Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 257: parasitic

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Liu Jiannan got two defenders up again, Xie Zhi got some liquefied metal and controlled one of them.

The other one asked Liu Jiannan to continue to integrate, nothing else, the answers had to be compared, and the police interrogation had to be compared alternately, so as to verify the authenticity of the information.

The result was the same as before, and the information was correct. Although only two questions were asked, the percentages were still far away, but since it was subconscious, Xie Zhi believed that the results of this experiment were enough to explain the problem.

And the third defender was controlled by Xie Zhi to float in front of something.

That thing is... an alien egg.

Xie Zhi has also read and contacted the detailed information on the aliens in the hunter clan, so creating aliens is not a problem at all.

At this time, the tip of the meat egg bloomed like a flower, and then a face-hugging insect suddenly jumped out, pounced on the defender's face, hugged it tightly, and the parasite began.

After about a few minutes, the defender began to react in pain. With a scream, his chest exploded, and a blood-stained monster crawled out.

Xie Zhi was also a little surprised that the growth time of the alien larvae was so fast. Obviously, there is still a difference between the dreamer and the real person, and the nutrition absorbed by the alien in the dream seems to be different.

And this is not a normal alien. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a molecular robot version of the alien. Xie Zhi first created the alien egg, and then let the molecular robot fuse with it. Although the target is not a human being, it is also successful.

But this time it is related to willpower. Xie Zhi deliberately made himself "believe" that he would succeed. Since Cobb said that willpower determines everything, why should he doubt when creating? With Xie Zhi's willpower, the result will be natural smooth sailing.

But when Xie Zhi waved his hand, a table appeared on the rooftop with a computer on it.

The newborn Alien larva jumped up directly, and the particles at the end were atomized, and then formed a USB plug. After connecting to the host, a large number of folders appeared on the screen immediately.

Xie Zhi opened one casually, and it contained video files. After opening, the video was recorded in the first person.

After roughly reading it, he fast-forwarded a few times, Xie Zhi nodded with a smile: "Success! This is much more convenient than asking, copy everything, no secrets can be hidden!"

Yes, this is Xie Zhi's idea. His idea is that the aliens are parasitic in reality, and what they get is the other party's DNA, but in the dream, it is aimed at subconscious mapping, so is it still the DNA that is absorbed? What if it is a subconscious memory?

Of course, this is Xie Zhi's "hope" and his "belief". Whether it's the correct guess or the influence of willpower, the result is that the new version of the alien has a better parasitic effect.

In fact, Xie Zhi had another idea, so he did a third experiment, but this time it failed.

Without him, this time Xie Zhi created a...Professor X, that's right, Charles.

However, there seems to be something that willpower can’t do. Changing the world can be said to be due to Xie Zhi’s special concept of space. He has come into contact with molecular robots and aliens and has detailed information. Only Charles has come into contact with it. The superpower that can read minds is How to do it, he has no idea at all.

So he convinced himself that Charles had the ability to read minds, but unfortunately he just conjured up a person like Charles, but without superpowers.

Based on this result, Xie Zhi conducted several more experiments and constructed many mutants, but unfortunately they were all the same, and their superpowers could not be obtained.

But what is interesting is that the constructed sentinel robot can still simulate various superpowers that can be simulated.

Xie Zhi thought about it for a long time, and finally made a conjecture that might be the truth, that is, willpower seems to be omnipotent in the dream, but it is still affected by the subconscious mind. Some thoughts in his subconscious mind, such as "don't understand", " What are you doing?" and "I have no clue", which will eventually affect the creative results.

But he didn't regret it either. Although those boss-level abilities couldn't be produced, the sentinel robot's existing ability simulation was enough.

That's right, as his defender, Xie Zhi chose the sentinel robot, which is the strongest weapon he currently has, and even the spaceship uses the same system. Reading Network

It seems that Xie Zhi does not need a defender, because he can resist brain control, and it is almost impossible for someone to invade the brain, but this can help the family to accumulate experience first.

So in addition to creating sentinel robots, Xie Zhi also created other defenders, such as hunters, various types of terminators, Xiaoqiang 008, and... aliens.

Xie Zhi is particularly interested in aliens, and it has been proved that alien parasitism can obtain memory, so as a defender, if someone who doesn't know how to invade the brain domain, if he fails to protect it, he will lose a lot of money.

Of course, at present, the dream defense is strong enough. As for whether it can really resist a mind reader like Charles in a non-dream state, you have to touch it once with a real sword.

Five minutes later, Xiao Yu woke up Xie Zhi.

Then Xie Zhi experimented with the second human trafficker, which only lasted for a minute.

Same result.

This means that Xie Zhi's family also has the ability to read minds. The method is different, but the general result is the same. After all, there is no way to know the other party's current thoughts, only information can be obtained.

But this is no small matter. The step of interrogation can be omitted when information is needed, and for a professionally trained person, such as a spy, the information obtained during the interrogation is likely to be false.

Although this world does not have any special inventions except for the dream technology, but just like this, it is already worth the fare, and it can even be said to be a super value return, and the improvement of strength is long-term.

The reason is very simple, if you meet a scientific master like Hank Pym again, with black technology like Pym particles, there is almost no obstacle to get it.

In the days that followed, Saito resolved the troubles of the two of Cobb, the transaction was completed, and the two left.

The two traffickers were secretly sent back to the prison by a robot sent by Laifu, and left the information of the victims they obtained, as well as some experience about obtaining information in dreams, which can help reduce the crime rate, so why not do it.

Afterwards, apart from life, entertainment, and study, the whole family is studying dreams and creating and upgrading their own defenders.

As a forerunner, Xie Zhi has the deepest understanding of dreams, but he found that his family members... are very good!

That's right, from the perspective of willpower, everyone is not simple except the little stone who is still drinking milk and Laifu and Youde who cannot dream.

Xiao Yu traveled the rivers and lakes, worked as an assassin for many years, experienced life-and-death fights, lived a life of licking blood with knives, and has a high understanding of martial arts, and now he is a master.

As for Bucky, after World War II, it was not a dream fight, it was a real battlefield! Later, he also worked as a killing machine for many years, which can be described as a legendary life.

Although Ryan is not as good as Bucky, and his history as a soldier is not simple, Zhuer, who has been around the famous imperial cemetery for a few times, has a lot of experience after becoming a mercenary, and he even fought head-to-head with lickers. Nearly dying together, this kind of real life-defying life is not something that can be bestowed by dreams.

What about Xie's not easy, living in the last days at a young age, wandering alone for two years after the mother is gone, being hunted down, counterattacked, and hunted down again! That's a real fight with the Terminator! Can Cobb get this kind of experience?

Even Xie Ai is no small matter. To know the taste of quantum phase transition, it is comparable to Ling Chi! This is just an imaginary metaphor. Only the child knows how painful it really is. Although Xie Ai Shao has suffered a lot with Xie Zhi, it will take a lot of willpower to overcome it from passive acceptance to active use.

Moreover, the whole family is growing up in the process of continuous time travel. This unique life also has a profound impact on the will.

Therefore, the willpower of this family is far superior to that of Cobb, playing with dream creation, this family is very talented!

PS: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival on the 11th. I have to work overtime today, and I will send it in the afternoon of the second watch, dear.

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