Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 203: Civilization (There are many private goods, you can watch it or not.)

Amidst the melodious sound of the chute shifting, the hatch is snapped shut.

Through the glass, Magneto glanced at Xie Zhi complicatedly, then slowly closed his eyes and fell into sleep.

Like him, there were three other mutants who all entered the hibernation cabin and fell into a deep sleep.

"This long can it sleep?" The White Queen asked curiously.

"It's been a long time." Xie Zhi smiled and said, "Do you want to try?"

The White Queen shrugged: "Thank you, I don't need this for now."

Ren hugged her shoulders and squeezed her eyes: "It's okay, if you want, I can give you one, for example, if you want to see the world ten years later, you will arrive after a night's sleep, which is considered time travel."

The White Queen laughed dryly: "Forget it, I really don't need it, but that...can a medical bed be used?"

Xie Zhi: "Don't you want the battle suit anymore?"

The White Queen: "Uh, can I only choose one?"

Xiao Yu said: "He's joking, I'll give it to you."

"How generous you are."

"It's a deal, it's done."

Seeing that Xie knew that they didn't mention the brain wave enhancer, and the White Queen didn't mention it either, as if there was no such thing at all.

Everyone understood that the White Queen was expressing her opinion. Of course she understood that the so-called battle clothes were actually prison cages. As long as the other party gave a command, even if they didn't wear the battle clothes, the battle clothes could become a deadly killer at any time and take their lives. But I want to emphasize again Wanting a battle suit is to show off your harmlessness.

Then the White Queen seemed hesitant to speak, and Xiao Yu said: "Just say what you want to say, we have been working together very happily."

The White Queen said solemnly: "In the video you showed Eric, the future Eric is very optimistic about Ji Jianguo and gave many reasons, but the question is, do you think Ji Jianguo will not suppress mutants like the Western world? "

"Individuals are not necessarily, there are all kinds of people, but the whole is not, the reason is... monotheism."

The White Queen was startled: "What do you mean? What does this have to do with religion?"

Xie Zhi: "It's a big deal. I know that many mutants don't believe in religion, and many people in modern Western society don't believe in religion. The problem is that the idea of ​​monotheism has penetrated into Western culture, and culture will affect the macroscopic national character.

The biggest problem with monotheism is its exclusivity. You can only choose one or the other for various questions. I am right and you are wrong. And it has to be.

And if you're right, wouldn't it prove that I'm wrong? That's not okay. I have to be right and you have to be wrong. Even if you lie, spread rumors, play dirty, you have to do everything you can to prove this point. The problem is no longer a fact, no Right and wrong itself, but... I have to be right.

I suggest that you learn more about infrastructure culture, which is also influenced by ancient polytheism. It is true that individuals must have good and bad, but the macro-ethnic character is very important to see whether the mind is broad-minded. I believe that tolerance is great, I believe Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, I believe in seeking common ground while reserving differences, I believe in inclusiveness, I believe... three people must have my teacher, but Western culture is just the opposite, three people must be my teacher.

So the biggest feature of that civilization is inclusiveness, people are good at assimilating alien races, not exterminating alien races.

How broad-minded it is, you will see in a few years, people dare to implement one country, two systems! Which country has such a mind?

Yes, there is also a saying in ancient infrastructure culture that "people who are not of our race must have different hearts", but it is not that their hearts are to be punished. In monotheistic culture, heretics must be slaughtered.

Looking at the Western world again, does today's prosperity depend on the system? It’s all for fooling people, otherwise why is it unlucky for which country their system is brought to? Either shearing sheep regularly, or being bankrupt and impoverished, or even endless civil wars, becoming refugees, isn’t it a panacea?

The reason for its prosperity lies in catching up with the express train of the industrial revolution, and then relying on war and robbery to make a fortune. This is the source of the West's prosperity. This also caused internal problems. To solve the problem of bullying, you think, under this kind of thinking, can mutants be good?

In the future, you will see more problems. The national credit of a superpower should be rejected if it is not allowed. Can it be trusted like farting?

It is true that the infrastructure civilization is not perfect, and many mistakes have been made, and there are many problems that need to be solved, but if you understand the history there, you will understand that civilization.

There is a Western proverb that human beings always repeat the same mistakes, which makes sense but is one-sided.

Because as long as you understand the history of infrastructure construction, you will find that infrastructure civilization is best at summing up lessons and correcting mistakes. Although it is often overcorrected, overcorrecting is also a mistake, and others will correct it.

For example, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were in chaos, and the power and status of the soldiers were restricted in the Song Dynasty. (Of course there are many reasons, so I can’t write all of them, just a brief summary.)

The mistakes made by the Song Dynasty were corrected by the Ming Dynasty, but they made great use of secret agencies and made mistakes again. The Qing Dynasty corrected them again, but suppressed technology and closed the country. To be overthrown, but the infrastructure court also corrected it, opened up, but did not lose itself.

There is no perfect civilization in the world, there are problems, many problems, but a civilization that is constantly reforming is more hopeful. Only by reform can we be prosperous and strong, and it was written into people's civilization genes more than 2,000 years ago.

In the West, there is only one thing that seriously hinders reform, party struggle, any issue can be politicized, plus the idea of ​​"I am right, you are wrong, zero-sum game", want to change? It cannot be said that it is completely impossible, but the probability is too low.

But the mistake of party struggle has been made in ancient times in infrastructure and civilization, and people know that they can't make it again.

It is the only uninterrupted civilization on earth, with an incomparably rich database of mistakes, and no civilization can surpass it in terms of summarizing experiences and lessons.

Except for the infrastructure civilization, every civilization that has become the number one in the can’t get up after weakening, and how many times the infrastructure civilization has been number one in the world? How many times has it weakened? Can always stand up! That's right, every time we get weak, some people can't stand up after kneeling for a long time, but that's an individual, and the macroscopic whole still stands up. Isn't this question worth thinking about?

Why is the future Magneto optimistic about others? Because he knows what infrastructure civilization has done.

Therefore, the White Queen really wants to change the fate of the mutants, so it is beneficial to understand that civilization. "

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "You can really say, you're not thirsty."

Xie Zhimeng took a sip of water: "There's no way, since it involves unbreakable pride, that's enough to put it away. If I really talk about it in detail, I won't be able to finish it in three days and three nights.

In addition, White Queen, just let me tell you, you must be dubious, even if you think I'm a fool, you don't believe it at all, it's okay, I understand, in fact, I don't care, but you really have plans for the future of mutants, please believe in one sentence, without investigation No say.

Of course, this investigation is an investigation without a preset position, otherwise the results will be crooked, and we must seek truth from facts.

And with your ability, doing surveys is your strong point. Let me tell you something, don’t be scared. After the future enters the 21st century, Lao Mei conducted a poll, and the result was only more than 60% People believe that the earth is round, and the remaining 30% still firmly believe that the earth is flat! It is a lie to think that the earth is spherical! (Note 1)

I was stunned when I saw the results of the poll, the 21st century, dare you believe it?

At that time, with your ability, you can easily find out whether it is true or not. As for what causes anti-intellectualism, I won’t talk about it, but isn’t one-third of the world scary? If you mutants stay there, it's strange if you don't go extinct. "

The White Queen pondered for a moment, then smiled and spread her hands: "You have said that, if I don't investigate, wouldn't it be too embarrassing for you."

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