Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 295: turn back time

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Just at this time, the space exploded, and clusters of gorgeous fireworks bloomed, embellishing the night sky beautifully.

Xiaoyu looked at the sky: "The New Year is here, the fireworks are gorgeous, and the fireworks are also easy to be cold. Mage Gu Yi, is your way of living interesting?"

"Everyone has their own pursuit, it's nothing more than a matter of choice. I know my problem, and I'm always picking the best choice. However...there is no real best, only relatively good choices."

"Let's show it off." Xie Zhi spread his hands and said with a smile, "I'm sure you won't be surprised if I make this request, so do you mind?"

"It doesn't matter whether you mind or not, but the result of this choice is not bad." Gu Yi looked at the sky: "Well, I like the sixth firework just now, I can watch it again...Everyone, I can demonstrate it, but now everyone I still haven’t let down my vigilance, so please relax a little bit and trigger everyone’s fighting instinct, it’s not my intention.”

Xiao Yu said: "That is to say, among the countless possibilities, have we fought against each other?"

"Yes, I have fought many times. I have to admit, Ms. Xiao Yu, you have given me a lot of insights. I want to thank you for that." As he said, Gu Yi clasped his hands together.

Xiao Yu said lightly: "You're welcome, but if what you're telling is the truth, I don't think a little insight may be useful, after all, you've already arranged your own death."

Gu Yi shook his head: "Otherwise, you often say that if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening. I also agree, just like... This kind of truth is wonderful."

As he said that, Gu put his palm on one arm, flipped it twice and made a very charming gesture of raising his hand. Everyone didn't understand what it meant, but Xiao Yu was startled, as if he had figured something out, and then turned his palm upwards, Swing lightly like a sword.

And Gu Yi changed his movements accordingly, and Xiao Yu thought for a while, and also changed his style.

The two faced each other across the air, and they compared each other for a while. Everyone could see that this was an extremely brilliant martial arts duel, but it was a pity that they didn't understand the mystery deeply.

Only Xie Ai's eyes were serious, and he was very motivated to learn those movements: "I can also duck... the most beautiful flower in the grassland, the fiery red Sarilang, dreaming that the sky is full of flowers, wandering people, hey! Woo..."

My mouth was covered by my father...

Suddenly Gu Yi lowered his arms, and Xiao Yu was a little unsure: "It's gone?"

Gu Yi smiled and said: "No, I only comprehend so much, the rest is up to you."

Xiao Yu clasped her fists in return, and said sincerely, "Thank you for your guidance."

Gu Yi shook his head: "Don't thank me, you told me the truth, and you taught me these things, all of which are your own insights, you have to thank yourself."

"So who is teaching whom?" Ryan was a little puzzled: "Why does it feel like I'm back in the Terminator world again, my brain hurts."

And Xiao Yu's lips curled up slightly: "Not necessarily, it seems reasonable, this is indeed the way I have thought about for a long time, but you can choose not to show it in advance."

Gu Yi said: "This is out of selfishness, I just habitually choose the best from all possibilities."

Xiao Yu nodded at her family, and everyone understood what Xiao Yu meant, believable and temporary.

So Xie Zhi raised his hand: "Please."

Gu Yi made a fist-like opening gesture, and the eye-shaped pendant on her chest also changed, the hollowed-out pattern moved apart, revealing a ball of green light, as if opening her eyes, no, it's a metal eye cover with green eyes.

Then a green disk with light patterns appeared in the palm of Gu Yi. The glowing green disk is composed of graphics and textures. It is mysterious and magnificent, but I don't know what it is.

At the same time, two green halos appeared on her arms, which were also composed of regular patterns.

When she slowly rotated her palm, the green disc spun along with it, and then, an astonishing scene appeared...

The fireworks in the sky changed from blooming to shrinking, turning into light clusters, and returning to the state when they were launched, but it was not over yet. The fireworks swam backwards and flowed back to the ground, and the disappeared fireworks also reappeared, and the process continued to repeat.

And the flow of people strolling on the street also started to walk backwards.

Everything is like a video camera reversed, everything is reversed!

Here it is, back in time!

Everything is retrograde, but that doesn't include Gu Yi, Xie Zhi and others.

While everyone was shocked, they also understood that Ancient One could not only control time, but also control time in a selective range. At least the current reverse time will not affect them, the audience.

As the first bunch of fireworks disappeared, Gu Yi closed his momentum and stopped, and immediately after that, the first bunch of fireworks rose into the sky again, blooming, and time returned to the moment of the New Year's Eve again.

Witnessing it with their own eyes, everyone fully understood that as long as the opponent uses this ability to control need to fight, this is called the ultimate cheating!

Sure enough, there are capable people behind capable people, and a mountain is higher than a mountain...

Gu Yi seemed to understand everyone's thoughts, and said: "You must be careful when you mess with the time, unless nothing changes, such as what I did just now, otherwise it will have a huge impact on reality. Of course, watching the future is another matter. Although it needs to be cautious, it is relatively controllable.

Moreover, controlling time is not necessarily invincible, and even if you are a little careless, it will be self-defeating. I believe you also have a deep understanding. "

Xie Zhi resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "Is there anything else you don't know?"

Gu glanced with a smile: "In the countless time streams you have changed, we have become friends more than enemies, so it's not that there is something I don't know, but that there is something you don't want to tell me."

Bucky said: "But it may not be this time, a friend like you...privacy is at risk."

Gu nodded: "That's right, we won't be friends this time, just the relationship between the parents of the students and the principal, that's not bad."

Xie Zhi looked at Bucky, knew what he was concerned about, and asked for him: "Who are the two people you mentioned related to Bucky?"

Gu Dao said: "Howard Stark's son, Tony Stark, if he dies, or becomes more... In short, Mr. Barnes's heart knot may be difficult to untie. As for the other one, it is Tony Stark. Jeff Rogers."

Bucky said in surprise, "Steve! He's still alive!? Where is he?"

"Yes, he is still alive, but now is not the time for you to reunite, just like the immobile Hydra, at this point in time, the butterfly effect will bring the worst results."

Xie Zhi patted Bucky on the shoulder and said, "Success, we won't touch Hydra this time. As for inspecting your school, next time. You know everything. It doesn't feel good. Then we will do what?"

Gu Yidao: "If I said this, you wouldn't do it, and because of everyone's precautions, what I can see in the changed future is limited, and it may be the result. After all, in the future, I am just Xie Ai's teacher. "

"Oh, can I ask..." Xie Zhi pointed to Gu Yi's pendant.

"No, knowing the secret now, the result is also bad. Then... next time, I will treat everyone to tea."

The beginning of the relationship was just polite words, Xie Zhi cupped his hands and said: "Then... the green mountains will not change, the green water will flow forever, we will meet later."

"There will be a period later."

Xie Zhi and the others simply said goodbye and left, soaring to the sky.

Gu Yi looked at the disappearing figures of the crowd and said with a smile: "I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, let Strange have a headache for the future."

But Xie Zhi and the others flew extremely fast, without much effort, they had already left the atmosphere.

Everyone stopped, and Xie Zhi sighed: "Bucky, what's the matter with your hometown? There are such gods and men! It's too easy for people to kill us!"

Bucky smiled wryly: "How would I know? I've never heard of it, and there's no such person in fairy tales, but that's not the case. She didn't kill you back then, otherwise I wouldn't be here today. At least they are reasonable , of course, I don't like her."

Xie Zhi said angrily: "No one will like her, it feels so bad to be underestimated!"

Xiao Yu said: "Then what's next? Go to the universe?"

"No." Xie Zhi looked down at the earth and said, "Let's go meet someone first."

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