Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 209: Parent-child travel

Xiao Yu suddenly said: "By the way, is there any information about mutants in this world? Or about superpowers."

Lai Fu said: "No, but this satellite receiving station has just discovered a mysterious phenomenon."

"What do you mean?" Xie Zhi's heart sank, there won't be any moths in this world, right?

Lai Fu explained: "The prospecting satellite of Wieland Industries has detected a mysterious heat source on an isolated island in Antarctica, and obtained the following images..."

When everyone received the transmitted image, they saw that it was a regular geometric figure superimposed on layers, which was obviously not naturally generated, a bit like a building plan.

Laifu continued: "According to my analysis, the red border is a solid wall, and through the thermal conductivity data transmitted by the satellite, I can generate a three-dimensional image. Wait a minute...Okay, please see."

Suddenly, a virtual building appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Xie Zhi: "It's a bit like a pyramid. How can there be such a building in a place like Antarctica where birds don't shit? Oh, wrong, there are birds **** in Antarctica."

Youde said: "It's a pyramid, but it's just a fusion of three ancient civilization styles, Aztec, Cambodia, Egypt, interesting, maybe this is the real source of the pyramid. Well, it's from this world."

"Yeah, pyramids, mysterious existences, cursed and aliens..." Bucky stretched his waist, touched the baby cabin on Ryan's chest, and said with a smile: "I'm not interested in studying those ancient The stone of our family is so cute, oh oh."

Xie Zhi nodded: "That's right, let's leave here first, how about the old rules, an isolated island in the high seas?"

Ryan shook his head again and again: "No, we need a lot of childcare supplies. Let's live in a big city. Besides, we've seen the sea for a few months. That's enough."

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "I firmly agree that although the battle suit can simulate clothes, it is not real clothes after all. It's time to go shopping."

Xie Zhi didn't object either, as long as his original intention wasn't to go to outer space, the mysterious pyramid, the mysterious fever phenomenon, the coincidental Wieland industry... In case there is anything to do with aliens, at least it won't be too conspicuous if he stays on the earth , live in a big city is also good.

A group of people released the same invisible black antelope and took off into the air.

Afterwards, everyone chose an international metropolis, like a shopping paradise, and let Laifu handle their identity information, and they rented two luxury apartments directly in the place where they lived. Anyway, there was plenty of gold, so they were not short of money.

This time, he finally lived a normal urban life, a popular life.

Shopping has become the daily work of the two women. Xie Zhi and Bucky can also understand that they need to live a shopping addiction after holding back for several worlds in a row.

The two children are also very happy. It has been a long time since I saw people all over the street, and there are delicious and fun things. This is life.

I have to say that everyone is very satisfied with the life out of combat, and the small life is quite enjoyable.

And the news from Scotland that the ancient cave has been found, but there are no giants and star maps on the murals, which is obviously good news.

However, everyone is not a person who forgets the pain when the scars are healed. After shopping and playing, the investigation of the new world has never been interrupted, and the mysterious phenomenon in Antarctica is also keeping an eye on it.

Laifu turned into a super hacker, and after conducting various investigations on the Internet, he came to a conclusion that everything in this world is normal and there is no supernatural power.

The only strange thing is the mysterious heat dissipation pyramid in Antarctica.

It is also impossible for Wieland Industries to remain indifferent when they discover the mysterious pyramid.

Sure enough, according to the communication monitoring of its high-level executives for many days, from the performance of the billionaire Mr. Wieland, he is very interested in the mysterious pyramid, and has already spent money to hire various professionals to form an expedition team and start Explore action.

On this day, the family gathered around the medical bed, watching the drizzle warm and nourish the little stone daily.

Xie Zhi suddenly said: "Let me tell you something. According to the news I just received, the drilling team hired by Wieland believes that it will take at least two or three days to break through the ice layer leading to the underground pyramid, so I... don't want to wait for them to waste time. , going to see it for myself.”

