Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 218: Good character

The giant snake larvae of the two were taken out by Xie Ai, and the little girl played action scenes with the two worms, one in each hand, with various voices in her mouth: "Hey! Immortal guide duck! Ha! Monkey stealing peach duck! Hey duck! !You are cruel, you are ruthless, you are making trouble for no reason..."

Looking at another man in black who is about 1.6 meters tall, he looks like a girl, and is taking turns smashing monster eggs. The short-haired man is dumbfounded, and the world view is obviously collapsing.

Xie Zhi floated over and snapped **** next to his face: "Hey, hey, are you still not crazy? If you are not crazy, remember to see a psychiatrist after you go out. Of course, the premise is that you can get out alive."

The short-haired man came back to his senses and said pleasantly, "You can speak English!? Are you human?!"

Xie Zhi didn't answer, he tore off the glue that restrained him, and then tore off the strange worm from another man's head, and also released it from the restraint. This man has a golden hair scar face.

The short-haired man wiped the mucus on his face after landing, and didn't ask this question again, but said excitedly: "Thank you! Thank you! My name is Graeme Miller, a chemical engineer. You saved my family. I don't know what to do. How to say thank you but trust me I would love to repay you any way I have two kids oh my **** I want to cry just thinking they won't have a father..."

"Calm and calm." Xie Zhi patted Miller on the shoulder. This person gave him a good impression, at least on the surface he was reasonable.

"Sorry, I was so excited."

"Understood, I also have two children. Hey, both of them are daughters. It's not easy to raise children."

Miller looked at what Xie Ai and Xie Tiehammer were doing, and subconsciously said: "It's not easy, I thought it would be a headache to have a son, and I want to have another daughter..."

"What do you mean?"

"Sau Rui, I mean... Well, your child is so brave and will become a great weapon!"

"It's not that good to be too much, it's just a little bit better than other children, do you smoke?"

"No, thank you."

Miller paused, and then said, "Sir, I won't inquire about your identity, but... can we follow you? Sorry, if it's inconvenient..."

"It's convenient, isn't it just to follow, it's a trivial matter. Yo..." Xie Zhi tilted his head and said with a smile: "There is another guest here, or an acquaintance."

Xie Zhi snapped his fingers, and then there was a crackling sound from outside the corridor, and soon it was quiet again.

A few seconds later, a sentinel robot came in carrying a giant snake and a man, and that man was the one who was strangled by the aliens.

Miller subconsciously said: "Sebastian! Sir, he is our companion."

"I know, I've seen it before." Xie Zhi tilted his head to look at Sebastian: "Why is it just you, Wieland? What about the others?"

Sebastian looked a little embarrassed: "Dead, except for Ricks, they are all dead, and another one came..."

He didn't say anything, but tilted his head at the two alien captives.

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "This is called ignorance of good and evil. After saving you, the first thing you think about is a competitive relationship. Is your mind filled with shit?"

Sebastian was taken aback: "Did you hear that? Oh sir, that was Wieland's idea. After all, he is the employer, and I'm just a hired archaeologist."

"Oh, archaeologist... what did you find out?"

Sebastian hurriedly said: "I discovered the truth! I can tell you, ah no, I am very willing to share these discoveries, er, sir, can I come down first?"

Xie Zhi tilted his head: "Let him go, let's talk."

"We found written records in a secret room before, they..." Sebastian pointed to the two aliens, and said: "They were sent here to hunt these giant snakes to complete the coming-of-age ceremony, to prove that You have the ability to be an adult yourself."

Xie Zhi was startled, and looked at the two big aliens: "A coming-of-age ceremony? Then they are teenagers? Such a big teenager, hehe, that is to say, adults can fight better."

Sebastian: "It should be. That's why they didn't wear guns at the beginning. They have to get them by themselves. Yes, the three ancient artifacts we found in the sarcophagus are a kind of weapon. They should be placed on the shoulders.

And the source of the matter, according to ancient text records, was thousands of years ago, these hunters discovered this planet where civilization was stagnant..."

"Wait a minute, hunter? Didn't you mean the gods?"

"Uh, the narration in those words is somewhat objective. I guess it may not be the description of the ancients, but written by these hunters themselves, perhaps for the teenagers attending the coming-of-age ceremony."

"If you call yourself a hunter, then you are a hunter clan, you continue."

Sebastian said: "They teach humans how to build, so they are regarded as gods. Every hundred years, the gods will return. When they return, they expect a sacrifice. The humans who accept the sacrifice are used to reproduce. These ultimate predators.

The hunter fights the giant snake to prove himself, and wears the sign of successful hunting to symbolize honor.

But if the hunters lose, it will cause the snakes to flood out of control, so they will blow everything up and the whole civilization will disappear overnight. "

Xie Zhi dragged his chin: "Ashes? It sounds like a weapon of mass destruction. Did you say what kind of method was used?"

Sebastian shook his head: "No, just say it's destroying everything."

Xie Zhi nodded: "Well, well, thousands of years ago, they were able to travel to the stars, possessing destructive strategic weapons, but they came here...but only for hunting? It's also a coming-of-age ceremony? This alien's custom is really...unique, listen It doesn't look like an interstellar civilization, but a tribal civilization."

Sebastian said seriously: "Also, they treat humans as livestock, and we are the hosts for the reproduction of giant snakes, so the heat surge in the pyramid is a signal to lure us here. Without us, they may not be able to complete the hunt. The whole thing It's a trap!"

Xie Zhi was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "If the truth is like this, then these aliens' personalities are not bad."

Miller was surprised: "The character is good? Sir, they treat human beings as livestock, they are demons!"

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "It's over, it's not that exaggerated. Their character is between certain civilizations and infrastructure civilizations. Although they are not comparable to infrastructure civilizations, they have obvious moral advantages compared to certain civilizations. You are all learned people, don’t you know what happened to the Indians? That’s called not treating people as human beings.

If this matter is replaced by some civilizations, it is obviously illogical that they did not slaughter and occupy the earth thousands of years ago.

Even now is not talking about human rights all the time, but taking the lead in trampling on human rights, do you want me to give an example? The biggest violation of human rights in the 21st century is the Lao-Iraq War. If these aliens have the same three views as some civilizations, can the people on earth still have today? It's too early to finish the calf.

Of course, individuals are different, there are good and bad, but the choices made by the whole are all on the table, can't it explain the problem?

So, don’t be afraid of ignorance, but be afraid of comparing goods. Although these aliens are not good things, compared to the disgusting things done by some civilizations, they are as kind as angels. You must know that people on earth are nothing to them real interracial. "

Sebastian couldn't help but smiled wryly: "So the earthlings didn't end up like the Indians, and we have to thank the aliens."

Xie Zhi ignored the two of them, walked up to the alien, untied his mouth, and said, "You heard it all, so can we communicate?"


"Your uncle, it's a waste of praise."

Sealing the alien's mouth again, Xie Zhi said with a dark face: "I don't believe it, there is no one in the entire ethnic group who can speak."

Just as the voice fell, the sound of an explosion came faintly.

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