Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 259: green

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For a moment, Xie Zhi felt as if something communicated with him.

It was a completely unknown force, not thought, very weird, if I had to describe it, the feeling at that moment, Xie Zhi felt that he was a walkie-talkie, and the other walkie-talkie was tuned to the right frequency, and the two were on the same frequency. up.

Immediately afterwards, a green light burst out of his body! (Note 1)

And the green light quickly formed a ball of light, enveloping Xie Zhi.

This scene frightened Xie Tiehammer, and he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Grandpa! You are green!"

"Nonsense! Be careful that your grandma beats you, you, you..."

The echo went away, because before the words were finished, Xie Zhi had already taken off into the air rapidly, not because he wanted to fly, but because the green ball of light drove him up into the air.

Xie Tiehammer also reacted quickly, the suit quickly returned to its original shape, and he took off to chase after him.

The ball of light galloped very fast, Xie Tiehammer flew at full speed for a while but couldn't catch up, so he could only follow from afar.

As for Xie Zhi in the light sphere, he was driven to roll over at the beginning, but he immediately controlled the suit and maintained his balance.

Faced with this sudden and strange incident, Xie Zhi first thought of being attacked, but then he felt something wrong. He remembered the feeling at that moment. The emergence of this green energy was a bit like the feeling when he resonated with Xie Ai at the same frequency, but the problem was , This green thing has nothing to do with the three kinds of energies he originally possessed. I don't know where it came from.

He wanted to try to use the energy-absorbing mode of the suit, but he changed his mind immediately. The Pioneer is a wayfinder, so he has to give an early warning to his family. He still doesn't know what's going on, so let's see the situation first.

Xie Tiehammer's voice came from the communication: "How are you, Grandpa?"

"It's okay for now, can you still see me?"

"Yes, it's getting dark soon, so grandpa, you are so green, so green! I didn't lose track of you."

"I hate green..." Xie Zhi sighed and said, "Hammer, keep your distance, don't come if I don't let you come."

"Good grandpa, do you want to contact grandma and them?"

"You just say... Forget it, don't say it, you have to open your mouth like a grandpa, and your grandma will be so angry, let me say it."

After all, Xie Zhi reported the situation to his family, reminding everyone that there is a problem in this world, of course he said briefly, and didn't mention a single word about color.

After flying for a while, it was already dark before the green ball brought Xie Zhi to the ground, which was a coast.

When the green ball was more than one meter above the ground, it stopped, and then the green ball suddenly dissipated, the supporting force disappeared, and Xie Zhi fell out.

The sudden fall did not make Xie Zhi fall, and he was in a floating state in an instant.

Xie Zhi looked around. There were deserted and lightless coastal buildings, some street lights in the distance, small wooden piers, reefs, and... a thing that didn't look like a creation of the earth.

Half of that thing was submerged in the seawater shoal, and it had a diamond-shaped structure similar to metal. The other half of the spherical structure was transparent and looked like glass, but the impact and sliding traces left on the ground obviously couldn't be glass.

Xie Zhi saw a green thing move in the transparent cover, and quickly floated over.

When he approached, he suddenly discovered that there was a passenger inside this strange thing.

Just looking at that look, looking at... not like the natives of the earth.

The opponent's skin is crimson red, with a certain degree of transparency, and the muscle texture under the skin can be seen. He is bald and hairless, but his facial features are very similar to those of humans. Judging by human facial features, the opponent should be quite old.

The man was wearing a green tights with an exquisite design, and the surface of the material was fine and textured. There was a logo with two horizontal lines and a circle on his chest, which was still glowing faintly. Dede novel

However, this person's current state is not very good. There are scars on his face, the blood is purple, and the most serious injury is on the left chest. There is a huge wound, **** and bloody. Judging from the injury, it seems to be a corrosive wound.

The other party is dying, this is Xie Zhi's first judgment.

But Xie Zhi was not in a hurry to give medical treatment, look at this appearance... Bao Buqi is an alien, at least the other party's hands are different, with four fingers.

Aliens have different physiological structures, how to save them?

There is a medical bed, but there is a prerequisite for the medical bed, which is to first do the DNA modeling of the species and obtain sufficient biological data, so as to establish the health standard and repair the injury from the cellular level, so as to rescue.

So don’t talk about aliens. With a unique physique like Ryan’s, there is no way to cure infertility, because modeling is too late, and now aliens are also in a state of injury, which is useless.

The treatment is out of goodwill, but from the perspective of vigilance, does this suspected alien carry an alien virus? What is the purpose of coming to Earth? Good or bad? I don't know this.

"You... spaceship, do you have medical equipment to treat your injuries? Can you understand me?" Xie Zhi subconsciously asked in Chinese.

The red-faced, bald head was dying, and he even said in Chinese: "Your name...what's your name?"

Xie Zhi was puzzled by the other party's attention, but he still responded: "My name is Xie Zhi. Now is not a good time to socialize. You are seriously injured and need to be treated."

Unexpectedly, the other party ignored Xie Zhi's words at all, and said to himself with difficulty: "Xie Zhi, my name is Abin Sur, the guardian of sector 2814..."

"Hey, do you know that you are going to die? Tell me how to treat you now. If you want to chat, you have plenty of time. You can't do it if you don't."

Abin remained the same, slowly raised his right hand with four fingers, opened it, with a dark green ring in his palm: "The ring... chose you, hold it, put on the ring..."

Xie Zhi was stunned: "Uh... sorry, you may not understand our customs, I have a wife, you are not my type... No! The truth is that I am loyal to my daughter-in-law! I said you are dying, understand No? Don’t want to live anymore?”

"...Put it in the lamp..." Abin tilted his head towards a dark green object placed beside him, which looked a bit like a lantern.

"Are all aliens so stubborn? Well, Deng, I saw it. What else can I do for you?" Xie Zhi shook his head helplessly. Obviously, this person is telling his last words. He should know that he is hopeless. .

Abin said: "Put on the ring, read the oath, great honor and responsibility...I want to...see your...look."

"Okay." Xie Zhi opened his mask, revealing his true face.

"Human..." Abin's eyes were inexplicable, gradually became lax, and he stopped breathing.

Then, his clothes gradually disappeared, flocking to the chest mark, and finally disappeared completely. Looking at it at this time, this Abin didn't even wear any underwear.

Xie Zhi frowned, and then put his mask back on again: "You died in a foreign land, buddy, understand that you didn't explain your last words, and you didn't even say where you hid your passbook. Send a message?

Well, death is the most important thing. Although you are not familiar with it, who can make a buddy kind? I will take care of the funeral for you. "

Sighing, UU Reading Xie Zhi picked up the ring in A Bin's hand, and then looked at the so-called lamp: "Choose me? Ring? Lamp... lamp? This plot is a bit familiar, let me think about it... "

While muttering, Xie Zhi put the ring and lamp on the coast, and then took out a small box from his backpack, which is a storage for unknown substances, in case viruses and the like are flooded.

Shrunk down the alien and the suspected spaceship together, put it in a container and put it away, Xie Zhi turned on the high temperature mode again, allowing the suit to sterilize itself for a few seconds.

This is not over yet, Xie Zhi took off his battle suit again, let out the medical bed, and lay on it to do a self-examination. After all, he had just opened his visor to make sure that he was not infected with viruses and bacteria, so he could rest assured.

After finishing, Xie Zhi suddenly slapped his hands: "Oh! I remembered! It must be like this!"

As he spoke, he picked up the green light and began to rub the light body with his hands: "Green light, green light, please grant my three wishes..."

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