Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 246: create

Xie Zhi said, took a sip, raised his eyebrows and said, "Ha! Authentic! That's the taste!"

Cobb murmured: "No, you don't understand, you are not just creating a small thing out of thin air, nor is it a rule-compliant behavior like breaking a teacup, but you have changed my creation on a physical level, you This is a subversion of my dream rules! Although it is only a small part... how long have you used it?"

Xie Zhi: "Just now, I don't think drinking tea is interesting, and it's more refreshing to be white. A momentary thought... How long is it? Microseconds?"

Cobb's eye bags twitched: "This, could it be so easy? Your willpower...what have you experienced?"

Bucky patted the dazed Cobb: "Don't think about his willpower, he is a psychopath who has bathed in a sulfuric acid pool."

Cobb glanced at Bucky, apparently taking him as a joke, but he thought he had a certain amount of willpower for Xie Zhi, this person's willpower is very rare, much stronger than his, it should be beyond the norm.

Yes, it is a common practice. Although I have seen various people in Inception, I have not tested all human beings. In fact, according to medical standards, when the proportion of clinical data is not enough, there may be exceptions.

But Cobb is still too naive, Bucky is not joking, and Xie Zhi's willpower is not strong enough to describe, it is the willpower of 30 years of life and death!

This does not refer to the normal thirty years, the world's time reset is not fixed, it resets when he dies! Die every minute, every second, such an accumulation of thirty years!

It's not an exaggeration to say that he didn't even get a tuba in those thirty years, and it happened that he was out of stock in his intestines.

That's right, he is crazy, and he would be a **** if he wasn't crazy, but his willpower is probably unprecedented.

But later, he lost his memory again, and became another person with a different personality. He was no longer a lunatic, but this was a change in thinking, but the ultimate willpower still exists and has not disappeared.

So in Cobb's view, the incredible transformation of a teacup into Erguotou, Xie Zhi really did it after thinking about it.

At this moment, Cobb was startled, then relaxed, and took a sip of tea: "It's time, we're going to wake up."

Xiao Yu asked, "How can you be sure?"

Cobb pointed to his ears: "Music, but you can't hear it, because Arthur brought me headphones, which is a warning signal, indicating that he is going to wake me up..."

Everyone slowly opened their eyes, Xie Zhi asked: "How long have we slept?"

Youde said, "One minute."

Bucky smiled and said, "Wow, the dream is not short."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Arthur walked to Cobb: "How is it?"

Cobb smiled bitterly: "Students are too...forget it, you will know when you go in later."

"I am coming too?"

Cobb's eyes were a little strange: "I'm curious about what they can create, and I strongly suggest you go and see together."

Arthur said indifferently: "Okay, but I have to teach them how to use the machine first, I just said it once..."

Lai Fu said: "We have already remembered."

"Are you sure? This is not a joke."

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "Don't worry, they won't make mistakes, as long as you teach them correctly."

"Well, you have the final say." Arthur shook his head and sat on the armchair, obviously not convinced.

Cobb adjusted his sitting posture and said, "Everyone, let's go to the second class."

At this time, Xiaoyu asked: "Laifu, wait a minute, Mr. Cobb, except for the special circumstances like my old Xie and Xiaoai, how realistic should the dream be to make the target believe that it is not a dream?"

Cobb shook his fingers: "In fact, we all feel very real when we dream, and only when we wake up will we find that something is not quite right."

Ryan said: "But the last time we realized it was in a dream, it still feels the same as reality."

"This is what I said before, creation and discovery happen at the same time, our brain will help us perfect the creation, which is... fully automatic. But it's not enough, you have to have a certain understanding of what you want to create."

Speaking of this, Cobb sighed: "The reason why our last job failed was that the dream builder made a mistake in the details. It was originally a pure wool carpet, but he made a polyester one. Obviously, he didn't Having come into contact with pure wool rugs, at least he regarded them as polyester rugs during the creation process.

Therefore, just like porcelain teacups, we have all been in contact with porcelain. We don’t need to know how to fire it. As long as we have seen, touched, and heard the sound of collision, our brains can perfectly reproduce it. Things in daily life are Easiest to create.

In addition, you need to have imagination. Imagination is to construct a world different from reality, such as different urban planning and different building interiors, but the details can be borrowed, but cannot be copied as a whole..."

Cobb's expression became serious, and he said solemnly: "Please pay attention, this is very important! Because copying the scene from memory will make us unable to tell which is a dream and which is reality, and we will get lost in the dream, or even misread the reality. , thinking that death will wake up, the consequences are very dire.”

Xiao Yu: "Understood, thank you for reminding me, is there anything else?"

"Let's talk about other dreaming, I still feel a little nauseous." Cobb rubbed his eyebrows and said: "But before entering, we need to confirm the team. This time the target is me, and you are all in the same group." , You have to believe this. And the dream master...Mr. Xie Zhi, come here."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Xie Zhi asked: "So what should I do now?"

"Think." Cobb pointed to his head: "You only need to think about two things. Think about the scene. In the process of entering the dream, part of the brain will automatically complete the preliminary scene, and the later perfection can be added and modified in the dream.

The second thing is to think about pulling people into your dream, and I am the target, and the others are your team. "

Cobb put his hands in his pockets, looked around and said: "Streets, supermarkets, teahouses... The basic structure is already in place, and other things that should be there are also basically there. At present, it is no different from a normal city. With the basic concept, you can build frame."

A group of people are located on the side of the street Looking at the passing vehicles and pedestrians, it seems that it is no different from a normal city.

But the family looked familiar, and immediately thanked Ai and said, "This is Xihong City Duck. I'm dancing in the square in front."

Cobb immediately said after hearing the words: "As I said, you can borrow details, but don't copy the whole piece..."

Xie Zhi immediately said: "No, you misunderstood, this city...well, it doesn't exist in reality, you can understand it as...a virtual city scene, such as a game."

Bucky couldn't help smiling. For them, there are not too many scenes that can be copied, and they really don't confuse with reality. After all, they are always traveling to different worlds.

Cobb nodded: "Just don't get confused, then, let's start your creation."

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "I have never done design work, can you give me some tips?"

"It's a dream, you can use your imagination..."

Before Cobb finished speaking, he saw that the green belt beside them began to grow luxuriantly, and then bloomed with colorful flowers, then quickly withered and began to bear fruit.

It's just that the fruits are long strips, getting longer and longer, and then the peel bursts, and there are one by one... grilled skewers! Still steaming.

Xie Zhi directly handed it to Xie Ai, and waved his hand: "You're welcome, there are mild, medium, extra spicy, devil spicy, and beer."

Indeed, as Xie Zhi said, there are not only bunches of fruits, but also beer, which is still iced.

Cobb and Arthur looked at each other, and Arthur scratched his head: "Imagination is possible, and the rules of physics can't be changed, but... I don't think I've seen anyone play like this before."

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