: "But... always... there is always a way, right? I beg you, Captain Xie Zhi, you can ask me to do anything!"

"Alas..." Xie Zhi sighed, "Frankly speaking, your filial demeanor...I wasn't touched at all.

Although it is okay to be unreasonable for the sake of the family, there is a limit to some extent, not even a lower limit for being a human being.

As for your father, I will kill him. Even God can’t stop what I said. Is there any problem? "

"You will pay! You are a devil!"

"Hehe, so I created an enemy for myself? It doesn't matter, if you have the ability, you can take revenge on me, and I will follow.

But don't say I didn't remind you, I'm not the one to do it myself, no matter how weak the person who provokes me is, whether it's a woman, whether my own father was killed by me, I won't get used to her problems . "

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