Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 289: Sword rain

It is not only Bucky who is reliable, but also Xie Zhi and Xiao Yu.

Don't look at Xiao Yu's claim that he is resting, but it is a big taboo in martial arts to exhaust one's strength in one blow. As a martial arts master, how can you not understand such a simple truth?

What's more, even if you want to rest, the battle suit itself can float in the air, so why do you have to use the white tiger as a cushion? Other people's spiritual totems are on display, so why doesn't Drizzle show off? It is to reserve three points to deal with accidents.

Moreover, nearly half of the opponent's combat power was abolished when they came up, and the intention was very obvious, just to deter, not only deter the yellow light fighters, but also the green light fighters, showing off their muscles.

After understanding the characteristics of fear, deterrence is actually the strongest weapon, because if you are afraid, you will be persuaded. This weakness is too fatal. It can be said that Xiaoyu is targeting this weakness and made a shocking blow.

In fact, the Yellow Lantern Warriors are not weak at all, and they can even be said to be very strong. If you simply convert energy into data, in fact, apart from Xie Zhi, the Yellow Lantern Warriors are capable of fighting them one-on-one, but the problem is that fighting is not simple. Compared with the data, and the fatal flaw of fear, the actual combat power of the yellow light fighters cannot be displayed.

And Xie Zhi, dangling around to make up swords, although he didn't amplify his moves to show his strength, he was maintaining the balance of the battlefield and providing a safe training partner for his family.

He is really busy now, checking for omissions and making up for omissions, and constantly manifesting green lines, flying towards the unowned yellow light rings flying around, to catch them back.

Not only the flying wire grabbing the ring, but also other things Xie Zhi is constantly manifesting. If the willpower is strong enough, the amount of manifestation will be very exaggerated. This has been verified in the previous discussion with Sinestro, but the quality On the other hand, Xie Zhi can also guarantee that the nature is completely different.

And the performance of this family completely blinded the Green Lantern Warriors, and they felt powerless for a while. None of these mysterious people was weaker than Sinestro, who was still wearing the Green Lantern back then.

So one by one really became the people who eat melons, and they were amazed.

"The one with the hammer...was a child? What kind of weapon did she use? Does the strange noise make any sense? Why does it sound like...some animal being slaughtered?"

"The one with the double knives is also very powerful. In melee combat, the original Sinestro couldn't beat these two."

"I'm more optimistic about the earthling who opened fire in the distance."

"Him? It's nothing special, who can't do this?"

"You're wrong. Before I became a Green Lantern Warrior, I was a soldier in my hometown. I participated in large corps battles. He didn't seem to have any outstanding performance, but someone is controlling the rhythm of the battlefield! Not everyone can do this. !"

"More than that, he was able to do this on his own, not relying on lethality... That guy's vision is too poisonous! I think he must have special experience other than being a soldier, yes, it must be like this. "

"What's even more powerful is the woman who yells and then does nothing. If she is only good at that trick, then it's acceptable. After all, she may be talented, but if not, she has other means. ...that would be terrible!"

"That's right, I think her move was not based on willpower, but on her own special ability. Are all people on earth so amazing?"

"No, no, the most terrifying thing is those mysterious creatures! Realized objects are even more powerful than the main body! Will energy doesn't have the ability to manifest creatures, but the Yellow Lantern Warriors can, so who are they?"

"They fly with two-color light... Could it be possible that will and fear can be used together? It's not like that. The weapons they manifest are still green."

"Maybe... Xie Zhi found a way to balance the two? Wait! Where did they get the fear energy? Could it be that they are really with the parallax monster!?"

"Don't be stupid, didn't you see that they are actually using willpower? If you are with Parallax Monster, you should be like these bastards, and all of them will turn into yellow lights."

"Unless...they killed the parallax monsters!? That's right, that makes sense, otherwise the parallax monsters didn't go to Earth? Xie Zhi doesn't care at all whether he joins the Green Lantern faction, and he can kill them back..."

"How is this possible!? In that case, wouldn't they be stronger than parallax monsters!"

"Is it true? I'll find out in a while, that **** Sinestone is absorbing the pool of fear energy..."

On the other side, Xie Zhi looked at the situation and asked, "Bucky, what do you think?"

Baki said: "It's almost done. The actual combat test is over. I have some ideas here, but what I'm dealing with now is a bunch of cowardly soldiers. It's not really a tough battle. If we continue to fight, it's just a smooth battle, and there's nothing to gain."

Xiao Yu also said: "They are powerless, let's take it."

Xie Zhi nodded: "Then accept it, let me put on a pose first."

Following the voice, Xie Zhi pretended to pull a sword formula: "Heaven and earth are boundless! The universe borrows the law! The dragon roars to the nine heavens! Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Xiao Yu couldn't help covering her face, she found the root cause of the child's birth at home...


Countless sharp swords floated up from the ground. That's right, this is what Xie Zhi kept manifesting. Flying swords didn't attack before. Nearby, it is used to deal with unexpected situations.

There is nothing surprising now, and the purpose of the battlefield training has been achieved, so there is no need to continue wasting time.

So in the midst of Xie Zhi's fright, countless flying swords were placed in place. This sudden scene caught everyone's attention. Regardless of the yellow and green sides, their hearts trembled, and a premonition that lasted for a second was born inexplicably!

However, any hunch is meaningless at this moment.

A strange sound suddenly appeared, like wind, like rain, but very different, there is no suitable category to describe it, because it is the sound of Jian Yu!

Like rain and flowing light, countless flying swords move at the same time, a bit similar to fish in the sea, or birds in the sky, but only part of the similarity, the spectacular density is similar, but the flying sword rain is more agile, what is it like? If so, then that is simply tens of thousands of guided missiles!

That's right, the trajectory of each sword is completely different, changing direction by itself, but will not collide with each other, it is completely an automatic pursuit target!

Swiping and pulling a group of flying swords, a yellow light warrior was submerged and then disappeared! Another group of flying swords flowed by, and another Yellow Lantern Warrior disappeared...

And this same scene happened at the same time, the magnificent flying swords enveloped the entire battlefield, except for the dense streamer, there was actually nothing else to be seen!

And every flying sword avoids Xie Tiehammer and Lei En who are in the battlefield The two of them are dazzled by watching. For the two of them, they only see magnificent pictures, yellow light Warriors are in another situation, and they are not in the mood to appreciate them.

There is a tactic called the drone swarm tactic, but even a swarm is not enough to describe the tens of thousands of swords flying together at this moment!

This devastating group attack scene, in terms of visual effects, is more spectacular and shocking than the loudspeaker of the drizzle! It's even more terrifying! Xiao Yu didn't kill anyone, but after the sword rain was blown away, there was nothing left!

Meat grinder? Piranha? Nothing can compare!

That's right, this is Xie Zhi's big move. It was just an idea at the beginning, and he wanted to use it to deal with Sinestro, but it was useless after he returned to Earth. Verify the actual effect.

And the result...

The storm came quickly and ended suddenly. In an instant, the dust settled, and there was no more yellow lantern fighters, as if they had never appeared before.

Only the sword flying in the sky, swimming slowly like a fish, the sword body is bright, magnificent and beautiful, but this kind of beauty represents the power of destruction!

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