Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 252: you are the main character

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Baki said: "You can't say that, it depends on who you compare with. In our world, in the era of World War II, he was really strong. It can be said that in my world, Hydra is the driving force behind World War II." .”

"It doesn't matter anymore, the problem is..." Xie Zhi pointed to the Winter Soldier who was weakly watching the show at this time: "Is it meaningful for you to let him experience these memories again?"

"Of course." Bucky pointed to his head: "Although the Winter Soldier and I share the same brain, IQ is no problem, but... what is that word called? Oh, emotional intelligence, he has no emotion at all, that is, he has no feelings, How can a person who has no feelings open his heart? If he wants to expose his subconscious, he has to be... stimulated.

But before that, he had to go through the past again. Now it seems that passive memory has an influence on him, so if he has experienced enough, the stimulation will be great enough. "

"I hope it works, otherwise the two of's really hard to do."

Bucky smiled: "Don't worry, it will definitely work. The person who knows a person best is always himself."

After that, the family followed the Winter Soldier and Steve, and witnessed Bucky's experience in World War II.

First of all, Steve rescued a large number of prisoners of war and became a hero. His previous title, which was used as a propaganda function, also became an official title, which is...Captain America.

Then, some new characters also appeared, such as the woman the US team likes, Agent Carter, and the US team's friend, Howard Stark.

Under the leadership of the US team, some veterans were absorbed, together with the Winter Soldier, to form the Howling Commando.

And Howard Stark provided the Roaring Commando with new equipment, such as the new combat uniform of the US team, a shield forged from a special metal, and various other weapons, including Bucky's sniper rifle, which was also designed by Howard.

On the contrary, although this Howard doesn't appear many times, he seems to have a good relationship with Bucky. This man is both a local tycoon and a scientist, and his behavior seems to perfectly control the balance between being likable and annoying. On balance, it gave him a unique charm.

So even though he doesn't play many appearances and doesn't have much communication with Bucky, he can get along with everyone very quickly. The relationship with Bucky is more than an acquaintance, and friends are barely.

Watching the Winter Soldier and his comrades going through the battlefields, resting, celebrating, drinking... Everyone is like watching a movie, experiencing Bucky's past.

During the period, two points attracted everyone's attention. One was the Hydra troops lurking in the old German army. The weapons they used were completely energy weapons that surpassed the times, and they were very powerful. Interesting, unfortunately, Bucky has never seen the real thing at all, it's all heard.

Another one is Captain America's shield. I thought it was just a relatively strong metal material, but I didn't expect its toughness to exceed everyone's expectations. It can't even blow up a shell!

Xie Zhida was very interested: "What did you call this metal?"

"Shock gold."

"Tsk tsk, it's super strong. I don't know which one is stronger than Adamantium alloy. This metal was researched by Howard?"

Bucky shrugged his shoulders: "I heard that it is not, it seems to be a very rare mineral, and I don't know where Howard got it."

"I have to say, there are some good things in the hometown of you and Xie Ai...I'll go! You are in danger."

Yes, when Xie Zhi spoke, the Winter Soldier used Captain America's shield to block an energy weapon attack. Although he was not injured, he was knocked out of the train by the impact. After all, Bucky seemed to be in normal physical condition at this time soldier's standard.

That's right, the mission location this time is on a speeding train.

Fortunately, when the Winter Soldier flew out, he grabbed the metal handle on the outer wall of the train, and the US team came to rescue immediately after repelling the enemy.

At this time Bucky said: "It's almost time, get ready to enter the third dream."

Xie Zhi was taken aback, and while releasing a dream connector, he pointed at the Winter Soldier hanging outside the car: "So, it was not rescued?"

"Yes, I fell and broke my arm."

Ryan suddenly became anxious: "Husband! How can you spoil it! The suspense is gone!"

Xie Ai also snorted angrily: "Second Uncle is a spoiler!"

Bucky was speechless, these two guys are really watching a movie.

It just so happened that the handle the Winter Soldier was holding broke off and he fell into the abyss. Book bag net

Captain America: "Bucky!"

Ryan: "Husband!"

Xie Ai: "Second Uncle Duck!"

Xie Tiechui looked at his mother and second grandmother, who were the top of the show, hesitating whether to cooperate, or cooperate, or cooperate...

Bucky looked at Xie Zhi and sighed, "Why do I feel like I fell and turned into a comedy?"

Xie Zhi patted Bucky on the shoulder: "Your daughter-in-law, my daughter-in-law, accept your fate."

The people landed under the abyss and fished up the Winter Soldier who fell into the river. They happened to faint too, which was easy.

The whole family connected to the machine to dream, and this time it was Lei En who stayed behind. She was very reluctant, because the next floor had to act, but she couldn't leave her dream.

However, there were also people accompanying them, Xie Tiehammer and Xie Ai also stayed, the lower level was too important, so they didn't take the two children with them.

On the third level of the dream, it was finally Xie Zhi's turn to be the dream master.

After Xie Zhi appeared, he found that he was alone, on the side of the road, and it was night.

Xie Zhi couldn't help but ask by phone: "Old Popsicle, where are you?"

During the communication, Bucky said: "Don't mention it, I'm in the same place with the Winter Soldier again, wait a minute, I'll fly over right away."

Not long after, Bucky landed from the sky and said directly: "I told you, make a car and come out."

Following Bucky's description, Xie Zhi built a yellow car in the style of the 1990s according to the requirements.

"Very good, it looks like this, the details are fine, the license plate number is correct, and then..." Bucky opened the trunk, and said: "Put some things here,'s done."

"And then... Damn, who did you turn into?"

Seeing that Bucky has changed his appearance at this time, he has become an old man in a black suit with white beard and hair.

Bucky opened his mouth, and his voice also changed: "Howard Stark, you have to change too, um, like this..."

Bucky shook his hand, a photo appeared and handed it to Xie Zhi, Xie Zhi glanced at it, then looked up at Bucky, with an expression of "you're messing with me".

Bucky shrugged his shoulders: "Acting, you are the protagonist."

"Protagonist? Heroine! She's still an old woman!"

"Don't worry, there are not many lines. You just need to call 'Howard' weakly and affectionately, and then let the Winter Soldier break your neck. Look, it's so simple. Of course, pretend, the dream will collapse when you die. .”

"It's not a matter of difficulty. I have psychological barriers when playing a woman. In this way, let's switch. You play an old woman and I play Howard."

"Please, you don't know the situation at that time, you don't have a life, you will appear exaggerated." Bucky put his hands together and said: "Help brother, I promise I will never say anything, trust me."

"you promise?"

"I swear! Don't tell It's fine, but you talk about important people and things...I thought it would be Steve, why is it Howard? He was killed by you? I Do you mean the Winter Soldier?"

Bucky was silent, and then nodded slowly: "Yes, Howard and I are not close friends, but we are not just friends. He is Steve's friend, and half of Steve's strengthening is also due to him. It's like saving me, and when I fought, I used the sniper rifle he made. He was like my comrade in arms... But I killed him and his wife with my own hands. This is a wound in my heart. bleeding."

Xie Zhi sighed, shook his head and said, "Is it necessary to stab the wound again? Can't you change it?"

"This is the best way, because this matter stimulates me the most."

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