Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 232: Great for hunting

The reason for this is that Xie Zhi wants to receive the alien outpost closest to the earth.

That's right, it's too close. With the speed of the hunter spaceship, it can only fly there in a day, so it must be unplugged!

But unplugging is not completely destroying. The outpost is not only responsible for monitoring the surrounding area, but also coordinates, communicates, records, logistics, maintenance, etc. among the spacecraft. If all of them are killed, no one will continue to work, or attack If the alarm is triggered at that time, then the trouble will be big.

Although, when the outpost is idle and has nothing to do, it is based on ten years or a hundred years. After all, the hunters are now living a hunting life, which is too scattered.

However, if a spacecraft approaches the communication range of the outpost, it will definitely find something abnormal.

But this outpost is so close to the earth, so Xie Zhi's plan is to sneak in and attack, use Xiaoqiang 008 and T-1000 to cooperate, replace the aliens working in the local area, and continue to maintain normality on the surface.

As for the so-called outpost, it sounds small, but it depends on who it is compared with. The outpost of interstellar civilization is not just a camp on the planet.

According to the data, the scale of the outpost is larger than the most prosperous city on earth, and it has complete facilities, with dozens of spaceships and 80 aliens stationed there.

Eighty years doesn't seem like much, but it's actually quite a lot. Hunters don't count as teenagers until they've completed trials for a hundred years, and they have to complete trials to be considered adults. Not only do they live long, they only have three teenagers in a hundred years, and their fertility rate is enough. Low, plus this race advocates a death-style coming-of-age ceremony, and if it fails, it will die without caring. The adult rate is too low, and the population is not easy to think about.

In this regard, Xie Zhi said that they must be too boring, and it is better to die than bored.

As an interstellar civilization, it would be too outrageous to say that there is no automated productivity, so don't look at the outpost like a super city, it doesn't use much manpower, it's all automated equipment.

As for the Alien Mother, she definitely can't stay on Earth, but don't kill her for the time being, Xie Zhi thinks it might come in handy, if it's still useless after everything is done, it's not too late to kill her.

Of course, it is impossible for the mother of aliens to turn the tables. She is still wearing the prison torture device, and it is frozen again. It is too big to get in the way in the spaceship, so she shrinks the prison directly. Who cares whether it will be affected by Pym particles? life.

Although the aliens in the pyramid were cleaned up, Xie Zhi still chose to use nuclear bombs to blow them up completely. In case there were any missing alien eggs, blowing them up was one of the reasons.

Second, there are alien technological products in the pyramid, such as the energy source. Although there are already alien scientific and technological materials, countries will come to compete if they are not complete. After all, they are ready-made, and I hope everyone will have no doubts If you believe in Xie Zhi, it would be too naive not to compete for the pyramid, so do good deeds, and directly let the reason for the competition disappear, and do good deeds without leaving a name, you are welcome.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} On the same day, Xie Zhi left the earth in a Hunter spaceship.

The reason for this urgency is that the regular contact time between the spacecraft and the outpost planet is approaching. If the spacecraft continues to stay on the earth, it will leave unnecessary clues.

Therefore, it is necessary to pretend that everything is normal as much as possible, and the hunter spacecraft will not let the monitoring equipment in the solar system trigger an alarm.

However, the spaceship did not move forward at full speed. It would take at least three days to fly to the destination. This is also to paralyze the outpost. It is shortened a lot, and there is no need to increase the difficulty for one's own side.

Not long after the spacecraft left the earth, Laifu made a routine call with the outpost. This step is similar to the notification between the aircraft and the airport tower. From the surface of the planet to the universe, some rules are still common.

Xie Zhi asked: "How is it?"

Lai Fu said: "Completely followed the steps in the information, and did not find anything unusual about the other party."

"Well, it shouldn't be a big problem. According to the information we have now..." Xie Zhi curled his lips and said, "The hunters have controlled this star field for thousands of years. Living without opponents, it's not normal to be too vigilant. I reckon , that vigilance was all used for hunting.”

After finishing speaking, Xie Zhi turned his head and glanced at the bulkhead, and frowned: "It's really a hunter's aesthetic to hang a bunch of skulls and spines on the wall."

Laifu: "Uncle, do you want me to send someone to clean it up?"

"No, let's hang up first, anyway, this spaceship has other missions."

Xie Zhi yawned, got up and said, "I'm going to sleep for a while, call me if there's a situation."

Two days later, when the destination was still more than half a day away, the operation began.

The airtight compartment of the hunter spacecraft opened, and a spaceship the size of a sparrow flew out from it, which was the shrunken steel cake.

The steel cake first turned on the stealth mode, then turned in a different direction, and flew at full speed to the planet of the hunter clan outpost.

It has to be said that although engineers and hunters are both aliens, the gap in technology is not too big.

The speed of the steel cake is slightly faster than that of the hunter spaceship, but it is not an overwhelming advantage. In terms of weapons, the original steel cake can only be regarded as a bomber, not even a naval gun.

And the hunter spacecraft also has a dormant cabin. Obviously space travel has become a must-have. Unless their artificial wormhole technology has a breakthrough, they still can't get rid of the embarrassment of relying on sleep for travel.

Moreover, the shelf life of the two products is calculated in thousands of years, and it seems that there is no difference between the two.

If you want to say which of the two alien races has the higher technology, Youde, as a team scientist, believes that the technology of the engineers should be higher, at least in terms of biotechnology. The terrible black water also caused the birth of humans in that world. The hunters have had alien samples for thousands of years, but there is no actual result.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Besides, Xie Zhi and his family know the technology of the hunter clan, but the level of the engineer's technology can't be judged only by the two spaceships in hand. Coming out, the unknown becomes even more mysterious.

However, after the steel cake left, Xie Zhi could only wait. Without him, the communication must be kept silent until the end of the operation, so as to prevent the hunters from discovering anomalies and arousing alarm.

But Xie Zhi felt at ease, because Laifu was on the Steel Cake, and she was personally in command.

The little girl has followed him to do business with him since she was still a computer, and she has always been reliable.

Among other things, when she was still making plans on the earth, Laifu proposed to pull out the data of the time machine from her mind, then erase it, and then import it after the operation was over. If you work hard, nothing big will happen.

The fact is also the same. A few hours later, Xie Zhi received a communication request from Laifu, and after connecting to Fuhuibao, he had already taken it, and no alarm was raised.

The process is not complicated, and Laifu can be called stable. Even if the steel cake has shrunk and become invisible, Laifu still chooses to use the cover of the meteorite belt to approach the target planet cautiously.

Knowing oneself and the enemy, doing mental calculations without intention, and the fact that the hunters are really not vigilant, maybe they never thought that there would be intelligent life that would pose a threat to them. Therefore, Laifu led all kinds of robots to shrink and infiltrate. The process is very smooth.

Find the main control terminal first, and take over the communication system and monitoring system to ensure that even if there is an accident, the alarm will not be sent out.

The process is not as simple as dealing with aliens. In fact, even the systems of the people on the black earth are not necessarily easier, at least they are constantly updating and upgrading the firewall, while the hunters have not changed their systems for thousands of years.

Xie Zhi couldn't help but sigh, and he really echoed the old saying that although the world is safe, forgetting to fight will be dangerous. Although the hunting skills of the hunters are powerful, the problem is that interstellar civilizations are good at hunting. It's the truth!

Then the old rules, the robot instantly grows bigger to control the aliens, and this time it’s not one staring at one, it’s safer for Laifu, two staring at one, make sure that the alien’s arm guard terminal can’t be activated.

Outpost planet, easy to win.

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