Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1468: After the famous family (haven't had time to check, it is recommended to w

Frankly speaking, Xie Zhi was somewhat disappointed by Blackbeard's words, and it was because of a prophecy that he co-authored his trump card.

In other words, Blackbeard has nothing to shave...

This makes Xie Zhi even more upset, so who is worse if you are black beard?

death penalty? It seems that he is too cheap. He has said that he will not be wronged if he dies a hundred times. Of course, life imprisonment is only fair.

As for the life sentence, Xie Zhi has already made up his mind. Since the mysterious magic prison is a place to torture the half-dead, and Xie Zhi has indeed developed some interest in the magic prison, and plans to go and have a look, then Blackbeard can be thrown in the There.

But this has created a new problem. Since it is predicted that someone will kill Blackbeard in the near future, and it succeeds, it means that Blackbeard will still be killed by him.

This shows that the idea of ​​life imprisonment that came up on his own was not implemented.

Xie Zhi doesn't care much about whether the prophecy comes true, he can go along or go against it, after all, he has been exposed to too many future predictions, and the future can be changed.

But after he came up with the idea of ​​giving him a life sentence, he finally chose to kill him, so there must be a reason, but what could be the reason?

And Blackbeard was already impatient: "Stop talking nonsense! Are you going to say it or not!"

Xie Zhi smiled slightly: "Threat me with your own daughter, you're pretty arrogant, okay, I can tell you, my hole card is are nothing."

With the voice, something suddenly fell from Black Beard.

And the ones that fell were Blackbeard's...hands!

Break your wrists!

However, his hands didn't land completely. During the fall, he drew an arc in the air and flew in front of Xie Zhi.

In this way, the voodoo doll clutched in both hands will naturally not cause secondary damage to Angelica by hitting the deck.

This scene directly made Blackbeard stupefied, what's going on? Why are my hands gone! ?

In fact, it is also simple, Xie Zhi just used the vocal cord parasites to shape two invisible sharp blades, which have already stopped at the upper and lower positions of Blackbeard's wrist.

It's true that invisible followers can't get close to Blackbeard without touching the string array, but it's still no problem to shape a pair of scissors in the air.

When it needs to be activated, the two blades can be cut like scissors.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and everyone had different moods. The most special one was Angelica, but her eyes were too complicated, and it was not clear whether she was happy or disappointed. It was not surprising, who let her have such a superb father Woolen cloth.

But Xie Zhi is used to this kind of thing, and that Celestial Ego played even more outrageously.

"It's impossible, the prophecy won't be wrong..." Blackbeard murmured to himself in disbelief, obviously he couldn't accept this result.

Xie Zhi waved his hand, and all the messy lines in the room were broken. He walked up to Black Beard and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't panic, there is nothing wrong. Your daughter has already chosen to sacrifice herself. The prophecy has come true." up.

As for why I gave you this prophecy if it didn't work out, I don't think it's strange, have you ever thought about it, why can't you play with the prophecy? You have a big brain.

What's more, if the person who gave you the prophecy is worried about telling the truth, you, an old boy, become angry again and give others a blow, wouldn't it be a great loss.

The point is, I suddenly felt that whether you will die or not... This matter is still open to debate. "

Blackbeard raised his head immediately, his eyes full of hope.

Xie Zhi smiled: "Yes, I won't kill you for the time being, because killing you is too cheap for you, you are not as good as a pig or a dog.

As for how to concoct you, let me think about it again, and it should surprise you. "

While speaking, while Blackbeard's face changed color, his broken wrist also stopped bleeding and quickly healed itself.

Of course it was Xie Zhi who did it. Since he didn't plan to kill him, then of course he couldn't let him lose too much blood and die.

Similarly, Xie Zhi also used vocal cord parasites to heal Angelica's broken leg.

Then he gave Jack a wink, and quickly took this lost girl away.

As for him thanking him for persuasion and comfort? What are you thinking, this is a good thing, getting rid of such a wonderful father is your luck, congratulations~

Xie Zhi did not choose to congratulate in person because he wanted to save some face for his limited EQ.

So what about Blackbeard who is also in a state of despair, let's continue to leave this room in a state of despair.

However, in order to prevent this old pig and dog from committing suicide before he has decided whether to kill him, although the possibility of this is extremely low, Xie Zhi still decided to make him temporarily incapacitated, yes, two His legs were also pinched.

As for biting your tongue and killing yourself? No, science has proven that this trick won't work unless the tongue bleeds enough to choke him to death.

At this moment, the sky was already bright, and the people who watched the excitement dispersed. Xie Zhi also returned to the captain's cabin, while practicing, while waiting for the appearance of the Pirate King of Singapore.

