Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 250: Return to 9-Headed Snake Base

Afterwards, an M4A1 assault rifle appeared out of nowhere in Xie Zhi's hand, which was the one with the password engraved at the beginning.

"First of all, we have to confirm whether the Winter Soldier is a second personality before we can determine what to do next. Then..." Xie Zhi looked at Bucky, and said in Russian: "Longing, rusty..."

When Xie Zhi finished reading the password, Bucky was a little dazed, and asked in confusion: "It doesn't work? Nothing happened."

But the eyes of everyone looking at Bucky were a little weird, Ryan pointed at Bucky: "No, it happened."

I saw that Bucky was in a strange state, as if his cells were splitting, and from him, another big living person split out! Another Bucky!

No, it should be said to be the Winter Soldier. That's right, he is still dressed in a black combat uniform, wearing a mask, goggles, fully armed, and his left still a metal mechanical arm.

"I am willing to obey." The Winter Soldier said without emotion.

However, he was a little dazed right away. Looking around, he found that there was no commander.

Yes, although the Winter Soldier split from Bucky, everyone was invisible, and the Winter Soldier didn't notice.

The Winter Soldier doesn't understand the situation when no one gives orders.

And everyone floated up, communicating silently on the side.

Xie Ai: "Wow, two second uncle ducks!"

"Look at the meaning, it really is a dual personality." Xie Zhi scratched his chin, wondering: "But what does he mean by being confused, old Popsicle, don't you have the same memory? He should know his situation now Bar."

Bucky shook his head: "No, he probably doesn't know, I still remember this feeling, every time at the beginning of brainwashing, I was in an unconscious state, someone had to order, and then I would execute it.

This kind of situation without orders has never happened before, and I don't know what he will do. "

Xie knew: "Unconscious, wait for the order... This is good, you can use this point to directly control and drag the Winter Soldier to the lower dreamland."

And Ren suddenly widened his eyes. Muttering: "Dual personality becomes two people... Then I have two husbands! Thinking about it... so exciting!"

Bucky's face darkened: "Are you trying to green me?"

Ryan said with a smile: "No way, isn't it all you, and it's not someone else."

Xiao Yu rolled her eyes: "Ahem, there is a child here, you two should pay attention."

Xie Ai suddenly said: "Huh? Uncle Iron Arm has changed into a duck!"

Everyone looked again, and sure enough, the Winter Soldier tilted his head and looked at the alley, his eyes were no longer cold, his combat uniform quickly changed into an old American uniform from World War II, and his left hand was no longer a mechanical arm, and his face was unruly. smile.

Lei En **** went online: "Wow, wearing a military cap askew, husband, you looked handsome with short hair in the past."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Bucky shook his head subconsciously: "I'm always handsome, and I can stand up to various styles."

Ryan: "Next time you wear this suit, the uniform is tempting..."

Bucky: "…"

I saw the Winter Soldier walking down the alley in a military uniform, and the little Steve was beaten into a mess at this time, but he still stubbornly raised his fists.

The big man who beat someone: "You just refuse to beg for mercy, don't you?"

Steve panted heavily, and said indifferently, "I can spend a day with you."

"This kid has guts." Xie Zhi, who was floating in the air, praised, "Don't be cowardly."

Bucky's tone was a bit complicated: "Yeah, he doesn't care how big his opponent is, but sometimes he really gets annoyed by his stubbornness. This kid is like a donkey."

And Bucky, the Winter Soldier version in the alley, has already pulled the big guy away: "Hey! Will you bully the little guy!"

Then with three punches and two kicks, he easily knocked the man away.

Bucky in the air said: "He made the same choice as in the memory, and said the same words, so... this is in line with the third situation we expected. He is dreaming, repeating the past dream, just like when I was asleep. .”

"Then plan C? Plan D?" Xie Zhi said, and he had transformed into a dream connector.

Bucky thought for a while, and said, "Since memory will affect the behavior of the Winter Soldier, I think... plan D."

Now that the decision was made, everyone acted immediately and floated over to stun both the Winter Soldier and Steve.

Then he flew into the air with the Winter Soldier, and a floating living room appeared in the air, and everyone sat down one after another, and it was Xiao Yu who connected the people with the debugging machine. Yes, the dream master on the first floor was Xiao Yu, but it was Replicated the maze scene designed by Bucky.

Just before falling into the dream, Xie knew: "Wait a minute! Bucky, you are also the target, and now you have become two targets, this is not acceptable."

Bucky was stunned, nodded and said: "Yes, since we are divided into two, then I will be... no, don't be confused, change, this time I am also in the same group."

The dream master on the second floor is Ren, and the location where it appears is a dungeon.

Each cell is formed into a circular cage with railings on the top of the cage, and the patrolling soldiers on the upper floor can be seen.

Xie Zhi and the others were in a state of invisibility. What made everyone very interesting was that Bucky was locked in a cell. Both Bucky were locked in the same cell.

But it's also easy to distinguish, one is invisible, and the other is full of bitterness and hatred.

Xie Zhi floated forward and looked at the embarrassed Bucky in the cell with a smile: "What's the matter with you? Obviously we are in the same group, why did you go in too?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}Bucky responded with a wry smile: "I don't know, maybe... we use one brain, and this memory brings me in."

Xie Zhi looked at Dong Bing: "You have been a prisoner of war, you can't do it."

Ryan bit her finger: "Husband, you are so pitiful, both of them."

Xie Ai: "Second Uncle, I'll sing a song for you, iron gates, iron windows and iron chains, holding on to the iron windows, I look out, how beautiful life outside is..."

Bucky: "…"

Xie Zhi and Lei En were overjoyed, Xie Tiehammer was embarrassed.

"I hurt you for nothing, little white-eyed wolf! Wait for me to go out and deal with you!"

This was to cover up his embarrassment, Bucky sighed, and pointed to the patrolling soldiers above: "It's not entirely my fault for being captured, I'm just a big soldier, and it's not my job to command the battle. And to be fair, Old Germany's army is really awesome, I can't talk nonsense about This is true, the old German army at this time is not an exaggeration to say that the old German army is the best in the world. Hey, how did you get out of the POW camp?"

Bucky laughed, "Steve got me out."

Ren Daqi: "With his physique? How is it possible?"

"You will know in a while."

Just as he was talking, a few soldiers came, opened the cage, and escorted the Winter Soldier away.

And Bucky also floated out while opening the door, and then squeaked with Xie Ai, no one stopped him, and chatted completely as if Xie Ai's screams didn't exist, and the sound insulation function didn't hear the duck.

The family followed the soldiers like ghosts.

On the way, Xie Zhi also said: "I said, the old Germany's military uniform should not be like this, and the equipment on them, the technological content is beyond the times, you, no, there is something wrong with the subconscious of the Winter Soldier."

"The subconscious mind is fine." Bucky pointed around: "Because they are not ordinary soldiers, this is a base belonging to Hydra, and the controller here, John Schmidt, is the head of Hydra, and these high-tech equipment is a It was researched by Dr. Zola, no, it should be said that it should be the result of using a treasure and expanding its use."

"What good stuff?" Hearing that the baby was thankful, he became excited.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but I haven't seen the real thing. I just heard it mentioned by the high-level Hydra that it was left on Earth by Odin, the god-king in Norse mythology."

Xie Zhile said, "You don't really have gods in your hometown, do you?"

"God? I haven't seen it, I've seen a psychopath, and you will see it soon."

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