Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 285: come and try

Xie Zhi looked at the two of them, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Then what's the result? In order to maintain the peace of the universe, the issue of eliminating me was passed?"

Kilowog hurriedly raised his hand and said: "No, no, Sinestro is powerful, he has many supporters, and he is used to domineering, but the Green Lantern Corps is not his subordinate, and he wants the entire Green Lantern Corps to obey the command. He can't do it yet."

Thomas continued: "Yes, and the Immortal didn't agree this time either, but...he didn't object, so the current situation is that he wants to deal with you, yes, he will come by himself, or bring his supporters, because Some people object, after all, there has never been a precedent for the Green Lantern Corps to deal with comrades-in-arms in history, and there is no substantive evidence, and more people... um..."

Xie Zhi smiled: "Waiting and watching."

Without waiting for the awkward two to answer, Xie Zhi said again: "I have a question, Sinestro wants to popularize yellow light rings immediately, is there enough time? Casting rings is not that fast, is it?"

Xie Zhi is very clear about this point, according to the information of Parallax Monster, the cooperation of Immortals to forge rings is not as fast as him.

Thomas said: "Sinestro discovered a characteristic of fear energy. Fear energy can erode will energy. He demonstrated it in public. Under the watchful eyes of one of his supporters, the green light ring was eroded into a yellow light ring, so don't worry. It's time to forge a new ring.

And this feature is also the main reason why some people choose to change their positions and choose to become the Yellow Lantern faction. "

"Oh... this is fast enough, so now I can understand that the two of you are not from the Yellow Lantern faction."

Kilowog waved his hand: "Of course not."

On the contrary, Thomas hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm not a Yellow Lantern faction, but I'm not a Green Lantern faction either. I just want peace."

"Hey!" Kilowog dissatisfied: "Thomas, now you have to choose a side in this situation. No one likes the fencers."

"Of course, I know, I definitely won't be inclined to the Yellow Lantern faction, otherwise I wouldn't be here either."

Xie Zhi took over the conversation and said: "Okay, you two, let me change the question, how many fans of Sinestro are there?"

"Twenty or so, don't think it's too small. The strength of the Green Lantern Corps is exaggerated. Usually, the Green Lantern Warriors don't form cliques. After all..."

Xie Zhi continued: "I understand that they are all big bosses who control a sector. It is not easy to unify interests in forming an alliance. Then, how many people do you think he can fool to deal with me together?"

Thomas sighed: "It's hard to say, but I estimate that it will be at least two hundred to three hundred."

"Wow, there are quite a few, so dare to stand with me and fight against him, how many do you think there are?"

Thomas looked embarrassed: "Well...I'm afraid not. I want to explain. It's not that I don't want to be on your side. The problem is that you didn't join the Green Lantern Corps."

"Well, I get it, it's not considered a circle, and it's unfair to stand on my side." After saying that, Xie Zhi looked at the two of them, and said with a smile: "So you are here to persuade me to join the gang?"

Kilowog nodded again and again: "Sinesto just got the yellow light ring, we believe that even if he becomes stronger now, he won't be far behind you, as long as you go to O'a Star, just express your attitude , Of course, it is best to challenge him in public, even if it is a tie, it is enough to show that the energy of will is... very powerful, the key depends on who uses it."

This last sentence made Xie Zhimu admire: "Yo, you are a sensible person."

Kilowoge said: "Willpower has different strengths, and the effect of natural use is also different, and many people still have confidence in the energy of will, thinking that will can overcome fear, but it is difficult to do it, which requires a strong will Maybe you can do it."

"Well, there are quite a lot of people who understand, yes, there are more than 3,000 people, and it is impossible for everyone to not think of this."

And Xie Zhi said this, which made Kilowog's eyes brighten: "You can really do it!?"

"I didn't say that, let's not mention this, let's talk about joining the group first, it sounds very simple, but..." Xie Zhi shook his finger: "No."

Kilowog said anxiously: "Why? If you join now, you will get the support of the Green Lantern faction, and your status will not be the same. This is good for you and the earth!"

Xie Zhi smiled and pointed to the blue planet behind him: "Speaking of the earth, what was the attitude of the Immortals when the parallax monsters came here? What was the attitude of the Green Lantern Corps? Don't tell me that this information has not been spread in the Green Lantern Corps. The result? Isn't it the cosmic peacekeeping force? Isn't it the fearless?

But I didn’t see any reaction within four days. After seven days, I knew that there was no parallax monster on my side. Sinestro felt that there was a lot of time. If the green light changed to yellow, many people didn’t like it. They remembered me and needed me. When the red light.

Hehe, I'm sorry, two, first, I don't have this obligation, and second... Actually, does it matter if I join or not? Anyway, Sinestro wants to mess with me, but only one side wins, so watch the fun and just prepare the watermelon. "

It seems that the result is the same, but the two of them know that if they are really watching the excitement in this changing situation, they will only be watching the excitement in the future.

Thomas hurriedly said: "Thank you, things are not as you imagined. It's not that we don't want to take care of the earth, but we can't deal with parallax monsters. This is reality..."

"Don't explain." Xie Zhi waved his hand and interrupted: "There are many reasons, and I don't want to condemn anything. Really, there is no need. The peacekeeping universe is what you claim. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Just recognize yourself.

Just be fair to everyone, okay? At the critical moment, the Green Lantern Corps didn't care about the life and death of the Earth, so why should the Earth worry about the Green Lantern Corps' infighting? But if anyone thinks I'm easy to bully, they can come and give it a try to see if my bones are strong enough.

Of course, although it is for the Green Lantern faction, I am still very grateful to the two of you for sending the letter and for giving me some information, so in return, I will give you a suggestion.

Think about it Why is the parallax monster that threatens everyone, the truth is that he came from the Green Lantern Corps but no one has ever known why the crisis of the parallax monster has made the Green Lantern Corps, which has been powerful for hundreds of millions of years The organization exposed all kinds of problems, and even the strongest fighters look so unbearable. At this critical juncture, the strongest fighters don't want to think about the problem of parallax monsters, but want to expand their influence, and even discredit me, who is willing to block The people on the front line, me who helped them.

The answers to these questions are the answers to the future of the Green Lantern Corps, rather than simply choosing sides. "

The two were startled, and after a moment of silence, Kilowog frowned and said, "The big change has occurred, can't you just give the answer?"

Xie Zhi smiled: "I said directly that you don't have a deep understanding, but it's okay, I didn't expect you to understand it, I will give you a reminder, a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth, not only fooling others, but also I fooled myself into believing it.

I have been saying that will is the most powerful force in the universe, but do you still remember that when Sinestro saw me, he said that Abin’s ring was chosen by the wrong person, but the comparison proved that who can use the energy of will more Well, the appearance of parallax proves again, who is the first to disbelieve in will.

The will is very strong, but those who have the right to speak have defined the will wrongly, and even put **** on me in order not to appear incompetent.

So is it useful to have a green light faction in the situation? You have to understand the true meaning of will.

That's it, by the way, please give Sinestro a message, I don't cause trouble but I'm not afraid of trouble, he has passed the line, within three days, either he brings someone to Earth, or I go to Oa Star to find him. "

PS: What Green Lantern wants to write, anyone who understands it understands it, and it’s not the fault of book friends if I don’t understand it.

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