Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 292: haven't seen you for a long time

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Oua Xing became the temporary residence of the old Xie's family, but Xie knew that he had to go to the wormhole to bring Xie Ai, Laifu, and Youde over.

Afterwards, Xie Zhi worked for a whole day. After all, it would take some time to convert more than 2,000 yellow light rings into green light rings.

Then there is the return to Earth and the distribution of the Green Lantern Ring.

Xie Zhi is very fair. According to the previous will polls, 90% will go to Ji Jianguo, and the rest will be distributed proportionally to the whole world, which is very fair.

And this kind of distribution, even Bucky and Ryan can't fault it, after all, the reverse distribution is partial and unfair, who makes people with strong wills in Ji Jianguo, this kind of thing can't be unconvinced.

So in the next 24 hours, big news appeared on the earth. There were a large number of people radiating green light all over the world, especially in the east. And these people radiating green light all have one characteristic, they have soared...

Some people even use astronomical telescopes to observe. It’s really spectacular. More than two thousand little green men, wrapped in green balls, fly mightily into the depths of the universe. The equipment is good enough, and they can be seen entering a horrible Wormholes of control!

All kinds of speculations are raging, and the most heated post among sand sculpture netizens from all walks of life is called... on whether cultivating immortals is the only way out for human beings.

Not to mention how lively the earth is, these two thousand Earth-version Green Lantern Warriors were pulled down on Oua Star, followed the old rules and procedures, fainted, knowledge implantation, node implantation...

In this regard, after controlling Oua Xing, Xie Zhi already knew the answer, not to mention, Oua Xing really didn't play tricks, and there was no back door for knowledge implantation.

But even so, Xie Zhi is not interested in trying it, whether you have added ingredients, want to use his brain? There are no doors.

But after all, these earthlings do not have the conditions and strength to thank them, and they do not have the knowledge base of information about the various sectors of the universe, and it is not easy to be a Green Lantern Warrior, so it is still necessary for them to do implantation.

It's just that Oua Star has never been so lively in billions of years. More than 2,000 Green Lantern Warrior recruits came at the same time, and even if they were implanted, they had to queue up.

This big scene really shocked the old-school Green Lantern Warriors. There are so many people on earth who are eligible to be selected by the ring? ! unacceptable! The green light ring turned out to be the price of cabbage! How do you let other sectors mess up?

But no matter how envious or jealous you are, this is the general trend of history, mighty and unstoppable.

On the other hand, the sober-minded Green Lantern Warriors have learned a lot from the people on Earth. Not to mention the special precedent, just look at the more than 2,000 people on Earth. There are those who are blind, so how to interpret willpower, if you understand it, you can predict the future. (Note 1)

But he said that it was Xie Zhi and Xie Tiehui who served as the instructors of the earthlings. The rest of the family were not interested.

I have to say that Xie Zhi was quite surprised by the selected Earthlings. There were at least fifty of them, and their willpower was unexpectedly strong! Although not as good as Xie Zhi, but definitely surpassed the rest of the family!

This can't help but make Xie Zhi wonder, if it wasn't for this historical period, but for the time period of 25,000 miles, would the army that climbed snow-capped mountains and crossed grasslands be stronger? At least according to Xie Zhi's understanding, those martyrs carrying guns and ammunition boxes not only lacked food and clothing, but also fought. The real situation is that not everyone even has straw sandals, and walked barefoot to victory! (pay tribute.)

In this regard, Xie Zhi can only respect, after all, his experience cannot be copied and has no reference value.

So Xie Zhi didn't intend to hide his secrets. Regarding what happened these days, he directly played a video for everyone to let the people on earth understand the real situation of this universe.

After the initial shock, the newcomers on Earth quickly adapted, after all, they are masters with exaggerated willpower.

Faced with such a bizarre encounter, knowing the vastness of the universe and the multitude of aliens, the people on Earth are very united, and there is no way they can not be united. Ninety percent of them come from one place, and the community of shared future for mankind will be realized soon.

Everything about the Green Lantern Corps was also opened to the people on earth, including the existence of the fear energy pool, and how to deal with the fear energy correctly, and taught the spirit totem to the people on earth.

Not only to increase the hole cards for the earthlings, Xie Zhi also wants to see how many spiritual totems will be manifested by more than 2,000 earthlings.

The results are indeed varied, however, 99% of the Green Lantern Warriors from Ji Jianguo are all dragons! Neat and uniform, spectacular to burst!

This also verifies Xiaoyu's thesis, the end of the feudal era, the concept of descendants of the dragon has the strongest sense of identity.

In this regard, Xie Zhi even suggested that it is better not to call it the Green Lantern Corps, or change its name to... Dragon Group?

That's right, Xie Zhi said bluntly that he didn't intend to lead the Green Lantern Corps. Their family is going to travel in the universe. You can choose the new leader of the Green Lantern Corps.

Three days later, the news also informed the remaining Green Lantern Warriors that Xie Zhi's family would not care what the Green Lantern Corps would do in the future.

As far as the alien Green Lantern Warriors are concerned, Xie Zhiguan doesn’t care much about the difference. Anyway, the earthlings have the final say. Anyway, there are not only many newcomers, but they are also equally strong perverts...

No matter what he thinks, it doesn't matter to the old Xie's family. This trip made the earthlings become the overlords of the universe at the speed of a rocket. It can be regarded as the most arrogant time to change the world.

As for the harvest, it can be called a shotgun change, and it can even be said to be a revolution in strength.

In the past, there were robot troops that could not be handled by personal combat power. Later, there were sentry robots that cheated, and even added spaceships and warships. Into a completely different new world!

Even, the family felt that there was no need to expand the production of robots, and what they had now was enough.

So... there is nothing left to do in this world, pack up and get ready to leave.

Cross over and start again.

The sound of music and laughter filled the streets.

It was late at night, but the lights were bright, and there were cheerful pedestrians everywhere, of all ages, dressed in costumes, as if celebrating a festival.

The surrounding buildings are all European-style buildings, with a sense of history, but it can be seen that this is a modern society with modern facilities, but the style here is very European.

Xie Zhi's family was floating in the air, looking at the surrounding buildings, not far away was a more classical style of buildings, the crowd was bustling, very lively.

Xie Zhi wondered: "Some speak English ~ ~ German, some speak Italian, yo, there are two fellows over there who speak Chinese, where is this? Oh, some people are talking about New Year's Eve Yeah... it's the New Year's Eve soon? Well, no matter what, the old rules, first investigate separately..."

However, before Xie Zhi finished speaking, a woman's voice suddenly came, which was very strange, because it sounded like it was far away, but it seemed to be close at hand.

"Gentlemen, ladies, and girls, happy new year, long time no see... Mr. Xie Zhi."

Xie Zhi and the others were taken aback suddenly, because they are now in an invisible state, so they shouldn't be seen by others. What's more, Xie Zhi's name was revealed by the other party! People know him!

Everyone turned around and saw a woman standing on the top of a building in the distance.

The woman smiled, and said again: "All distinguished guests have come from a long way, and the boats and vehicles are exhausting. In order to show the friendship of the landlord, the distinguished guests are willing to move to my humble house and have a drink and chat."

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