Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 273: my wife will be angry

Sinestro glanced at Xie Zhi, naturally he didn't think that Xie Zhi would be kind.

In his wild thoughts, he narrated the process of the battle without any concealment, and finally said: "...The parallax monster induced our most elite fighters to be haunted by fear! And swallowed their fear! He is marching towards Oa star! He has never If anyone dares to attack us, you must tell me what you know!"

Sinestro's tone was very tough, Xie Zhi couldn't help laughing, must? Xin said that if Immortals are easy to talk about next, it means that the way to deal with these old guys is to be tough. Sinestro obviously knows Immortals better.

Sure enough, the Immortal was silent for a while, and someone said: "The will has always been our only weapon to fight against the dark power in the universe, but when this power was not strong enough, there was a fierce debate among us, we argued whether we should Use a new source of power we swore never to use...fear."

Both Xie Zhi and Sinestro were shocked, the amount of information was too much, and after a long time of trouble, this frightening fear energy immortal already had it!

Just listen to the immortal say: "The power of fear is too unpredictable, and the risk of being corrupted is too high, so we decided to abandon it.

Except for one person, the Immortal broke into the Forbidden Temple alone. He wanted to prove that the light of fear could be controlled. His starting point was pure, but his desire was naive.

Consumed by the yellow force of fear, the Immortal became our foe to destroy, he became... Parallax. "

Xie Zhi opened his mouth, feeling like he was in a trough, the emotional parallax is the immortal, no wonder the same big head and small face, the same ugly.

It’s just like the plot in a martial arts novel, the famous decent sect sent out a traitor, practiced magic skills, became the head of the devil, married the demon girl, reached the pinnacle of life, began to suffer from cholera, and then the famous decent sects attacked them, and returned But if you can't do it, you still have to have a handsome young hero to deal with this kind of big devil. Being handsome is a mandatory configuration.

It's just that now it's changed to the background of the universe, Xie Zhi feels that although he is a bit older, he is still quite handsome.

The Immortal continued: "For the safety of the universe and himself, Abin Sur was sent to the Lost Sector to imprison the parallax."

Xie Zhi nodded, and almost forgot that there was an imprisonment link, which is very similar to the one surnamed Ren, but Abin should not be as powerful as the legend says, after all, the parallax monster was just born at that time, so it should not be strong enough.

Sinestro continued, "But he got away."

"Yes, absorbing the fear of others will make him bigger and stronger. This is the characteristic of the power of fear."

Xie Zhiming, no wonder he is so big, can he not grow taller if he eats too much, but he thought that it was too much for Ryan to be strong by eating, and there was something more.

Sinestro said: "Now the parallax monster is back, he wants to avenge you, and he wants to destroy the Green Lantern Corps!"

Speaking of this, Xinestone paused, looked at the crowd of immortals, and glanced at Xie Zhi from the corner of his eye.

His tone was serious and high-spirited, as if he had regained the charisma of his pre-war speech: "We have no choice! We must use the strength of the enemy and fight fear with fear!

To defend our sector and the universe, we must first defend ourselves! We must forge a yellow ring! "

And then... the Immortals agreed.

Must, must, Xie Zhi pouted, saying a few "musts" is quite useful, who is the boss? These Immortals really lived too long to be useless.

However, the newly obtained information was so important that Xie Zhi changed his plan directly.

"Thank you, what are you going to say?"

After thinking for a while, Xie Zhi said: "Everyone, can I understand that there will be no Green Lantern Corps in the future, and it will be changed to the Yellow Lantern Corps."

The Immortal said: "Young man, as Immortals, we have to measure our actions with the eyes of billions of years. The Green Lantern Corps is the basis for ensuring the peace of the universe. For the Green Lantern Corps to exist, we must defeat the parallax monsters. The problem is that the Green Lantern Corps It is no longer possible to cope with the current situation.

Fear energies are indeed dangerous, but casting them into rings, as opposed to being directly exposed to them, is worth trying, and perhaps we should have tried. "

Xie Zhi nodded knowingly: "Oh, that is to say, there is no plan to send troops now, so I just pointed at the yellow light ring? There are more than 3,000 green light fighters, unite, isn't it strange that parallax is good for gang fights?"

Sinestro said decisively: "You are also here! Our will weapon is completely useless against parallax monsters! But the opponent has the ability to kill us in seconds. The Green Lantern Corps can't afford it. Once an accident occurs, the entire army will be wiped out!"

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Green Lantern Warriors have a speed advantage against Parallax Monsters, why don't you try it?"

Sinestro sighed suddenly, as if I understood: "The earth is your hometown, I can understand your feelings, but for the peace of the universe, some sacrifices are inevitable, and the sacrifice of the earth is meaningful. Yes, this is to save the entire universe."

At this time, an immortal said: "Thank you, we can see that you are stronger than Nistor, but even you can't defeat the parallax monster, this is reality, and we don't have much time. "

If the previous plan has not changed, Xie Zhi will use this sentence to say that he is sure that he will kill the parallax monster. Of course, he will say that he is only 40% sure, which seems to be difficult, and the victory is too easy to be worthless.

Then he declared that he has not yet joined the Green Lantern Corps, and that mercenaries are a good role to intervene. If he succeeds, to save the universe and save the Green Lantern Corps, twenty or thirty sets of rings and lights are not too much, right?

According to the original plan, he believes that the Immortal will agree, because this involves another issue. If Xie Zhi can kill the parallax monster, it means that it is more powerful than the parallax monster, so I ask you if you are afraid?

Well, if the Immortal is not stupid, of course he can figure this out,

Of course, it is unavoidable that they will wait for the result before deciding whether to deliver, but when the result comes out, they will have a good time. With the momentum, a few "musts" will make them persuaded, and then they will be even more persuaded.

But now with new information and the performance of this group of people, the nature has changed, and Xie Zhi also changed his mind.

The Immortal said again: "If you want, we can cast two yellow light rings, and you and Sinestro will use them first..."

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Sinestro's eyes twitched, his red face turned black, and his face turned a little purple. These old bastards, I finally found a chance to turn things around, you guys are so generous!

Xie Zhi shook his head and smiled, "No need, my daughter-in-law will be angry if she grows into a parallax monster. Well, I have no problem, so I will leave. I wish you [She] Huang a happy life."

Sinestro breathed a sigh of relief, a little surprised that Xie Xin would refuse, but of course he would not advise.

And until Xie Zhi left, no one kept him.

This also made Xie Zhi completely see through the so-called Green Lantern Corps, what kind of cosmic peacekeeping force, it's fine if they don't send troops, there are still four days, can't they send people to help evacuate the earth people?

Maybe there is a technical reason that prevents the spaceship from going through the wormhole, but the Green Lantern Warriors can bring a few, so that they can leave more or less seeds so that the earthlings will not be wiped out. There is still time.

So it's not that I can't do it, but I don't want to do it at all.

The so-called maintenance of peace in the universe is nothing more than maintaining the dominance of a group of vested interests.

Xie Zhi even suspects that if the Green Lantern Warrior who is an "earthling" is not strong enough, the opponent will make the decision to kill all the earthlings in advance. If it is done, it can also make the enemy not stronger.

It's no wonder that Xie Zhi thinks the Green Lantern Corps is bad, it's really that they are bad enough.

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