Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 213: organ

Finally, with a crackling sound, the two strange insects were smashed together, their postures were more upright, the insects' bodies shattered immediately, and their stumps flew around.

At the same time, a large amount of yellow body fluid splashed down, and when the body fluid was sprinkled on the ground, green smoke suddenly rose, and there was a chirping sound, and the ground was corroded out of potholes!

Although most of the spilled bodily fluids fell on the ground, a lot of them were also sprinkled on the two girls, and they also sizzled and smoked. The corrosion was so severe that even the battle clothes could be used!

However, in less than a second, the battle clothes of the two girls suddenly turned red, and the heat wave was billowing. The corrosive liquid was instantly evaporated by the violent high temperature. Correspondingly, the strange insects in their hands were also burned into coke and turned into fly ash.

The two girls didn't react so quickly, this was the response of the smart system of the battle suit.

"Are you injured?" Xie Zhi floated over and asked eagerly, in fact, he also knew that nothing would happen, it was purely instinctive worry.

"No ducks, that's good."

"It's okay, grandpa."

"Turn off the high temperature ability, let me see."

The battle clothes of the two girls returned to normal, and looking at the corrosion, some scales were still damaged, but it was not serious, and the high temperature appeared in time.

Xie Zhi nodded, relieved, and said, "Simulate the self-healing ability."

With the voice, the fine scales on the two children's battle suits rippled like ripples, and then the damaged parts repaired themselves. I have to say that superpowers are really unreasonable.

Xie Zhi looked at the ground: "Look, the blood of this bug is corrosive, and the stone bricks have burned a hole, do you still want to eat?"

Xie Ai tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "Spicy and sour duck is also delicious, right, sister big baby."

Xie Tiechui nodded in praise and said: "My mother is right, pickled cabbage fish is quite delicious, let's have dinner."

Xie Zhiyi covered his face: "Should the focus be on the taste?!"

On the other side, the Wieland expedition team is also exploring inside the pyramid.

Today, they are divided into two teams, one team stays in the sacrificial tomb to look at the equipment, and the other team continues to explore downwards.

When they came to the lower tomb, they found the sarcophagus that Xie Zhi had ignored before.

After some research, the archaeologists hired by Wieland found that there was a combination lock on the surface of the sarcophagus, which was set according to the calendar of ancient civilizations, and the archaeologists discovered that the date was set in 1904, which is a hundred years ago. The specific date, It is today a hundred years ago!

Then there is a possibility that someone moved the calendar plate on the sarcophagus a hundred years ago.

This place is becoming more and more mysterious.

The archaeologists tried to move the combination lock calendar to adjust the date to today's date, but the sarcophagus was actually opened, and the opening of the sarcophagus was automatic, which seemed to be quite technological.

And what is stored in the sarcophagus is not a dead person, but three man-made objects.

It’s just that the man-made object surprised everyone. No matter in terms of material or design, it looks futuristic. It looks more like some high-tech equipment. It cannot be made by ancient man-made!

Those three things were elongated, different in size, but similar in shape, apparently of the same kind but with different specifications.

One end of the artificial object has a circular nozzle and an inner tube. Judging from this design feature, it is in line with the characteristics of a gun.

The expedition experts accompanying the expedition gave reasons for suspending the exploration and returning to the camp. What they said was well-founded. Wieland, who was traveling with him, agreed, but decided to take the three mysterious creations back for research.

The archaeologist objected to this, but just shouted "No, no, don't touch it." Without giving a reason, of course no one paid attention to him. It turns out that when persuading others, at least some reason must be said. The explorer The experts gave good reasons, and people listened.

As a result, after the three things were taken out, the organs and facilities in the sarcophagus reacted obviously, and a chain reaction occurred at the same time. The exit of the tomb suddenly dropped a thick stone wall. Before everyone could react, the exit was sealed.

Then, the steps in the tomb fell down, forming a downward ladder, and two new exits appeared.

Obviously, messing with things caused the mechanism system in the pyramid to be triggered.

Meanwhile, several exits of the sacrificial tomb on the upper level lowered the stone walls one after another, sealing all the exits. The expedition team who stayed here estimated that the stone walls weighed at least two tons and could not be opened.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the grinding sound of stone mills, something continuously rose up from the holes in the sacrificial platform.

Those are one by one...flesh eggs, yes, just as Youde guessed, the meat eggs laid by the giant beast were transported to the sacrificial tomb through the holes in the stone platform.

Under the nervous gaze of the members of the expedition team, they encountered the same experience as Xie Ai. The top of the meat egg opened like a flower, and the strange insect crawled out and pounced!

Although some people were carrying guns, it was a pity that they didn't react fast enough, and they didn't have the protection of battle clothes. Every explorer was hugged in the face by the monster!

Then, passed out to the ground.

The operation of the mechanism in the pyramid caused the continuous sound of heavy objects sinking, and the movement was really not small.

The three of you couldn't help looking up, Xie Tiehammer said, "There is movement."

Xie Zhi frowned: "The movement is not small, what are you doing?"

Xie Ai said: "It's a bug."

"Could someone come in? Didn't they say two or three days? It seems that something happened that we don't know." Xie Zhi scratched his chin and tilted his head: "Okay, let's change the game, let's go up and see what happened .”

"Grandpa, where is this big bug that lays eggs?" Xie Tiehammer pointed at the giant beast.

"Let the robot look at it first." Xie Zhi said, the scales of the backpack shifted, and six small sentinel robots flew out, suddenly enlarged and recovered.

Then Xie Zhi said: "Youde, this is the bottom layer, let the robot check to see what is the source of heat, and look at the equipment that the monster is restrained, it is obviously not the level of technology of the ancients, it can't be done really It’s related to aliens, hehe, maybe there’s something good about it.”

At the same time that Youde agreed, Xiao Yu's voice suddenly appeared in the communication: "So, you still plan to take the child for a walk?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Don't worry, lady, we are no different than before. There are really aliens. As long as there are no star-destroying weapons such as star-destroying cannons, then we have the ability to wrestle with each other and try to kill us, unless aliens People are like Apocalypse.

What's more, if this place is man-made by aliens, it means that they have the ability to monitor the whole world, and they can't go back to the same place.

On the contrary, you stayed in the big city so that it was easy to hide, and we may reveal our secrets when we go Xiao Yu's tone was also calm: "Alright, we can't let others do it all in one pot, so be careful, Let's play."

Yes, with the continuous growth of strength and experience, this family is not as afraid of aliens as before. This is not out of arrogance, but more psychologically resistant.

As for the Star Destroyer weapon, it is force majeure. If it happens, there is nothing to say. It’s bad luck. It’s not like the whole family has never died, more than once.

During this time, the two girls caught four more strange insects and took turns to play with them. In fact, there are quite a lot of strange insects emerging from their eggs, crawling around.

"Let's go, you guys, clean up these bugs."

Xie Zhi gave an order and led the child away from the place, while the six sentinel robots began to kill insects in various ways, causing the giant beast to roar continuously.

However, after going up, Grandpa found that the structure of the building had changed, the original corridor was sealed off, and a new corridor appeared.

Xie Zhi looked around while walking: "No wonder the movement is not small. Is this a labyrinth mechanism? The scale is large enough. Where does the power source come from?"

Xie Ai shook the bug and said, "Maze Duck, Daddy Duck, shall we play hide and seek?"

Xie Tiechui said: "Duck, the battle suit has a positioning system, so you can't play hide-and-seek."

While walking and talking, the stone wall of the corridor suddenly moved, the boulders and bricks moved and staggered one after another, the structure of the building changed again, and the three of them were sealed in a room.

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