Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 197: go to war

the other side of the world.

"It's amazing." Tianqi tilted his head, watching Magneto with great interest, as if he saw some rare treasure.

Someone asked: "What did you see?"

"Ha... I want... the answer." Even though Tian Qi was excited, he didn't express much, but it could make people feel that he was extremely excited.

Tianqi closed his eyes, his consciousness spread, and instantly he connected to the consciousness of the White Queen, and easily suppressed the will of the White Queen!

Yes, Apocalypse also has telepathy ability, otherwise he would not be able to enter the White Queen's thinking field, but telepathy is a big category, he can enter the brain field, can force oppression and use the ability of the other party, but he cannot control others by himself Thought, this is something he doesn't have, but the White Queen does.

In the white queen's conscious world, he saw all the human beings in the world. This feeling of truly controlling everyone made him feel great. He aimed at the human beings who controlled strategic weapons.

"Humans have always been like this. Now that they have these, they don't need stones anymore..."

Tian Qi was talking to himself in cadence, obviously he had a lot of testimonials, but from the first sentence, it was just to show one thing, he is Tian Qi, he is invincible in the world.

The answer that I have been looking for, but it suddenly appeared, really shocked Xie Zhi and others.

Although the battlefield is preset, the preparation is far from perfect.

But this is war, never wait until you are fully ready to fight.

With the White Queen calling for help, Xie Zhi immediately said: "White Queen! Are you under control?"

The White Queen didn't respond, her eyes were as black as ink, and her expression was dull.

"Pick it up soon..."

Before Xie Zhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Youde: "No! Turn on the brain wave interference device! Install a power suppressor!"

"Then turn it on!" Xie Zhi immediately understood the meaning of virtue. The White Queen's mind is connected to the device, and taking it off might hurt her brain. Although brain wave interference is also harmful, it is relatively softer. Plus the ability suppressor, double insurance.

At the same time, the sentry suit beside the White Queen rushed towards her, the body split open, and quickly wrapped it up to complete the fit, only the head wearing the helmet was exposed.

When the interference started and her abilities were restricted, the White Queen's eyes returned to normal, and the sentinel robot next to her immediately took off her helmet, and at the same time, her hands heated up rapidly and turned red, melting the helmet into molten iron, completely destroying it .

The battle suit was closed, and the White Queen, who was suffering from a headache, rushed into the air.

However, this is not over yet. Almost at the same time, more than 20 human-sized sentinel robots suddenly zoomed in and followed them into the air, but in a completely different direction, flying in all directions.

"No!!" Tianqi roared furiously. He had just spoken less than half of his passionate speech, and the person who controlled the strategic weapons of human beings had just connected, but was suddenly interrupted!

It's like taking off your pants, and you're about to feel happy, but suddenly... the toilet paper fell into the toilet. (Want to face the wall crookedly.)

A space bubble with lavender water patterns suddenly appeared, and Tian Qi said in a deep voice, "Go!"

The boss spoke, and the four apocalypse knights followed into it, the energy ripples closed, and the space transmission began.

Less than five seconds after the White Queen lifted off, a space bubble appeared on the beach.

However, before the end of the space transmission, a blue laser with a diameter of nearly two meters suddenly fell! Shoot the space bubble right and wrong!

Suddenly, the space bubble appeared unstable, the ripples on the surface were disordered, and it was trembling violently!

Look at the laser beam again, it comes from high altitude, to be precise, it comes from outside the atmosphere!

I saw a super-giant sentinel robot with a length of more than 100 meters floating outside the atmosphere, and the laser beam was emitted from its split head. Yes, its head has been modified, and the laser has a longer range. .

And around the giant sentinel, there are dozens of black antelope fighters floating, the hatch is opened, HDF robots operate cannons, and keep firing at the giant sentinel!

That's right, it is to fire at one's own side. The purpose is very simple, to use the kinetic energy generated by the shooting to continuously charge the sentry robot.

However, this is not over yet. The original two sentinel robots on the island also suddenly became larger, with a height of 100 meters. After the head was split, a thick golden energy beam exploded into the space bubble! Uninterrupted firepower!

For a moment, the radiance was brilliant, the sound and light effects were full, the buzzing sound continued to reverberate, and the space bubble was suppressed.

In fact, if it was not for the safety of the White Queen, the nuclear warhead could have been buried in advance. Thank you for killing donkeys, I know their family can't do it.

So the nuclear bomb was not buried, but at present, this super laser cannon is ruthless enough, and it has already made it impossible to disarm Apocalypse's space teleportation.

However, Tian Qi's face was gloomy, and his eyes gradually turned white: "Just based on this?"

Then, intense sparks appeared around the space bubble, and the tips of the three attacks were gradually pushed up in the flames!

Tianfa activated the power of thought, and the force field barrier it produced could actually block the energy bombardment, and even spread it apart, like an ever-expanding invisible shield.

As the suppressed space was expanded, the space bubble first stabilized and then dissipated, and Tian Qi and others got down to earth.

And his four subordinates were monitored and transmitted back to the headquarters in space, and Laifu introduced the identities of the four.

The first is a black-haired beauty, wearing a blue-purple bodysuit with a **** style.

Her mutant name is Spirit Butterfly, and she is capable of manifesting flower weapons with the power of her thoughts. She is physically strong and a melee master.

The second is a boy in black armor with a pair of metal wings on his back. He is called the Archangel. In fact, Xie Zhi and others have seen him before. Pay attention to him, but now follow Tianqi.

His original ability was to fly, and his physical strength was beyond ordinary people. Now that his wings are metalized, it is unknown whether his ability has changed.

The third is Xie Zhi's old acquaintance, Magneto in dark red armor, and has a new helmet.

However, the young version of Magneto is exactly the same as You Dechang's. It's just that they have already read Magneto's information, and everyone is not surprised. Looking at that familiar face, they are a little bit emotional.

The fourth place is a bit This is the product of the butterfly effect, a mutant who did not exist in the original history.

It was a young non-European woman with short pink hair and a silver-gray armor. Her name was Rainbow.

In view of her reputation in the mutant circle, Xiaoqiang also has some information about her. Her ability is to control the air to a certain extent. It is manifested in that by changing the air composition, it will affect the spectrum, and can produce invisibility, color change and the like. Effect.

But given that Apocalypse claims to be able to strengthen the abilities of others, it is unknown what it is now.

But at this time, Tianqi looked up at the sky, seeing the small black spots that had already flown away, and scattered in all directions, but they just didn't leave, as if they were waiting for Tianqi to catch them.

Tian Qi's already dark blue face darkened even more. Even though he knew that the enemy was seducing him, it was okay, because he didn't know which one was the White Queen.

Nothing else, each of them has a brain wave jammer turned on, and the white queen is wearing a power suppressor, even if Apocalypse has the ability to detect mutants, it can't find the target.

But the truth is... the White Queen left long ago, leaving behind all bait.

"Ants!" Tian Qi waved his hand angrily, and the two giant sentinel robots instantly turned into grains of sand, flying in all directions, instantly killing them!

But just after killing two, four more energy beams came! Attack again.

On the distant sea, four giants appeared in four directions. They were still giant sentinel robots, but they had been hiding in the sea. Once the two on the island were finished, the four immediately opened fire!

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