Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 242: the truth

Opening the window, a group of people turned on stealth mode and flew out.

And about half an hour after everyone left, the door was kicked open, and a few people came in, mostly in black suits, with guns in their hands, all of Asian descent.

The last person to enter was a middle-aged man with the temperament and demeanor of a big boss.

"Report, no one, window open."

The boss-like man sarcastically said, "You think they can fly?"

The subordinate bowed and said nervously: "I'm very sorry! I will cut my fingers and apologize!"

"Are your fingers very valuable? I really have no sense of humor." The boss waved his hand indifferently, and frowned, "Someone check the surveillance, Mr. Cobb, I waited on the rooftop for half an hour, and you disappeared..."

During the flight, Bucky couldn't help saying: "Connecting to dreaming... This technology is interesting, but unfortunately all the hunter captives were killed, otherwise we can see what aliens dream like, and see secrets, tsk tsk, interesting. "

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Yes, I just don't know if there is a language barrier in the dream. Of course, I have to try everything to know."

Xiao Yu said: "Sanggong, you don't just want to steal secrets and play in your dreams, do you?"

"Hehe, my lady who knows me, that's what I think. Since you can steal dreams and form an industry, then there are spears and shields. I believe that someone must have studied how to defend. This is logical.

If there is, then since this Mr. Cobb is the top in the industry, it is impossible not to understand it, and of course find the best research object if you want to study it.

And if there is really a means of defense..."

Xie Zhi paused, looked at everyone, and said seriously: "Remember Charles and the White Queen? Xie Ai and I can withstand mind control, but you can't. Yes, we have jamming devices, but if the battle suit What should I do if something goes wrong and I meet someone like Charles who can control his thinking?

So if this dream-entry technology can form a conscious defense, then we can truly master the means of preventing brain control. Do you think it is worth studying? "

Xie Zhi's idea has been unanimously approved by the family. If this method is successful, it will definitely be worth it.

Although Lai Fu learned a lot of relevant information from the Internet, the problem is that what can be put on the Internet is not an industry secret, and no one has disclosed this stuff, so Cobb and Arthur are very important.

However, Xie Zhi still has an idea that he didn't express. Since he still doesn't know the truth about the technology of stealing dreams, in order to prevent someone from thinking wildly, he will not mention it for the time being.

But they said that everyone didn't fly too far, they just flew from one big city to another big city.

Now I know that this place is in the old days, and it was in 2010. According to Laifu’s survey, there is nothing special except for the dream technology, so it is right to be a tourist.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}After all, the last time I came to Japan was to bomb the Umbrella base.

Laifu BRIC opened the way, even without a legal identity, but it was easy to get a place to live. After all, the specialty of this country is black clubs, and everyone has legalized it.

Therefore, even the rare Japanese-style mansions in the downtown area were rented.

As for whether or not Hei Se would meet with Cai, that would not be the trouble of the old Xie family.

After settling down, we first got to work on the three little ones in the family, took care of them, and after putting them to sleep, the family woke up Cobb and Arthur.

Cobb and Arthur sat on two chairs respectively, while Xie Zhi's family sat around them.

Xie Zhi got straight to the point: "We want to know all about Inception technology, do you have any questions?"

The two of them were still a little dazed, blinking their eyes, but Cobb regained his senses first, and frowned: "Okay, but... Now thinking about your previous performance, I guess you don't know anything about entering a dream, right? "

Arthur, who was sitting on the chair next to him, couldn't help poking him: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, hehe, everyone, my friend is just like this, don't worry about it."

Xie Zhi smiled: "It's okay, if you have any questions, just ask, there is nothing you can't say."

Arthur shook his head quickly: "We're not that curious."

Seeing Arthur like this, Cobb could only say: "Yes, I can teach you from scratch."

Xiao Yu said: "What about the reward? What do you want?"

The two were startled, and after looking at each other, Arthur said with a smile: "No need, just let us go after teaching."

Bucky smiled and said, "It's still necessary. There are benefits and no benefits, and the effort is different. Why don't you talk about your two troubles, and we can help solve them."

"Well..." Cobb gritted his teeth and said, "What if I want to return to China legally? Return to my child, can you do it?"

Ryan leaned forward slightly: "This is not a problem. The problem is, how did your wife die? We are not interested in helping a wife murderer. Sorry, as a woman, I just care about this issue."

Arthur hurriedly said, "Mel didn't kill him."

"I didn't ask you." Xiaoyu stared at Cobb and said, "Mr. Cobb, whether you teach or not, your crime will really annoy women, so for your own future, or whether you have a future, I suggest you be honest. .”

I don't know if it was because of the situation, or because of Xiao Yu's sharp eyes, Cobb raised his hand helplessly and said, "Okay, I admit it, the truth is, I killed my wife..."

Arthur couldn't help covering his face.

And following Cobb's narration, everyone couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion, this is a tragedy.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} says that Cobb killed his wife, nothing wrong with it, but it's not murder... It's really hard to tell.

Everything still starts from dreams. According to Cobb, dreams can have multiple layers. He and Mel are studying dreams within dreams.

The problem is that the time between the dream and the reality is not synchronized, and the deeper the dream, the greater the time difference between the two, even a few hours in the reality, and a few years in the dream.

As a result, the couple took too many steps and stayed in the dream for too long. The couple even created a world in the dream! And stayed in the dream for fifty years!

Xie Zhi feels the same way about this, although these two couples don't do all kinds of deaths like they did in the world, but they are older, and they can do it.

At first the couple felt great, they felt like gods, they could create whatever they wanted, but after a long time, Cobb couldn’t stand it anymore, but Mel, locked up the spinning top that could wake him up, that’s right, the top of the spinning top The original owner was Mel.

Mel is addicted chooses to forget the real reality, thinking that she is living in reality.

It has to be said that this is also a kind of self-hypnosis.

In order to take his wife out of the dream, Cobb found the secret hidden in Mel's mind, and implanted an idea, a simple but changing idea: "Her world is not real."

When they heard this, Xie Zhi and they basically guessed the result. There was only one comment on Cobb, are you Biao?

That's right, with this kind of thinking, of course he chose to commit suicide and wake up from the dream, but the question is, what happens after returning to reality? If you still feel that the world is not real, then play the time when you wake up from a dream...Real dog belt!

It turned out that Mel was like this, always wanted to bring her husband back to reality, tried to persuade her again and again, so she played a hard game, making all kinds of signs that his husband wanted to kill her, and forced Cobb to jump off the building with her, but she jumped , Cobb did not jump.

So whether it is murder or manslaughter, it depends entirely on whether Cobb is deliberate or dizzy because of love.

However, Xie Zhi and others still tend to believe that Cobb was a manslaughter.

Nothing else, whatever the motive, if it was murder, what was the plot of the murder? Premeditated, premeditated, and the ability to plant ideas, why do you still make a show of yourself? He couldn't go back home and became a wanted criminal. He told the police that no one would believe him. Isn't this cheating himself?

Unless he just happens to want to kill and is an idiot.

That's right, Cobb said that it is very difficult to implant ideas, but difficulty does not mean that it is impossible.

PS: There was a wrong sentence about the spinning top in the previous article, which means that it will not work if someone else touches it. It should be possible to cause trouble, and it has been deleted.

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