Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 283: will poll

Bucky scratched his white wolf's jaw, and the cool white wolf let out a grunt. Bucky's eyes couldn't help but look a little weird, why does he look a bit like a dog...

"So... this is our spiritual totem, subconscious projection, and it also uses will energy. So, what will happen if we use fear energy to manifest?"

Xie Zhi said directly: "Although I haven't tried it, I guess it should be similar to the spirit totem, but it must have no positive meaning. It should be an image that we are particularly afraid of, such as childhood shadows and the like. of."

Xie Ai said: "Dad, what were you afraid of when you were young?"

"I'm afraid... I don't remember. Forget it. It's probably useless to find out what the subconscious is most afraid of. It's purely to scare yourself. Fear energy is used to scare others. Isn't it sick to scare yourself?"

Xiaoyu nodded and said: "That's the reason, but when it comes to scaring people, although I have watched a lot of horror movies these days, but think about it... scaring people is meaningless. .”

Xie Zhi said with a sneer, "But it's fun."

Xie Ai raised his hand: "Fun plus one!"

Xie Tiehammer raised his hand: "Fun plus two!"

Bucky: "Add three."

Ryan: "Add four."

Xiao Yu smiled helplessly: "Okay, it's understandable to like pranks, I have no objection..."

However, before Xiao Yu finished speaking, the white tiger beside him suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a tiger roared like thunder, and the sound shook the sky! The king's arrogance exploded in full force!

All of a sudden, everyone's spirit totems trembled, looking terrified.

The whole family couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay, their subconscious mind was completely exposed.

Xiaoyu is also very embarrassed, she is very gentle, okay, the subconscious doesn't count...

The atmosphere was awkward.

Xiaoyu smiled dryly: "Well... the power of fear is also useful, um, it can also enhance combat power, very good um, very good."

Xie Zhi also said with a dry smile: "Actually, it doesn't matter what you are playing, isn't it good for our family to have a good time?"

Xiao Yu continued: "You can try to realize something and judge the effect."


As he spoke, Xie Zhijie's green yin-yang fish flickered, causing the yellow yin-yang fish to flicker, and then a yellow light shot out.

The next moment, a monster appeared in the sky. It was a yellow... Alien Empress, with a larger body and a more cautious temperament.

However, before the test, all the spiritual totems stared at the alien empress. These caring gazes immediately made the alien empress cover her head with her paws, curled up into a ball, trembling like sifting chaff...

Xie Zhiyi covered his face: "Who is the monster?"

Renn sighed even more: "I'm so scared."

Xie Tiehammer disdained: "It's really useless."

Bucky spread his hands: "Well, it seems that it can scare ordinary people. If this thing comes across a powerful one... forget it, I can't afford to lose this person."

Xiao Yu smiled and wanted to say that fear can still be used as a power bank, but in the end she chose not to say a word. Facts speak louder than words.

Time passed, and the day came to the seventh day.

The family has thoroughly researched the use of the ring, and, according to the principle of moral analysis, the family members have also done node implantation.

It's really not complicated. According to Immortal's design, the first thing to do is to scan the opponent's body structure. After all, the Green Lantern Corps has almost no aliens of the same race. There are all kinds of aliens, and the implantation must be performed according to the opponent's physical characteristics.

This point is not a problem for Lao Xie's family. The daily use of medical beds for health care has already cleared up the body data.

Afterwards, modeling the battle suit, this immortal has a mature model, which is connected to the ring in a similar way to the program, and then implants nodes similar to the same frequency signal station in multiple positions on the body, then as long as the mind moves, the ring It will automatically trigger the generation of the battle suit, no need to be distracted to shape it, and it has become a standard configuration.

However, the modeling of the suit must be reset. At present, the function of the Sentinel suit is almost perfect, and it is better than the pure energy suit of the Green Lantern Corps in all aspects.

And this kind of node implantation has another advantage, that is, if you don't like the shape of the battle suit in the future, you can modify it yourself. These shaping data will be automatically recorded in the ring, and you can directly replace it with the new version of the battle suit without extra distraction.

In this way, you can completely get rid of the shackles of the battle suit, you don't have to wear it all the time, you can wear your daily clothes casually, and the battle suit will appear as soon as you move your mind, which is extremely convenient.

It has to be said that the technology of the Green Lantern World is the most special one they have encountered. It is scientifically true, but the actual effect is even more magical. This proves the famous saying that magic is science, a science we don't understand.

But at the moment, the family is feeling emotional, what are they feeling? Feeling that the earth is a cow.

The reason is that the rings were put in initially, but only ten rings were put in, it was just a preliminary test to see the effect.

Moreover, the lower limit standard set by Xie Zhi for these rings is the same as the Tai Chi ring, and it is also three times that of the original green light ring. Although the upper limit of willpower cannot be measured, it can still tell the level of the people on earth.

As a result, more than 10 million people met the standard!

The Green Lantern Corps is only 3,600 in total, which is good, not even a fraction of the people on Earth!

And not only that, the preliminary test is also a will poll, so even if you find a suitable target, you will not recognize the owner for the time being. Laifu Youde sent robots to secretly investigate and collect personal information through the Internet.

As a result, among the more than 10 million people, the number of people with disabilities alone is more than ten times that of the Green Lantern Corps!

It makes sense to be physically disabled.

And the largest occupation among these candidates also met everyone's expectations. It was really a soldier, nothing else. What the army did was to shape the will, which was the strength of the profession.

Then there are occupations such as firefighters, doctors, sailors, and flight attendants, which are either high-risk or require strong psychological quality. These occupy the second echelon, and the remaining one-tenth includes all walks of life.

However, if the soldiers are subdivided into arms, almost all members of one arm are That's right, the proportion of the same arm is the largest.

What soldiers? Deminers!

Think about it, too, there are more professions that risk their lives, not only soldiers, do firefighters want to risk their lives? Of course, there are indeed many firefighters who have military experience.

But demining is not just life-threatening, but slow and life-threatening. There is no passion, only steady and precise operations. The hands are more stable than surgeons, and the psychological quality is not strong enough to do the job.

But there is one thing that everyone is very pleased with. Daring to risk one's life does not mean strong willpower. For example, outlaws, drug dealers, etc., none of them were selected. Some people dare to risk their lives, it is not a question of whether they are afraid of death, but a matter of breaking the can and smashing it, it doesn't matter.

There is one thing that makes Xie Zhi and Xiao Yu very proud, and that is that Ji Jianguo occupies nearly nine million places! The rest of more than one million will be shared by the whole world.

That's right, the population size is definitely one reason, and it's an important reason, but more importantly... Well, there are some things that need not be elaborated after Ailing and Ailing years, and everyone who understands it will understand.

Anyway, this result did not surprise Bucky and his wife. In fact, Bucky looked down on modern compatriots. You must know that Laomei had a very high opinion of Bucky's generation during World War II, calling it the golden generation! This is not unreasonable. In terms of the proportion of population, that generation has a large proportion, but now... it is not up to expectations.

As for Ryan, although she is a modern person, she has rich experience, knowledgeable experience and experience of life and death. It is too difficult for the media, politicians and public intellectuals who play double standards to fool her.

But when everyone was feeling that the green light ring should have come to Earth earlier, Xie Zhi's green light ring suddenly made a beeping sound.

Bucky asked, "What does the ring beep mean?"

"The communication function, we also have this, but I haven't mumbled it... It seems that I'm still alive after seven days. Someone in Oua Xing is curious."

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