Before everyone could open their mouths, Xie Zhi said again: "No big problem, I just want to move very quietly. Exploring ancient tombs is very interesting."

Bucky said, "I'm with you..."

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "No, you can't bear to leave the little guy now, you two should take care of the little stone, you can't do without the rain, Youde and Laifu also have to watch the little stone all the time, don't bother to go.

Rest assured, this is equivalent to a trip, the apocalypse has been defeated, how dangerous can a pyramid be? Don't worry, and I'm not going by myself, Hammer and Xiaoai are on a parent-child trip. "

"Yeah! Daddy is awesome!" Xie Ai jumped excitedly to celebrate.

"Long live grandpa!" Xie Tiechui echoed.

Ryan curled his lips and said, "What's so interesting about the pyramids? If there are any skeletons, mummies, mummies, etc., then scare the children."

Xie Ai put his hips on his hips: "Second Aunt, I'm not afraid of ducks, I'm not afraid of ducks, blue-skinned villains! I've seen ducks even with zombies!"

Xie Tiehammer also said: "I will also protect Mommy Duck, whoever dares to scare my Mommy will smash **** with a hammer!"

Xiao Yu glanced at Xie Ai playfully, saving face for the little guy, and didn't mention the matter of peeing his pants.

Xie Zhi: "Chammer, take your mother out to play first."

The two girls went out to play, Xie Zhicai rubbed his nose, and said: "Actually, there is something I wanted to say a long time ago, last time Xie Ai scared Tian Qi so much that he peed his pants, but our baby didn't hesitate, good job of.

At that time, I thought, the situation in our family is so special, the child is destined to live a different life from other children, and other children will never encounter dangers in their lives. Our baby has been going through it all the time. Although we continue to teach Xie Ai various Ability, but true knowledge comes from practice, and a lot of experience can only be obtained through practice.

Xiao Ai is almost ten years old. Although she is still young, the enemy will not care if she is a child. We are indeed getting stronger, but... well, let’s not say the unlucky words, but let no one have a chance Bullying our children, UU reading www. Isn't exactly what we want.

It happens to be just a pyramid, and the dangers are probably some traps and the like. Even having a battle suit can guarantee safety. It is a very suitable place for both education and entertainment.

Now our family has Xiaoshitou again. It is also a good thing that she has two strong sisters. Um? I'm inferior, but I understand the spirit anyway. "

Bucky agreed: "Old Xie is right. Our lifestyle is special, and our children are also destined to be special. If there is an opportunity, let the children experience more."

Ryan said with a little regret: "Now the two girls are not interested in shopping and shopping. Going out and going crazy is fun. Well, let's treat it as a vacation."

Xiao Yu thought for a while, nodded and said: "Well, what you said makes sense, Tian Qi is even more terrifying, Xiao Ai didn't give up even though she peed her pants.

We have seen all kinds of enemies, and maybe there will be stronger ones in the future. Children always stay at home to learn their skills, and they really have no experience in uncontrollable situations.

All right, you travel, we go shopping, each play their own. "

So, half an hour later, the three of them happily boarded the black antelope, and decided not to waste time, both girls thought it was an adventure game.

Xie Zhi, half and half, I am somewhat worried about this ancient pyramid, after all, it is quite mysterious, but don't worry, as long as the current strength does not meet Tianqi, how dangerous is it? Apocalypse is not Chinese cabbage, it is everywhere. What's more, in this world, no signs of superpowers have been found.

Xiao Yu and the others were also aware of this, so they were relieved that he would take the child there, and to tell the truth, the one with the strongest survival ability in the whole family was Xie Ai, the little girl.

The black antelope sailed at a very fast speed, and soon approached Antarctica. Because of the time difference, it was still dark here.

Afterwards, the three of them chose to leave the fighter plane and fly in their battle suits. After all, flying around in a fighter plane is not considered travel.

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