Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 286: the rebellion

Having said this, the two of them also understood that they couldn't say thank you, but the other party seemed to be very confident and stable, which made them even more unable to understand Xie Zhi.

They didn't get them to join the Green Lantern faction, and the two of them had no good idea. It seemed that all they could do was what Xie Zhi said. Let's be a melon-eating crowd watching the excitement. It's the distribution of benefits after the conclusion is made. I guess they can only choose Order leftovers.

Fortunately, there are some advantages, at least safe.

The two thought wildly, said goodbye and left.

Xie Zhi watched the fading light of the two, with pity in his eyes, and said to himself: "I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to watch the excitement... the ghost will give you three days."

That's right, Xie Zhi didn't intend to wait for three days at all, just do it now!

In fact, Xie Zhi can only half believe what the two said.

But it doesn't matter whether it's true or not, because the core problem is the same, Sinestro wants to make trouble.

Then you have to learn from Taizu and the chief designer. You must have bottom-line thinking at all times, that is, you must prepare for the worst and count the worst results.

Facing the worst-case scenario for the Green Lantern Corps, it is naturally an all-out war.

And not only that, based on bottom-line thinking, their conversations are listened to at the same time by the family members. With Laifu and Youde, supercomputers analyze all kinds of bad situations, and they also analyze the choices that Sinestro can make.

The worst kind is that this guy is basically nonsense, what kind of passionate speech, he wants to figure out who is his own and who cannot be wooed, it is very simple, one of the manifestations of fear energy is... mind reading! Although the form of expression after becoming a ring may be different, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Based on Sinestro's performance so far, it's obviously not a good bird, so is it strange that the villain is planning a coup?

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, coupled with the characteristics of fear energy, Sinesto has the ability to overturn the balance of Oua Star's power, and even carry out a big cleanup!

So the Green Lantern faction is still waiting and watching? Just wait and see, it would be nice to save your life.

But Xie Zhi waited in space for a while, and an invisible hunter spacecraft approached.

The whole family was on it, while Xiaoyu, Bucky, Ryan, and Xie Tiehammer floated out of the spaceship to meet Xie Zhi, and the spaceship turned to fly elsewhere.

Yes, you can despise the enemy strategically, but you must pay attention to the enemy tactically, so except for Xie Ai, Youde, and Laifu, the whole family will fight!

In fact, although Xie Ai is a little kid, he is also a super powerful little kid. However, Xie Ai is a well-informed kid, after all, he is a kid, and he wants to kill people when he fights.

So of course I can’t take Xie Ai with me. As for Xie Tiehammer, it’s different. Although she’s also underage, this girl didn’t live in a peaceful time when she was a child. It’s not like she didn’t kill people during those years of wandering. This is an unchangeable fact. Then It's impossible to bring the girl back, and I have to face it in the future.

And there is nothing to say in this battle, just to kill them all!

If there were no accidents, the old Xie family only provided opportunities for the people on earth to develop and grow, and did not intend to solve all the troubles, but if someone played dirty, then I would be embarrassed. , I have to hit hard.

As for the new Earthling Green Lantern Warriors, it will be postponed for the time being. This level of war is not suitable for recruiting new recruits.

Of course, the Space Fleet and Sentinel robot troops should also be brought along. The Green Lantern Warriors are strong, but the ability to aggravate their firepower is not bad.

Moreover, the power of nuclear weapons is not outdated at present. According to the actual test, everyone judged that even with the Tai Chi ring, they still cannot withstand the power of nuclear bombs. Of course, unless there is mental calculation or unintentional, it is very difficult to blow them up now. .

But in this regard, the old Xie family has Pym particles, so it is very easy to hide the nuclear bomb.

Everything is just a hole card just in case. As for whether to use it, it depends on the specific situation.

Of course, it is entirely possible to use a sneak attack to deal with Sinestro, but the result of the family's discussion is that hard power is the most reliable, and the meaning of being able to fight a tough battle cannot be overstated, and now it is involved in the military The scope of war, and military, is precisely a science based on experience.

Now the wealth is getting richer and richer, but the increase in actual combat experience is not too much, and the experience can't keep up with the update speed of equipment. It can even be said that it is mainly Xie Zhi who is gaining experience, which is a big problem for their unique way of life short board.

So Sinestro and his group are quite suitable training partners. They are strong enough, but not strong enough, because they use fear energy.

The family of five flew towards the man-made wormhole. After approaching, Xie Zhi's green light ring passed the verification and opened the wormhole.

However, Xie Zhi can wear two rings at the same time, because he is special or everyone can. In fact, he has not tested it. Anyway, the Tai Chi ring is more powerful, but Xie Zhi has not given up on Abin's ring.

At this moment, Xie Zhi went to explore the way first, after all, the possibility of an ambush on the other side of the wormhole still exists.

After Xie Zhi passed, he found that the surroundings were very calm, and he was sure it was safe, so he left some shrunken warships and returned again, leading Xiao Yu and others to pass through the wormhole again.

At this moment, it is very close to Oua Xing. From a distance, everything seems to be normal.

Xie Zhi thought for a while, and said: "Well, I'll go first, you guys lie in wait for my signal, if the worst situation doesn't happen, everything is easy to talk about, if... then don't let anyone go."


"be careful."

"Grandpa, save some for me."

Xie Zhi flew to O'a Star, the target is still the location of the temple, that area is regarded as the political and cultural center, and events will be concentrated there.

Who knew that as soon as they entered the atmosphere, they saw yellow and green lights flickering on the ground below, in a mess, fighting?

Immediately afterwards, Xie Zhi's green light ring beeped again, Xie Zhi activated the communication, and Thomas appeared in a panic, panting: "Thank you! Sinestro lied to everyone! He launched a rebellion! Please help Us! No no! They are too strong! You better run away!"

The latter sentence added points to Xie Zhi's heart. UU Reading made him appreciate it a bit. The Green Lantern Warriors are not dead yet.

"I saw."


Xie Zhi said seriously: "Tell everyone to hold on, I'm coming."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Zhiyi turned into a streamer, with intertwined yellow and green lights all over his body, and hit the ground like a meteorite!

The city is full of wars, explosions one after another, streams of yellow and green light shoot out randomly, and buildings are hit, broken, and collapsed... It's like the end of the world.

The number of yellow light fighters on the battlefield is obviously more, and they have a clear advantage. Obviously, when panic appears, it is the home field of the yellow light fighters.

Moreover, the Yellow Lantern Warriors were clearly prepared, they played very well, and cooperated with each other tacitly, but the Green Lantern Warriors were much more chaotic. There were reasons for being attacked, and there were also reasons for not being used to the energy of fear, and even more because of fear.

Just look at the battle, there are yellow light fighters who are the main attackers, but there are fighters around them who are responsible for absorbing fear. The result is that the green light fighters not only have to deal with the attack, but also emit yellow light threads from their bodies, which are absorbed by the opponent's ring. It further exacerbated the weakness of the Green Lantern Warrior.

What's more, there are multiple yellow light fighters dealing with the single green light fighter, and after trapping them, they directly use fear energy to corrode the opponent's ring and turn the opponent into a yellow light fighter.

This trick is amazingly easy to use. Once transformed, immediately changing the sect is comparable to brainwashing. It can also be said that the Green Lantern Warrior who can be eroded has obviously lost his will, and his identity has changed without delay.

So the yellow light fighters are fighting more and more, and the green light fighters are fighting less and less.

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