Will the other party come? Xie Zhi thinks it should.

After all, it's been such a long time, even if it's Feige's message, Xie Zhi's news is so explosive that it should have spread all over the world.

As long as he, Xiao Feng, has any brains, he should take the initiative to show his attitude.

But Xie Zhiqian waited, not for the sake of face, but to create an atmosphere so that the information could be spread more widely. After all, his son-in-law from the Ming Dynasty came to kill him.

Of course, Xie Zhi does not insist on reappearing the lost Ming Dynasty, which is not necessarily a good thing.

But how to deal with the Qing Dynasty, he has not yet thought about it. It is easy to destroy it, but no one with great talent and boldness has yet been born.

So he has to add up this matter, so he should first raise the atmosphere and let people know that there are still relatives in the Ming Dynasty, and the orthodox flower planting is still there.

As for the future, let the bullets fly for a while and see the subsequent changes.

About an hour later, towards the port, two warships finally sailed out, a Chinese-style sailboat and a Western-style sailboat.

Then, the two big ships put down the small boats and sailed towards the Xie family's army fleet with white flags.

The messengers of the two small boats represent the two parties, the East India Company, and the pirate king Sao Feng.

After interviewing the representatives of the two parties, Xie Zhi also understood the situation in Singapore.

It was the latter that he had guessed before. Sao Feng and the East India Company were the two pirates who divided the territory. Although there would be some cooperation with each other, they basically did not interfere with each other. (It's not yet the time of Pirates of the Caribbean 3, when Sao Feng will join the East India Company.)

And the intentions of both of them are similar, showing respect for the new great pirate Xie Zhi, and wanting to know the purpose of Xie Zhi's visit, expressing that as long as it is not too much, they will cooperate as much as possible.

After all, Xie Zhi's behavior this time is different from the previous few times, he didn't fight, it seems...some talk.

There is indeed something to talk about.

To the East India Company, Xie Zhi said in a cordial and friendly manner: You pack up your bedrolls in a hurry, and get out of here immediately!

Yes, get out of Asia, except for the basic nautical supplies, your own clothes and the children's diapers, you don't have a lot of cloth.

Please use your initiative and don't force me, the pirate king, Xie Zhi, to help you. By then, you may only have a pair of underpants left on your body.

The expression on the representative of the East India Company is naturally unreadable, but what can be done? He is a pirate, or a pirate who specializes in robbing pirates. He has already robbed many sites of the East India Company.

So what are you talking about, go back quickly, buy some time, maybe there is still time to sack gold bars into the valley road.

As for Xiao Feng's representative, Xie Zhi's attitude was even more blissful: just sending you a **** to talk to me is disrespectful to the Lord! Ask Xiao Feng to roll over and say hello to the master, otherwise the master will let him know what it means to be otherwise.

So after a trip back and forth, the dignified Singaporean pirate king Xiaofeng boarded the ship in person, and even carried a broom shirtless to express his sincerity in pleading guilty.

Is I missing a broken broom?

Xie Zhi was very disappointed, because Xiao Feng was too cowardly.

Although this is in Xie Zhi's interest, the key problem lies in Xiao Feng's face. Xie Zhi finds that face very familiar. No one likes people who comb their hair back and use banknotes to light cigarettes, or wear sunglasses.

In short, the more familiar that face felt, the more Xie Zhi was dissatisfied with Xiao Feng's lack of bones, probably all the bones grew on his twin brother.

Although the key face is familiar, Xie Zhi also hates Xiao Feng's appearance. He has a very obscene beard, not to mention domineering at all, and his hands are infected with onychomycosis.

Although being a pirate is not something to show your face, Xie Zhi has never seen a person who keeps his personal hygiene clean. This is the case with pirates in the East and the West, but you know that you are going to meet the pirate overlord, and you don't cut your nails. It's disrespectful!

If Xiao Feng knew Xie Zhi's thoughts, he would probably feel aggrieved, didn't you want me to show a cowardly attitude, I have satisfied you, why is it still my fault?

Xie Zhi was upset, and he didn't hide it in his tone: "I heard that you got the position of Pirate King by killing your own brother. You deserve to be a pirate, but you are ruthless."

Xiao Feng hastily explained: "I would like to thank the captain for knowing that there is actually something more hidden in this. The villain is just trying to protect himself. If I don't do it, I will be the one who dies..."

"That's all right, all right, don't explain to me, it's nothing new for brothers to fight for power, there are fathers and sons who fight each other, and it's the same in the pirate circle, I'm not interested in hearing about your family's crap.

And what I want to know is... Do you know Zhang Baozai? "

"Ah?" Xiao Feng was startled, and scratched his bald head with his long onychomycosis nails: "Hiss... Your Majesty forgives me, I'm so ignorant, I've never heard of this name."

