Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 300: Don't blame my uncle for being black

Bucky smiled wryly and said: "You can't pay back what you owe to that child. It's meaningless to make people unlucky first, and then take action. Self-blame is not how to solve it."

Xie Zhi patted Bucky on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I just talked and didn't do anything. If my mouth is really open, then this world..."

"Shut up!" The whole family shouted in unison.

Xie Zhi raised his hand and surrendered: "Okay, okay, I won't say it, change the subject, I just had an idea... But before I say it, I thought of something, Laifu, is my arrest warrant still pending?"

Lai Fu said: "Let me check, the public arrest warrants of the police departments of various countries... are still there."

Bucky said, "Do you have mine?"


Xie Zhi smiled: "It seems that Hydra thinks you are dead, I don't know what kind of expression they have when they see you coming to the door again. Well... Lai Fu, let's see if there are any strange things in this world, for example, aliens some type of."

"Yes, in the 1980s someone claimed to have seen people the size of ants..."

Bucky curled his lips: "That Hank Pym was also witnessed."

"...someone saw a strange light in the hospital, claiming to have seen a UFO, and there was indeed a child named Peter Quill who disappeared at the time, and no trace has been found so far. It is officially classified as a missing case, but UFO fans call it an alien. Alien abduction incident.

In the 1990s, there were also similar sightings. On the day of the homicide in a black community in a certain city, many children spotted UFOs...huh? This is strange. "

Laifu looked at Xiaoyu: "Auntie, there are reports that someone witnessed two miraculous women fighting in an extraordinary way. One of them can launch a powerful light energy weapon, and the other woman...holds a hammer, Can cast lightning."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Xiao Yu and the hammer beside her.

Ren murmured, "Is there such a coincidence?"

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes: "Laifu, what year was that?"

"94 years." (Don't be impatient, the time is not scribbled, fill in the pit at the beginning of the story.)

Xiaoyu said innocently: "Why should I go to 94? There's no need, it's definitely not me."

Lai Fu said: "According to eyewitnesses, the woman with the hammer is black-haired and Asian in appearance."

Xie Zhi suddenly said: "Wait, 1994, that's when I first came to this world, Lai Fu, did that battle happen before or after I was wanted?"

"Before uncle is wanted."

Xie Zhi murmured: "I idea seems to be put into action."

Bucky couldn't help but said, "Thank you, what are you doing?"

"We have to make a hypothesis..." Xie Zhi looked at the sky, and then at the crowd: "Assuming that we will really settle in this world, we need to plan ahead, and this world is obviously not simple, like the ancient one. Neighbors, and possibly even more powerful ones, of which we now know nothing, do not matter, do not prevent accumulation.

And other things aside, settling down means the end of a wandering life, not for ourselves, but for our children, we have to integrate into society, or the children will have too few choices in finding a partner in the future, Bucky... Remember what you said before? "

Xie Zhi drew a circle with his fingers, and said: "Time travel, save the Howards, and our family will not owe that rich second generation. When the time comes, if the brat dares to find fault, don't blame the uncle's hands."

The words "our family" made Bucky's eyebrows twitch, and his eyes showed warmth, but he shook his head and said, "We have discussed this matter, it is too dangerous, and it will directly affect the existence of the whole family..."

"Don't worry, it's different now." Xie Zhi said with a smile: "Yes, in the world of mutants, I messed with time and caused terrible consequences. When the apocalypse appeared, our family was finished. The butterfly effect is not a joke, but I am not afraid now. , Why? There is Gu Yi, the aunt who manipulates time, has done it countless times, and it caused the current result.

Yes, I still don’t trust her, but this does not prevent the truth of what she said. This is not contradictory. After all, there is evidence from Steve. Steve is absolutely credible, not only because he is Bucky’s brother, I I wouldn't just give someone a Tai Chi ring.

That's right, time travel has uncertainty, but Gu Yi, but Steve, but Drizzle, oh no, it's suspected Drizzle, all these show that we succeeded, even if we failed, it didn't affect our existence. "

Ryan said: "Then isn't this another cycle, why do I have a feeling that everything is doomed."

"I think our current situation is like this." Xie Zhi stretched out his left hand, the Taiji ring glowed, and a green line appeared in the air. It was straight at first, and then began to draw circles, one circle within another circle. After drawing a few circles, The end of the thread stretches forward again in a straight line.

"Assuming that the straight line is the normal flow of time, walking, turning around and going back to the past will form a circular route, resulting in our current cycle, but after a few circles, we will still move forward in a straight line.

So, as Steve said, the beginning and the end of the story are synchronized, which is the magic of the time and space dimensions, but this is not 100% destined, because we can change our minds now and change it hard. "

Xie Zhi waved his hand, erased the circles, and said, "But changing for the sake of changing is meaningless, let's put it this way, for example, there is a virus that is highly contagious, facts and science, and interests, It has been proved that wearing a mask is very useful, but we don’t do it. We have to screw it up and don’t wear it. It has indeed changed and different results have appeared, but it is the result of infection, and the result is what a rational person thinks. Want it?

It is a wise choice to divide things into big and small, and to grasp the big and let go of the small.

And now suppose that the hammer used in 1994 was really drizzle, which means that the established synchronization has already occurred, and there were three hammers in that time period. Perhaps Steve also knew about it, but he didn’t say it. Why?

He doesn't want to affect our But these judgments are our current plans through gathering information and possible settlements, which are our own speculations.

Since it is the result of rational analysis, because the established result is due to time travel, it seems destined, so it is unnecessary to screw it up.

Conversely, if we change our minds, it may cause more serious consequences. After all, what Gu Yi said to help is to keep us from touching Hydra. To seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is a normal choice. "

Bucky frowned: "No, there is a problem, why is it 94 years? I will never forget the day I killed the Howards. It was December 16, 1991."

Xie Zhizhi: "Some accident must have happened, this is an unknown category, and this accident lasted until 1994, and Xiao Yu even got into a fight with a woman who seemed to have superpowers. Well, can you let go with our master?" That's right, that guy has a few tricks too."

"From 1991 to 1994, four years, so I definitely didn't bring Xiao Ai this time, otherwise we would have crossed long ago, and..." Ryan said with a tangled look: "It should be that all the children didn't bring them, wow, yes As far as the children are concerned, we may only disappear for less than a minute, but we have been separated from the children for four years, and I can't bear to think about it."

Bucky said: "If you stay, we'll be back in seconds anyway."

"No, experts have said that the long-term separation of husband and wife has a great impact on family harmony. Besides, we are separated across time and space. Four years of patience will pass. Family harmony is the most important thing. I will go too."

Lei En thought to herself, if my mother has not been by my side for four years, if a goblin covets my husband's beauty, he will be taken advantage of by others.

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