Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 191: super charles

Regarding Charles' harsh words, Xie Zhi sighed: "Maybe, but who hasn't made a mistake yet?

If there is a kind of you, don't make such a fool, give some substantive suggestions, such as how to solve the mistake, and can you solve the problem if you let it go? Can't, can our collective suicide solve the problem? We can't promise either.

So, no matter which option you choose, the result is to see who has the best cards, just do it, is it useful to talk about it? "

Charles stopped responding and closed his eyes silently.

Xie Zhi stood up and ordered: "Take care of him, don't let him die, play with him if you like to kill yourself by biting your tongue."

After the transport plane arrived at the destination, everyone dropped directly at high altitude, and slowly slowed down when they approached the research base.

The first to act was the White Queen, who turned off the brain wave interference device on the suit and brain-controlled all the personnel in the base.

Although not as good as Charles, the White Queen is considered an industry leader in the field of brain control, with basic operations.

So, there was no fighting, no sneaking in, and everyone swaggered into the base, as if following their own home.

Everyone went straight to the core area, and there was a high-level leading party, who introduced the situation to everyone while walking, as if welcoming a leader to inspect. The reason why it was introduced by the person in charge, the reason given by the White Queen was that she read the mind first and then explained it, which was a waste of time.

During the introduction, everyone learned that there are more than 3,000 samples of mutant signs here!

No need to ask, it must be Charles' trick.

"Is there any Magneto?" Xie Zhi asked subconsciously.

The person in charge replied: "Yes."

Xiao Yu asked: "How far has the experiment progressed?"

The person in charge said proudly: "After a large number of human experiments, through surgery, the transplantable ability has been increased to the fifth type, and it is expected that the sixth type will be broken through in the near future."

Hearing the word human experiment, Bucky's face sank: "A large amount? How much is it?"

"Three thousand and two hundred operations were performed. The mortality rate was relatively high before, but the current success rate has increased to 97%."

"Calm down, brother, these people are just brainwashed." Seeing that Bucky had a tendency to go into a rage, Xie Zhi patted him on the shoulder: "Discard Charles' hole card, kill him however you want."

"I know." Bucky took a deep breath: "Just remembering some things from the past, you know, I get angry when I hear about experiments and brainwashing."

"Understood, I understand. When we encounter this kind of product, let's make one of them." After speaking, Xie Zhi looked at the person in charge, and said, "Who is that, how is the condition of the experimental body? Where are they all?"

The person in charge said: "Destroyed."

"Destroy!?" Ryan asked in surprise, "Then what kind of hole card is this?"

Bucky frowned and said, "Explain, why are they all destroyed?"

The person in charge hurriedly shook his head: "Not all of them are destroyed, and there is still one for regular surgery. That is the main product, and we call it X-1. X-1 is very special, and it is a perfect carrier. At present, other experimental subjects cannot do it for hundreds of years. 100% control, the risk is extremely high, so there is no need to keep it."

"What's special?"

Xie knew that during the inquiry, everyone had already arrived at the data center.

The person in charge led the entrance, pointed to his head and replied, "X-1 was born without high-level brain functions, and his nervous system is normal, but he has no consciousness and no thoughts."

Ryan said: "Vegetable?"

"No, it's different from a vegetative person. It should be said that his brain is blank. If a person's brain is a book, he is a book without words." After speaking, all the people in charge rummaged through the filing cabinet and took out a document Pass it to everyone: "Here are his details."

Xie Zhi took it and opened it, but his eyes widened on the first page: "Charles!?"

That's right, the person in the photo is very similar to Charles, like the same person.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Zhi shook his head: "No, it's not him, this is his twin brother from the same mother...I probably understand."

"Queen White, can the consciousness be transmitted into other people's bodies?" Xie Zhi handed the information to Queen White.

The White Queen browsed through the documents with wide eyes, and murmured: "This... I haven't tried it, I don't think I can do it, but after seeing this information, maybe Charles should be able to, this is his twin brother, maybe the relationship between them Is there any special connection... Yes! It’s feasible! This is Charles’ hole card! No wonder he wants to die, as long as his consciousness can be transferred, then death is just another body!" (Note 1)

Xiao Yu frowned slightly: "But he is wearing a power limiter, and if the power can't be used, is it useful to die?"

The White Queen thought for a moment, and said: "I don't understand the principle of the power limiter, but I think Charles' ability to transfer consciousness has already involved the spiritual level, or the soul, I don't know, but since he dared to provoke , then he has a certain degree of certainty, maybe the power limiter will not be able to limit him after he dies."

Xie Zhi: "How many abilities does X-1 have? What are they like?"

"At present, all five abilities have been transplanted." The person in charge said as he dug out several folders again and handed them to everyone: "The detailed information is here."

Bucky raised his eyebrows after accepting one and said, "This is the second operation, one year after the first operation, fortunately, the technical conditions are not strong enough in this era, otherwise I'm afraid there will be more than these abilities.

Hey, isn't this the captive wearing a cowboy hat? It's called Phantom. Its ability is teleportation, but it's only within sight, and the range doesn't exceed one kilometer. The evaluation is far inferior to the teleportation ability of the Red Devil. "

The Red Devil snorted when he heard the words: "He has no choice, he will just let it go."

And Ryan followed up: "The third operation, eight months later, the ability of the mutant's shock wave can launch a jet of highly destructive energy, which is extremely destructive."

The White Queen sneered: "The fourth operation, Magneto's ability to control metal! What a good friend."

Xiao Yu said: "The first operation, Wolverine Logan, healed itself at a high speed, and he was almost immortal. Sure enough, saving his life was the first choice."

Seeing that Xie Zhi frowned and said nothing, Bucky couldn't help asking: "Your share is very good?"

"It's not very powerful." Xie Zhi sighed: "It's super powerful! This is a key project that has only recently completed a breakthrough. It comes from mutants... the Black Emperor! It can absorb any energy and release it again, and the upper limit of absorption is unknown! "

The White Queen was dumbfounded, and tremblingly said: "Sebastian Xiao! It turns out that his body was used by Charles for experiments! This bastard!"

Bucky smiled and said, "Fortunately, Charles can't die now, and the hole cards are useless."

"You say..." Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes: "Could Charles be Apocalypse?"

Xie Zhi was startled, thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Maybe, maybe not, but if not, then... Apocalypse should appear soon, obviously Charles continues to strengthen, Apocalypse may not be able to beat him, Apocalypse His mind control ability is very strong, Charles should be able to be controlled by him It may not be so in the future, so the apocalypse will definitely appear in the near future!"

The White Queen coughed dryly: "Let's not talk about the apocalypse. It is more important to abolish Charles' avatar. Safety comes first."

Xie Zhi nodded: "Lead the way."

Everyone soon came to a very important place, as evidenced by the security door comparable to a bank vault.

After the door opened, everyone saw a man lying on a comfortable big bed. It was Charles' twin brother, X-1.

However, something displayed in the wall window made the White Queen and the others stunned.

The White Queen blurted out: "That's Eric's helmet! It turns out that Charles is... the King of Punishment!"

"Now I know, it's too late."

These words made everyone's hair stand on end, because it was X-1 who spoke!

No, it's Charles!

Seeing Charles sitting up slowly, he smiled strangely: "As I said, you made a big mistake."

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