Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 207: north star

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Seeing the boss being strangled and held high, the three mutants not only did not dare to move, but also had to stop several local subordinates, the conflict escalated, and they knew who the unlucky one was.

Xiao Yu patted Ryan on the shoulder: "Don't get excited."

Ryan took a deep breath and let go.

Magneto coughed a few times and twisted his neck.

Xie Zhi sighed: "Tiger poison doesn't even eat its children, you are the child's own father, what are you thinking?"

Magneto said hoarsely: "I said, this technology will hinder the development of medicine..."

Xiao Yu suddenly interrupted: "Stop making excuses, why don't you want this child?"

Magneto paused, looked at Xiao Yu, and after a moment of silence, shook his head and said, "Well, because I... love her."

Ryan said angrily: "Love her? Love her and you don't want her? What kind of **** logic is this!"

"Wait a moment." Magneto turned around and waved at his companions: "Archangel, let the irrelevant people leave."

The archangel left with his local subordinates, and Magneto pointed to the body of the pregnant woman: "I am not a good person, as you know, I have many women here, and I have no feelings for them, just for... In short, I am doomed There will be many children, and more and more.

To be honest, I know that I will not be a good father, and it is not the first time that I have abandoned my wife and children. Now, children are only part of my plan, and I plan to have at least a hundred..."

Hearing Xie Zhi and Bucky's eye contact, this guy is going to take being a stud as a career.

I heard Magneto continue: "But I didn't expect that when I saw this child born, I had a feeling that I had never experienced before. Words are hard to describe, that is... she is my baby, and I just want to share the most Give her everything that is good and make her the happiest girl.

But, I can't, I know what I'm going to be, and sooner or later, she'll be part of my plan just like my other kids, no difference.

And we have already experienced what modern life is like, enjoying good food and wine, enjoying the convenience of technology, and enjoying all the wonderful things that can be enjoyed. I hope she also has this opportunity, instead of waiting in this world where there is only water, waiting, waiting until old, It's impossible to live that kind of life. "

"I understand what you mean, you want us to adopt this child." Xie Zhi shook his head, pointed to the little doll and said, "But you are her real father, have you ever thought about it, assuming we really take her away, if This child was bullied, even if she cried to death, her father would never have a chance to save her!

What she needs is a father's love, and that's the best of all. "

Magneto heard the words, the law pattern twitched a few times, closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was only firmness in his eyes.

"No, you are not that kind of people, I don't know how to read minds, but I know you are not inhumane, you could have killed us back then, but you didn't make the most convenient choice.

And just now, I only said to save people, and you didn't hesitate at all.

When I said there was no need for a hospital bed, the lady's anger was undisguised.

So for this child, would you choose to treat her badly instead? illogical. "

Xie Zhi was about to scold him, but Xiao Yu pulled him and said, "We need to discuss it."

Xie Zhi followed the crowd to the side inexplicably, wondering: "Is this still a matter of discussion? Isn't it... huh?"

Ren's eyes interrupted Xie Zhi's words, the eyes were complex, filled with joy, apprehension, and pleading.

In an instant, Xie Zhi understood that Renne wanted the child because Renne...cannot bear children.

Ryan's situation is a bit special. The T virus gave her a super self-healing ability, but correspondingly, it also caused her to lose a lot, such as not being able to have **** with normal men, unless Bucky is immune to the T virus, otherwise It is to spread the virus to deceive people. This is what Alice and Ryan said about women's privacy and their unique infection mode when the Umbrella sub-base tested.

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