"Where is Mrs. Zheng?"

"Forgive me, I've never heard of this young man."

Well, it seems that it is indeed different from the normal history. The two great pirates, Zhang Baozai and Zheng Yisao, who really dominated Asia, did not exist in the local area.

However, I heard that another Pirate King with flower blood is indeed a woman, and her name is Mrs. Qing.

When asked these two people, Xie Zhi was just out of curiosity to see how different the world of psychic missions is from the real history. After all, in the 18th century, the East India Company fought a war in the name of Ye Zi.

Sure enough, Xie Zhi followed up and asked about the Leaf War. Not to mention, this actually happened. The virtues of the East India Company have not changed. Of course, the Manchu Qing court also collapsed as always. This is no different from normal history.

When talking about these issues, Xiao Feng didn't stop thinking about it. After some thinking, he thought that he completely understood Xie Zhi's plan and purpose.

It's obvious, look at the beautiful flying fish suit he's wearing, the intention couldn't be more obvious.

But there is one thing to say, look at the configuration of this outfit, it is indeed the orthodox of the previous dynasty, the workmanship, the stitches, tsk tsk, high-end atmosphere and high-grade! Soon I will also find a tailor to get a suit.

So as he talked, Xiao Feng's address to Xie Zhi changed again and again, first from the captain to the king, and then from the king to the lord, mainly because he didn't know much about the previous court, and after thinking about it for a while, he finally I'm sure, Xie Zhi's appearance should not be the clothes worn by the prince, it might be more appropriate to call him an adult.

Not to mention, his blind thinking was really wrong.

Xie Zhi smiled: "It seems that you are not blind, but you understand what my clothes represent."

"My lord is a lesson! The villain became a bandit just because he was dissatisfied with the Tartars. Please see, the villain's bald head was shaved just because he didn't want to be with the Tartars! We will definitely not keep the Tartars' head!

The villain's loyalty to Daming can be learned from the sun and the moon, and he is always looking forward to Master Wang's reshaping of orthodoxy! "

"Okay, okay, you have a heart, but I'm curious, why do your men still have braids?"

Xiao Feng was dumbfounded and careless! Hasty! You shouldn't have sent any envoys here before, what's wrong with the bragging?

However, Xiao Feng is also a character, and his brain turned quite quickly, and he immediately said seriously: "That is for the convenience of going to the Tartar territory to listen to information, so I have to shave my head to show my ambition, and my subordinates stayed behind for the time being to sneak into the enemy camp to spy braid."

"Hehe, this reason is reasonable, so I will take it as true."

"Never dare to lie to the adults, the villain is telling the truth. UU reading"

"But I heard that you have a good relationship with the East India Company, and you often cooperate."

"My lord, it's nothing more than an arrogance with the barbarians. When I was young, I was thinking about the Ming Dynasty. I was accumulating strength in order to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. After all, the barbarians' cannons are indeed very useful.

It is really helpless to act like a pirate, the ancestor of the villain was actually a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty, my lord, do you know Mr Zheng who went to sea seven times back then? "

Xie Zhi was taken aback: "Your ancestor was Zheng He, the **** of the Three Treasures? Then how did your father and your grandfather come into being?"

"Your Excellency misunderstood, the villain's ancestor is the Three Treasures **** Zheng He...a member of the army."

"In this way, you are still Zhongliang, but you have evidence."

"Yes, yes! My lord, do you know that the Mao Kun map of Master Zheng's fleet, because the ancestor was under the command of the three treasures, so he was lucky to get this treasure map."

Mao Kun picture? Could it be the mysterious sea chart Jack mentioned?

But did you say it so quickly? Is Xiao Feng really cowardly, or...

No matter what, Xie Zhi naturally wanted to take a look before saying: "Bring it and let me see."

"As ordered."

Xiao Feng cupped his fists and was about to bid farewell and leave.

Xie Zhi said: "Don't run back and forth, it's too troublesome.

Come, Yang Fan weighed anchor and sailed alongside the flagship of Captain Sao Feng. "

Xie Zhi doesn't believe a word of what the pirates say. Now that you've reached this point, let's save some trouble, don't care if Xiao Feng is playing tricks, it's over if you don't give you a chance.

But saying that the fleet was parallel, Xie Zhi simply followed Xiao Feng onto his ship. In the captain's room, Xiao Feng took out a chart similar to bamboo slips, but strictly speaking, it was more like a mat.

To be honest, there is a sense of antiquity, but it is not compelling enough.

However, Xie Zhi did not suspect that the chart was forged, because after the Sao Feng unfolded, Xie Zhi just took a closer look, and the system prompt followed...

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